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Meet new friends groups near Gardner, MA

***Leominster Over 40+ Friends and More!***

Leominster, MA

***Leominster Over 40+ Friends and More!***
We are a fun group. You can find us dancing away after a meal of Chinese at Chopsticks. We do some hiking, karaoke, live music, local community gatherings, line dancing lessons and more. We are open to trying new things. We have a book club, a trivia night, and various other events to keep up young! This goal of this group is to meet new friends and have fun. If you are interested in someone romantically, send them a DM and date them outside of the group. Nobody should feel uncomfortable at an event. To be in this group, you must be able to commit to respecting all people in the group, and be open and welcoming to our members. In our group, we do not discuss politics or other contentious topics as we are among mixed company. You should ONLY sign up for events you plan to attend and if you have a pattern of signing up and cancelling at the last minute, the leadership team will bring that to your attention. You are allowed one "freebee" no-show. You will receive a warning. If you are a no-show again, you will be removed from the group without a refund on dues. This is the only way to try to provide as much fair opportunity to attend events. Come hang out with us! We're cool! :) Chrissy and Lisa \*\*IMPORTANT\*\*\* For the safety of our members, you must have an accurate and clear photo of yourself as your profile picture. Any member who joins without a photo representative of themselves will be removed within 24 hours. Thank you for helping to ensure the safety and well-being of all here. By clicking "YES" option on the RSVP link to any event, you are agreeing to the Liability Waiver as stated below: Remember: Your Event Organizers are volunteers. You are solely responsible for your own safety and enjoyment. As a condition of your voluntary participation in this activity, you acknowledge and agree to the following: this activity involves inherent risks that can cause property damage, injury, illness, disability, and/or death to participants and/or others; you assume all risk associated with this activity, you are responsible for having the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, clothing, and equipment to safely participate in this activity. The organizer(s) of this activity are volunteer; and you for yourself, your heirs, executors, and administrators release, hold harmless, and indemnify organizer(s) and all members of this group from any and all claims for property damage, injury, illness, disability, and/or death - including those caused by negligence and/or reason.
59 members · Public

New Group

Dragon's Leyr Board Game Group

Leominster, MA

Dragon's Leyr Board Game Group
Are you passionate about board games and eager to connect with others who share your love for tabletop adventures? Join the Dragon's Leyr Board Gaming Group, where we aim to create a welcoming community of board gamers of all experience levels! Our goal is to bring together board game enthusiasts from all walks of life. Whether you are a seasoned strategist, a casual player, or someone new to the world of board games, there's a place for you here. We believe that board games are a great way to socialize, make new friends, and enjoy some friendly competition. Our Events: From classic gaming to new favorites, each event offers a mix of games to suit all sorts of different tastes. Sometimes we will have themed events such as "Everything Catan" where we'll explore different expansions, alternative rules, alternative versions of the game, and the classic base game. Other times, we'll host tournament-style events with specially picked prizes up for grabs! Campaign-Style Board Games: For those who enjoy a more immersive experience, we're also offering opportunities to sign up for campaign-style board games such as Bloodborne the Board Game and Dark Souls the Board game. These games will take several meetings to complete, allowing players to dive deep into rich narratives and long-term strategies. It's a great way to bond with other members over a shared gaming journey! Future Plans: As our community grows, we're planning to organize bigger events, including tournaments with hand-picked grand prizes, themed events featuring cosplay, themed snacks, and decorations and much much more to come! Your participation and enthusiasm will help shape the future of our group, and we can't wait to see where this adventure takes us!
24 members · Public

Pay It Forward Angels

Baldwinville, MA

Pay It Forward Angels

I would like to think of this new group as a "flash mob" for volunteering:) By further definition, a large group of people that commit to volunteering for one day - at a pre-determined time - at a deserving non-profit. Each month we would choose a different entity to "angel". It is my hope that we can offer a day to go out and complete a wish list - making a big impact in one swoop. The wish list can be anything from painting a room, cleaning, landscaping, moving, setting up cages, helping with a fundraiser etc. No experience necessary - just a desire to make a difference in the world. As a former volunteer director at a non-profit, I know that EVERYONE has a skill to offer that can make a difference. Come flaunt your skills for a good cause and meet some nice, like-minded people in the process:)!! My personal obsession is with animal rescue and shelters but I also feel that cancer relays, battered woman's clinics, veterans programs, food pantry's, senior citizens (to name a few) are all worthy groups/causes for us to consider too. It is my goal for every member to have a say and to know that their opinion is valued. While this group is for adult volunteers 18+, I would also like to have family volunteering days on occasion, when appropriate. I think it is important to teach children empathy and personal responsibility - volunteering is a great way to do that. A final note: If you have been thinking about volunteering but do no know where to start, this may be your perfect opportunity to "try out" numerous organizations to find your perfect match. On the flip side, some of you may actually prefer helping out all kinds of causes rather than just a single non-profit. You may have a crazy schedule that only allows you to volunteer a couple of days per year - that is OK too. Sign up for whatever catches your interest on a date that works for you. Your effort and enthusiasm will always be welcome and appreciated:)!!

110 members · Public

North Central MA-Southern NH Hiking Group

Leominster, MA

North Central MA-Southern NH Hiking Group
*PLEASE READ - TO ALL MEMBERS: For safety reasons, your profile should have a clear and current photo of your human self (face) so that event hosts can recognize you when you arrive at an event. If it does not, your profile will get deleted.* *Also note that if your profile indicates that you have remained inactive (meaning, not attending an event) for a period of six (6) months, your profile will be removed from this group. So sign up and attend an event soon!* With that stuff out of the way, welcome to a very active and social MeetUp group!! Here you will find local people who are interested in hiking (in all seasons) and other activities for fun and fitness. We also cycle (on and off road), snowshoe, kayak, and cross country ski. We explore urban areas (large and small), visit museums, meet for dinner, go dancing, hear live music, and take in a movie once in a while. This group is a lot of fun, friendly, and always open to new ideas for meetups and new places to explore. We consider the regions originally intended, which are north central Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire, but we venture out now and then to lands beyond our region. The difficulty of this group's hikes is normally set by the event host(s) to allow the maximum amount of participation for the maximum amount of members. Generally, a moderate pace of approximately 2 mph should be expected on most hikes. When hikes are planned that are more difficult, such as Mount Monadnock, the description of the meet-up will include this fact. Our goal is to enjoy the outdoors while meeting people interested in the same - not to conquer the mountains. Our hikes are also paced to keep everyone in the group more or less together throughout the entire hike. Weather is obviously a major factor in any of our hikes. We try not to cancel meet-ups for light rain - we are outdoors after all. However, in the case of heavy rain and/or lightning, we'll try to cancel at least 24 hours ahead of time. The best advice is to check your email the morning of a meet-up for any cancellations. ***Please consider contributing to help support this wonderful group. Funds are used to offset the yearly dues for this MeetUp group. You can send a check, made payable to "MeetUp," to Tamara Huston, 182 Middle Street, Leominster, MA 01453.*** **A note about conduct**: We are a group of like-minded people who enjoy getting together (for hiking mostly). Although members often develop friendships (and sometimes relationships) outside of the group, and the North Central MA/Southern NH Hiking group are not designed primarily to encourage dating or unwanted romantic attention. It's very important that all members of the group feel welcome on all of our events (not just the hikes). So please, respect the boundaries of your fellow adventurers. It's appropriate to contact someone through the Meetup site, or through email or phone, information that the member has given you, but encroaching beyond a person's comfort level is inappropriate. People who cross the line after being warned will be excluded from the group. *You do not need to RSVP "no" to an event unless you are changing your rsvp from a "yes" to a "no."* *Anyone soliciting products or services through this group without the organizers' permission will be removed from the group immediately. To discourage this kind of behavior, I ask that group members do not buy any products or services from anyone trying to sell them through this group or this website.* If you have any questions or concerns about this MeetUp group, please contact any of the event organizers listed in the left hand column of the webpage. Thank you, Tamara Meetup has changed our email address to: []( == Legal Stuff === While event hosts attempt to plan events that will work for everyone and will try to anticipate and head off problems, you should not participate in hiking events if you would not be able to safely complete the described hike on your own. For all group hikes, think of your meetup organizer as fulfilling a social function in getting like minded people together. Please always review the event descriptions carefully. Learning about the terrain, conditions, local weather and your equipment before you start *is your responsibility*. Any attempts to increase the comfort and safety of events should not lead you to believe that event hosts are taking responsibility for your safety. By signing up for events, you are indicating that you are an adult who has the skills and ability to safely complete the described hike. Do not RSVP yes if this is not the case, as we will be relying on your judgment of your skills and ability. To read more about hiking safety, check out By RSVPing "yes" to one of our events, North Central MA-Southern NH Group members and their guests agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify the event organizer(s) and all members participating in the event from any and all claims for property damage, injury, and/or death while attending events. In consideration for accepting this entry, I, the registrant, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, my executors and administrators, do waive and release any and all rights for damages I may have against any parties or persons connected with the North Central MA-Southern NH Group for and related to any event which I attend. I attest and verify that I (and any guest(s) I bring) are physically fit to participate, and that I assume all risks associated with the events I or my guest(s) voluntary attend. I grant North Central MA-Southern NH Group permission to use any photographs, film or videotapes of all events for any purpose. As always, be safe and have fun.
1581 members · Private

Short Hikes Hiking Group

Leominster, MA

Short Hikes Hiking Group
Updated 10/30/2022 - PLEASE READ - TO ALL MEMBERS: For safety reasons, your profile should have a current photo of your human face/self so that I can recognize you when you arrive at an event.  If it does not, I will ask you to replace it. I understand there may be circumstances where you may be unable to post a photo. If so, let me know. Before you take photos of anyone in the group, please ask their permission. This is a group for anyone interested in hikes, walking, bicycling, and any other activities that the organizers may offer. Hikes are typically under 5 miles in length. All skill levels are welcome. I like to meander and explore and while I try to plan ahead, due to my schedule, some of the activities may be at new destinations for all of us. I want to explore many beautiful places in Massachusetts (and beyond) that offer fun activities with a driving distance typically one hour or two hours from Central Massachusetts. Also note that if your profile indicates that you have remained inactive (meaning, not attending an event) for a period of one year, your profile will be removed from this group. So sign up and attend an event soon! No shows for three activities within three months will be removed from the group. Weather is obviously a major factor in any of the hikes. I try not to cancel meet-ups for light rain - we are outdoors after all. However, in the case of heavy rain and/or lightning, or hazardous winter weather, I'll try to cancel at least 24 hours ahead of time. The best advice is to check your email the morning of a meet-up for any cancellations. A note about conduct: We are a group of like-minded people who enjoy getting together (for hiking mostly). Although members often develop friendships (and sometimes relationships) outside of the group, and the Short Hikes Hiking Group are not designed primarily to encourage dating or unwanted romantic attention. It's very important that all members of the group feel welcome on all of our events (not just the hikes). So please, respect the boundaries of your fellow adventurers. It's appropriate to contact someone through the Meetup site, or through email or phone, information that the member has given you, but encroaching beyond a person's comfort level is inappropriate. People who cross the line after being warned will be excluded from the group. You do not need to RSVP "no" to an event unless you are changing your RSVP from a "yes" to a "no." Anyone soliciting products or services through this group without the organizer's permission will be removed from the group immediately. To discourage this kind of behavior, I ask that group members do not buy any products or services from anyone trying to sell them through this group or this website. If you have any questions or concerns about this MeetUp group, please contact one of the organizers. Thank you, Nancy == Legal Stuff === While event hosts attempt to plan events that will work for everyone and will try to anticipate and head off problems, you should not participate in hiking events if you would not be able to safely complete the described hike on your own. For all group hikes, think of your meetup organizer as fulfilling a social function in getting like minded people together. Please always review the event descriptions carefully. Learning about the terrain, conditions, local weather and your equipment before you start is your responsibility. Any attempts to increase the comfort and safety of events should not lead you to believe that event hosts are taking responsibility for your safety. By signing up for events, you are indicating that you are an adult who has the skills and ability to safely complete the described hike. Do not RSVP yes if this is not the case, as we will be relying on your judgment of your skills and ability. To read more about hiking safety, check out By RSVPing "yes" to one of the events, Short Hikes Hiking Group members and their guests agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify the event organizer(s) and all members participating in the event from any and all claims for property damage, injury, and/or death while attending events. In consideration for accepting this entry, I, the registrant, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, my executors and administrators, do waive and release any and all rights for damages I may have against any parties or persons connected with the Short Hikes Hiking Group for and related to any event which I attend. I attest and verify that I (and any guest(s) I bring) are physically fit to participate, and that I assume all risks associated with the events I or my guest(s) voluntary attend. I grant Short Hikes Hiking Group permission to use any photographs, film or videotapes of all events for any purpose. As always, be safe and have fun. Looking forward to exploring new territory!!
1435 members · Private