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Meet new friends groups near Greenfield, MA

New England Gay Nude Dudes

Amherst, MA

New England Gay Nude Dudes
Hi All, while this group has been around since 2016, we've just recently changed the name to be more inclusive. Formerly Greater Boston Gay Guys Naked, we are now New England Gay Nude Dudes. **An unobstructed face picture in your profile is mandatory and non-negotiable.** Once approved, you must not change or alter your profile picture or you will be subject to removal. We are a social group for gay men to get together and be naked. Events can include pool parties, movie nights, massage exchange parties, game nights, cookouts, hiking or just about anything you can think of. This is an opportunity to make new friends, hang out with other gay guys naked and possibly make a connection. There is not currently an annual membership fee, but most events will have a fee or request a donation to pay expenses. This group is first, and foremost, a social nudity group. This is not a "sex group". If you are looking to join a group simply for sexual contact, this is not the right group for you. All events will start off non-sexual. For some events, there may be an "after party" where sexual contact is allowed, but that is not guaranteed and is not the main function of this group. Specific Event locations, such as hotel room numbers and member street addresses will be announced through email. There are settings within each group where are you allow messages from organizers or all members. Please make sure that your settings allow else from organizers Or you will not receive specifics of where the event is being held.
435 members · Private

Pioneer Valley Geeks & Gamers

Amherst, MA

Pioneer Valley Geeks & Gamers

Hello and welcome! We are all about getting together to attend conventions, movies and gaming. Sometimes it is hard to find new people to game with or to go to movies/conventions, that is what we are here for ! :-)

This group is about meeting people and creating community. Please include a picture of you in your profile and your full name. If you RSVP to an event please show up or update your RSVP as soon as possible.

We welcome suggestions for events, movies, etc. either on the discussion boards, directly on the Meetup page, or on our Facebook page. Also, please check out the Facebook page for upcoming events and topics of interest, in addition to those listed here. Also, please check out our other groups: Western MA Sci-Fi Meetup, Western MA Movie Meetup, Dr. Who Club of Western MA, Western MA Star Trek Fans.

If you respond that you are going to an event but can't come, please change your RSVP to no as soon as possible. New members who no show to the first event they RSVPd to will be removed right away. Generally two no shows (ie: you have RSVPd yes but don't show up) is enough to be removed from the group. Late or frequent cancellations are about half as bad. 

Jonathon Podolsky

45 members · Public