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Meet new friends groups near Rockport, MA

Bakers and Tasters

Essex, MA

Bakers and Tasters
**Welcome to Bakers and Tasters! We are a Baking Club (AND EATING CLUB!)** **Ladies, do you...** • ***Love to bake (sweet or savory)? OR....*** • ***Love to eat sweet and savory baked goods?*** • ***Love to socialize over coffee and tea?*** **...if you say "yes" to any of these questions, then this meetup group is for you!**  For now, we will be scheduling a meetup once every month or two in DANVERS, MA. Don't be afraid of the wait list! Just throw your name on there! I can assure you that people sign up well ahead and then by the time the event rolls around, it dwindles down. In general, everyone gets to attend unless it's a special small event on rare occasion. **This meetup group is for ladies only** \- every night will be "ladies night"\! **BAKERS** \- Do you need people to eat your experiments? Would you like a "cafe" style setting for people to enjoy your baking? If you are a baker \(new or seasoned\) and want a unique outlet for your baking while meeting new people\, please join us\! And on those occasional weeks when you don't feel like baking\, or are too busy to bake\, you can be a taster and simply come and enjoy\!  **TASTERS** \- Do you love to sit around a table with a cup of coffee and enjoy a sweet or savory treat in the evening while having the opportunity to meet new friends? Then please join us\!  **ANYONE ELSE** \- If you are not a baker and are not really interested in eating but love to meet new friends over a cup of coffee and would enjoy a monthly ladies night out\, then by all means please join us\!  **DUES:** This meetup group is FREE to join. There will be a contribution bucket at events and it is recommended that attendees contribute $2 - $5 per attended event. It is extremely helpful in off-setting the meetup costs (which continuously increase), and buying supplies. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated! If you want to know where your contributions are going, the finances are public and there is a link on the event page. You can see all of the startup costs and ongoing costs and how the past dues and contributions have helped to offset those costs. I am very excited about this meetup! I have always enjoyed baking and I would do more 'recipe tweaking' and recreational baking if I had people to eat it on a regular basis. This will be a great outlet while meeting new friends at the same time! I am thoroughly excited about baking new recipes while meeting new friends over coffee!
751 members · Public

Foodies by Nature Cooking Club

Essex, MA

Foodies by Nature Cooking Club
**ABOUT THIS GROUP** We are currently in a transition and will resume events soon! Our location will be changing to Essex and we will keep you updated and let you know about any further changes. Looking forward to seeing you! Keep reading to find out more about us while you wait! This is a "ladies only" cooking club - Ladies Night Out! :) We call ourselves "Foodies by Nature" because some of us are just naturally "foodies", and some of us are *literally* "all natural" foodies! We welcome and appreciate all styles and levels of cooking - we can all learn from each other! We welcome all food preferences and diets! This group will explore all kinds of food and cooking, while keeping it on the "healthier" side! Each month, we will post a food blog, and each attendee will choose at least one recipe from the blog, prepare it at home, and bring it to the event. We will sample each dish “buffet style”, and discuss the recipes. You can stick to the recipe as written, play with the recipe and make it your own, or adapt it to a special diet. It's up to you! If you do adapt the recipe, you can let us know how you adapted it, and if it accommodates any special diet during the group discussion. We will go around the room at each event, introduce ourselves, discuss our recipes and cooking experiences, and talk a little about life as well, so we can build some friendships! Each event will be different depending on the blog it represents. Some months may have a veggie forward theme, some may be vegan, some may lean towards gluten-free cooking, and some may be open to all foods with a focus on healthy or "healthy-ish" dishes. This Cooking Club is for ladies only. We may, in the future, have special events for you to invite your husbands, boyfriends, etc. But in general, events will be a ladies night out :). If the event is "full" just jump on the waitlist no matter how long it is! As events get closer it is likely that you may be moved to the "going" list if people drop off, or if we decide we can fit a few more people in. **A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR ORGANIZERS** CHRISTINE: I love to cook and eat ALL kinds of food – I eat meat, veggies, gluten, sugar, you name it! BUT I have foodie friends that are vegan or gluten-free, therefore I am interested in learning new recipes, and recipe adaptations so that I can cook for my friends on special diets. I also LOVE vegetables and I am interested in finding new healthy food blogs and healthy food recipes for myself! In addition to this group, I have a [baking group]( which has been existence since 2016, a [social group]( started by my church, and a [foodie instagram page]( ALISON: I'm a trained natural foods chef who specializes in gluten-free, dairy-free, anti-candida and healing foods in general. For the last 12 years I've cooked for and coached people helping them achieve optimal health through diet and lifestyle. I have a [website]( and an[ instagram page ]( on healthy, natural food, and cooking and lifestyle tips. Together, we would like to explore healthy and ‘healthy-ish’ cooking with all of YOU! **WHO CAN JOIN** Ladies.... If you like to cook, please join in! If you are new to cooking and want to explore and learn, join in! If you are a seasoned cook, please join in! Even if you are more apt to choose recipes that don't involve cooking (such as special salad recipes from the blogs) we would love for you to join! If you are willing to bring a prepared dish from the blog in some capacity, you are welcome to join this group! We can’t wait to meet you and we are looking forward to trying all of your dishes as we explore different blogs, recipes, and cooking styles! We hope that everyone will benefit from this fun adventure and that all of us will be able to add new recipes and adaptations to our cooking repertoire!
180 members · Public

A Small Choral Group of Singers

Gloucester, MA

This group is a small chorus of about ten musically trained and experienced singers, men and women, which will perform full programs when opportunities arise throughout the greater Boston, MA area. The programs will include a variety of classical and popular choral music. Voice ranges of singers in the chorus will include Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. Requirements for singers who wish to participate are: 1. ability to read music, 2. some previous private voice lessons from a professional voice teacher, 3. some prior experience singing in choral groups, 4. submission of an audition recording with at least one classical vocal solo piece performed by you that demonstrates your vocal abilities. Participation in the chorus requires approval of the director after submission of the audition recording. Singers in the chorus will be given the music in advance to learn at home and then will participate in two or three full group rehearsals to refine and polish the quality of the group's performance. Rehearsal dates will be scheduled to accommodate the personal schedules of the singers and located at a place that is convenient for all members to access. Members will be polled to determine what works best for everyone. Occasional social gatherings will be held for the enjoyment of the chorus and friends and supporters. To begin the audition process and ask further question, join the group here on Meetup and you will receive further instructions. The director, Fred Broer, is a retired college music professor with a doctorate degree in music from Boston University, and forty years of experience directing college and community choral and instrumental groups. Dr. Broer is also an experienced composer, arranger and pianist. The selection of music for the programs will be determined by the director, and will include a variety of musical styles to ensure a broad appeal to the public.
2 members · Public

Harbor Dharma

Manchester, MA

Harbor Dharma
Harbor Dharma's mission is to share and explore the many methods, lineages and traditions of Buddhism that have helped millions of human beings to wake up. We are committed to the practice of meditation, to study the teachings of the Buddha, and to helping each other bring this practice into our daily lives. It is there that we find  what it means to be awake and aware, right in this very moment.  The practice of Dharma in general and meditation in particular, with Sangha - a community of practitioners - can really help us manage these turbulent times with grace, dignity and compassion. Please take advantage of as many resources as you can. It lightens the burden of worry, anxiety ad concern we all have for the suffering among us. We welcome beginners, seasoned meditators and those curious about Buddhism to attend our meetings. Harbor Dharma creates an open, respectful and supportive atmosphere aspiring to help us find our own path to freedom from suffering and the joy of liberating ourselves from the illusory perceptions of the dualistic mind. Through the study of the Buddha's teachings and commentaries of realized masters we deepen our understanding of the words. Through contemplation and meditation we come to know the meaning of the words. Although our conversation can be quite rich and authentic, it is not a group therapy session. We take care of ourselves in these discussions and do not expect answers to our problems. Those come from our own intelligence anyway. We are a non-sectarian practice and study group and welcome all regardless of religious or spiritual background or affiliation.  Come and visit! May all beings benefit! Alida Bryant is a Dharma Leader and meditation instructor under the guidance of Anam Thubten. She has been meditating for over 30 years (still very much a beginner!) and studying and practicing Mahamudra, Dzogchen and the Mahayana for over 15 years under Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Anam Thubten and Dza Kilung Rinpoche among others. She can be reached directly at 
98 members · Public

Exploring Your Personal Journey with The Divorce Alchemist

Beverly, MA

Exploring Your Personal Journey with The Divorce Alchemist
Come join the fun and explore all things divorce: the break-ups, the messiness, the was-band, the was-wife, the kids, the finances, the legal, dating, the highs & the lows. Nothing is off-limits. Divorce is messy AND it offers a New Hope, New Beginnings, and a Re-birth. I am The Divorce Alchemist, a coach, a lawyer, a CPA, a mother, a divorcee; I am passionate about life and the transformative powers of divorce and break-ups. We will explore new approaches to finding inner peace & true love. This is a judgment-free zone. We are vulnerable, supportive, and kind. We will meet once a month on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30-9:00 PM EST.  Time will be set aside for coaching and Q&A. Separately, we will organize walks, social events, and thematic workshops (Self Care, How to Trust Again, Goal Setting, etc.) JOIN US!!!! If you find value in these meetings, your donation is very much appreciated! Sliding scale contribution: $5-15 suggested $20-35 fabulous! Link to Venmo:  [Venmo profile]( (@Magdalena-Ellis-1)   Link to Paypal: []( (my email is []( THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUPPORT & GENEROSITY! Please note: The meetings will be hosted by Magda and/or Doug D. (Doug has been a long-standing member of the group and a leader of a co-dependency group meetings). We are thrilled to have Doug take the co-lead and alternate sessions with Magda.
763 members · Public