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Cape Cod Gay Men's Social Group

Brewster, MA

Cape Cod Gay Men's Social Group
![]( I moved to the Cape with my husband Steve in April 2017 feeling like I had most things I needed in life, including friends. Still, I yearned to meet and develop friendships with local gay men, not always easy when you're in your 60s, married, and you're a designer sitting in front of a computer screen most of the day. The Cape is richly populated with gay men, but most activities and events are centered around P-town. I thought it might be interesting to start Cape Cod Gay Men's Social Group (a Meetup group) for those of us fortunate enough to call this slice of paradise "home". Four years, over a hundred events and 100+ members later I believe it all comes down to that incredible sense of happiness and fulfillment we derive from connecting with kindred spirits. **Who can join.** The Cape Cod Gay Men's Social Meetup is a group **FOR MEN** who identify as gay. While some of our members are comfortable sharing their sexual orientation publicly others are more private, out of respect for all we are a private group.  **Why should you join?** Because everybody needs a few more goods friends. **What you need to do.** 1\. Post a face photo and at least your first name\. Cape Cod Gay Men’s Social Group is a private group\, if we’re putting ourselves “out there” to seriously make friends this isn’t so much to ask\.  2\. Live on or within an hour of Cape Cod \(or spend part of the year here\) 3\. Chip in \(if you're able\)\. As a member driven organization it costs money for us to exist and reach you\. Meetup expenses are almost $190 annually\, Zoom is almost $150\. Additionally we support event hosts who request for incidental expenses and we cover some events costs for members who might otherwise be unable to attend them\. Until July 2021 we required members to pay dues \($10 year\)\. Some members mailed in checks or paid to Meetup's previous online payment service \(we lost almost 10% in fees\)\, others slid under the radar and paid nothing\. As the essential purpose of this group is having fun– not bookkeeping– dues are no longer mandatory\. If you find the group adds value to your life we'd appreciate a nominal contribution of $5\, $10 or $20\. There's no obligation\, we understand if you're unable or even choose not to\, however we do encourage you to support the group by attending and/or hosting events\. If you plan to send a check, please make it out to: Cape Cod Gay Men's Social Group and mail it to: Brian Schnetzer PO Box 1791, Brewster, MA 02631. One last thought on joining. . . I've met some of the greatest guys and made some of the most meaningful friendships of my adult life right here. What have you got to to lose? Hope to see you soon, Brian **For more information email:** Brian Schnetzer (organizer) Steve Coombs (co-organizer)  Milt Harris (co-organizer) 
184 members · Private

Outer Cape Hiking Club

South Wellfleet, MA

Outer Cape Hiking Club
Welcome to the Outer Cape Hiking Club. Our club offers a variety of hikes ranging from easy to strenuous in expected exertion level. We hike all over the Cape, from the Canal to Race Point, and usually go for scenic hikes or hikes that bring life to the history of a particular area.  We hike year round as weather permits and average several hikes/week.  We occasionally do hikes off-Cape, too. The purpose of this Meetup is to get people together who want to get out and enjoy the beauty of Cape Cod. This club is for people who enjoy a hike that leaves them satisfied with the physical level of exertion, the enjoyment of the outdoors and all the refreshment a hike with other people has to offer the body and the mind. It provides an opportunity to enjoy nature in the company of other adults without the distraction of cellphones, kids or dogs. And, don’t underestimate the social aspects of hiking with a group. Our experience has shown the benefits of hiking and conversation - before you know it, you’ve done 3 miles! These hikes are not for children under 18. Guests are usually welcome on hikes as long as the member believes his or her guest’s abilities match the Hike Level. A word about dogs - personally, I love dogs but have come to realize there are many people who are afraid of dogs, even small, well-behaved ones. This Meetup is meant to appeal to a wide variety of people, so we usually will not be taking our dogs. Having said that, we occasionally do some hikes where dogs are specifically included and pre-announced in the hike write-up. We strive to do at least one hike midweek and at least one on the weekend. Hikes are scheduled on no particular day of the week and usually based on weather and the hike leader's schedule. Similarly, a hike can be scheduled for just about any time of day, sometimes dependent on tides, sunset time, etc. or even traffic considerations. Cancellations will be posted at least an hour before the event is scheduled to start. We do consider biking and kayaking on occasion when there is interest among the members and leaders.  For your safety and that of others in the group, please keep a current photo of yourself as your main profile picture. The recommended minimum hiking gear includes a good pair of hiking boots, a water bottle and a blaze orange vest (for hunting season safety). The Outer Cape Hiking Club offers good exercise, good company and opportunities to explore Cape Cod - all at no charge. What else could you ask for? Put yourself first, make some friends, have some fun and improve your outlook. See you on the trails,  Marc Mahoney Organizer  Mobile: (401) 451-1242
1460 members · Private