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Meet new friends groups near Grand Rapids, MI

Protestant Friends of Greece Pray

Zeeland, MI

Our group is dedicated to praying (in English) once a month for Greece and the Greek people. We are a non-denominational Christian group longing to see the Holy Spirit working on the hearts of the Greek people for salvation and transformation, on a national level as well as in everyday life. We believe in the authority of the Bible as God's word and want everyone everywhere to know the love, joy and peace of Christ that can be found in abiding in a personal relationship with Him. You don't have to be Greek to join (I'm not!), but we're glad to have you if you are. Has God laid the Greek people on your heart? Then please join us for prayer. We will take turns praying aloud, but if you want to simply silently agree in prayer as we gather (online) in His Name that's fine, too. No one will be forced to pray aloud. We will be praying in English. The prayers can be for all of Greece, aspects of Greece (economy, justice), and even for specific people themselves (Yiannis, Grandma, etc.). What this group is NOT about: It's not about arguing theology, trying to win everyone over to your opinion. There are many other places you can go for that. It's not about bashing Orthodox believers (or anyone really). Respect should also be shown to all participants. It's not for promoting politics. It's not to pray for your second cousin's neighbor's cat's health. Please try to limit the topic of the prayers to Greece, Greek people and those directly affecting/affected by Greece (refugees, Greek-Americans and so on). Other groups are for petitions for healing. This group is geared toward God's saving grace and spiritual needs. I will be the first to admit I don't know all there is to know about Greece. I've never been there and am not Greek-blooded. However, I (and you!) can still pray for the Gospel of Jesus to change hearts and lives like nothing else can--as well as pray for the general well-being of the country and its circumstances. Our meetings will last around 30 minutes and will take place monthly, on the 2nd Thursday of the month. I hope you will join me. "Be constant in prayer," Romans 12:12. " everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6 We serve a Great God. Let's pray together for Him to do great things in Greece!
7 members · Public

West Michigan Out & About

Grand Rapids, MI

West Michigan Out & About
This is a fun-loving and active group for people that enjoy getting ‘out and about’ around W Michigan. Everything from hiking to concerts, from breweries to dancing, from cooking classes to biking and more. This group has many single members, but is not limited to singles and we are aiming to be a welcoming and inclusive space for people to meet new friends. We value tolerance and respect for all, and there is a zero tolerance policy for bullying of any kind. When signing up please have a picture of yourself. You will not be approved until you have a picture of yourself. COVID-19 policy, we want to be a safe space and we ask that in the light of the pandemic, anyone experiencing symptoms of illness does not attend an event. Also, anybody that contracts COVID, or is exposed to someone with COVID, we ask them to reach out to an organizer so that other members can be confidentially notified and take appropriate steps to protect themselves and other members. If it comes to our attention that a member failed to report a COVID exposure or that they have knowingly attended an event while sick. They will be removed from the group. Restaurant RSVP policy is, need to cancel 24 hours before the event starts. No shows and last minute cancellation will not be tolerated. First time will be an email warning, 2nd time will be a 90 day suspension of any restaurant or strict RSVP events, third you will be removed from the group.
2095 members · Private

Great Lakes Hiking, Biking, & Kayaking Group

Grand Rapids, MI

Great Lakes Hiking, Biking, & Kayaking Group

The Great Lakes Hiking, Biking, & Kayaking Group was established to provide a single place for outdoor enthusiasts to find a variety of fun, outdoor adventures while meeting new people who love the same activities.

Our focus is on hiking, cycling, and paddling, but we enjoy any outdoor activity that brings people together and keeps us active. We will also combine other interests with our main activities to create an all new level of fun. Some examples include spending the day on the beach after a hike along the shore, camping during a kayaking weekend, riding bikes to a Whitecaps game, and taking photos of Michigan’s beautiful landscapes on nature walks.

Our goal is to provide fun and exciting experiences by exploring new rivers to paddle, trails to hike/ride, beaches to enjoy, and people to meet. We’ll also visit our favorite, tried and true destinations as well. We hope that you will try new adventures, advance your skills, and meet some awesome people who like to have fun.

We welcome people of all age groups and skill levels who love outdoor adventures, love staying active, and are looking for others to enjoy these activities with. Both Introverts and Extroverts are welcome!

The Great Lakes Hiking, Biking, & Kayaking Group was established to provide a single place for outdoor enthusiasts to find a variety of fun, outdoor adventures while meeting new people who love the same activities.

Additional Information:

• There are no dues for joining the group, but contributions toward meetup program fees are always appreciated. (Meetup is free to join, but not to organize.)

• Safety always comes first, and with that comes the assumption that all members will act in a responsible way and look out for other members. This meetup does not assume any responsibility for accidents or injuries that occur during group events.

• Please respect your event organizers and RSVP for the events you are attending and change your rsvp if you can no longer make it. This helps us make sure that all event participants are accounted for.

• Out of respect for members who arrive to events on time, we will not wait for those who are running late. It is the member's responsibility to ensure they arrive before the designated start time so the entire group can leave on time.

• Have a suggestion for a meetup or a new activity? We’d love to hear about it and help you plan it! Contact the organizer to get your event on the schedule.

• Do you live outside of Michigan and are planning on visiting? We welcome people from across the country and world to join us for an adventure while you’re visiting our beautiful state.

We’re looking forward to meeting you and we’ll see you on our next adventure!

5429 members · Public

Happy Hour and Brunch Group in GR

Grand Rapids, MI

Happy Hour and Brunch Group in GR
It's Happy Hour and Brunch, yes, but so much more! Join us for an adult beverage with fun spirited people! Enjoy the opportunity to get out and discover new and traditional places in our community. Maybe we'll have a bite to eat, listen to a band, go dancing, have dinner and a movie, watch a sporting event, or take in a show. We thrive on getting together to network socially and make new friends. Looking for like minded people and want to join in on the fun? How about a Happy Hour....and more!? The Happy Hour group's primary focus is to provide a relaxed, 'non-pickup-scene' social environment for people to enjoy without paying membership fees. If you just moved to Grand Rapids, or if you have lived here for a while, this group can be a great way to meet new people in the area. Join us for happy hours, brunch gatherings, camping, hiking, clubbing, art gallery tours, barbecues, ski trips and many other social events around the Grand Rapids area. Please plan on posting a picture of your face when you join our group in order for our event organizers to recognize you at our next event! We are open to any suggestions and ideas for new activities. Let us know what you would like to do, or host an event yourself! We are looking forward to a toast with you soon! \*\*\*please note that harassment of any kind toward any member will not be tolerated and the offender will be removed from our group. \ Members, Our Membership Terms have changed please consider this as formal notice for current members. Please note that you are responsible for your own actions and any consequences that arise out of participating at our events. On the "About us" page you can find our waiver of liability that in order to participate in and or be a member of our group, you automatically agree to. If you are not in agreement with the terms and conditions you may simply leave the group. Our Membership Terms have changed please consider this as formal notice for current members. BY BECOMING OR RETAINING A MEMBERSHIP IN OUR HAPPY HOUR GROUP YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY In consideration of the risk of injury while participating in Happy Hour or Meetup Group (the "Activity"), and as consideration for the right to participate in the Activity, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, or personal representatives, knowingly and voluntarily enter into this waiver and release of liability and hereby waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of my participation in the Activity, and do hereby release and forever discharge Jamie Osborn, their affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns, for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness, paralysis, death, damages, economical or emotional loss, that I may suffer as a direct result of my participation in the aforementioned Activity, including traveling to and from an event related to this Activity. I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THE AFOREMENTIONED ACTIVITY AND I AM PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTIVITY ENTIRELY AT MY OWN RISK. I AM AWARE OF THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH TRAVELING TO AND FROM AS WELL AS PARTICIPATING IN THIS ACTIVITY, WHICH MAY INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, PHYSICAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL INJURY, PAIN, SUFFERING, ILLNESS, DISFIGUREMENT, TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DISABILITY (INCLUDING PARALYSIS), ECONOMIC OR EMOTIONAL LOSS, AND DEATH. I UNDERSTAND THAT THESE INJURIES OR OUTCOMES MAY ARISE FROM MY OWN OR OTHERS' NEGLIGENCE, CONDITIONS RELATED TO TRAVEL, OR THE CONDITION OF THE ACTIVITY LOCATION(S). NONETHELESS, I ASSUME ALL RELATED RISKS, BOTH KNOWN OR UNKNOWN TO ME, OF MY PARTICIPATION IN THIS ACTIVITY, INCLUDING TRAVEL TO, FROM AND DURING THIS ACTIVITY AND HOLD HARMLESS BUSINESS NETWORKING AND BEERS AND ANY OF ITS ORGANIZERS, HOSTS, CO-ORGANIZERS, EVENT VENUES, AND OR ANY OF THEIR ASSIGNS. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Jamie Osborn and any of the assigned co-hosts, co-organizers, event hosts, associated with the Happy Hour group whether found through,, Twitter, or any other social media platform or other advertised means, against any and all claims, suits or actions of any kind whatsoever for liability, damages, compensation or otherwise brought by me or anyone on my behalf, including attorney's fees and any related costs, if litigation arises pursuant to any claims made by me or by anyone else acting on my behalf. If Jamie Osborn incurs any of these types of expenses, I agree to reimburse Jamie Osborn. I acknowledge that Jamie Osborn and their directors, officers, volunteers, representatives and agents are not responsible for errors, omissions, acts or failures to act of any party or entity conducting a specific event or activity on behalf of Jamie Osborn. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS "WAIVER AND RELEASE" AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY. I EXPRESSLY AGREE TO RELEASE AND DISCHARGE JAMIE OSBORN AND ALL OF ITS AFFILIATES, MANAGERS, MEMBERS, AGENTS, ATTORNEYS, STAFF, VOLUNTEERS, HEIRS, REPRESENTATIVES, PREDECESSORS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION AND I AGREE TO VOLUNTARILY GIVE UP OR WAIVE ANY RIGHT THAT I OTHERWISE HAVE TO BRING A LEGAL ACTION AGAINST JAMIE OSBORN FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.
933 members · Private