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Meet new friends groups near Ringwood, NJ

Northwest NJ New Friends (Women only)

Rockaway, NJ

Northwest NJ New Friends (Women only)
When you're young, making new friends is easy - the opportunities are everywhere! However, as an adult, it can be much more difficult. Are you a woman that ended a relationship or marriage to find out you have no close female friends anymore? Are you new to the area? Did you put all your energy for years into work or education and now want to broaden your social circle? Did you spend years focusing on having children or starting a marriage or relationship and are now missing the companionship of friendship? Do you have interests or fun things to do that you simply have no one to share with? Well, you're not alone! There are lots of women out there looking to make new friends that simply don't know where to start - so why not start here? To join this group, all you have to be is an adult female, live in the Morris/Sussex county area of NJ, and interested in meeting new friends. You don't have to be childless, looking for people to meet men with, or interested in getting together only in bars (although all those things are welcome as well). We're sure there are other people out there with similar interests or with things they want to do that other people would be interested in trying. We do ask for a yearly contribution of $5 to help offset Meetup dues and events costs. Looking for someone to take an art class, zumba class, or go to an outlet shopping center with? Post it here! You may be able to find someone with the same interest or that's willing to give yours a try! We're more than open to anyone posting ideas, or even last-minute invites to things they want to do (see a movie, try a restaurant, go to a concert) with someone to enjoy it with. Looking forward to a lot of fun!
1641 members · Private

The Science Fiction Society of Northern New Jersey

Mahwah, NJ

The Science Fiction Society of Northern New Jersey

Dedicated to the exploration of Science, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Gaming, Movies (discussions & viewing), Comic Books, Anime, Manga, Suspense/Mystery/Thrillers, Creative Writing, guest speakers, special activity outings and all things genre. The Science Fiction Society of Northern NJ (SFSNNJ) sponsors discussion groups, book groups, a movie viewing group & movie discussion group, a comic book/anime/manga group, hosts guest speakers & special activity events (i.e. Meet & Greet Dinners) and gaming events.  Join our online forum on Yahoo or join us at one of the many local area bookstores, libraries, museums/historical sites, and other private locations for many great events.

Each month we explore a different theme, and each of our moderators work hard to select the best works that will entertain and challenge attendees.  The different meetings offered are:

* That's Science Fiction! presents movie classics, new releases, animated films, B&W films and some surprises.
* Face the Fiction spotlights various guests from Charlaine Harris to local authors, as well as special events/outings (Meet & Greet at restaurants, Gaming Day)
* Suspense Central discusses mysteries, suspense, thrillers from classic to current.
* Drawing A Crowd explores the comic book universe Golden Age to today.
* Modern Masters discusses the works of today's literary masters, as well as some classics authors.
* Films to Come tackles the world of cinema and all things entertainment - movies, TV and media tie-ins.
* Heroes and Rogues is our monthly gaming event.

Imagination lives at the SFSNNJ, and we welcome one and all to join us for one of the most social Genre clubs in the region!

No membership or meeting fees, no obligations or demands, our events are always free & always fun.

991 members · Public

The Coffee Shop Writers of Northern New Jersey

Butler, NJ

The Coffee Shop Writers of Northern New Jersey
**Our Goals** Our primary focus is to help writers at all levels of development, to evolve and improve both their skills as a writer, and their knowledge and abilities in aspects of self-publishing. We do this by pursuing four goals. Goal 1 - To Sharpen our writing skills through discussions of craft and technique, by performing fun group writing exercises, and by critiquing each others work in a structured format. Goal 2 - To add to our knowledge of the craft and business of writing, through the selected readings of some of the best books on the market. Each month our group will read one book from a list of selected titles. What we learn from each book, will be the basis of our discussions as we share ideas and experiences, building on the material we've read. Goal 3 - To explore the rapidly grow opportunities arising from the world of self-publishing through discussion and sharing of experiences and ideas. Building mailing lists, construction of marketing funnels, building product catalogs, calls to action, e-book pricing, hybrid publishing, paper print vs digital - all these subjects and more will be examined. Goal 4 - To network with like minded writers, to share ideas, to encourage, to mastermind. Writing can be a lonely pursuit. It often helps to get together with those walking the same path as you. As the group grows and gets comfortable with each other, additional gatherings may be arranged, from an occasional get together over a few drinks or a cup of coffee, to going as a group to a writers conference (RWA 2015!). **Who This Group Is For** This group has evolved over the last couple years to include both non-fiction and fiction writers. Non-fiction can be on any topic. Fiction can include fiction, short stories, novella's, novels, serials, screenplays, stage plays. Memoirs can straddle the fence, depending on how much literary license an author takes. While all writers within these categories are welcome, it should be noted that this group will be especially geared towards the entrepreneur, the person(s) looking to write professionally, or at least make some supplemental income. Self-publishing will also have a strong focus, though we will also touch on traditional and hybrid publishing during the course of our journey. Existing professional writers are more than welcome (we will worship you accordingly), as are beginners and everyone in-between who have finally decided its time to pursue that dream. The group is length agnostic - short stories, novella's, novels, serials, all are welcome. The group is also genre agnostic. Whether your writing westerns, science fiction or romance, the crafting of story shares the same techniques and difficulties. **Which is Why ...** Writing groups are notoriously tough to start and maintain on With your help, we're going to be different. While we appreciate you joining our little "kickass" group, "just joining" and three dollars will help pay for coffee. SHOWING UP to a meeting is what really counts! Come to a meeting. You will have fun, sharpen your skills and learn tons of valuable stuff. *Lesson two - start with a call to action, then end with a call to action. See you at the next meeting:)*
80 members · Public

North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends

Wayne, NJ

North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends
This group is about making friends. Our focus is on neurodiverse adults 21 and older. Some of our members have difficulty making friends for a variety of reasons; shyness, anxiety, etc. Some have challenges like High Functioning Autism, OCD, ADD, ADHD, etc., which may make finding and forming friendships more difficult. Some simply don’t have the environment or opportunity to make friends they are comfortable with. This group is to help them meet and bond with peers and hopefully form some great friendships in an accepting environment. So, if you are looking to make friends you've come to the right place. Everyone here is after the same thing, finding a group they feel welcome, a place where they belong. If this group sounds like it could benefit you, please consider joining. Thanks, and we hope to see you at our next gathering. Please Read the Etiquette/Policies and Disclaimer Note below. **Etiquette:** Please understand the group organizers and hosts do NOT supervise. The group organizers and hosts accept no responsibility other than organizing and/or facilitating our events. We have a diverse group of great people that have varying abilities, most of whom are legal adults. We strongly encourage everyone in the group to be independent while also cautioning that there is no staff or professionals to address problems or issues that might arise relating to the struggles some people may experience. The organizers of this group have dedicated their free time to helping run this group. It takes time, effort and organization. We rely on how people respond to events. Knowing who is coming to an event makes a difference and knowing we will have enough room for everyone is important. Please follow these guidelines to make sure things go smoothly and allows us to build a better community for the members. Failure to follow our group etiquette may result in removal from our group. **ALWAYS** – RSVP to an event you plan on attending. If your plans change, please change your response. **NEVER** – bring a guest unless you RSVP with a +1. We need to know how many people are showing up. **NEVER** – use this group website to solicit or sell products and services. **Policies:** Our group is dedicated to helping adults dealing with various social, emotional and intellectual differences make friends. Each one is different and each has different levels of ability dealing with the various situations they may find themselves in while participating in our group activities. Please read the policies below regarding your responsibilities. 1. This group is specifically geared towards adults 21 and over who are capable of unsupervised activities and interaction with the rest of the group. 2. Those under the age of 21 MUST have a parent or guardian present at all events. Do not ask if it's ok to leave them during an event, it is not. 3. Those over 18 will be treated as responsible, legal adults. If you are a parent, no one knows them better than you. Do not ask to leave if they may have difficulty on their own. It is not fair to them, the organizers, hosts or the rest of the group. If they require assistance it must be supplied from outside this group. 4. While we strive to create a safe and friendly environment, no one will be watching your young adult. If they need assistance it must come from you. Most of our members are extremely kind parents and young adults. However, they will typically be enjoying an activity or even dealing with their own concerns during an event. We are trying to create an environment where the young people can be independent and work out difficulties on their own. All attendees assume responsibility for themselves and any guests they bring. 5. Organizers and hosts are not professionals, doctors or therapists. We simply dedicate some of our free time to help facilitate a social environment for the members. 6. The organizers and hosts receive no compensation for the time and work they put into this group, please respect their efforts by making sure to follow group guidelines. **Liability Disclaimer** In an effort to provide this group with enjoyable activities and entertainment, from time to time North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends holds events for it’s members. These events are for the benefit of all members and occasionally their families as well. At times these events are hosted by a member or sponsor who opens up their homes or space for the benefit of the group with no monetary benefit to the host. At these times, it is prudent to ensure the host is protected against of any potential legal issues that may arise as a result the host’s willingness to provide a venue for these activities. This disclaimer is a means to do so. The Event Host and North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends do not provide liability insurance for the protection of individuals, groups, families, or others who may participate in the North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends Meetup Event. In consideration for your participation in said North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends Meetup Event, the individuals, groups, families, or others, do hereby release and forever discharge The Event Host and North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends, its officers, and volunteers, jointly and severally from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of any damage, loss or injury, which hereafter may be sustained by participating in the North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends Meetup Event. This release extends, applies to, covers and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, loss and liability and the consequences thereof, as well as those now disclosed and known to exist. The provisions of any state, federal, local or territorial law or state providing substance that releases shall not extend to claims, demands, injuries, or damages which are known or unsuspected to exist at this time, to the person executing such release, are hereby expressly waived. By accepting the invitation, RSVP’ing and/or attending the North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends Meetup Event, I hereby agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, to indemnify The Event Host and North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends and its officers and volunteers, joint and severally from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of any damage, loss or injury, which hereafter may be sustained by participating in the North Jersey Young Adults Making Friends Meetup Event. Furthermore, I agree to take full responsibility for any liability arising from any guest, offspring or associate that attends with me.
594 members · Private