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Meet new friends groups near Goshen, NY

Food and Fun for Folks 50+ in MHV - PHASE 2

Washingtonville, NY

Food and Fun for Folks 50+ in MHV - PHASE 2
Our Motto: START AS STRANGERS \~ END AS FRIENDS This group is for you if: * You are 50 & over * You are looking to have fun * Enjoy being around others & are respectful * Tired of going out alone * Looking to make / meet new friends * Looking for events year round VERY IMPORTANT - PLEASE upload a current picture of yourself and answer profile questions. This is required so your organizers can recognize you. And answer all the profile questions so we know a little about you and what kind of events we should plan. Since we have so many duplicate names, it’s helpful to add the initial of your last name. If you have ideas for events, PLEASE feel free to message me your suggestions or speak to me about becoming an organizer. Please remember to check the event before leaving for any updates. It’s highly advisable to upload the app, because often times the event may change while it’s happening. And it’s easier to check for updates. Please be prompt to the events you sign up for, out of respect for others. **Be on time or be left behind** Yearly membership $10 which goes towards organizing, running meetup, dues, etc. This will be collected at your second event. **CANCELLATION POLICY** \*\* We request 72 hours notice to cancel \*\* If you have a sudden last minute change of plans, please message me \*\* Your RSVP is VERY IMPORTANT to me. If you cannot make an event that you signed up for, PLEASE change your RSVP. If you accumulate no-shows, I will remove you from the group. Sorry, if you sign up, please show up. Also, a history of no-shows you will be moved to waitlist if event is for limited members. \*\* You are responsible for your own meal tab, which includes tax & 20% tip (even if you leave early). Most restaurants prefer cash. **UNHOSTED Events explained** Since we are a very diversified group, I sometimes will post an “unhosted” event. Please RSVP to these events and attend. This will let others know who is going and who to look for at the event. This will also let me know the interest level and if there is a lot of interest I’ll post more like it and maybe even host (depending on my interest). Which leads me to - who would like to help host events. Also I will show on the event as going, but that’s just so I can monitor the event. For any of our events, please read the Liability Waiver on the Pages tab. All events are at your own risk. Click here for Liability Waiver: []( \
112 members · Private

NY Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Group

Arden, NY

NY Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Group
**IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME ADVENTURE AND VARIETY IN YOUR LIFE, WANT TO BE MORE ACTIVE, MEET NEW FRIENDS, CONQUER YOUR FEARS OR JUST TRY THINGS YOU'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE.... THEN YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!** This group is for people in the New York City, New Jersey, Upstate NY and surrounding areas that like to stay fit, be active and explore new places while having fun and meeting new people at the same time! Events range from Hiking, Camping, Rock Climbing, Rock Scrambling, Caving, Kayaking, Whitewater Rafting, Zip-lining, Obstacle Course Mud Runs, Downhill Skiing, Cross Country Skiing, Skydiving, Hang Gliding, Mountain Biking, Road Biking and Trail Running just to name a few. We are also open to suggestions of other activities you might like to see offered and we welcome new leadership that might help us expand our offerings to the group. From time to time we may also offer additional activities that may include Educational Workshops, Trips to Galleries & Museums, Urban Exploring, Meeting for Drinks (Socials), Salsa Dancing, Dining out and a wide variety of other possibilities. **Going on trips with like-minded friends is always more fun, and you'll find them here. We are a friendly, outgoing and quirky bunch who like to challenge ourselves and have a good time while doing it.** Our group sizes tend to be smaller here compared to other meetups, but we feel you get to know people better and have a safer experience as a result. We welcome diversity, folks who can laugh and people who respect nature and all the beauty it has to offer us! **We do our best to keep our calendar busy with random and fun trips. [Click Here](** to check out our Events Calendar. These trips include day outings, weekend road trips, vacations and other cross posted events with other similar meetup groups. **There is NO required membership cost for our group.** If an event should require a fee, itwill be clearly stated in the description. If you're happy with the experiences you share with us we'd love for you to use the **Chip In** feature to help us offset the cost of hosting our group on If If you'd like to give back to our group please follow this link: []( **PROFILE PICTURE:** When you apply for membership, please remember to post a recognizable picture of yourself so that we can identify you at our events. This helps both event hosts keep track of participants and attendees to recognize each other. It's also a safety measure if a participant ever goes missing from the group so we can get help finding you using your photo. This picture does not have to be a passport quality photo but we ask that you refrain from cartoon characters, nature shots with no subject, shots with multiple people of the same gender, shots from behind and shots where your face is mostly covered. Our members feel a lot more comfortable meeting and coordinating rides with real people that they can identify. If your membership is rejected please don't take it personally. You can re-apply anytime and will be approved once our criteria is met. **Your application will be rejected if these requirements are not met.** **GUEST POLICY:** Unless otherwise specified in the event, guests are usually not allowed on events. If you wish to bring a guest please have them join the group, RSVP just like any other member and read the trip description and liability waiver. If your guest is on the wait list please message the event host and we will make every effort to accommodate them. This policy insures that guests are aware of the requirements for the trip they wish to participate in and that they agree with our liability waiver. **RSVP ETIQUETTE:** Unless otherwise noted in the event description; we generally request if your plans to attend an event change, that you update your RSVP to "NO" at least 48 hours prior to the event so that members on the waitlist (if applicable) may have sufficient time to plan and take your spot. If you RSVP "YES" to an event and don't show we most likely will just edit your RSVP to didn't go if there are no members on the waitlist. If, however, there are members on the waitlist and you are a "NO SHOW" you will be noted as such. Members that accumulate "NO SHOWS" may not have the same chances of getting off a waitlist as members who are in good standing. Members on the list as "GOING" who have "NO SHOWS" may also be moved to the waitlist at the discretion of the event host to make room for members in good standing. We realize that some folks may sign up to multiple meetups on the same date to try to secure a spot with their friends. If this is the case, please reach out to the event host and we will try to accommodate your friends if/when possible. We once again ask that you please make a final decision within 48 hours unless otherwise noted. **LEAVE NO TRACE** \- When attending our events we ask that you follow these 3 simple rules: \- Please Leave Nothing but Footprints \- Take Nothing but Pictures \- And Waste Nothing but Time Members who don't show a respect for our venues may be asked to leave the group. We ask that if you show your favorite spots to others that you teach them to respect these places as well! **LEGAL DISCLAIMER:** **WE ARE NOT PAID PROFESSIONAL GUIDES AND LEADERS.** As a participating member, you certify that you are responsible for having appropriate skills, physical conditioning, equipment and supplies to participate in events that you chose to attend. Activities can involve certain risks, hazards and dangers that can cause or lead to injury, property damage, illness, mental or emotional trauma, paralysis, disability or death to participant or others. Some, but not all of these risks, hazards and dangers include: hazardous and unpredictable ground, water or weather conditions; misjudgments made by Organizers, Assistant Organizer, leaders, co-leaders, participants or others; travel in remote areas that can cause potential delays or difficulties with transportation, evacuation and medical care; equipment that can fail or malfunction; the potential that the participant or others (e.g. co-participant, driver, medical and rescue personnel) may act carelessly or recklessly. Participation in activities is strictly voluntary and members assume all risks in connection with activities; per's Terms of Service Agreement []( Organizers and hike/trip leaders are released from any and all forms of liability related to events. Additionally, participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The **NY Hiking and Outdoor Adventure Group** allows outdoor enthusiasts the opportunity to participate with one another in recreational events with like minded people. **This group is not a guide service nor should event organizers be regarded as guides. We are all outdoor enthusiasts and regular people like yourself.**
7038 members · Public

Middletown Pick Up Soccer

Middletown, NY

Middletown Pick Up Soccer
This group is for anyone interested in playing soccer or making new friends. We’ll play a small game 8vs8 or 9vs9 depending on how many people we get. Everything will be provided ball, bibs and goals. Rules: Being a pickup game there's no such thing as fixed positions, you must rotate position with the rest of the players if asked. We rotate goalkeepers every 10 minutes so EVERYONE will have to take a turn in goal. If you think you to good to play keeper well this group isn’t for you. NO Slide tackles, you can slide to block a shot or a pass but NEVER on someone on the ball. Bring a positive attitude and be respectful to your fellow members. Fighting is NOT allowed and will NOT be tolerated. Anyone who comes to play and distrup the game for everyone by causing a scene will be banned permanently. NO SHOW EQUAL TWO WEEKS SUSPENSION repeat offenders will be banned permanently. We charge a $1 per game which will go toward paying our meetup subscription fee, buying and maintaining our equipment such as bibs, balls, and net for the goals. Payment will be collected on site but you can also pay before the game via cash app @ $AmaduBah1011 or by venmo @Amadubah10. If you're not going to show just cancel your rsvp by the deadline and you'll be fully refunded. For whatever reason if a game won't take place, we will make sure to cancel it at least 2 hours before the scheduled time. NOTE: We are not responsible for any injury that may occur during any of our outing. see you on the pitch !
31 members · Public


Middletown, NY

Blackanomics is A new network of local entrepreneurs. Emerging chapters in Atlanta, New York, Dallas, & Chicago. This is not your run of the mill Networking event, We are a progressive group of conscience entrepreneurs focused on economic empowerment of the African diaspora through the Master Mind principles of Strategic Alliances, Creative Exchange, Collective Ventures, Accountability & Integrity. <br> Initiated by David Anderson, now headed up by Charles B. McInnis; Blackanomics, meetups will have an agenda, facilitator and support team. If your a serious dedicated Entrepreneur, seeking that push to get you to that next level come to the Blackanomics Meetup. Together lets explore the opportunities- Inspiring, developing, cultivating, the business mind of aspiring & current business owners. Finding Mentors, Coaches, Partners,

As my hero; Mr. David Steward, of World Wide Technologies, states we've will explored the benefits of new emerging market shifts.

Excerpt of the June 2001 issue of Black Enterprises; The 800 Million Dollar Man Story....

E-commerce is real. Just ask David Steward, CEO of World Wide Technology Inc., the largest black-owned business in the nation. Last year, Steward's customers point-and-clicked his information technology (IT) products and services firm to $802 million in revenues

Steward says; "it all comes down to what products and services you choose to offer over the Web, and the strategic alliances and relationships you enter into to deliver them."

"We have a one-stop shop; because it has made the value of accessing information services and ordering products online a competitive advantage for its customers. "We provide a central line to warehousing, distribution and integration services, and supply-chain management services that a company can't get anywhere else."

"Those companies that are able to invest in the Web technology, the supply-chain management systems, and electronic procurement logistics systems have an opportunity to define vertical market spaces," "In the process of defining those market spaces, they'll have a competitive advantage and a whole new frontier that they will have an opportunity to dominate."


Stay tuned for the notification of our newly scheduled weekly Conference Call, webinars & various events to really create a certain culture of supporting all members’ endeavors to Build Business, Careers & become very Successful.

189 members · Private