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Slopes & Trails Social Activities Group--Rogue Valley

Medford, OR

Slopes & Trails Social Activities Group--Rogue Valley
Established in 1990, Slopes and Trails is a social activities group for mature, active adults. Most of our members are over 55 and come from all over the Rogue Valley. Outdoor activities include camping, kayaking and canoeing, bike riding, hiking, rafting, golf and picnics. In addition, we go bowling, to the movies, play cards and games, with an occasional Talent/No Talent Show thrown into the mix. Travel is also a love for many of our members, and group travel is encouraged. Trips to Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain & Portugal, as well as weekend trips to Bandon and Union Creek have been offered in the past. Our group is also famous for its potlucks, progressive dinners and holiday parties, including our festive and fun White Elephant Party in December. We are good cooks and love to throw parties. Members are encouraged to sponsor or co-sponsor their favorite activities, which is the life of the organization. Every Thursday or Friday ("Thirsty Thursday" or TGIF) our members and visitors gather at a winery, bistro or pub to greet old friends and meet new ones. NOTE: RSVP FROM MEMBERS IS INTERNAL. JOIN US--THERE WILL BE PLENTY THERE TO GREET YOU! Greeters welcome new people to our no-host social hour, introduce them to others and answer questions. Often, we gather for dinner following the social hour. These weekly social hours are open to the public. All other events require membership. Annual membership is inexpensive at $40 per year, ($52 to join, which includes a magnetic name badge). Newsletters & a detailed calendar is available ongoing on our new website, Slopes & Trails members are also dedicated to our community. Some of the service projects we have participated in include the Bear Creek Greenway Cleanup, Shoebox Program (small Christmas gifts for shut-ins), Meals on Wheels & Access Food Projects, holiday gift baskets for SPCA and CATS, and the annual Red Cross blood drive. Feel free to join us for a few social hours or public activities before registering to join the group (you will receive a code at our events to enable online registration). Our greeters and board members are also available at all our social hours to help you.
284 members · Private

Crossing Party Lines: Southern Oregon

Medford, OR

Crossing Party Lines: Southern Oregon

Civil, respectful conversation with people with different political views? 

Yes, it is possible. We’re doing it and you can, too.

Crossing Party Lines is YOUR brave space to meet and talk with people you disagree with and may not even understand. You might have fun!

Our events include:

 - DISCUSSIONS: We meet as small groups where you can talk to real people about the issues that divide us. Share your unique insights, encounter new perspectives and new ways of looking at the world, and experience what it's like to feel heard and understood. 

You'll find that it is possible to disagree in a way that leaves you feeling true to yourself and your beliefs without losing your friends or your cool.

 - WORKSHOPS: We teach the skills you need to effectively talk across differences. You will learn ways to foster curiosity and invite listening, acquire strategies for overcoming common communication barriers, and develop the confidence to talk politics with people you know, live, and work with.

 - COMMUNITY EVENTS: We’re not just about talking – we’re also about community. We host game nights, screen videos, share books, and offer many other ways of connecting across differences. 

At all events, trained facilitators set the tone of the discussion and help the group build trust. Come see what civil, respectful conversation is like. Who knows, you might make friends with someone you disagree with!

More about Crossing Party Lines:

We are a national nonprofit with chapters in eight states. Because we believe that the success of America’s unique democracy relies on the diversity of our viewpoints, we encourage people of all political views and parties to join and participate. 

Come learn, explore, practice, and grow with us. Join this grassroots movement and become the change in your community. 


Note: Due to COVID, most of our events are online. Unless otherwise stated, events are open to all Crossing Party Lines chapters, giving you a chance to interact with people from all over the country.

377 members · Public

B2B Mastermind

Medford, OR

B2B Mastermind
Mastermind groups are relatively new to most people, even though Napoleon Hill created the concept around 75 years ago with his book, ‘***Think and Grow Rich’***. A mastermind group is designed to help you navigate through challenges using the collective intelligence of others. How does a mastermind work? A group of successful business people meet monthly to tackle challenges and problems together. They lean on each other, give advice, share connections and do business with each other when appropriate. It’s very much peer-to-peer mentoring and if you are lucky enough to get invited to one now, you will most likely see a marked change in yourself and your business. **7 Reasons To Join A Mastermind Group:** 1. **You’ll be part of an exclusive community**. Joining a mastermind typically involves you being invited by the members or going through an application process. The other members need you just as much as you need them, so quality of experience and knowledge is crucial to all involved. 2. **Advisement.** Once you are involved in a mastermind, that feeling of “being alone” while running your business is gone. The other members of the group turn into business advisors of sorts and vice versa. 3. **Collaboration is the name of the game.** You may find someone in the group that is a perfect fit to work on a project with you. Or, you may be the perfect person to help another member as well. The group works together collaboratively, to achieve more together. 4. **Extend your network.** Joining a mastermind expands your network exponentially and rapidly. If you are in business, you know how important your network is. By joining a mastermind, you instantly add to your network and typically gain the networks of those in the group with you. 5. **New learning.** Everyone in the mastermind is unique in skill, experience and connections. By interacting and sharing your challenges, it’s almost certain that someone in your mastermind will have a solution for you and you may also be able to offer a solution, connection or tactic to help another in the group. 6. **Cross-promotion.** When you join a business mastermind group, you will most likely find ways to help each other by utilizing cross promotion. Finding ways to help each other through promoting to your respective networks. 7. **Think bigger.** Being in a mastermind will truly give you a Master Mind! You can’t help but think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things.
566 members · Public