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Meet new friends groups near Croydon Park, Sydney, AU

Make New Friends Through Share Books You Like

Sydney, au

Make New Friends Through Share Books You Like
Welcome to Make New Friends Through Share Books You Like! This book club is for those who are passionate about the reading and willing to sharing the stories with others and make new friends. Those seeking personal growth and enjoying coming together to engage in lively discussions and share insights, and new perspectives. Whether you're a passionate reader or simply looking to expand your literary horizons, this club is the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals, learn, and grow together through the power of storytelling. Grab your current read, bring it along with your thoughts, and be ready to embark on a literary journey. ✍️ What you need to know before joining and RSVP. 👉 Make New Friends Through Share Books You Like had no designated genres or books, therefore, you are free to read whatever you like, and share whatever you feel comfortable with. 👉 There are no wrong or right questions except personal or sensitive ones. Certainly, there are no wrong or right answers either. Therefore, our book club is a free world to share your thoughts, opinions, and interpretations. 👉 Everyone gets a turn to share, whether you are outgoing or introverted. You\`ll find that listening and talking to people is more fun than poking and prodding them. 👉 We meet monthly, usually in a club, cafe or some quiet and nice public area, if we are meeting in a club, you'll need to bring a Photo ID as you may be asked at the entrance. 👉 If we are meeting at the club or cafe, we suggest you buy a drink (or something) upon your arrival from the business where we are meeting, to show our appreciation for allowing us to use their venue. 👉 Please update your RSVP if you can no longer attend. Thank you!
15 members · Public

Not Just Bolly - Social Fun, New Friends & Great Events!

Sydney, au

Not Just Bolly - Social Fun, New Friends & Great Events!
We're known as the friendliest group in town and one of the most active groups too; majority Indian, but we have members of many diverse nationalities, and this is important to us - we guarantee you'll have made friends within moments of coming along to an event. We love getting together for movies, drinks,  sport, fun-runs, escape rooms, bushwalks or hitting the dance floor at city clubs - you name it, we do it! Everything is more fun when it's done as a group! We have cultural events like Diwali, Holi, Eid, India Day and so on covered & we're always up for a good Bolly movie. We're an informal chill kind of group, and that's the way we like it. New to Sydney, expanding your group of friends, looking for that cultural experience, or just want to hang with a wildly fun group of people - this group is for ALL ages and cultures. We meet-up between the City, Hills District and Parramatta..but we go where the fun is, and sometimes that involves a weekend away in stunning scenery! \*Note - we're not part of the trend for singles, social & Indian expat groups to merge for events. We don't charge for events, we're not in this for the profit, we're in it for the fun & friendship, so come along and see the difference like so many others have who've discovered us <3  \*How to Join\* Drop a teeny $10 Joining Fee in our account to attend our events - but your first visit to our Friday Drinks is free (some drinks nights we have restricted numbers, so these are for paid members only); meet the gang, ask us about events & get a feel for the Group.  Once you've paid your $10, you get access to our WhatsApp group and all the lovely impromptu get-togethers and special events that never get posted on MeetUp....nothing more to pay!  We guarantee you'll be heading out with us often & will meet a great group to hang with. Transfer $10, then send screenshot of deposit to 0415 532 080, your full name & we'll add you to our WhatsApp group.  Name: NJB Account: 478 883 543 BSB: 112 - 879 NOTE. Our rules for membership are quite simple : 1\. Be respectful & mindful of others' feelings  \- remember that written msgs can easily be misinterpreted\. Also\, you're responsible for your own safety and decisions\. 2\. Don't be a No\-Show\! This includes cancelling on the day of the event  Easy to avoid\.\.\.just change your RSVP if you can't make it in good time\. We have a 3 strikes per year policy; then we remove you from the group\. 3\. The organisers reserve the right to refuse membership to any person for any reason & anyone found to be detrimental to the group will be removed forthwith without further notice\. 4\. Photos taken at events get posted to NJB's social media\, and also to the personal social media of individual members\. If you're the shy type or avoiding INTERPOL\, it's your responsibility to dodge out the way when a camera is pointed at you\.
1763 members · Private

New to Sydney and Social Friends 20s, 30s & 40s

Sydney, au

New to Sydney and Social Friends 20s, 30s & 40s
New to Sydney & Social Friends is the group you're looking for to quickly make some friends, and make the most of all the events this social city has to offer (and is welcoming of everyone in the age bracket). Coming to a group the first time can be a daunting challenge, but knowing there are other people with the same predicament, who are also eager to make friends makes it a whole lot easier. There won't be any closed off cliques here, so you won't have to worry about standing idly by as other people 'catch up'. Get yourself out there and quickly make some buddies - people who are looking for friends are the easiest to befriend! Your typical member is in their 20s, 30s or 40s, worldly and experienced, with excellent taste and social skills :) We will aim for social meetings at things such as comedy shows, morning coffees, casual drinks or special events such as food and wine festivals. Our group is always easy to find, typically under a big balloon, or otherwise signposted with a photo. Ours is a group where people turn up to events, events that sometimes might require a booking. If you're RSVPd to an event - that means you're coming! Often for events at smaller venues there will be waitlists for people who want to attend but the people RSVP'd have beaten them to it. So the RSVPS will make sure to either attend the event or update their status to give other members a chance to attend, or otherwise forfeit the chance to attend similar events. We promote friendly, welcoming, considerate vibes at our events. Everyone is entitled to have a fun, safe time which means we do not tolerate behaviours putting this in jeopardy. Harassment, aggressive and stalker behaviour, other rudeness or social misdemeanours will not be tolerated - so it's rare you'll see such behaviour with us!
3214 members · Public

LGBTQI+ & Friends Hiking

Sydney, au

LGBTQI+ & Friends Hiking

It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Checking out new, intriguing and diverse landscapes and habitats both in the Blue Mountains and around Sydney. As well as exploring new and interesting external environments, it's also about getting to know each other along the way.

We like to take our time while we enjoy the fresh air, relax in nature and explore the beautiful scenery. Other than this the purpose is to connect with like-minded individuals whilst enjoying each other's company as we explore the scenic views and extensive landscape of the Blue Mountains and beyond.

Although an LGBTI+ group, membership is not exclusive to the community. It's more about connecting with open-minded people, whatever their race, sexuality, gender etc... it really doesn't matter. So if the group sounds appealing to you, then we'll look forward to meeting you at a walk some time.

From 2021 there will be a $10 gratuity for events. This will cover the one event and also all events for the calendar year.

The purpose of this is to cover direct costs of the group, not to make a profit from the group's activities. In particular equipment and the ongoing Meetup fees, making the group more sustainable.

The first (and possibly only) piece of equipment we will be buying is a personal locator beacon, helping to promote the safety and well-being of everyone who does the mountain walks by ensuring that if anyone has an accident we can request immediate access from local emergency services. <br>


Public Waiver <br>

<br>By RSVP'ing "Yes" to any of the group's events you agree that you have read, understood and accepted the below Public Waiver Section. And by attending any of our events you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own safety for the meetup. This is a requirement to be able to reserve your attendance for any of the meetup events! <br> <br>Acknowledgement and Waiver: The LGBTI & Friends Blue Mountains Walking Group advises all intending and actual participants in any of the activities of the group that any or all of those activities may be considered “adventure sport” require appropriate physical fitness, competence and equipment and may involve an element of risk. Participants engaging in any activity of the group do so voluntarily and in the knowledge of the fitness, competence and the equipment required and fully understanding and accepting the risks involved. All participants acknowledge that they take part in such activities at their own risk and will hold none of the Group, the leader(s), others involved in organising or assisting with the activity or any of the other participants in an activity responsible for any death, injury or loss that may result to them or to others through participation in the activity whether due to negligence, misadventure, accident or otherwise.

Those inviting visitors on activities, or deliberately or otherwise providing details of Group activities to others, indemnify the Group and agree that in doing so they have made the terms of this Acknowledgement and Waiver clear and that those participating in an activity as a consequence do so in full acceptance of this Acknowledgement and Waiver. The Group, its leaders, those assisting in organising and those participating in an activity may, to the fullest extent permitted by the law, rely on this Acknowledgement and Waiver as a bar or limitation to any claim for death, injury or loss that may result from such activity.

You must read the public waiver section before you RSVP any of the meetup events. When RSVPed" Yes" to any events, you warrant that all of the information you have provided is both complete and correct and you agree to the terms of this Acknowledgement and Waiver and indemnify the Group, its leaders , those assisting in organising and those participating in an activity for any death, injury or loss that may result to them or to others through participation in the activity. <br> <br>BUSHWALKING REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES: <br> <br>1. Walks are planned ahead of time as best they can be. Sometimes unforeseen events require the organiser of the walk to change the date. If you've signed up, you will be notified if this occurs. Hopefully you can still participate. <br> <br>2. Walks can also be cancelled. This is typically due to the organiser being ill or bad weather. Often these cases arise on the last minute. All organisers need to cancel a walk no later than 7:30am the day of the walk. Waiting later than that is very unfair to the participants. <br> <br>3. You should always check your email and prior to leaving your home before attending a walk to make sure there are no last minute changes. <br> <br>4. If a walk fills up and you still want to go, email the walk organiser and see if they'll let you come along. <br> <br>5. Your walk ideas are encouraged so send them to me or another organiser. It would be nice to offer more walks so come on and volunteer to be an assistant organiser. <br>

6. Any fees charged for walks are only to cover the direct costs of the group and do not indicate in any way that a service is being provided. We are merely a bunch of people going for a walk together.


1144 members · Private

International friends in Sydney (8000+)

Sydney, au

International friends in Sydney (8000+)
Welcome to International friends in Sydney! Sydney can be lonely place. It can be even more isolated if you are a bit older or if you are an expatriate who does not have a social network in the city.  You seek substantive, intelligent conversations and not mindless chatter.  You are either new to meetup or have been on meetup for a long time and are tired of how the social activities have deteriorated in the other meetup groups in London. Click on the link to have a look at some of our past events - [Photo Album]( Here you can see everyone from different cultures and races meeting and having a great time and this is what we tend to achieve everytime we host! Here is how we will do things differently Ever since Covid has occurred the world has changed ways in how we function and operate. Meeting people of various cultures has become difficult with various restrictions and with online events people rarely have the opportunity of meeting face to face and this results in not getting the right opportunity to meet in person. We will always have hosts at all our events. You will always be greeted by someone at all our events and introduced to others. (Warm & welcoming hosts to help you mingle!) Click on the link to understand [WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO SOCIALISE AT OUR MEETUPS!]( We will minimise no shows by requiring attendees to pay a deposit in advance. No shows are misleading and not fun for organisers nor for members. We will not disguise organisation costs in opaque ticket prices, commissions from bars or inflated set menu prices. We will instead ask for a small charge of a few pounds to help us manage the group and its activities. (Very Transparent) We will strive to attract a high quality membership who prefer higher quality venues and events. We will not be driven by happy hours, free food etc...(as all of these are eventually balanced out by much higher prices later) We will constantly request members to help us host events and take a lead on activities so that we have energy and variety. Click on the link to our website and have a look at our other cities that we host in - []( I very much hope that you will join us and create a vibrant social community which is close knit and high quality.
8062 members · Public

International Friends Australia

Sydney, au

International Friends Australia

Would you like to travel the world without having to book a flight or wait for holiday time? Are you fascinated with different cultures and love to discover more about the world? Would you like to be part of a cultural community and meet new people who have interesting stories to tell? Travel the world in Sydney and meet friendly people at the same time! We have many cultures of the world represented right here!

International Friends is a multicultural community in Sydney created to provide a supportive social network to unite people, broaden awareness of different cultures and encourage integration. We know how life can be challenging as a migrant, international student or even as a local. We run a range of events to promote inclusion and integration creating a closely connected community. Events include social drinks, coffee outings, cultural presentations, picnics, international dinners and more. The community provides a fantastic opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to develop valuable friendships, enhance the quality of life in Sydney and learn about the world at the same time.

Do you need visa info? As we have always helped people of different cultures settle in foreign countries we specialise in Australian Immigration so if you need visa info you can email us at visas (at)

Join this fantastic, unique international community and get ready to broaden your horizons!!

We look forward to meeting you at the next event ~ International Friends Australia


'Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit '-  Jawaharlal Nehru

'We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race' ~ Kofi Annan

'We live now in a global village and we are in one single family. It’s our responsibility to bring friendship and love from all different places around the world and to live together in peace' ~ Jackie Chan

'Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity' ~ Robert Alan

One Tribe ~ Black Eyed Peas

Heal the World ~ Michael Jackson

We are the World ~ Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie & Co

32702 members · Private


Sydney, au

**Welcome to 45+ FRIENDS!** Whether single or just ready to mingle, this group is for everyone 45+. Anyone who is 45+ is welcome! We are finally back in 2022 and have changed our name from 35+ (our name in 2012 to 45+ in 2022. Just like our group celebrates a decade, our members ages are now 45+ *-Will you join us in 2022?*  *We will soon be sharing our welcome to 2022 Meetup event soon!* ![]( We had so much fun imitating art or as it were imitating art that imitated life ... ![]( **We welcome all people from all walks of life - come on your own or with a friend - we'll introduce you & help you fit in! \* Friendship is one of the the best therapies - The more it spreads, the greater the fun - so come along, share laughs, make friends & dance with destiny - serendipitously ...** Did you really get here by chance? Now that's a discussion topic in itself! **I believe** we meet people for a reason, for a season for for a lifetime - however we meet - let's **make** the most of the present moment - of each day we live - and let's catch up regularly and remember life is meant to be a mix of shared lessons **and blessings** - shared with **others the** lessons often turn **into blessing disguise!** This group is open to all - whether single, with a partner, with friends - join us!  The more the merrier!  ![](![]( ![]( ![](![]( Join us for anything from socialising to discussions - mingle & mix & enjoy life whilst engaging in wonderful activities & making new friends with other like minded people! - What we offer -  nature walks, speak Italian &  Speak French meet ups  but also events where you can just enjoy Italian or any cuisine. Sometimes we'll watch a band by the water, sipping cocktails, then wait for the band to play whilst we have dinner then get up and dance or sit around, enjoy the music & mix & mingle with friends. What more could you be looking for! Haha suggestion? Just send me a message! We may attend the Vivid Light Festival , restrictions permitting . Here are some photos from previous years  ![]( ![]( What else do we do? We go to restaurants, cafes, patisseries - we may even mix with other Meetup groups so that we unite where our passions and interests are shared so that you feel like you are experiencing Sydney's best meetups for 45+ friends where 45+ means just that - mingling & making friends with anyone that is well over 45+ = older than 45. The goal of this Meetup is just that - to meetup and enjoy events together with other like minded individuals. This opens up a whole lot of opportunities from friendships, to experiencing new activities and much much more. ![]( **WHY NOT JOIN US NOW? -  Exciting Vivid Light Show is always a favourite - But we'll also have a** movie night, dinners, drinks to lunches overlooking the bay or ocean, discussion nights, even relaxation, mindfulness walks or talks or both, dancing, festivals, day trips, live bands, cruises, coastal walks and much more ... Fancy learning a foreign language? Thanks for all your suggestions to date - we are working on implementing as many as possible. We not only welcome your suggestions but also your willingness to share your expertise and most of all your intention to enjoy the the day whilst mingling with friends or making new friends at events. This is the group to join if you enjoy variety and mingling with a great group or if you enjoy the thought of discussion nights on anything really - happiness, relaxation, mindfulness - suggest one! **Best of all, you make many beautiful friends along the way - what more could you want** whilst enjoying many exciting, hidden and not so hidden places in this beautiful city of Sydney we live in & beyond ... any suggestion for weekend getaways? Stay tuned for all exciting events to be offered in 2022! **✔** **See you a Meet-Up Event soon! ...** ***![](*** ***![](*** ![]( to 45+ Friends!   Are you ready to have fun and mingle in 2022?   Let's make 2022 a magnificent year - one of work but also play, one of connecting with others but doing so in many an amazing place   This group has its origins 10+ years ago. Back then 35+ was our name 10 years on, we are changing this to 45+ !   When coming for the 1st time, come up & say hello so we can introduce you to other 45+ Friends so you can feel comfortable mingling from day 1.   This group is about connecting as ONE big friendly group - whether wining & dining, film nights, mindfulness or discussion nights & much much more!   After reading this, be sure to check that your email address and mobile number are included and correct. (Especially important for those members that may have changed their email/mobile over the years.)    FYI Your email and mobile number is safe with the one Organiser - me, Enza. I have been running this and other groups since 2012 and never share any information with anyone else ever.   Only the Organiser, myself, Enza has access to this information and it will stay that way. It will only be accessed, by me, if/when there are last minute changes to events, whether due to weather or as the past few years have taught us, other last minute but very important alerts at events.   In case of event changes, if time is ample, an email and an SMS will be sent to members attending - otherwise if the change is on the day, an SMS will be sent first thing in the morning to ensure all members are updated but only if the situation necessitates it. It may be a courtesy SMS to confirm the event is definitely on eg a walk when potential showers are predicted but the sun is out and we are confirming the walk is on.   Feel free to click on my name/photo to message me privately if you have any questions regarding events or you're coming alone - this does happen if a friend pulls out last minute but it also opens up a whole new world of new friends. Happy to assist. Thank you. Much appreciated. Welcome to 45+ !   Hope to see you at an event soon :)   Have you shared your mobile and email address with me? It is a condition of the group that I have a profile photo that i can recognise you from so if for whatever reason, yours is blurry or not clear, I'll ask you to sms me a clear one. This ensures fake accounts are immediately deleted from member lists. As an Organiser, I will also recognise you at events.   See you at an event in 2022!   Regards, Enza x **![](** ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( **✔** **See you a Meet-Up Event soon! ...** ***xox Enza*** ***![](*** **[![](](,d.dGI&psig=AFQjCNHbqbT3F5kHmpKsn1cGSiPbDxbAeg&ust=1373973612090760)** And if you're about to join & thinking about what happens if you need to call someone as you're unable to find the group? A mobile contact number will always be provided to those attending to ensure we are only a phone call away from reaching out to you so click on JOIN & become a 45+ FRIEND xox Enza (Admin) -
1272 members · Private