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Lancaster Healthy Cooks Club to meet and eat deliciously

Lancaster, PA

Lancaster Healthy Cooks Club to meet and eat deliciously

Lancaster has lots of great food, some of it good for us, some...not so much. What if you could attend a monthly enjoyable event with great, healthy food and learn about new, simple ways to keep your healthy lifestyle on track? We'd investigate new products together, avidly taste sample dishes that some of us have prepared, and trade tips and tricks to keep our healthy lifestyle on track. This is NOT a weight loss or MLM group. This is not a dining out club. 

Instead, it's a social and learning event, organized around the idea that all of us can find simple and delicious ways to better take care of ourselves and have fun teaching each other how to do that. You don't have to be a Cordon Bleu chef, just someone will to experiment and enjoy. All ages, genders, and every other modifier you can think of are welcome. 

What will we do at these meetings? 

We will take turns preparing our favorite finds and get together to taste and compare notes. We'll invite local food producers (so many now to choose from!) to come speak with us and present ideas and samples. We'll learn about organizations like Buy Fresh, Buy Local, CSA's, and what they do to help Farm to Fork be a reality. All, with food present, of course. 

We'll be organizing our first event for a January kickoff, just in time to help out with those New Year's Resolutions ;) Sign up with us so you'll be the first to know when we're ready to meet...and eat. Did we mention the food part? See you soon!

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