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Meet new friends groups near Saint Peters, PA

Widows & Widowers Plus Friends

Royersford, PA

Widows & Widowers Plus Friends
***"THE MISSION OF WIDOWS & WIDOWERS PLUS FRIENDS IS TO PROVIDE A SOCIAL GROUP FOR WIDOWED INDIVIDUALS AND THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A SIGNIFICANT OTHER \*\* THROUGH DEATH, TO GIVE THEM THE OPPORTUNITY TO FORM NEW FRIENDSHIPS AND RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH SOCIAL INTERACTIONS".*** \*\*For membership purposes, a Significant Other is defined as spouse, partner, companion who has passed away. The majority of our membership is widowed. Even if you are already a member of Meetup, you must also join our group through our Meetup account. If you don't join us through our group on Meetup, you will not be able to see our events. **WIDOWSANDWIDOWERSPLUSFRIENDS.COM** **YOU MAY DOWNLOAD AN APPLICATION FROM THIS WEBSITE!** SIGN IN TO MEETUP AND OUR GROUP TO JOIN. YOU WILL NEED TO ANSWER PROFILE QUESTIONS. PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR LAST NAME OR CONTACT INFORMATION PUBLICLY. WE LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU. HANG IN THERE YOU ARE NOT ALONE. WE ARE PEOPLE WHO UNDERSTAND YOUR LOSS. ***We are an activities group. We plan shared events of all kinds. Examples: dinners, brunches, picnics, movies, going to plays, outdoor activities, etc.* Members host the activities and post details regarding the event. We are about looking ahead and moving on with life in a positive way. The journey is easier when you do it with others who understand your loss!**  **When you become a member we ask you to become involved. This is "your group," please help to run "your" group.** ***Dues are $20.00 annually. Your dues will be used to pay the cost of running the group.*** ***We are not a new group. This group was formed December 8, 2010.*** ***This group has had hundreds of members come and go - lives have been touched, friendships formed. Even though we are not about dating, we have had engagements and marriages. None of that would have happened or continue to happen without the involvement and support of our wonderful members and organizers.*** **WE ALL LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU AND BECOMING FRIENDS IN THE FUTURE. BEST WISHES ALWAYS...** **The organizers . . .** **________________________________________________________________**
156 members · Private

Lets talk in Italian Greater Philadelphia

Exton, PA

Lets talk in Italian Greater Philadelphia
Ciao! This meetup is an Italian-English exchange language and culture group. It is for Italian language learners who want to converse in Italian language, learn the culture, and make new friends, and also for Italians who want to practice speaking English and make new friends with the same interests. There will be a variety of events: meeting up for coffee, dinner, lunch, festival, study groups, etc. …! I will also do my best to accommodate your suggestions for different locations and events! Please join us and enjoy the beauty of Italy! Policy: \- By joining this group’s event you accept that any injuries\, losses or damages you might incur are your responsibility and I and Lets talk in Italian Greater Philadelphia Meetup group are not liable for any losses\, injuries or damages that may occur during or near the event\. Pictures and videos will be taken at events and post on social media\, if you do not want to be in any of them please inform me prior the starting of the event\. \- All Lets Talk in Italian Greater Philadelphia Members shall be 18 years of age and older and shall have an identifiable profile photo and a username that contains your first name or the name you want to be called\. This will help the organizer and the event hosts to recognize you when meeting in person\. Ciao! Questo meetup è un gruppo di scambio linguistico e culturale per l'italiano e l'inglese. È aperto a chi voglia imparare la cultura e conversare in italiano, ma anche agli italiani che vogliono migliorare il loro inglese e fare nuove amicizie con persone che condividono gli stessi interessi. Saranno organizzati diversi eventi come ad esempio: incontri al bar, per cena, per pranzo, alle sagre, per gruppi di studio, ecc…! In base ai vostri suggerimenti cercherò di organizare eventi diversi in località diverse. Unitevi a noi e godetevi la bellezza dell'Italia!
121 members · Public

Professional Referral Exchange-Downingtown Chapter

Downingtown, PA

Professional Referral Exchange-Downingtown Chapter

Would more great referrals help your business? Would a motivated sales force of high caliber business professionals help increase your business?

PRE (Professional Referral Exchange) is a networking group but with a lot of humility and fun! 

Our chapter meets every Wednesday in Downingtown from 7:30-8:45

Unlike your local Chamber of Commerce, we allow only one business category in each Chapter. This means that you will not be competing with other companies in your industry. Instead of "after hours" business card exchange events, we focus exclusively on your business and seek opportunities to give you referrals.

Business card exchanges only give you an opportunity to "get acquainted;" people, however, do not "do business" with your business card.

Within the structure of Professional Referral Exchange, we incorporate the elements needed to build strong ongoing relationships for your success. We ask our members to give a minimum of two referrals monthly which is consistent with our purpose.

Enjoy and explore joining our Professional Referral Exchange group that will not only refer you a lot of business but can help you solve problems that you are facing in your everyday business. 

Tens of thousands of dollars of NEW business is referred from this group every year. Bring 25+ business cards to share with our group. Meet us, and you could receive new referrals today.

Please message our organizer for more information; we look forward to meeting you soon. 

To your success!

- PRE of Downingtown

* Joining this meetup group does not mean that you're actively part of the group. Please visit a meeting for more details

111 members · Public