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Single and Lonely Help a Friend Group

Irving, TX

Single and Lonely Help a Friend Group
A breakup or relationship failure can be depressive state of mind. Let's come together to lift up spirits of a lonely feeling heart and mind. Do you feel that you need a change in your partner's behavior? If so simply demand that change and an improvement in your life and you CAN make that happen. If you cant say it write it in text message, love letter or greeting card. A Demand expressed is a Demand made, let that person go through 5 stages of grief with that Demand. With or without your help, go to counseling together if needed. Then after they accept that change is Demanded and Expected by their partner. Find ways to discuss changes slowly. It's not flipping a coin, life changes happen slowly, be patient. Demand made is Demand understood and hopefully leads to Positive Changes. In this group we can help eachother to see what happened and how to prevent it from happening again and how to move on! We may discuss how to find and erase the source of lingering pain and help you to convert that pain. Open the door into a new and happier life with more lasting and meaningful relationships. Lets help eachother, who suffers from a divorce or breakup to recover from the emotional distress and depression. You CAN do it. You just need some help and tools. Lets have meetups to provide help. We'll have some free classes about life improvement. We'll read some relevant self-help books. We'll help you regain your stability, peace of mind self-confidence and happiness which may have been shaken by a relationship gone bad. We will help you to create a better relationships, a better life and a better future. All the best to us All. We will have meetings online and in person.
126 members · Public

Finding Female Friends Past Fifty® |Dallas-Ft Worth Chapter

Arlington, TX

Finding Female Friends Past Fifty® |Dallas-Ft Worth Chapter
[Finding Female Friends Past Fifty®]( In the second half of our lives, many are finding that we are without the social connections we yearn for. And past fifty, finding friends is a challenge. I started this group in 2016 thinking that the challenge was limited to LA. But when the New York Times article about FFF>F went viral, I realized I had tapped into a demographic need. []( So, if you're looking for friends, please join us. We are a group of seasoned, interesting, and supportive women. After a few meetups, you will begin to make connections and form friendships....not overnight, but over time. True, we have had to pivot from in-person to online events for the time being. But that has not prevented us from connecting. We have a wide range of virtual events. If you live in LA, and want to join us, please consider taking an active role by becoming an event organizer or host. At 2,700+ members, your collaboration is essential. One person at the helm can't possibly produce enough events to satisfy this large and eager membership. Plus what better way to bypass the waitlist than to host or create your own event? If you want to sign up for our monthly newsletter/event listing, which includes all three of our groups (Finding Female Friends past Fifty, Kitchen Table Talks, and Being Elders). Please subscribe here: []( IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! I require a picture that shows your features--a close-up of ONLY your head & shoulders, no sunglasses, low hats, profile shots. As Organizer your picture is an essential tool, often the only way to tell one member from another. Plus it sets the tone of openness and welcoming that underscores our mission. PLEASE check your profile picture BEFORE you request membership. If your picture fails to meet the requirements, your request will be denied. Here's how to change your profile picture: []( One more thing: I must be able to communicate with you. To do so your EMAIL UPDATES and NOTIFICATIONS must be turned on in SETTINGS both on your computer and phone app. Without notifications, it will be hard to get into events, as you won't know when new ones are posted. For instructions on how to change your settings, go to the FFFF home page. Click on MORE (under the picture of the lovely ladies), then click on MESSAGE BOARD. Select our group (FFF>F). Now select "Email and notification settings." Make sure you've checked all the boxes that allow me to email and notify you. The Message Board is available on the web application, but not on the mobile app. To edit Settings on the mobile app, go to your profile icon, (bottom right corner), then go to the 3 dots icon (upper right corner). Select "Push notifications", then select "Change email updates." Make sure you greenlight all the options. Don't let a long waitlist deter you from RSVPing. There are always cancellations, and if there's a long enough list, where possible, we will add a table or make a second shift. One last thing: FFF>F IS ABOUT FINDING FRIENDS, NOT CUSTOMERS. SO COME PREPARED FOR CONVERSATION AND CAMARADERIE. AND, PLEASE, LEAVE YOUR BUSINESS-NETWORKING HAT AT HOME. Looking forward to meeting you! Dale Pollekoff, founder Corina, Organizer, DFW chapter
1087 members · Private