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Cool Cruisers Motorcycle Club

Sterling, VA

Cool Cruisers Motorcycle Club
**We are the Cool Cruisers!** **We love to ride and hang out,** **We enjoy both indoor and outdoor activities,** **We are multicultural and enjoy multi-cuisine,** **We are friendly, respectful, and put safety first,** **We ride in formation, and follow the road rules,** **More importantly we ride for a good cause,** **bring awareness and raise funds for someone in need.** **Come join us for a joy ride and make new cool friends!** *** **Cool Cruisers Motorcycle Club is welcoming all riders, beginners, intermediate, and experienced to join the club! Please note that this club is not open for sports bikes at this time just for the sake of riding style.** *** **IMPORTANT NOTE: As a member of Cool Cruisers Motorcycle club, you are required to abide by the rules of engagement at all meetups, this is for your own safety and for the safety of other riders. You are also required to sign a waiver of liability that you or anyone representing you cannot sue the Group's organizer(s), event host(s), ride captain(s) or the Cool Cruisers Motorcycle club for any property damage or bodily injury which may occur while participating in a meetup event. Rules of engagement and liability waiver must be completed, signed and returned to the organizer(s) prior to your first meetup/group ride. Please email the organizers if you haven’t received these documents yet, and they will get it to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping the club safe and healthy for all.**
17 members · Private

Tennis Friends in Loudoun

Ashburn, VA

Tennis Friends in Loudoun
Hi All This is a group we can play tennis together. Mostly the events will be all levels and doubles game. But sometimes the event organizer may open events for certain levels and/or singles game. Events mostly happen on the courts in Herndon, Sterling and Vienna. We are more fun tennis group than competitive group. But if someone cancels RSVP last minute or does no show, then it is difficult to arrange events. Also, if someone does not have any experience and wants to learn tennis from this group, it may be OK but we don't provide any lessons. So, we made some rules for the group events. Please see the rules and understand what we do here. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- TENNIS Event RULES \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- 1\. Always RSVP before you come to the event\. This helps in organizing and for reserving the courts\. Note\, without RSVP you may not have a spot\. 2\. If you RSVPed "Yes" and later decided to not come\, please change the RSVP to "No" so the first member on the waiting list can get your spot\. Please avoid no show and late cancellation\. If you do no show more than 3 times in a year or you do 2 no shows consecutively\, you may not be invited in any events in future\. 3\. The cancellation on the day of event will be regarded as no show\. So if you want to cancel\, please cancel your RSVP at least one day earlier\. 4\. Members are expected to arrive on time and stay for the duration\. If you expect to be late more than 15 minutes\, please send a text message to the posted organizer's phone number\. We usually play 2 hours or more\. If you think you cannot stay for 2 hours\, please don't make RSVP\. 5\. We will practice for warming up for 10 minutes and play games\. We'll play doubles games\. 6\. If you are a member on the waiting list\, please don't come until there is cancellation and you moved in to the RSVP list of the event\. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Also, this is a guideline for self rating. This is not perfect but still useful to understand what level you're in. \[1\.5\]: This player has limited experience and is still working primarily on getting the ball into play\. \[2\.0\]: This player needs on\-court experience\. This player has obvious stroke weaknesses\, but is familiar with basic positions for singles and doubles play\. \[2\.5\]: This player is learning to judge where the ball is going although court coverage is weak\. Can sustain a short rally of slow pace with other players of the same ability\. \[3\.0\]: This player is fairly consistent when hitting medium paced shorts\, but is not comfortable with all strokes and lacks execution when trying for directional control\, depth\, or power\. Most common doubles formation is one\-up\, one\-back\. \[3\.5\]: This player has achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots\, but still lacks depth and variety\. This player exhibits more aggressive net play\, has improved court coverage\, and is developing teamwork in doubles\. \[4\.0\]: This player has dependable strokes\, including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate shots\, plus the ability to use lobs\, overheads\, approach shots and volleys with some success\. This player occasionally forces errors when serving\. Rallies may be lost due to impatience\. Teamwork in doubles is evident\. \[4\.5\]: This player has begun to master the use of power and spins and is beginning to handle pace\, has sound footwork\, can control depth of shots\, and is beginning to vary game plan according to opponents\. This player can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve\. This player tends to over hit on difficult shots\. Aggressive net play is common in doubles\. \[5\.0\]: This player has good shot anticipation and frequently has an outstanding shot or attribute around which a game may be structured\. This player can regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls and can put away volleys\, can successfully execute lobs\, drop shots\, half volleys\, overhead smashes\, and has good depth and spin on most 2nd serves\. \[5\.5\]: This player has developed power and/or consistency as a major weapon\. This player can vary strategies and styles of play in a competitive situation and hits dependable shots in a stress situation\. \[6\.0 to 7\.0\]: The 6\.0 player typically has had intensive training for national tournament competition at the junior and collegiate levels and has obtained a sectional and/or national ranking\. The 7\.0 is a world\-class player\.
160 members · Private

Hike for Beer, VA

Bluemont, VA

Hike for Beer, VA

This group is for anyone interested in hiking longer distances (7+ miles), trips to cool pubs, and hanging out with like-minded individuals! We hike for several hours and then head over to a local brew pub. If you consider yourself an intermediate-skilled hiker, you are welcome to join us! Hike for Beer Next Step is a great combination of fantastic outdoor exercise and fun social interactions. You will be asked to sign a liability waiver on your first hike with the group.

If you feel that you are not quite ready to join us here (beginner-easy/medium skill-level hikers who want hikes under 7 miles in length), but you want to meet us and get to know our members, join our original Meetup group (Hike For Beer) where we seriously know how to have a good time! Most of not all of our leaders and members are involved in both groups! The people in both of our groups include different generations, genders, backgrounds, and cultures and we all bond over hiking and beer, food, wine, chocolate etc... this is a great group of hikers to be part of!

Visit our website!

Meet the Organizers!

Join us on Facebook!

[Quick Note:
Hike at your own risk. This group is simply friends coming together to hike through the woods with each other and then go to brewery's and events afterwards. Please consider your own skill level when deciding which hikes you would like to participate in. If you attend a hike, you should always research the area on your own prior to hiking in order to familiarize yourself with the area and hike difficulty. If at any time during a hike you should be concerned with the trail, the duration of the hike, or your experience level, feel free to stop at any point and walk safely back after letting someone with you know.
Always hike with plenty of water!

And of course, this goes without saying, but must be said: Any time you ever consume alcohol, always drink responsibly, and NEVER drive drunk or impaired. Don't drink and drive, drive with someone who has not been drinking or take an Uber.]

3350 members · Public

Ruby LoCo

Leesburg, VA

Ruby LoCo
Important Update 12/06/21 Last Month I took over ownership of the group. I’ve been here from the start, when a random group of us met for lunch ( at Eggspectations, if i’m remembering correctly) and started talking about having a Loudoun group so we wouldn’t have to travel for meetups. The world still isn’t back to normal, and we’re heading into the dark days of winter, but i’d love to see what we can organize anyway… maybe a Saturday morning virtual code and coffee, maybe a small conference hosted on Hopin, or something. If you agree, send me a message here, a message on twitter, etc. Wake the neighbors, invite your friends, RubyLoco is about to raise the roof! David Bock IMPORTANT UPDATE 9/9/21 Ruby LoCo started 10 years ago as a casual meet up for remote workers in the Leesburg area who wanted to get out of the home office to have lunch with like minded Ruby enthusiasts. The group continued to grow as we added beer to our lunches and robots to our hack nights.  We eventually formalized on Meetup and covered costs with sponsorship from Sequoia and Custom Ink. The last few years, we’ve had a consistent monthly meeting at The Glass Half Full (Alamo Drafthouse) . Overtime, the conversations expanded to cloud and other technologies . But the original spirt of the Ruby community has remained. As the group organizers, Chris Mar and Karle Durante have been quietly maintaining the Meetup behind the scenes. We’ve kept it going through the pandemic and recently paid the Meetup fees ( $98.94/6 months) with the remainder of our sponsorship funds. Thanks Sequoia! We would like to see the group continue to meet and grow but we need to find a new organizer who can dedicate the time to host the monthly lunches and find sponsorship to continue covering the costs (expiring 11/12/21). With 436 members there remains a lot of interest for a fun casual tech meetup in the Loudoun County.  We are not abandoning the group. We’ve made a lot of great friends over the years. But we need to find an organizer to carry the group forward and plan for post-pandemic meetups.  If you are interested in organizing the group please reach out. We will be here to support you and the group. A new organizer will bring new energy and we look forward to seeing our little lunch Meetup continue to grow and provide a respite for remote workers in Loudoun County. Thanks, Chris Mar and Karle Durante
420 members · Public

Oneness of the World

Leesburg, VA

Oneness of the World

You are not alone, separate, excluded or disconnected. Discussing the science, social, and perceptual aspects of oneness in the world. Physical attendance is preferred, but you can remotely participate by opening this URL at the time of the meetings.

Explore ideas, both factual and theoretical, that you can use to expand your world view beyond what has been provided by your family, school, friends, community, ethnic group(s), social networks, schools, and history.

Intended Audience: Humans and other conversant entities, teen to old, including Elders, Baby Boomers, Gen-X, GenZ, Millennials, Religious, Atheist, Agnostics, Monotheists, Wiccans, Polytheists, etc.

23 members · Public