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Tennis Friends in Loudoun

Ashburn, VA

Tennis Friends in Loudoun
Hi All This is a group we can play tennis together. Mostly the events will be all levels and doubles game. But sometimes the event organizer may open events for certain levels and/or singles game. Events mostly happen on the courts in Herndon, Sterling and Vienna. We are more fun tennis group than competitive group. But if someone cancels RSVP last minute or does no show, then it is difficult to arrange events. Also, if someone does not have any experience and wants to learn tennis from this group, it may be OK but we don't provide any lessons. So, we made some rules for the group events. Please see the rules and understand what we do here. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- TENNIS Event RULES \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- 1\. Always RSVP before you come to the event\. This helps in organizing and for reserving the courts\. Note\, without RSVP you may not have a spot\. 2\. If you RSVPed "Yes" and later decided to not come\, please change the RSVP to "No" so the first member on the waiting list can get your spot\. Please avoid no show and late cancellation\. If you do no show more than 3 times in a year or you do 2 no shows consecutively\, you may not be invited in any events in future\. 3\. The cancellation on the day of event will be regarded as no show\. So if you want to cancel\, please cancel your RSVP at least one day earlier\. 4\. Members are expected to arrive on time and stay for the duration\. If you expect to be late more than 15 minutes\, please send a text message to the posted organizer's phone number\. We usually play 2 hours or more\. If you think you cannot stay for 2 hours\, please don't make RSVP\. 5\. We will practice for warming up for 10 minutes and play games\. We'll play doubles games\. 6\. If you are a member on the waiting list\, please don't come until there is cancellation and you moved in to the RSVP list of the event\. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Also, this is a guideline for self rating. This is not perfect but still useful to understand what level you're in. \[1\.5\]: This player has limited experience and is still working primarily on getting the ball into play\. \[2\.0\]: This player needs on\-court experience\. This player has obvious stroke weaknesses\, but is familiar with basic positions for singles and doubles play\. \[2\.5\]: This player is learning to judge where the ball is going although court coverage is weak\. Can sustain a short rally of slow pace with other players of the same ability\. \[3\.0\]: This player is fairly consistent when hitting medium paced shorts\, but is not comfortable with all strokes and lacks execution when trying for directional control\, depth\, or power\. Most common doubles formation is one\-up\, one\-back\. \[3\.5\]: This player has achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots\, but still lacks depth and variety\. This player exhibits more aggressive net play\, has improved court coverage\, and is developing teamwork in doubles\. \[4\.0\]: This player has dependable strokes\, including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate shots\, plus the ability to use lobs\, overheads\, approach shots and volleys with some success\. This player occasionally forces errors when serving\. Rallies may be lost due to impatience\. Teamwork in doubles is evident\. \[4\.5\]: This player has begun to master the use of power and spins and is beginning to handle pace\, has sound footwork\, can control depth of shots\, and is beginning to vary game plan according to opponents\. This player can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve\. This player tends to over hit on difficult shots\. Aggressive net play is common in doubles\. \[5\.0\]: This player has good shot anticipation and frequently has an outstanding shot or attribute around which a game may be structured\. This player can regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls and can put away volleys\, can successfully execute lobs\, drop shots\, half volleys\, overhead smashes\, and has good depth and spin on most 2nd serves\. \[5\.5\]: This player has developed power and/or consistency as a major weapon\. This player can vary strategies and styles of play in a competitive situation and hits dependable shots in a stress situation\. \[6\.0 to 7\.0\]: The 6\.0 player typically has had intensive training for national tournament competition at the junior and collegiate levels and has obtained a sectional and/or national ranking\. The 7\.0 is a world\-class player\.
160 members · Private

Abhyasa Ashram Antar (Inner) Yoga

The Plains, VA

Abhyasa Ashram Antar (Inner) Yoga

Abhyasa Ashram is a place of the heart rather than a physical structure. We practice universal meditation as taught by the ancient tradition of yogis of the cave monasteries of the Himalayas, especially as transmitted through the lineage of Swami Rama. Our emphasis is on Antar (inner) yoga, rather than Bahir (outer) yoga. Swami Rama: "The central teaching of Yoga is that man's true nature is divine, perfect, and infinite." The tradition has no name, and is not affiliated with any of the institutions or religions of the plains of India or other countries surrounding the Himalayas, although individual meditators may personally align themselves with a wide variety of religions or institutions. We may refer to the tradition as "the tradition of the Himalayan masters" or "the Himalayan tradition", but that is for the sake of convenience, and is not a style or brand name as is popular these days.

Our methods of meditation and contemplation involve systematic awareness of all levels of our being, including actions/senses, body, breath, mind, finally resting in the awareness of the Self (atman) which is one with the universal Self (brahman). At Abhyasa Ashram we wish for aspirant learning, not teacher training, although many of our friends are registered as teachers through Yoga Alliance. Our approach to training is mostly individual mentoring, as Yoga meditation and contemplation has been traditionally taught for thousands of years. 

The basic principles and practices of Yoga (Meditation and Contemplation) can be learned in a few minutes, but the refinement of understanding and practices becomes subtle only with considerable months and years of effort. For this reason, the people of our ashram community enjoy being together in a spirit of friendship to learn and practice.

From the perspective of our meditation tradition, each person is perfect, pure consciousness (atman, purusha, shakti) at the core of her or his being. The entire process of yoga sadhana (meditation and contemplation practices) is to reduce the colorings of attractions, aversions, fears, and false identities that usually veil that realization (often called Self-realization). This is done by systematically receding inward through senses, body, breath, conscious and unconscious mind. The final barrier is removed through a transmission of grace, which is known as shaktipata, the bestowing of the pure consciousness of shakti. It is also known as guru kripa, grace of guru. In our tradition guru is a force field of consciousness, and is not any person, although that grace of guru can flow through a person.

At Abhyasa Ashram the word "Yoga" is used in its traditional meaning, rather than the revisionist meaning of Yoga as merely a gymnastic or physical fitness program. Yoga means “union” of the individual consciousness and universal consciousness, Atman and Brahman, Jivatman and Paramatman, as well as Shiva and Shakti. It is pure consciousness (Purusha) standing alone from primal manifestation (Prakriti).

Yoga is traditionally taught, practiced and learned through close relationships in a community of noble friends, sometimes known as kalyana-mitra. Guru is a stream of knowledge of direct experience which, though it may operate through a person, is itself not a person. While some participants in ashram activities have a theistic (god) orientation and others a non-theistic orientation, we virtually all intuit that there is only one, nondual (advaita), absolute reality even though it may appear to be dualistic.

Our purpose is to share with people who have an interest in the principles and practices of the Himalayan masters, including traditional Yoga Meditation, Vedanta, and internal, meditative Tantra. Our community of meditation and contemplation is devoted to serving those who deeply long for the direct experience of union with the eternal, pure center of consciousness, the bliss of being that is one with the absolute reality, as the wave who seeks to remember it is one with the ocean. One word for that union is "Yoga."

The word "Abhyasa" means "practices." Abhyasa is purposefully choosing to do that which leads to "sthitau," which is a stable, steady, undisturbed inner calmness or tranquility. Abhyasa is one of the twin foundations of Yoga, along with Vairagya, the mental stance of non-attachment (Yoga Sutras 1.12-1.16). The root of the word Ashram is "shrama," which means "effort" or "striving." The hermitage, home, or training center of a swami or other person practicing and serving others on their journey is often called an Ashram. Thus, our community of meditation, contemplation and learning is known as Abhyasa Ashram. It is a place of the heart, an inner sanctuary of silence, rather than a physical location or building. Teaching and learning happens in a spirit of friendship of community and conversation, most often called satsang.

Our ashram is a small community of sincere and loving people, who live in many cities, states, and countries around the world. If you would like to see what we're doing, please take a look at the calendar (linked in the left column) or contact me through the "Contact Us" button if you have questions. Take a look at the ashram website, or my personal website on principles and practices, which are linked just below. You may find the video site to be especially beneficial. Many of our activities are online. Join us/me if you would like to learn and practice.

May your meditations today bring you peace, happiness, and bliss.

In loving service,

Swami Jnaneshvara ("Swamiji", "Swami J")


Ashram Website:
Online courses: 
Swami J Website on Principles/Practices:
Our video site (1,000+ videos) is at:

Click on "Join" to subscribe.

1064 members · Public

Virginia Easy Riders

Haymarket, VA

Virginia Easy Riders
Virginia Easy Riders is a motorcycle sport-touring group based primarily out of Haymarket VA.  Our riding territory extends generally through Virginia, western Maryland, and West Virginia, north to the Pennsylvania line and south as far as Harrisonburg,VA.  We enjoy riding single lane backroads and two lane mountain highways described as twisty, but also routes with interesting scenery and minimal traffic.  Interstates are sometimes used to get to and from the "playground" areas, but we try and keep interstate usage to a minimum.  Day rides on the weekends are generally 175 to 250 miles roundtrip from the meetup point, which is usually near Haymarket or Marshall.  Weekday rides of 150 to 175 miles are occasionally scheduled, usually on short notice as work schedules permit.  Pit stops are taken about every 90 minutes and a lunch stop is always included.  Lunch can be anywhere, although we don't do fast food shops.  Several members of the group enjoy riding year round if that interests you. We encourage safe, responsible, and pleasurable motorcycle riding.  While women and men of all experience levels are welcome, our pace is usually brisk and we enjoy leaning into the technical stuff.  But always, RIDE YOUR OWN RIDE! All types of motorcycles are suitable for our trips although it helps to have a bike with a bit of ground clearance.  Members are currently riding larger bikes including Harleys, Goldwings, BMWs and others.  We avoid gravel and dirt routes. We ask that you respect all of your fellow riders and avoid displaying any potentially offensive words or symbols.  Please read and honor the following ride guidelines: 1\. Ride no more than 70% of your skill level to leave room for error\.  We will wait for you at turns and forks\. 2\. New/slower riders in the back\, experienced/faster riders in the front\. Ride leaders will wait at all turns for any riders separated by traffic conditions or riding style\. 3\. Riders with a desire to be in a certain position \(i\.e\.\, wing person\, sweep\) should express that at the pre\-ride check\-in\. Riders should maintain their position in line from designated stop to stop so that line adjustments can be safely communicated\. 4\. Keep a safe and consistent distance from the rider in front of you\.\(interstates 50\-75ft\.\, divided 75\-100ft\.\, unlined 100\-150ft\.\)\.    5\. Maintain staggered positions in closer formations on interstates and divided highways to prevent traffic from splitting the group; single file on twisty and/or unlined roads\.  6\. When the person in front of you passes a car on back roads\, do not assume you also have enough space\, do not follow right away unless the road is clear\. When you pass a car on back roads\, continue at passing speed well past the car being passed to allow those behind you enough room to safely pass also\. 7\. If the rider in front of you goes down\, do not look at the fallen rider\, look for the escape route so that you don't run over the rider\. 8\. Pay attention to the road\, look for road hazards such as gravel\, tar snakes\, black ice\, pot holes\, animals\, etc\. 9\. Do your best to be skillful in emergency situations\, don't just give up\. 10\. Be courteous to one another on the road; and\, no smoking while riding\. 11\. Slow down before sharp turns\, blind hills\, and blind corners\. 12\. Do not pass the ride leader for everyone's safety\. 13\. In entering main roads from an intersection\, do not assume the turn signal on a car who has the right of way is true\, wait for the car to turn before entering the street\. 14\. If the ride leader slows down and stops on the side of the road  \(usually turning on his flashers in advance\)\, slow down in single file and stop single file behind him as far to the right as safely possible so that the leader may have a clear view from the left mirror\. The Leadership Team Bike inspection tips All riders: I can not impress enough the importance of thoroughly inspecting AND test riding your bike in the week before our weekend rides especially the long ones.   These comments apply to you if:   1) you're not regularly riding and/or 2) you haven't ridden your bike in over a month and/or 3) you've had your bike in a repair shop and the only test riding you've done is to ride it home. Unless home is over 10-15 miles away.   Food for thought:   \- Check tire pressures before every ride \!\!\!  Bring a gauge with you\. Don't waste your money on cheap gauges\. Buy the best\.   \- Check oil   \- Check brake pads   \- Inspect/lube the chain OR inspect the drive belt \- No you do NOT typically lube a belt \!\!\!   \- Check clutch cable\. The inner wire cable usually has a small area exposed at top when you depress the lever and many times it wears out right at the lever   \- Check all lights and horn   \- Rubber seals dry out and leak when any vehicle sits for a long time\. Look for oil leaks on the inner fork tubes and engine\. Look underneath the bike at the bottom of the engine with a flashlight\. This is where the oil leaks go to in many cases if you can't see it on the sides or front\.   \- Mechanical equipment in many cases give warnings that something is wearing out ie\. strange noises\, vibrations\, Oil pressure  light occasional flickers, bike handles differently,  etc. You know your bike better than anyone always watch and listen for these warnings. Look for things that might be wrong. Some riders may not want to know it because it's gonna cost them money but you can't stick your head in the sand on this one. A break down 100 + miles away and the major inconvenience to you and us all will be more costly.  One rider recently paid $300 for a 75 mile tow to the nearest Harley shop.    \- Starting: Unusual starting or unusual hesitation when accelerating   \- Battery:  Wet cell batteries only last a couple years. Stop using them as soon as possible.  And in most cases they act up intermittently and in the worst situations. I've found that the AGM sealed are the best. The new lithium batteries are still on the fence ie.  they are too new and don't have a dependable track record yet. You'd be one of the ginny pigs if you buy one right now. I've found that batteries in general are extremely variable in their life span.  But how you maintain it is a huge factor.  Pay close attention to the battery power while starting. Did the starter turn nice and fast or was it slower than usual or have a fast then slow hesitation ?  And if you ever hear the ole "click" like one of our guys did this past Sat ride then check the cable connections if tight. If all OK there then yank out that battery and get it tested before attending a ride.  This is a big reason why you should start your bike by Tues or Wed prior to every ride especially if you have an older bike  (over 5 yrs) or and old battery  (over 2 yrs) and especially if you don't ride more than once a month.   Every time you let your battery run down (even if it doesn't go completely dead) you're not only reducing the life of the battery but you are also reducing the amount of charge that it will hold when "fully" charged as per the LED's on a battery tender. The best way to maintain a battery is to start it out on a tender immediately after purchase and never forget to plug it in after every ride. I've gotten 12 yrs out of a Harley Factory battery.  Due to alot of riding every weekend plus keeping it on a charger all the time. 2 HD service mgrs I know both said they've never seen anyone get even 10 yrs from battery.   If you don't have your battery on a battery tender charger you need to invest $30 for one and keep it on the charger all the time the bike sits. DelRay sells a good one. Tender Junior at WalMart. I just bought a new one there for only $28.   \- When possible take it out for at least a 10 mile spin during the week\. Find an open road so you can open up the throttle some\. Especially if you don't ride more than once a month\.   So please respect everyone else's ride and time. Do the visual inspection at a bare minimum and ideally do a test ride prior to our rides.   If any questions call or text me [703-304-6670](tel:7033046670)   Thank you, Larry Co-Organizer Virginia Easy Riders Group | [![](]( | Virus-free. []( | | --- | ------------------------- | |
24 members · Private

Divine Collaborative

Haymarket, VA

Divine Collaborative
Welcome to The Divine Collaborative, a sacred space where the mystical meets the mundane, and where extraordinary women like you gather to explore the realms of spirituality, intuition, and self-discovery. 🌟 Are you intrigued by the mysteries of the universe? 🔮 Do you yearn to unlock your hidden intuitive gifts? 🐾 Are you curious about the unspoken language of animals? If any of these resonate with you, then you've discovered your tribe! 🌸 Our community is a sanctuary for women who are passionate about: \- Spirituality: Embark on a journey to uncover the profound wisdom of your inner self\. \- Meditation: Find serenity in the depths of your own consciousness\. \- Sound Healing: Experience the transformative power of vibrational therapy\. \- Crystals: Harness the energy of these ancient Earth treasures\. \- Oracle and Tarot Cards: Learn to decipher the messages of the universe\. But that's just the beginning! Our vibrant sisterhood offers a rich tapestry of activities and classes every month, both in-person and online: 🎨 \*\*Intuitive Painting\*\*: Express your soul's deepest insights through art. 🍷 \*\*Wine Tasting\*\*: Sip, savor, and celebrate life's divine pleasures. 🃏 \*\*Oracle Card Readings\*\*: Dive into the wisdom of the cards to illuminate your path. 🎶 \*\*Sound Healings\*\*: Harmonize your spirit with the rhythms of the cosmos. ... and so much more! Each gathering is an exquisite blend of enlightening conversations, mouthwatering cuisine, delightful beverages, and heart-centered connections that nurture your mental and spiritual growth. At The Divine Collaborative, we're not just a group; we're a sisterhood of extraordinary women walking a path of authenticity, love, and openness. Our mission is simple yet profound: to nurture, empower, and encourage each other on this journey called life. Join us and step into a world where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, and where deep connections and spiritual growth become your constant companions. Let's authentically do life together, dear sister. 🌟🌙🔮💖 Are you ready to embrace your divine potential? We can't wait to welcome you into our circle! 🌟🌈🌠 Join us now and awaken your inner mystic!
88 members · Private