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Meet new friends groups near Mc Lean, VA

Lessons for Beginning a New Relationship

Washington, DC

Lessons for Beginning a New Relationship

Have you ever seen how unhappy a person is who is stuck in a bad relationship? On the other hand, have you ever noticed how much joy a good relationship can bring to a person? Especially if you feel like staying away from relationships for a while, you need the Lessons for Beginning a New Relationship!

How do you start off a new relationship on the right foot?

How do you avoid common mistakes?

How do you make sure he or she is the right person for you? What are the red flags?

Many people choose partners based on chemistry, common interests, or on the potential partners' education or success. Unfortunately, how to choose partners is not that easy. Otherwise, we will all be happy by now, and the divorce rate in America will not be as high as 40 to 50 percent.

So, what are the deciding factors?

Come to our meetings and find out!

In this group, we will have free Zoom meetings held by relationship experts, and in these meetings, you will

- Find out why the more you need someone, the less you will be able to find someone

- Find out what you need to do BEFORE you start dating again

- Discover who you really want in a relationship

- Find out a completely new way to pick the right partner for you

- Learn a powerful tool to get others to love you

- Learn how to know whether someone is right for you or not

Our meetings are always free, and afterward you will also have the option to talk to a relationship expert about your personal situation.

See you at our meetings!

This group is created by the Dianetics & Scientology life improvement information center in Washington, DC.

2047 members · Public


Fairfax, VA


The name of this group is “Active Friends Travel With Friends of The World."

Who We Are

We are a fun and friendly group of passionate budget minded travel enthusiasts.  Our group provides the opportunity for you to travel with friends whether it is a day trip, weekend getaways, cruises or local and international travel.  Besides trips, we offer a variety of local activities that include visits to museums, wineries, top rated restaurants, theatres, embassies, ethnic dining, unique cultural activities and so much more.  This group is good for all ages and there is something for everyone.  We do not care whether you are a junior, senior or retired.  Our only requirement is that you come with a good attitude and a desire to explore new adventures and new experiences while building lasting friendships.  Do not let not having a roommate stop you from traveling.  Join our group and we will help you to find a roommate so as to avoid that terrible single supplement:

This meetup group was not created for the benefit of any travel professionals to use  to further their business.  Therefore these individuals are barred from organizing or hosting any events within this meetup group.  Check out our many events already scheduled.  As a new Meetup group, we are looking for volunteer hosts to host events.  Please contact the organizer if you are willing to host an event.  The more volunteer hosts we have to host events, the more participation we will have from the members and the more successful this meetup group will be.  We need your help, participation and contribution to make this , your meetup group, a fun and exciting group to belong to.  

Membership Policy

We are happy to have everyone join the group regardless of your age, nationality or religious affiliations.  The experiences within the group will be enriched by full participation by many.  However, the Organizer reserves the right to remove individuals from the group for lack of participation, inappropriate behavior (harassment, abuse, disrespect etc. of any member/organizer) and actions not in the best interests of the group.  That decision will be made by the Organizer.  Additionally, new members must abide by the Cost of Becoming a MemberPhoto, Limitations on Use of Member Contact Information, Liability Waiver, Comment Guidelines and Guidelines for Hosts policies and all subsequent future policies to be described on this page.

Cost of Becoming a Member

Currently, there is no charge for membership in this Meetup group. The Organizer pays the required semi-annual Meetup dues to maintain the site and do the many detailed work to provide a  a variety of activities for the enjoyment of everybody.  As a volunteer, the Organizer will plan and execute the details of group events as best as can be done. However, some circumstances may develop that are beyond her control. Good members will appreciate those efforts and show understanding with a good attitude when circumstances beyond her control arise.

Photo Policy

For consistency, new members failing to submit a photo of himself or herself may be sent the following message: 

“We are happy that you have joined our travel group.  In order to continue to be a part of this group, it is mandatory that you upload a current profile photo of yourself so that all members of this group can see who will be joining them on these events (in all fairness to the other members who have uploaded their photos). Please do so within the few two days, otherwise, we will have no choice but to disallow your membership.”

Photos of cute animals, cartoons, beautiful landscapes, flowers, objects etc. are not acceptable photographs. Photos prior to an event really do help when groups gather to verify that those who have indicated the desire to participate in an event have shown up.

Members dropped as a result of non-compliance with the photo policy may submit a photo and resubmit their request for membership.

Limitations on Use of Member Contact Information 

This group is not made available by the Organizer for others to use for promoting their interests outside of this group.

The main purpose of this Meetup group is to bring people together who have a passion for travel to share their travel stories and develop deep friendships that might result in them traveling together individually or within a scheduled group. The Organizer will offer travel opportunities for the group - both near and far.  Members may choose to participate in these trips/events or not. 

This Meetup is not provided for professional travel agents, other travel professionals or members to solicit business among Members.  Please refrain from using the Meetup and its members solely for solicitation.  Professionals and members may participate in events, but must refrain from doing so just to “sell” products.

If the Organizer becomes aware of anyone violating this policy, they will be removed from the group.

Guidelines for use of Conversation/Comment Section Within an Event

The conversation section of an event is to be used by members/organizer to share information about that event that will benefit the members attending that event.  If you need to communicate any information to just one individual, it is recommended that you contact that member directly through their profile.  Since this is a public website, it is recommended that no personal information such as phone numbers/home addresses be included in this section.  We do not need to know your personal reasons why you cannot attend an event.  A simple respond YES or NO is sufficient.

The conversation section is also used by members to show appreciation to the volunteer event host/organizer after an event has concluded.  We welcome your positive feedback as an encouragement to the volunteer host/organizer for putting on these events for your enjoyment.   It takes a lot of time and energy to plan, organize, coordinate and manage these events.  Good members will recognize and appreciate these efforts..

The conversation section of an event is NOT to be used as a sound board or a gripe session.  Any comments of this nature will be deleted.  If you have a personal concern, you should direct it privately to the individual involved and not burden the rest of the members with something that does not concern them.  Failure to abide by the comment guidelines might be cause to be removed from this meetup group without further notice.

Guidelines for Event Hosts

The Organizer encourages members to volunteer to host Meetup events.  Please volunteer if you think you can provide that service for the benefit of the group.

There may be times people will volunteer to host events.  Such events must be submitted for review/approval by the Organizer. If you wish to host an event, please submit a description of the event for review to include type of event, date, time, location, cost (if any), number of participants etc.

1)  All events must be submitted to me and be approved by me, the Organizer before being posted.

2) The Organizer reserves the right to delete events deemed not appropriate. These include, but are not limited to: 

-Unapproved Parties in private homes.

-High risk activities (e.g., rock climbing, sky diving, bungee jumping etc.). 

-Advertisements posted by travel and other professionals masquerading as Meetups.

-Events promoting one’s personal business for personal gain.

-Events requiring members to pay any kind of money to Event Hosts.  Some events may require a fee.  Members may pay a fee to a third party.  For example, member will buy food at a restaurant; member will buy ticket to an event; or member will pay deposit or tour fee to a professional tour company, as examples. (See Item 3 below.)

-Events cross posted from other Meetup groups by Event Hosts unless approved by Organizer of the other Meetup group and this Meetup group.

-Meetups that automatically repeat.

-Meetups with absentee Event Hosts or with none or vague info as to how to find the Event Host & group.

3) Meetup does not allow Event Hosts to collect money through Meetup.  Furthermore, the Organizer prohibits offline payments to Event Hosts.  Only the Organizer is allowed to schedule events involving collection of money.    Any exchange of money by members, other than with the Organizer, is outside of the Active Friends Travel With Friends of the World Meetup group and all risks are strictly assumed by the parties involved.

4)  Event Hosts are prohibited from scheduling group trips (beyond day trips) without the Organizer's approval.  The organizer understands that there are so many exciting places out there to visit and she cannot possible go everywhere.  Members are encouraged to bring their ideas of places they would like to visit and if they are willing to act as host, within the guidelines established by the organizer, they may be granted permission to host a group trip to someplace they would love to go.  Please contact the organizer directly with the details of your trip before you book it.

Hosts will be expected to answer questions posed by those interested in the event, to greet event attendees, as possible, and to make all attendees feel welcome to the event.  Hosts must alert the Organizer of any concerns about the conduct of the Meetup event and its participants, especially the failure by any Member to abide by the conduct expected and outlined in the Liability Waiver section.

Liability Waiver

I am happy to have you join us on our Meetup events. By signing up for an Active Friends Travel With Friends of the World event you are agreeing to the terms of the Liability Waiver in the Pages section of this Meetup and will conduct yourself in a way that is mindful and considerate of the health, safety, and welfare of yourself and other participants in the Active Friends Travel With Friends of the World Meetup activity. 

3996 members · Public

Meet People and Communicate Washington DC

Washington, DC

Meet People and Communicate Washington DC

This is a group for people to push themselves to communicate more, to stand up to their own views and ideals and to express them.

In this group, we're going to get out of ourselves and communicate. Do you feel you have been too introverted, thinking too much about your own problems? It's time that you go out and meet the rest of the human race. As a result, chances are you will find out that life is more meaningful than you have thought.

This group is going to be useful for shy people, for quiet people, for social life improvement, and for career improvement, because in the workaday world, people who can communicate warmly, people who can talk about and promote something, and the people who can be assertive and lead are the people who rise up and become more valued by their colleagues and clients. Of course all of these mean you have to up your game on communication.

Specifically, we will have workshops to practice communication and public speaking, and we'll have workshops to discuss how to start and improve relationships. It's because communication and relationships tend go hand in hand. You can't improve one without improving the other. You will meet professional communication coaches and learn from them, and you will meet other attendees whom you can apply what you have learned and practice communication with.

This is a free group. Our pay is knowing that we have improved someone's life by teaching him or her better communication skills. We will have weekly free Zoom meetups.

This group is created by the Dianetics & Scientology life improvement center in Washington DC.

WHO IS THE GROUP ORGANIZER: My name is Tony. I have been coaching people on communication skills for many years now, and in the recent years I have especially been helping people practice public speaking skills. I think communication is the most important thing in the universe. I look forward to meeting you and be of assistance.

1752 members · Public