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Meet new friends groups near Martinsburg, WV

Adventure Recreation Group

Cross Junction, VA

Adventure Recreation Group
Come join Adventure Recreation Group! Get outside, have some fun and adventure - meet new friends. Adventure Recreation Group (ARG) is all about having fun and getting some exercise in the process. We will be hiking, kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding, mountain biking, camping and cooking outside - riding motorcycles. Other activities can be added of course. It’s all about fun and friendship NOT competition, all are welcome.- In addition to our main group we are also hosting an **ARG Auxiliary** \- which is basically another group within ARG for spouses and others who want to have fun in less physical ways\, such as beading\, rock painting\, card making\, and board games\, and maybe an occasional glass of wine while the rest of us are out on our adventures\. We will be doing something most weekends - weather and situations permitting. This group is still new and I am looking for both members and people who want to help lead and coordinate our outings as Event Leaders and Coordinators. There is also a Facebook group and I am working on a YouTube channel, because it's great to document the "adventure" and gives those interested a glimpse into what they can expect from joining ARG. Please note that personal safety is always your own responsibility at all times. Adventure Recreation Group and its founders, organizers, leaders, and event coordinators are not liable for any injuries or losses you may suffer under any circumstances. So always know your own limits, use sound judgment and follow standard safety practices in all you do. Participation is acceptance and agreement to allow the use of any pictures, audio, video etc. as we see fit to promote the group. All events will be posted here on Meetup and additional details will be available on my site and in the FB group. You are invited so come join us now!
65 members · Public

Have You Had a Spiritual Experience? Shepherdstown ECKANKAR

Shepherdstown, WV

Have You Had a Spiritual Experience? Shepherdstown ECKANKAR
280 members · Public

Mountain Mamas

Berkeley Springs, WV

Mountain Mamas
**PLEASE READ BEFORE JOINING!** Mountain Mamas is a group of **gay/lesbian women whose identified sex at birth is female**, covering the Quad-State area (WV, MD, VA, PA) with diverse interests gathering together for fun, friendship and support. Our family has been together since 1990! **COVID Policy:**  For the protection of our members, attendance to any in person M&M event is an implicit agreement to notify host and allow release of your name to attendees if you test positive for COVID within 3 weeks after attendance. Please do not attend an in-person event if you have felt ill 2 weeks prior to scheduled event. Past events have included: > **Camping, superbowl parties, concerts at the museum, hiking, football parties, picnics in a park, movies,    kayaking, potlucks, Pride events, theater, bicycling, card games, marches on Washington, book clubs,    board games, concerts at Shenandoah and Shepherdstown U., just to name a few!** > If you request to join our group and you don't have a profile picture that shows your face, we will ask that you send one. You may also be requested to confirm your identity if your Meetup groups are hidden. This is for everyone's safety. **Membership Requirement:** We respect the fact there are birth sex, gender identity and sexual orientation variations and encourage those who fall outside our groups makeup to seek out other groups that would closer meet their needs. Our membership consists of **gay/lesbian women whose identified sex at birth is female.** **Financial Support:** There are no fees to join, but we appreciate contributions to help cover cost of the Meetup sites annual fee ($198.00)! Until we can meet in person again (due to COVID), we now have a zoom account making virtual events possible.... cost/month of $16.00. Scroll down for more details on how to contribute. **M&M Online Zoom/ In Person Etiquette:** Mountain Mamas strives to provide a safe space for our members that are and enjoyable and meaningful, In order to achieve this, it is vital that the group’s synergy is maintained. We strive to ensure our members feel safe, supported, respected, and confident that sensitive personal information stays within the confines of the group. If a member is disruptive during an event and/or disrespectful to others, the member will be taken aside or contacted by an event coordinator to address the problem. Examples may include, but are not limited to: Appearance of intoxication; negative change in behavior that is noticeable to others and draws attention away from the event; excessive talking and/or interrupting others; speaking in a loud or obnoxious manner; frequent vulgarity or profanity, inappropriate sexual remarks, making racist or other derogatory remarks; and engaging in intimidating or threatening behavior. Members participating in online events must be respectful in interactions with people and in content posted on the platform. "Comment" section under events is not to be used for airing personal grievances or conflict towards group or member(s). Behavior that undermines the integrity of the group, violates personal boundaries, or serves to intentionally upset members is unacceptable. If issue is resolved, member can return to event. If it is not possible to resolve the problem: \- the individual may be muted and video turned off and/or will not be allowed to return to the event in progress\.   Severe infractions or repeated occurrences of negative, disruptive behavior may result in revoking membership, at the discretion of the coordinators.   **How To Contribute Financially:** **Financial Support:** There are no fees to join, but we appreciate contributions to help cover cost of the Meetup sites annual fee ($198.00) and Zoom @ $16.00/month. Contributions towards supporting our expenditures can be made by check or Paypal:   Checks - make out to: Gisele Aoussat 216 Iris Mountain Lane, Berkeley Springs, WV. 25411   OR through Paypal @  Contributions are recorded to the Mountain Mamas Meetup account.
382 members · Private

Blue Ridge Transgender Ladies

Boonsboro, MD

Blue Ridge Transgender Ladies

This Is a group for transgender women, cross dressers, and transsexuals to get together together socially in safe, transgender friendly venues.
We have sister groups in Rehoboth beach,Baltimore,Annapolis,Fredericksburg and Washington D.C. that we work very closely with
This is a transgender womens group, we do not accept Admirers or men as members and they are not welcome at our events,wives, husbands and significant others are.This is not a group to join if you are looking to sell your goods or services to our members

Our primary goal is support and empowerment of Transgender woman,here are some of the things that we do


For those just starting out and looking to meet other woman in our group, we hold Beginning Girls Get Togethers in a members home on a Saturday evening. It is an opportunity to meet others in our group, in a safe, privet setting,show up dressed or you may come early and get ready there .There will be a mix of new members and members that have done this for a while, you can get to know some of members in the group so you have a friend when you venture out to our other events.

Beginning girls get togethers are held 1 week before a Social

Chaparone Program:

For ladies new to stepping out, for the first couple times, we offer the Chaprone program. This program pairs new ladies with ladies who are senior members of our group. The senior lady will be at the new ladies side all evening, helping to calm nerves, answer questions and be there to support the new lady.

There is no cost for this service. If you are interested in having a Chaparone for a Social,, or would like more information, please contact Julie De’mon.

Out and About events

This is a very active group socially,there are all kinds of events,Friday at Freddies',Drag shows,Karaoke nights at Shooters,Game night at the Continental Pool Lounge,Movie night,Dinner out,Sunday brunch,live music at JV's restaurant,live bands at transgender friendly places,and we cant forget Wicked Jesable our favorite band and so much more this group is all about going out and being all the woman you can be

The main events for our group are the Hotel Socials
We have Socials every 6 weeks at a major hotel in the D.C.area,basicly we take over the restaurant and lounge for the night,these are our big events,most are theme events,Valentines day,Spring fling,start of Summer,end of Summer,Halloween,and a our big event the Holiday Social,we tipically have between 50 to 80 Ladies attend with the Holiday Social having 100 girls
At all of our SocialS you can have dinner before at the same hotel,it is important to us to have food and theSocial at the same place,its just safer and more conveniant

144 members · Public