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Networking groups near High Wycombe, B9


Windsor, 03

***"*Create new possibilities "** **Hi Welcome to The Womans Empowerment Network** Click here to watch my intro video [Introduction to the womans empowerment network ]( **The Woman's Empowerment Network Focuses on connections, helping people develop and thrive.** **Psychology shows that when we approach our life in a holistic way, it improves our mental health and wellbeing -hence we are more likely to thrive and flourish, feel happier and more content. This is achieved through a number of ways such as connecting with others, creating meaning and purpose in your life, having a spiritual or religious framework, getting your needs met, having fun and work that you enjoy.** People can struggle because a need isn't met or they are not attending to any of those aspects above, In this network I bring the things that light me up, have made a difference to my life and what has helped many of my clients in my work as a psychotherapist/coach, service lead , programme designer and yoga and meditation teacher . I originally joined a meet up in 2011 . I found it hard at first to go to events and become more social after bringing up my children and being mostly academic , then a group of us set up a social group in Windsor and I enjoyed three years of weekly events meeting many different people . I knew that other woman like me were also finding it hard to get out and make new friends . [Mels Bio]( **Any questions email Mel** **Using the Five Ways to Wellbeing Model as well as all sorts of tools and ideas from positive psychology ,Law Of Attraction, Yoga , Meditation, Mindfulness and holistic /alternative approaches that help us do just that.** **see below for the webinar i did on mental health and wellbeing earlier in the year with a intro to some of the psychological models and tools we can use** [Introduction To Starting Your Journey …. – Melanie Gabbi]( **\*\*please , if you want to join , have a photo and remember this is a woman only network** **please also note for online classes etc we need people to keep cameras on and help each other stay safe\*\*** **We encourage woman at any faith, age and stage of their life to join us in any of the face to face and online events. Come along , connect, network, learn and share so that you create a life you love.** **We do this by organising events and sharing a range of concepts, ideas and tools and help you develop new skills and strategies as well to create the life you'll love and deserve** **(We highlighted that we will aim to bridge spirituality and psychology please note we are not a religious group nor affiliated with any spiritual groups but seek to open the space to people wanting to explore this in more depth. We are open to all ideas of spirituality)** **Contact me for more info** **This meet up is designed to create a non-judgemental space and a sense of community for woman who may identify with the following.** **Are new to or would like to explore life, psychology, spirituality in safe non-judgmental spaces through discussions and workshops** **Are at a stage of life where you want to discover what you want and need.** **Do you want to feel more empowered** **Do you want to build confidence, self-esteem and focus** **Would like to learn techniques to improve Wellbeing and manage stress and low-level mental health issues.** **Currently we have a few groups running that you can try** * **The Wellbeing & Coaching Group** * **MMM-Chinese 5 element Yin Yang Yoga & Meditation** * **Exploring Spirituality Sessions** * **Meditation Sessions** * **Stress and Stress management** * **Workshops** * **Webinars** * **Panels** * **Face to face events such as festivals, MBS festivals, wellbeing days, MMM half retreats and music festivals will be held in the SouthEast and SouthWest** **\*see wellbeing event pages for each event and location as well as links to get tickets\***
235 members · Public

Chiltern Business Club

Great Missenden, B9

Chiltern Business Club
Chiltern Business Club was formed in 1993 as a self-governing association of business men and women in the Chiltern area. The club meets at 8pm on the third Tuesday of every month except August, at Missenden Abbey in Great Missenden. Members have the option of dining, for a modest fee, at 7p.m. before the meeting. They also have the use of the Abbey's bar. The club evenings are normally arranged around a specialist speaker on a wide range of topics relevant to small businesses. Attendance at meetings is free, and members are encouraged to bring friends and business colleagues as guests. The club organises a full programme of social events throughout the year, including an summer 'soiree', a Christmas function plus visits to a variety of business and social venues. The club is sponsored by Missenden Abbey Management Centre. In order to achieve its aim of becoming the most comprehensive business club in the Chilterns, the Club, in addition to providing specialist speakers on topics of business interest and organising social events, offers many other benefits to its members:- •provides a regular forum where members can meet to discuss business in a relaxed environment. •promotes 'networking' between club members. •shares 'best practice' information. •supports the education/business partnership. •canvasses opinion amongst members on matters of topical interest and provides a voice to appropriate authorities. •provides local networking opportunities. •gives advice on business and training issues. •holds topical information briefings.
192 members · Public

Maidenhead Out & About

Maidenhead, B9

Maidenhead Out & About
...About ***US*** > • An **open-minded**, **multicultural**, **strong** and **vibrant** **community** with a refined taste in **performing arts**, **culture**, **entertainment** and **fun**, as well as **sports**, gastronomy and wine events; bringing together **170+ locals** originating from **over 40 countries**, of which a fair number of **British**, then **French**, **Spanish**, **Italians**, **Germans** and **Indians**. > • Our assistant and events organisers (10 currently) have hosted **over 1,500** successful **gatherings** since the project inception in May 2009. As an average, we host an average **20 to 25 events per month**! > • We are responsible for many **friendships** and **happy couples**, **four weddings** and **three baby boys**!... ...About ***YOU*** > • **British**?... **African**?... **American**?... **Asian**?... **Australian**?... **European expat**? > • You may be **new in town** and/or simply looking at **broadening your social network and cultural circle**? Come and share your interests with **like-minded locals**. > • Make **new connections** and **befriend** with enthusiastic, fantastic and fun **international people**! ...***Top-class events in Maidenhead, Reading, London, Windsor, High Wycombe and Oxford including*** > • **Performing Arts & Culture**: acrobatics, comedy, dance, magic, concerts, live music, theatre (musicals/plays), films (foreign/independent/blockbusters), international festivals/carnivals, museums, exhibitions, public talks, lectures, quizzes > • **Entertainment & Fun**: board games, dancing, bowling, karting, theme parks > • **Sports & Fitness**: weekly football, squash, yoga lessons > • **Gastronomy & Wine**: restaurants, cooking classes, wine tastings > > > ... Oh and **please let us know if you would like to be involved and advertise your own meetup events here!** > > *Other local meetup group with a focus in outdoors, French language and culture:* **[The Reading French Language Social Group](** *
1274 members · Public

Reading Microsoft Data & AI User Group

Reading, 03

Reading Microsoft Data & AI User Group
**About Us:** This is a group that has been going since 2014 and meets every three months for anyone interested in Microsoft Data & AI technology.  We have two talks and pizza from our sponsor Coeo.  Everyone from beginners to experts some of the topics covered include: * Machine Learning * Generative AI * Power BI * Microsoft Fabric * SQL Data Warehouse * Synapse * DevOps * Security in Azure * Cognitive Services * Azure Data Factory **Logistics:** Held at our sponsor Coeo's offices we have plenty of parking.  The meeting is on the 1st Floor but there is someone at reception to direct you. Help yourself to coffee and soft drinks in the kitchen while you network.  Space is limited in the room so please let us know if you can't make it so others can. Pizza is provided and we always order a number of vegetarian and vegan items. We can also order gluten-free if we know in advance. **Speaking:** If you are interested in speaking at one of the events then please let one of the team know we are always happy to hear from new and established speakers. If you'd like to give speaking a try but don't want to do a full hour we also welcome two 30min slots and can work to pair you up with someone with a relevant topic. **Everyone must read and adhere to our Code of Conduct:** As event and experience organisers, we seek to provide a **respectful, friendly, professional experience for everyone, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, age, race, or religion**. We do not tolerate any behavior that is degrading to any gender, race, sexual orientation, or disability, nor do we tolerate any behavior that would be deemed harassment or discrimination. Individuals are responsible for knowing and abiding by our standards and we encourage everyone to assist in creating a safe and welcoming environment. Please report any concerns, suspicious activity, or disruptive behavior to the Reading Data and AI User Group Organisers so we can address issues immediately. **All group members should follow:** Throughout each interaction: * Be friendly and welcoming * Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences. * Ask yourself how you can make someone's life easier. * Be patient * Remember that people have varying communication styles and preferences. * Recognize that not everyone is using their native language. Meaning and tone can be lost in translation. * Be thoughtful * Think about how others will interpret your words. Aim for clear and productive communication. * Remember that sometimes it is best to refrain from commenting. * Be respectful and inclusive * Respect differences of opinion. * Seek to understand and build bridges, not condemn or criticize. * Make a conscious effort to include people who differ from you. * Be open and curious * Assume good intent and interpret others’ statements or questions in good faith. * Ask questions to understand, not denounce. * Focus on continuous learning. Improve upon the things you already know, tackle new things, and ask others about their expertise to deepen your own knowledge. **Summary:** * Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and empathy. * Use welcoming and inclusive language. * Be thoughtful in how you communicate in person and online. * Don’t be destructive or inflammatory. * Gracefully accept constructive criticism. * Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences. * Reach out to the organizers if you need anything.
743 members · Public