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Networking groups near Copthorne, P6

Mid Sussex Wiccans

Haywards Heath, P6

Mid Sussex Wiccans
The Crawley and Tunbridge Wells Wiccans (Wiccan Federation) is a straightforward first port of call for those in the Crawley and Tunbridge Wells area who are interested in Wicca. It is the local branch of the Wiccan Federation which is one of the major forces within the Wiccan tradition in this country. The group has the following objectives 1. To allow Wiccans to connect with like minded individuals through our network of Watsapp groups including one for Crawley and Tunbridge Wells and surrounding areas. 2. To offer training online through the 13 Knots course, and face to face training for those who progress to joining a coven. 3. To allow members to meet like minded individuals who are interested in the tradituon in pub and coffee shop based meetings in Crawley and Tunbridge Wells and through Zoom conferencing for Crawley and Tunbridge Wells Wiccans and other members around the UK 4. To provide a way for individuals to join a Wiccan coven, facilitating the practice of Wiccan rites. 5. To allow those interested in Wicca to meet with others interested on a national basis particularly on Dartmoor. 6. To provide access to written material on Wicca that is written from the perspective of those practicing in a coven setting to ensure that new members understand how experienced Wiccans practice. The group provides a straightforward access point to the Wiccan tradition and we are dedicated to facilitating access to initiatory coven Wicca for all seekers. Our Order website is below []( We also run a major Wicca website at []( The Wiccan Federation and its associated covens also hold a number of events not on meetup which are for the members associated with the covens. Although the covens are spiritual groups they are also groups of friends and hold their own gatherings. We try to avoid bringing members to events in private houses who are unknown to our network unless they are with a friend we know. Additionally we are a group for Wiccans. Our focus is on those seeking to join the Wiccan path. The group is also limited to the over 21s. We have special arrangements for those who are 20.
299 members · Public

'91 - '95 RAVE Celebrations

Worth, P6

'91 - '95  RAVE Celebrations
Ok, so I've been feeling a calling to set this group up for some time... let's see where it leads. I was out raving back in the day and had the best party years of my life in the early 90's. My first raves were illegal parties in fields, which soon switched to regular trips to clubs like Sterns in Worthing (best club in history) and the odd huge event like Universe. I used to DJ at clubs many years back, and have my decks and all my vinyl... I still love the music with a passion. Nowadays, in my late 40's (alright, literally 50 soon to be honest), I venture out once in a while to a club (usually down in Brighton) enticed by the promise of an 'Old School' night of rave music. Usually I'm massively disappointed with the choice of music played there and end up leaving before the night is over. I just keep feeling like - 'there must be other people out there who want to go out and hear the huge selection of incredible tunes that used to lift the roof off back then... surely!' So... I would like to set up some nights (or daytime events) where people can come along and hear the very best hardcore/breakbeat music from back in the 91-95 rave era. In my head, I have this idea of running nights or afternoons where we pay respect to certain record labels or styles... or take a progressive musical journey through from 91 to 95... or pay homage to a particular year ('back to 93' etc). I'd like to set up a simple visual as well which would show what tune was playing at any one time...title and label, for those wanting to know. I have an incredible selection of tunes from that period, and I have the turntables... but unfortunately this isn't enough. What we need to make this happen is a bit of a network of people able to add something to the pot. We really need - 1\. Anyone with contacts regarding a small club / bar / events venue\, that would let us set run events for a couple of hours a month at least\. Day or night\. Venue would need a reasonable sound system, with the ability to link my decks/ mixer/ monitor speaker into, 2\. Anyone with good social media skills for spreading the word to the RIGHT people when events are scheduled \(this is important as we want good natured\, like\-minded\, true fans of the music to attend \- so this can be a safe and loving environment\.\.\. as it used to be\)\. 3\. Plenty of people who love to dance to the music from that era\, to come along and enjoy some great celebrations of the 91 \-95 rave scene \!\! The only thing I can promise, is the best quality tunes... absolute belters, one after another.... no dull fillers....and decent mixing. Anyway... like I said, I have no idea where this idea will go, but you don't know until you put it out there sometimes. Life has a funny way of responding to that. Join the group and I'll organise some online or face to face meetups for us to bash our heads together and make a plan.
54 members · Public

Countryside Hiking (8-20 Miles)

Epsom, N7

Countryside Hiking (8-20 Miles)

This group organises walks that are fun and sociable. It is the "sister" meetup of Countryside Hiking (which has over 3,000 members).  The hikes for this group are focused more on longer distances and at a faster pace.

The hikes will be between 8-20 miles and will incorporate time to view the scenery, network with fellow walkers and spend time at a pub during the day. The walk will be at the core of the "event", but socialising and seeing new things will be equally important. I look forward to seeing you at a future meetup

By booking on to a Countryside Hiking (8-20 Miles Hiking meetup you accept that you are participating in any activities of your own accord, entirely at your own risk & expressly accept that neither Surrey & Countryside Hiking meetup (which includes its organisers) have any responsibility or liability for loss or injury. Furthermore, you agree that Surrey & Countryside Hiking meetup bears no responsibility for the accuracy of information regarding public transport costs, times and conditions of carriage or statistical, technical or safety specifications regarding equipment, facilities, timings or costing either on its own or others websites or documentation. Though Countryside Hiking (8-20) will endeavour to offer what it believes to be accurate information at the time of publication for any meetup, you agree that it is ultimately the responsibility of each participant or spectator to satisfy themselves of any accuracy of information direct with third party facilities, enabling companies or persons. Your booking, payment, actual or intended participation also indicates your agreement that Countryside Hiking (8-20) Hiking meetup organisers reserve the right to change at any time & without prior or written notice the start, finish, duration, location, terms for any meetup or transportation it provides wherever the event organiser deems it, without a necessity to make refunds for doing so. It is your responsibility to inform the event organiser about any relevant health condition & to ensure you’re personally satisfied with any agreed actions relating to it. We recommend you take out appropriate insurance for any activities/travel that you engage in. Thanks for reading this. And now come and enjoy the walk with us.

1795 members · Public

Croydon Communicators

Croydon, N7

Croydon Communicators

Croydon Communicators is a local club in the heart of Croydon (a stone's throw from East Croydon Station) where you can develop public speaking confidence in a supportive learning environment.

We meet every second, fourth and fifth Thursday evenings in central Croydon to develop our communication, leadership and presentation skills. It's a great way to overcome fear of public speaking and to develop confidence, as well as to meet new people and enjoy a social and educational evening.

When: We assemble from 6.45pm ready for a prompt 7.00pm start, finishing at 9.00pm, on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursdays of the month.

Cost: It is free to visit us, and we encourage guests to visit as many times as they like to experience a Toastmasters meeting, see our members put the education programme into action. If you do decide to join, as the club and organisation is run as a non-profit, membership works to be great value in comparison to other training options or courses! 

Venue: In accordance with guidance from the government, Croydon Communicators is currently meeting online for the duration of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Why should you join us?

Croydon Communicators will help you overcome your fear of public speaking in a supportive and positive environment, give you a place to practice your presentations, prepare for wedding speeches, and develop into a quality speaker for your career. It will also help you learn how to organise events, run productive meetings at your work place, lead and manage a team, and build a network of professional contacts and personal friendships.

Join us today

Our meetings are full of diverse, friendly and fun people who always welcome guests and new members. You are most welcome to attend any meeting and join us after for a drink. Sign up to our next meeting to see how they work, meet members and other guests, and be informed, educated and inspired by the speeches.

833 members · Public