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Networking groups near Horsham, P6

Mid Sussex Wiccans

Haywards Heath, P6

Mid Sussex Wiccans
The Crawley and Tunbridge Wells Wiccans (Wiccan Federation) is a straightforward first port of call for those in the Crawley and Tunbridge Wells area who are interested in Wicca. It is the local branch of the Wiccan Federation which is one of the major forces within the Wiccan tradition in this country. The group has the following objectives 1. To allow Wiccans to connect with like minded individuals through our network of Watsapp groups including one for Crawley and Tunbridge Wells and surrounding areas. 2. To offer training online through the 13 Knots course, and face to face training for those who progress to joining a coven. 3. To allow members to meet like minded individuals who are interested in the tradituon in pub and coffee shop based meetings in Crawley and Tunbridge Wells and through Zoom conferencing for Crawley and Tunbridge Wells Wiccans and other members around the UK 4. To provide a way for individuals to join a Wiccan coven, facilitating the practice of Wiccan rites. 5. To allow those interested in Wicca to meet with others interested on a national basis particularly on Dartmoor. 6. To provide access to written material on Wicca that is written from the perspective of those practicing in a coven setting to ensure that new members understand how experienced Wiccans practice. The group provides a straightforward access point to the Wiccan tradition and we are dedicated to facilitating access to initiatory coven Wicca for all seekers. Our Order website is below []( We also run a major Wicca website at []( The Wiccan Federation and its associated covens also hold a number of events not on meetup which are for the members associated with the covens. Although the covens are spiritual groups they are also groups of friends and hold their own gatherings. We try to avoid bringing members to events in private houses who are unknown to our network unless they are with a friend we know. Additionally we are a group for Wiccans. Our focus is on those seeking to join the Wiccan path. The group is also limited to the over 21s. We have special arrangements for those who are 20.
299 members · Public

'91 - '95 RAVE Celebrations

Worth, P6

'91 - '95  RAVE Celebrations
Ok, so I've been feeling a calling to set this group up for some time... let's see where it leads. I was out raving back in the day and had the best party years of my life in the early 90's. My first raves were illegal parties in fields, which soon switched to regular trips to clubs like Sterns in Worthing (best club in history) and the odd huge event like Universe. I used to DJ at clubs many years back, and have my decks and all my vinyl... I still love the music with a passion. Nowadays, in my late 40's (alright, literally 50 soon to be honest), I venture out once in a while to a club (usually down in Brighton) enticed by the promise of an 'Old School' night of rave music. Usually I'm massively disappointed with the choice of music played there and end up leaving before the night is over. I just keep feeling like - 'there must be other people out there who want to go out and hear the huge selection of incredible tunes that used to lift the roof off back then... surely!' So... I would like to set up some nights (or daytime events) where people can come along and hear the very best hardcore/breakbeat music from back in the 91-95 rave era. In my head, I have this idea of running nights or afternoons where we pay respect to certain record labels or styles... or take a progressive musical journey through from 91 to 95... or pay homage to a particular year ('back to 93' etc). I'd like to set up a simple visual as well which would show what tune was playing at any one time...title and label, for those wanting to know. I have an incredible selection of tunes from that period, and I have the turntables... but unfortunately this isn't enough. What we need to make this happen is a bit of a network of people able to add something to the pot. We really need - 1\. Anyone with contacts regarding a small club / bar / events venue\, that would let us set run events for a couple of hours a month at least\. Day or night\. Venue would need a reasonable sound system, with the ability to link my decks/ mixer/ monitor speaker into, 2\. Anyone with good social media skills for spreading the word to the RIGHT people when events are scheduled \(this is important as we want good natured\, like\-minded\, true fans of the music to attend \- so this can be a safe and loving environment\.\.\. as it used to be\)\. 3\. Plenty of people who love to dance to the music from that era\, to come along and enjoy some great celebrations of the 91 \-95 rave scene \!\! The only thing I can promise, is the best quality tunes... absolute belters, one after another.... no dull fillers....and decent mixing. Anyway... like I said, I have no idea where this idea will go, but you don't know until you put it out there sometimes. Life has a funny way of responding to that. Join the group and I'll organise some online or face to face meetups for us to bash our heads together and make a plan.
54 members · Public

Positive Living group

Guildford, N7

Positive Living group

Welcome to the Positive Living group :) 

There will be a different topic every 2 weeks. Who is this group for? You can join this group if you are interested in positive living, meditation and personal transformation, spirituality, health & wellness. We are an active group using tools and techniques to achieve higher states of health, knowledge and happiness.

Here are some of the topics we will be covering.

* Belief work - Creating positive change.
* Meeting Guardian angels and spirit guides.
* Meditation for positive living.
* How to develop your intuition.
* Talks on interesting metaphysical topics.
* Guest speakers.
* Exclusive invites to courses and workshops.
* Access to inner circle

What you will gain from this group.

You will learn how to change a negative belief to a positive one. How to meditate and create stillness in your mind. How to communicate with your spirit guides and angels. Meet amazing new friends in the local area, network and socialise.

About me:

I am a spiritual Life coach, and spiritual healer. I practise Life coaching, Theta healing and intuitive readings. I work in Guildford, Surrey and Richmond, London. You can learn more about what I do on my website:

I have been studying these topics for most of my life such as meditation, psychic development, angels and guides, psycho-spiritual experiences. I have participated on personal development courses since I was 17 years old when I first became fascinated by Buddhism. Why I started this group: To share the knowledge I have learned over the years. To empower people to live a more positive life, to meet new people.

547 members · Public

Keep Agile

Guildford, N7

Keep Agile

Keep Agile - Meet-up

We will be alternating between Scrum Master Clinics and Agile meet-up on a monthly basis. These sessions will be in the evening in Guildford, Surrey so all the hard working Agile practitioners in the South of England who haven’t got time to get into the excellent events in London have a more convenient alternative.

Scrum Master Clinic - Sharing the knowledge and experience of the facilitators and attendees to assist new Scrum Master or those interested in expanding their Agile and Scrum knowledge and skills.

Agile Meetup - Traditional Agile Meetups to share experiences from the trenches, with exercises, workshops and presentations to help you make sense of the ever changing Agile environment. Learn from our mistakes (there are plenty) and help each other find the answers to the questions important to you.

Facilitated by Chris Davey & Malcolm Lisle
Over 40 years combined IT experience in both permanent and contract roles with some of the most trusted brands and big names in the UK. We’ve assisted teams and organisation from those just starting in Agile to those experienced in Agile seeking yet further improvements. From those who freely admit knowing nothing to those who think they know it all. So we have one or two tails hints and tips to share.

Chris Davey - Steelcurve Ltd - (

In the last 20+ years I’ve worked as everything from network administrator to software engineering manager, I even did my time as a project manager. I’ve learnt the hard way why businesses need to adapt, experiment and learn. For nearly 10 years I’ve either been managing development teams or acting as their agile guide. In this time I’ve witnessed chaos, waterfalls, v-models all create a happily opaque quagmire in which waste can hide. I’ve also witnessed amazing transformations in which inspection and adaptation in a transparent way has transformed teams and organisations for the better.

Malcolm Lisle - Scrum Intelligence Ltd. (

I have been working in IT for 20 years +, all the time waiting for that tap on the shoulder and the voice in the ear saying
“ok, jokes over, you obviously don't belong here”
but so far it has not happened, so I must be doing something right.

I have been through the Scrum zealot phase and the “if it’s not in the Scrum Guide it isn't Scrum” phase, and now, with no small measure of experience, victories and failures, feel confident enough to say I have not found the best way to do Agile and Scrum because there is no single way to do it right.
If it was that easy we would all be doing it right.

770 members · Public

The Friends Haven Community Network - Worthing & Brighton

Worthing, P6

The Friends Haven Community Network - Worthing & Brighton
**Your Local Friendship Community Network** The **Friends Haven Community** was founded in 2022 as a friendship community network for adults of all ages.  The main aim of the Community is to host face-to-face group events in a safe environment, to facilitate networking between new and old friends.  We focus on meeting real people rather than anonymous online chat, and our Community values friendship, honesty, trust, diversity, mutual respect and support.  In addition to some regular networking and support events, we encourage Members to get involved by hosting their own small group gatherings; Member hosted events are a great way to build friendships and share a wide range of hobbies, interests and knowledge.   For us it's not just about large group events (although these are fun).  Our Members experience the usual range of challenges from not having car transport, varying work shifts and child care pressures, to health/disability related issues and limited budgets.  Our Community therefore aims to be inclusive by facilitating a range of accessible Member hosted local hub meetups across the region and the growth of an active and supportive friendship community network.     From pre-planned outings to spur of the moment gatherings, our Members meet up in all sorts of places for a wide range of activities. These include cinema outings, countryside and beach walks, photography themed outings, day trips to historical locations, cycling, restaurant/cafe/pub based events, camping holidays, theatre visits, day trips to London to visit museums and galleries, gym sessions, night sky watching picnics, swimming, water sports, team games, matchmaking events, beach barbecues, visiting summer fairs, educational talks and demonstrations, social dancing and much more. Regular events planned for this year include our International Food Trail across Brighton, Hove and Worthing; regular dog friendly walks across Sussex; cinema and theatre trips, and our Fitness Friends & Exercise Buddy networking scheme for anyone in the process of physical rehab, serious physical training for dance/sport or just wanting some company, motivation and moral support while keeping fit.   The **Friends Haven Community Network** incorporates the **Canine Conundrum UK** dog friendly network and the **Sand Dancers UK** community network for adults interested in dance and music.  Many of our events may therefore be shared across the networks.  Member events may also link up and be co-ordinated around other activity focused groups and services in the area, such as exercise classes.  If you’re looking for friends to share your hobbies with or to try something new then you’re welcome to join us.   This is primarily a community network for adults, although supervised teenagers are welcome as guests at many events. Mixed family groups with young children will only be invited to special events suitable for their age range. If you have ideas for an event in your area then please contact us online, or even better at one of our face-to-face networking and planning socials.   **Volunteering** The Friends Haven Community and its associated networks is a community group spread across a wide area.  We are self-funded and are not a service provider; everything we do is currently driven and funded by our Members.  As a Member there are lots of ways to get involved socially and as a volunteer within the Community.  Please get in touch if you’d like to start a local meet-up hub in your area, initiate or host an event, volunteer at one of our summer fair networking booths; or support the Central Organising Committee as one of our professional advisers and trainers.   **If you'd like to meet us to find out more, please come along to one of our networking events or get in touch via the Meetup app.** **Always Follow Local Bye-Laws and The Countryside Code** When participating in our Community events, please be aware of the local government bye-laws and dog codes for the area visited.  For information on the countryside code, please refer to The New Forest Code is available at    **Safe Introductions at Dog Friendly Events** Some events will be dog friendly and this will normally be posted on the event page.  To ensure everyone's health and safety (including that of our furry friends), please be aware of good practice when bringing a dog into a group environment or an enclosed space. These situations can be stressful for dogs, their handlers and other people present. Unplanned interactions with other adults and children are likely to occur in public spaces, so please be prepared. Members should always aim to meet first in an open public space that is safe for an initial meet and greet between people and dogs.  For more information on safe behaviour around dogs and how to meet and greet an unknown dog, please refer to the **Safe SPACE** and other guides on the Canine Conundrum UK meetup page.    **Personal Responsibilities** The Friends Haven Community is a community network organised by volunteers. We are not a professional service provider and everything we do is currently arranged and funded by our Members.  While Event Organisers and Hosts will take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of participants, everyone taking part in our Community events does so at their own risk.   At our dog friendly Community events, dog owners always remain responsible for their dogs and are expected to follow the local bye-laws and countryside codes.  All dogs should wear a suitable collar with appropriate ID, be vaccinated and on regular flea treatment, and be covered by a minimum of third-party dog insurance.  Dogs should remain on-lead where required for safety and local by-laws.  In designated off-lead spaces, dogs should remain on-lead until agreed by the event participants (i.e., following the Safe SPACE guide above), or where a dog has poor recall and is causing a disturbance to others.   Members should ensure they wear appropriate clothing/shoes for the event and come equipped for the type of event. If a Member has health or disability issues, they should discuss these with the event organiser/host to ensure that they can be accommodated safely; special arrangements may be possible to ensure the event is accessible to all levels of fitness and ability (e.g., splitting a walking group into a longer rough path route and a shorter accessible route).   Our Community Organisers, Event Organisers, Event Hosts and other volunteers assume no responsibility for anyone attending one of our events. The Community Organisers, Event Organisers, Event Hosts and other volunteers will not be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss occurring as a result of any Community event or in connection with travel to and from an event.  The Friends Haven Community accepts no responsibility for any harm, loss or damage caused by the actions of the general public, Community Members, their guests or their dogs.   When you join an event, you are confirming that you accept these conditions and that no legal liability is accepted by the Community’s organisers and other volunteers.
74 members · Private

Canine Conundrum UK Community Network - Worthing & Brighton

Brighton, P6

Canine Conundrum UK Community Network - Worthing & Brighton
**Your Local Dog Friendly Community Network** Canine Conundrum UK was founded in 2017 as a friendship community network for adults with a love of dogs and a willingness to share the madness and joy with other like-minded individuals. We meet up in all sorts of places for dog friendly social events, training practice and exercise.  Canine Conundrum UK is now part of the **Friends Haven Community Network** and we are open to all dog lovers.    The main aim of Canine Conundrum UK is to host safe face-to-face group events to facilitate supportive friendships between dog lovers in each local area.  For us it's not just about large group walks and social events (although these are fun).  Our members experience the usual range of 'canine conundrums', from not having car transport or struggling to find dog friendly rented accommodation, to health and disability related issues, anxious dogs and the need for friendly assistance with practical dog training and socialisation.  Our Community therefore aims to be inclusive by facilitating a range of accessible local hub member meetups across the region and the growth of an active canine community support network.  If you're limited by an elderly mutt or have limited mobility yourself, don't let it put you off.  Please get in touch to see how our canine friendly community can help you and your dog take part.   Do you ever find it hard to fit in adult social time and human exercise with life’s responsibilities, like the daily dog walk? Are you someone who suffers from loneliness and isolation or are you just ready to make some new friends?  Maybe you’ve taken on the responsibilities of dog ownership and found yourself in a conundrum such as personal ill health, or difficulties with dog training and socialisation, where you could do with some help and support?  Although we can't help you with the household chores, we can offer you a chance to be part of our Community and to join other Members for group walks, dog friendly social events, education and training events, cafe & pub meet ups, beach barbecues, camping holidays and more.   Our network is also open to dog lovers without a dog. Perhaps your accommodation doesn't allow pets or you've recently lost your buddy. Maybe you want to know more about different types of dogs and what's involved in having one in your family before you commit. You're welcome to join us, but don't be surprised if you find yourself covered in hairs and mud, and end up carrying a dog poo bag.   This is primarily a community network for adults, although supervised teenagers are welcome as guests at many events. Mixed family groups with young children will only be invited to special events suitable for their age range. If you have ideas for an event in your area then please contact us online, or even better at one of our face-to-face networking and planning socials.   **Volunteering** Canine Conundrum UK is a community group spread across a wide area.  We are self-funded and are not a service provider; everything we do is currently driven and funded by our Members.  As a Member there are lots of ways to get involved socially and as a volunteer within the Community.  Please get in touch if you’d like to start a local meet-up hub in your area, initiate or host an event, volunteer at one of our summer fair networking booths; or support the Central Organising Committee as one of our professional advisers and trainers.   **If you'd like to meet us to find out more, please come along to one of our networking events or get in touch via the Meetup app.** **Always Follow Local Bye-Laws and The Countryside Code** When participating in our Community events, please be aware of the local government bye-laws and dog codes for the area visited.  For information on the countryside code, please refer to The New Forest Code is available at    **Safe Introductions** To ensure everyone's health and safety (including that of our furry friends), please be aware of good practice when bringing a dog into a group environment or an enclosed space. These situations can be stressful for dogs, their handlers and other people present. Unplanned interactions with other adults and children are likely in public spaces, so please be prepared. Members should always aim to meet first in an open public space that is safe for an initial meet and greet between people and dogs.  You can read up on safe behaviour around dogs and how to meet and greet an unknown dog by referring to the Dogs Trust 'Be Dog Smart' education pages at and the resources. A useful guide for adults on introducing dogs to each other can be found at The guide found at may also be useful for dog socialisation training and events. Understanding the body language of our dogs is important to manage their health and everyone's safety at an event. The Dogs Trust guide at provides a helpful overview. A suitable guide for use with your children is available from   Please don't worry if any of this sounds a bit overwhelming, but do talk to one of our Community Organisers or your Event Host before meeting up if you feel unsure of how to handle your dog at an event.  For all our events you'll find it helpful to remember our 'Safe SPACE' guidance below.   **Safe SPACE Guide** S = Start with a good space between you/your dog and the other members, with your dog on a relaxed but short lead. This will help to reduce the stress levels in the people and dogs present and maintains a safe distance if either dog barks, lunges or tries to move away. P = Focus your attention on the other people taking part in the introduction. At this stage ignore their dog(s) and only give eye contact to the person you're talking to. If you have a dog with you then this is the time to encourage it to sit, wait and stay calm (with lots of reward as appropriate). A = Ask the other person about their dog and if it is OK to approach.  If they would prefer to maintain the distance for longer while they work with their own dog, then please respectfully maintain the distance. This is a good time to get to know the other person without our dogs getting over excited or stressed. Continuing to focus on the other person rather than their dog helps any dogs present to relax, because you'll be relaxing too. C = For the next stage of the introduction, communicate and co-ordinate with the other person present while maintaining control of your dog at all times, as you walk your dogs past each other for a first sniff. Be ready to break off the interaction by walking your dog further away if the dogs or people present become more anxious and/or reactive.  If the body language of the dogs present suggests that they are comfortable around each other, then continue walking and talking together.  However, maintain a safe comfortable space between the dogs as you walk.  If in a safe off-lead area then it may be appropriate to let them play off-lead, while you continue to control your dog through training commands, treat rewards and play. Please remember that even 'friendly' dogs may become a nuisance, can cause injuries or trigger an anxiety response in others. Therefore, never assume it is OK to let your dog approach others without checking first, and always be watchful of when it is time to take a calming break. E = Enjoy your meetup.   **Personal Responsibilities** Canine Conundrum UK is a community network organised by volunteers. We are not a professional service provider and everything we do is currently arranged and funded by our Members.  While Event Organisers and Hosts will take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of participants and their dogs, everyone taking part in our Community events does so at their own risk.   At our Community events, dog owners always remain responsible for their dogs and are expected to follow the local bye-laws and countryside codes.  All dogs should wear a suitable collar with appropriate ID, be vaccinated and on regular flea treatment, and be covered by a minimum of third-party dog insurance.  Dogs should remain on-lead where required for safety and local by-laws.  In designated off-lead spaces, dogs should remain on-lead until agreed by the event participants (i.e., following the Safe SPACE guide above), or where a dog has poor recall and is causing a disturbance to others.   Some noisy posturing may be normal as dogs say hello and test each other out for play.  It’s also OK for a dog to signal "No thanks I don't want to play or be jumped on".  However, dangerous aggression is not acceptable, so know how to handle your dog in case it does become over anxious or aggressive. If your dog is known to be reactive towards people or other dogs and is likely to bite, then please warn the event host before the event, ensure your dog wears a muzzle at the event, and maintain a good relaxed safe space between your dog and others throughout the event to help you and your dog remain calm and minimise any reactivity.    Members should ensure they wear appropriate clothing/shoes for the event and come equipped with water and dog waste bags for care of their dog. If a Member or their dog has health or disability issues, they should discuss these with the event organiser/host to ensure that they can be accommodated safely; special arrangements may be possible to ensure the event is accessible to all levels of fitness and ability.   Our Community Organisers, Event Organisers, Event Hosts and other volunteers assume no responsibility for anyone attending one of our events. The Community Organisers, Event Organisers, Event Hosts and other volunteers will not be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss occurring as a result of any Community event or in connection with travel to and from an event.  Canine Conundrum UK accepts no responsibility for any harm, loss or damage caused by the actions of the general public, Community Members and their dogs.   When you join an event, you are confirming that you accept these conditions and that no legal liability is accepted by the Community’s organisers and other volunteers.
23 members · Private

Guildford Business Coaching Group

Guildford, N7

Guildford Business Coaching Group
Running your own business can be a lonely and busy place. You may be full of ideas or scratching your head about how to overcome a challenge, however being busy delivering within the business gets in the way. You may have even tried business networking to grow your business but it just wasn’t for you. If this sounds like you, the Guildford Business Coaching Group can help! Here, you can meet like-minded business owners and take a little time out to work on your business together. Investing a couple of hours in a month to focus on developing yourself and your business is the greatest investment you can make. How does this work? The coaching group is run once a month over 4 sessions and our approach is to run each session as an action learning set where each month, two businesses get a chance to bring their ideas and/or challenges to the group and through expert facilitation, receive coaching on their subject to identify up to 3 actionable steps they can take back to their business. To give everyone quality air-time, places are limited to 6 businesses. The beauty of a coaching group is your facilitator and peers help you take action and stay accountable. You also have a group that are all individually growing alongside you, getting to know you and your business and can champion you. Within each session we will also spend 30 minutes training on a business subject prioritised by the group. Examples Marketing Business Planning Selling skills Presentation skills Finance Leading teams Recruitment The Coaching group is led by Marie Gardner, expert facilitator and ICF certified personal and business coach. Marie has over 25 years experience leading sales and marketing teams and has a passion for developing her clients to unlock their potential. Cost £160 + VAT per delegate for each 4 session cycle
54 members · Public