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Networking groups near Prescott, AZ

Prescott Area Web Developers

Prescott, AZ

Prescott Area Web Developers
The mission of Prescott Area Web Developers Group is to provide local web designers and developers with a platform to meet, network, share experiences and learn about emerging trends relevant to the World Wide Web. Students and non-professionals are also welcome. **Who are members?** * **Entrepreneurs** looking to build their own web-based business * learn what goes into building and maintaining a website or business * get feedback and advice on your business, product and plan * network to find people vital to your business success * learn about business - legal, HR, finance, licensing, partnerships, … * learn business strategies * find beta testers * find developers * **Business Owners** looking to improve their presence on the web * learn about effective websites * SEO * marketing * advertising * network to find contractors or employees * **Developers, Designers, Marketers** and others looking to network and get involved in a web-based business * learn different roles in web businesses * learn how your role functions in the real world * create your own improvement/learning plan * network with possible employers * students learn about the real world * **Hobbyists** interested in learning * learn about web technologies * improve in my main areas of interest * maybe my interest turns professional someday, I would like to learn about various professions in the web world * I may develop an interest in starting a business If your interests are more technical and centered on development see our companion group [Prescott Coders](
188 members · Public

Prescott Coders

Prescott, AZ

Prescott Coders
Welcome code lovers! We're a group of professional programmers focused on the continuous development of our skill sets. At our meetups, we share our experiences coding with various languages and the knowledge gained on platforms, tools, architecture, deployment, test, and operations. If you are a professional developer or serious hobbyist, consider visiting us at our next meetup. **Who are members?** * **Entrepreneurs** looking to build their own web-based business * learn what goes into building and maintaining a website or business * share and learn about technologies and processes you need to build the business * get technical feedback on your project * **Professional Developers** looking to stay on top of the latest technologies and network with other people in the trenches * motivate each other to keep learning * share experiences from industry * deepen our knowledge by presenting various technologies and leading discussion/study * share our personal projects to stay motivated and accountable * **Aspiring Developers and Students** * hear what it is like to work in the real world * see what your school classes might have missed * get a leg up on the competition for that first job * get advice on your class choices and learning path * get realistic expectations about a job and pay * get feedback on class projects or personal projects * get feedback on resume and resume building * **Hobbyists** * learn about development technologies and practices * improve on my areas of interest * get feedback on my hobby project * learn what it would be like to be a professional * share learning resources If this group is too technical and your interests are more general or business-related see our companion group [Prescott Area Web Developers](
72 members · Public