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Networking groups near New Port Richey, FL

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OSINT - Amateurs and Volunteers

Tampa, FL

Look at your self. A sea of vacant stares and idle hands. Plugged into the grid but disconnected from reality. You've let yourselves become cogs in a machine that grinds souls into dust. Comfortable in your complacency, drowning in a deluge of meaningless data and synthetic satisfaction. But here's a wake-up call: while you drift through this digital haze, people are disappearing. Real flesh and blood, gone without a trace. Families shattered, voices silenced, lives erased as if they never existed. And you—you're content to swipe past the headlines, lost in your curated bubbles. Enough is enough. We have the tech, the networks, the know-how. Open Source Intelligence—ever heard of it? It's not just some buzzword thrown around by netrunners and code junkies. It's a weapon. A means to cut through the lies, the shadows, the corporate smokescreens that hide the missing and the exploited. You sit there with the world's information at your fingertips, yet do nothing of value with it. Time to flip the script. Imagine harnessing that power to actually find someone. To bring a lost soul back home. To expose the rot that's been festering beneath the surface while you've been sleepwalking. I'm not asking you to storm the towers or ignite a revolution—not yet, anyway. I'm asking you to open your eyes. To use that untapped potential wasting away behind screens and firewalls. Dive into the data streams, sift through the noise, connect the dots that the powers-that-be hope you'll overlook. This isn't just about them—it's about reclaiming your own humanity. Proving that you're more than mindless drones numbed by the endless scroll. So, what's it gonna be? Keep sinking into that comfortable void, or stand up and make a damn difference? The choice is yours. But don't expect the world to change while you sit on the sidelines. Time to wake up. Time to act. Time to be something more. Who's with me?
19 members · Public

Living Metaphysical

Oldsmar, FL

Living Metaphysical

Our Vision:
To witness the members of this group become fully alive and awakened, through their realization of integrated spiritual living principles, practical metaphysical understandings, and development of innate psychic and intuitive abilities to guide one's own life.

Our Mission Statement:
To provide a facilitated and self directed nurturing forum, both online and in group gatherings for exploring how to generate and sustain positive energy through: honoring our TRUTH, practicing holistic self-healing, manifesting prosperity and well being, and developing intuitive gifts. (specific topics, techniques, tools and approaches to be chosen in collaboration within the membership and facilitation team) 

This is our team of co-facilitators:

Amy Howard:


Licensed Spiritual Healer, Ordained Minister , SCIO Biofeedback Practitioner,  Square One Holistic Cancer Coach, currently studying to be a “Life Lessons” Coach with Dr. Mark Tong.


Bringing *Healing  *Oneness &  *Knowledge to others, through applying various modalities, teachings and coaching.  (See more at 

What Amy wants you to know:

I am dedicated and committed to teaching and empowering those who want to learn, grow and live metaphysically.  

What other people say about Amy:

“I'm very grateful to Amy for the time we worked together. There's no doubt in my mind it has had a positive effect on me. Old patterns and ways of thinking that did not serve me are less deeply entrenched, less able to slow me down. I'm moving forward, despite dramatic changes in my life. Amy is clearly sincere about her work. She will stretch your thinking, give you homework, and lots of encouragement. I know  it's okay to ask for help when I get stuck, and Amy is wise, sincere and real. I'm glad our paths crossed; she's held up a lantern and showed me the way when the path was getting murky.” - Jeff in Florida

What you wish to bring to Living Metaphysical:

Organizational skills, Networking Contacts, and ability to teach Spiritual Principles and Facilitate Healing Modalities. 

Sharon Kistler


Certified Journey Life Coach, CJLC, CCA - ICF Nationally Accredited, (14 years) Certified AAMET- EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner, and trainer, NLP,  Certificate Social Psychology Wesleyan University


Empower Life Coaching, Teaching others Self-Empowerment, Emotional Healing Practitioner, Holistic modalities, EFT "Transformational Tapping", she works in Healing Traumas, Stress, Addictive Mind-Sets, Finding Your Calm, Personal and Spiritual development.

What sharon would like you to know:

I am dedicated to Empower others, with Holistic practices, “Transformational Healing”, I Believe in Energy Healing, I love to Live in the Vortex in Embracing Metaphysics, and Life Design Spiritual Paths to discover our power and truth within, I am also an Intuitive Reader.

What other people say about Sharon:

“I met Sharon at her Amazing Woman Group, and loved the “Positive Living” High Vibes. On a personal note working with her on my emotional healing and her life Coaching, I felt that even my own personal concerns and weights from burdens in my own life finally cleared by this greater understanding and Transformational Tapping sessions... It was truly profound.She no-doubt has a unique gift of insightful intuition that could zero in on where I was stuck. I realized working with her, I was absolutely transformed. I’m so Grateful to know you!”

Warmest regards,

Christi H.

What you wish to bring to Living Metaphysical:

Offering Tips and Tools to Self-Empower, Self-Healing, Transformational Tapping EFT, Holistic modalities, Soul growth, Expanding Consciousness. Nurturing community to Share together!

Luis,” Donal”


Engineer, Reverend, Reiki Master, Intuitive Consultant, Life and Business Coach, Bioenergetic Healer, DNA Activations, Soul Path Reader, Speaker. Over 15 years as a professional metaphysical practitioner, including five years co-managing a metaphysical center.

Lectures and Chats: 

What is Metaphysics, New perspectives on Spirituality, Vibrational Dynamics, Managing Transformation and Change, Our Innate Power to Heal,  I Am Affirmations, Metaphors to Live By, New Foundations in Human Relations, The Hidden Laws of the Universe , Intuitive Counseling, Know Your Fears. 

What Luis wants you to know:

I will help you find Peace in your life. Life is about mastering Love and realizing we own our peace as we become the authority of our life. To do that, open your heart for to feel Loved you must be Love and to know peace you must leave conflict as a way of being. 

Love is the healer and the life giver. And your job is to know it, be it, and infuse loving compassion into every action and interaction in your existence. I can help you with new perspectives, tools, and vibrational realignments.

What other people say about Luis:

“ I think to hear the truth .. which you absolutely told me, was a big shock. I started having anxiety attacks and a hard time sleeping, but I did what you recommended and in a few days I started to believe things would work out  as I took the steps suggested. Two weeks later I saw some major shifts. Using the new perspective you gave me on my  my company and work team, I saw myself becoming much more positive and my team responding in kind. You were right it was all ego and money to them. Next big change came on Mother's day.  Having done religiously the forgiveness assignments you suggested, I was feeling much better although resigned it could take forever to start reconciling with my daughter. Remember She had not contacted me for several years and it was you who  told me why.  So to receive a Mothers Day text message from her saying., “” … I can't call because I am overseas, but  I am sending you SO much love!”” that was pure joy.  Since we have talked and are moving closer. I thank you so much for opening me to my truths.”  Ellary Simms -- May 30, 2018, New Mexico.

"You have help me navigate very confusing and difficult times. And you always surprise me with your wisdom and insights into my life. Thank you so much". Karina Guzzi -- January 22, 2019.

What you wish to bring to Living Metaphysical:

Organizational skills, ability to present spiritual principles. self healing facilitation, transformational tools and mindfulness techniques to balance and accelerate personal growth.  

1794 members · Public

Tampa Bay Multifamily Investment Group

Clearwater, FL

We are the Place for Multi-Family Real Estate Investing Education and Networking in the Tampa Bay area. Are you: Currently a Multi-Family investor who is looking to network with other active owners/operators? A single family home investor who has owned at least 1 real estate investment and is serious about transitioning into Multi-Family properties? Someone who is looking to purchase an income producing property and have decided that Multi-Family is the best choice? Someone who has a Multi-Family property for sale or trade? A Vender who provides innovative service to the multifamily industry? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then we're the place for you. Whether its apartment buildings or mobile home parks – this is the place!

This organization is about sharing information with experienced investors, collaborating on ways to better invest or improve the operations of your current assets. Multifamily agents/broker who invest in real estate are welcome, as well. The purpose of this meet up to be a Resource for Education, Mentoring and Networking for all of the Members.

About the Organizer: Kevin Bupp has been a Real Estate Investor for more than 14 years and has owned single family homes, apartments, and mobile home parks. He’s the host of the popular Real Estate Podcast “Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow” and has also been a guest on numerous other popular real estate podcasts and websites. Learn more about him by going to

116 members · Public

Dunedin YES! (Young Entrepreneurs Society)

Dunedin, FL

Dunedin YES! (Young Entrepreneurs Society)

Are you between the ages of 18 and 40? Do you have a small business or are you thinking about starting one? As Young Entrepreneurs, we create jobs, effect the standard of living, launch disruptive new technology, and keep competition alive in the marketplace. We have the capacity to effect change through innovation and transformation. Entrepreneurial success is not defined by age! Collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs, make vital connections to resources, develop leadership skills, today at Florida Business Incubator's YES! (Young Entrepreneurial Synergy).

Florida Business Incubator Inc., a non-profit organization is a multi-industry business incubator that
promotes all small businesses within their communities by providing mentorship, networking
opportunities, and strategic business resources. We pride ourselves on creating a strong bond between
small businesses and their communities through advocacy, visibility, and business assistance.We support
business owners through any stage in their businesses' development and help alleviate the common
struggles of new business growth.

You will receive vital strategic resources and mentorship through a wide range of success tools that will
create a thriving relationship between your business and prospective audience. Established businesses
are invited to become a sponsoring partner. As a sponsoring business, you can engage in a supportive role
within the business community and invest in local entrepreneurship resources through our incubator

Your business can provide mentorship to other emerging entrepreneurs so they know exactly how to profitably grow a thriving and sustainable business, support the innovative and creative spirit of local entrepreneurs, share knowledge of your offering, and grow your own audience.  Our Virtual Spark Tank series features weekly virtual learning presentations from local experts across multiple facets of a business. These interactive sessions are designed to grow your knowledge base in a collegial and supportive environment, answer questions you have on the week's topic, and provide networking opportunities with other emerging entrepreneurs. 

Check our website at to find out more.

439 members · Public

Clearwater Entrepreneurs' Round Table

Dunedin, FL

Clearwater Entrepreneurs' Round Table
Florida Business Incubator Inc., a non-profit organization is a multi-industry business incubator that promotes all small businesses within their communities by providing mentorship, networking opportunities, and strategic business resources. We pride ourselves on creating a strong bond between small businesses and their communities through advocacy, visibility, and business assistance. We support business owners through any stage in their businesses' development and help alleviate the common struggles of new business growth. You will receive vital strategic resources and mentorship through a wide range of success tools that will create a thriving relationship between your business and prospective audience. Established businesses are invited to become sponsoring partners. As a sponsoring business, you can engage in a supportive role within the business community and invest in local entrepreneurship resources through our incubator programs. Your business can provide mentorship to other emerging entrepreneurs so they know exactly how to profitably grow a thriving and sustainable business, support the innovative and creative spirit of local entrepreneurs, share knowledge of your offering, and grow your own audience.  Our Virtual Spark Tank series features weekly virtual learning presentations from local experts across multiple facets of a business. These interactive sessions are designed to grow your knowledge base in a collegial and supportive environment, answer questions you have on the week's topic, and provide networking opportunities with other emerging entrepreneurs.  Check our website at []( to find out more.
795 members · Public

The Tampa Bay Strobist and Photoshop Collective

Tampa, FL

The Tampa Bay Strobist and Photoshop Collective
**Tampa Bay Strobist & Photoshop Collective** is for people who own a Digital Camera and Portable Flash that want to learn from others how to use them, in a social setting. **Photographers** We are looking for those who have an interest in "Off Camera Flash" photography - commonly known as [STROBIST]( photography. Members joining this group should be comfortable with basic concepts of how to manipulate their camera to take a photo and able to use their camera outside of the Auto mode. We also encourage those who wish to learn or improve their skills with post processing of digital images using Lightroom, Photoshop and various image enhancing plug-ins. If you often look to another photographer and are not afraid to ask for help or offer solutions you may find you are a good fit with this energetic and active group of snappers. **Models** If you are a model or ever thought about trying your hand at it, you are also welcome to join the group and take advantage of serious photographers of all levels. Great place to network, allow practice for both ends of the camera, build portfolios and practice collaboration and skills that come with being a part of a shoot! ![](![](![](
1879 members · Private