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Networking groups near Saint Cloud, FL

Network After Work - Orlando Networking Events

Orlando, FL

Network After Work - Orlando Networking Events
8271 members · Public

Orlando Real Estate Investors Meetup Group

Orlando, FL

Orlando Real Estate Investors Meetup Group
Join us at one of our Introductory presentations to Real Estate Investing, Networking Nights or Cash Flow nights to see for yourself why Renatus is an award-winning Company. When it comes to accumulating wealth and creating financial literacy and flexibility, it is essential to learn from those who have already achieved that success. In this presentation, our customers share their experience of applying key pillars of real estate investing and wealth management that they learned from Renatus. You will hear firsthand how easy it was for our customers to learn at their own pace the skills they needed to build their real estate portfolios. So, register now to get started on the road to your financial independence. 1st Thursday of the month: Networking meeting Come and network with some of the smartest people in real estate in the Orlando area. There will be short presentations from business that you will need in your REI rolodex (inspections, title, general contractors, etc.). Meet with other professionals in the business and make new friends! 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month: Real Estate Intro Meeting In this presentation, our customers share their experience of applying key pillars of real estate investing and wealth management that they learned from Renatus. Learn from award winning presenters who work in Real Estate Investing full time! 3rd Thursday of the month: Cashflow Game night From the guy with the purple book we all have read (or should read). Come and participate in Cash flow game night with other investors in our group. Network, play, have fun & get out of the Rat Race!!
110 members · Public

Data, Cloud and AI Central Florida User Group

Orlando, FL

Data,  Cloud and AI Central Florida User Group
**About** With cloud computing services growing, and Azure rapidly being adapted in many companies understanding this technology is important. Although Orlando is not one of the top 10 cities for tech, we would like to be an innovator in starting this change. We would like to help all people (newcomers, tech people, career changers, and students see the value of tech and grow/ start their careers. It is our short term goal to help people grow their careers and our long term goal to grow the Orlando tech area. **Audience** Our target audience is the Orlando and Latinas in data. **Focus** We will focus on data along with other technologies such as Azure. AWS, Google and AI. **Purpose** To share ideas and solve business problems To network and meet other professionals in the Orlando area To meet industry experts and have them teach or grow our members skills **Diversity** “Diversity is getting invited to the party, Inclusion is getting asked to dance and equality is being in the party planning committee" lets dance. To create an inclusive environment in tech that can learn, connect and share information regarding emerging technology and techniques related to Data administration, visualization, and optimization. **Code of Conduct**  As event and experience organizers, we seek to provide a respectful, friendly, professional experience for everyone, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, age, race, or religion. We do not tolerate any behavior that is degrading to any gender, race, sexual orientation, or disability, nor do we tolerate any behavior that would be deemed harassment or discrimination. Individuals are responsible for knowing and abiding by our standards and we encourage everyone to assist in creating a safe and welcoming environment. Please report any concerns, suspicious activity, or disruptive behavior to me so I can address issues immediately. **All group members should follow throughout each interaction** Be friendly and welcoming Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences. Ask yourself how you can make someone's life easier. Be patient and remember that people have varying communication styles and preferences. Recognize that not everyone is using their native language so meaning and tone can be lost in translation. Be thoughtful and think about how others will interpret your words.  Aim for clear and productive communication. Remember that sometimes it is best to refrain from commenting. Be respectful and inclusive Respect differences of opinion. Seek to understand and build bridges, not condemn or criticize. Make a conscious effort to include people who differ from you. Be open and curious - assume good intent and interpret others’ statements or questions in good faith. Ask questions to understand, not denounce. Focus on continuous learning. Improve upon the things you already know, tackle new things, and ask others about their expertise to deepen your own knowledge. Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and empathy. Use welcoming and inclusive language. Be thoughtful in how you communicate in person and online. Don’t be destructive or inflammatory. Gracefully accept constructive criticism. Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences. Reach out to the organizers if you need anything. **Reporting** Please report any concerns, suspicious activity, or disruptive behavior to or
811 members · Public

Boomers ..... Just Want To Have FUN!

Orlando, FL

Boomers ..... Just Want To Have FUN!

This is a group for baby boomers committed to having FUN! If you're a part of the baby boomer generation (born 1946 – 1964 or 50+ to keep it simple), and enjoy making new friends, mingling and socializing, then join us in this supportive community of thriving boomers. Most of our events are in the metro Orlando area.

The goal of this group is to promote and support an active lifestyle and to facilitate mingling, socializing and having fun with our peers. We do utilize name tags at most of our events. Perhaps you enjoy a sport or hobby and would like to partner with others to share your passion. Members will be encouraged to connect with other members, make new friends and organize activities. After all it is the event hosts and their activities, the organizers and the members that make for a successful group. We hope our members develop & foster lifelong friendships and have the opportunity to meet others with shared interests, hobbies and passions. 

This is your group, if you like to do fun events but just don't enjoy doing them by yourself all the time. Invite your friends to join. It means more activities, more events and more participation. The more members - the more fun and we're all about FUN in this group! Let's try new things; ideas are welcome and encouraged.
I look forward to being a part of a community of active, awesome, Boomers …that just want to have FUN!

Name Tags

It is our intent to utilize name tags for most of the social events of the group. It helps the host welcome the members to their event and helps our members find the group within a venue. It also aids our members in forging new connections and friendships, especially for our new members, it helps in getting to know our fellow Boomers. 


Boomers....Just Want To Have FUN! is not a business or for-profit networking group. Solicitations (verbal and/or written) are strictly prohibited within the group. I do not want the perception of anyone making money off the group. It is my intent on trips that are organized by and/or hosted by travel agents, that our members should be allowed to go on the trip or event using their own travel agent and to get the best deal possible in their eyes. Realize though, in evaluating "the best deal", that the host/organizer of the trip may get extra perks that may not be available to those that do not book using them.  Travel agents that post up trips, for our groups' benefit, do get compensated with commissions and/or perks by the travel companies. It is a trade-off we feel is worthwhile for our group in order to travel together and due to the complexity of organizing trips for a group. Especially given that our members can use their own travel agent.


Your posted photo and answers to profile questions provide your introduction to other group members. A posted photo of yourself is required. It should be a clear recent recognizable head shot of you looking into the camera by yourself. Your picture must remain on your profile at all times. This helps the event hosts and other members put a face to your name. It also cuts down on the number of scam members to our group and helps the event hosts and organizers, find and identify our members looking for our group within an event. I will usually approve a request to join the group without a face picture but only for a period of 2 weeks in order for the member to comply. Some members may not know how to upload a picture to their profile.  Most events will have photo's of the attendees posted as a photo to that event. If you do not wish to have your picture taken, please notify the event host of this. 


Adult Boomer's only. No children are allowed at an event even as a guest of a boomer. This is an adult only group within the boomer age group. Sometimes we do joint events with other groups that do allow children. They are few and far between, but all of our events will be for adults only.

Our activities will reflect the interests and imagination of our members. The success of “Boomers ... just want to have FUN” is driven by the enthusiasm and engagement of our members and especially the hosts. We need and welcome ideas and suggestions for activities. We also need organizers to plan, schedule and organize activities.

We want to post "active" events such as biking, hiking, kayaking and so forth. These events require you to know your own health status, limits and abilities. Personal protective safety equipment is always encouraged. None of the event hosts are experts or teachers in any of these activities. Participate at your own risk. All such events will require participants to sign a blanket waiver of liability that protects the group owner (Thomas Benson) and organizers/hosts of the event, prior to engaging in the activity.


I will not hesitate to remove a member from the group..... if they post negative personal comments about another member for all to see or if a member harasses another member through the group. If I receive multiple verifiable complaints about an individual making hateful or hurtful or insensitive remarks about a Boomer member or groups of Boomers, that action will warrant removal from the group upon a majority vote by the Organizing Committee. I would much rather have the offending person removed from the group than to have Boomers not show up to events because the offending member is attending. Constructive criticism about the group is ok (I am not hyper sensitive about that) but no comments of a personal nature. Know your audience and realize by this age we ALL come through life with issues from our life experiences. Good and Bad. Be self aware and be sensitive to that......for everyone's benefit.

No exclusive events! No women only exclusive events or men only events. ALL of OUR events will be open to ALL of our members, even if they will not appeal to all of our members.

No political events - everyone has their own political opinions, which is great, but any political event nowadays is going to alienate a certain element of our Boomers. In order to avoid that and the emotions that it illicits - we will have no political events period for that reason. 

1858 members · Private

DavidSnyderNLP - NLP & Hypnosis Club

Orlando, FL

DavidSnyderNLP  - NLP & Hypnosis Club

Welcome To NLPPOWER - America's #1 Rated NLP- Hypnosis Club! 

I learned Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), some years back and absolutely love it! I teach Hypnosis, NLP, and related disciplines in a fun practical hands-on way that makes hypnosis and NLP FAST EASY AND REALLY WORKS!

Our group is all about learning and practicing any and all things related to hypnosis, nlp, and related disciplines. We place a strong emphasis on practice and hands on skill building. 

Our Focus is On Helping You Develop Real World NLP Skills That Empower You on All Levels and Automatically Lead You To the Happiness You Have Always Wanted, Learn How To Use NLP To Make Life Give YOU What You Really Want. 

All levels of Neuro Linguistic Programming and/or hypnosis experience are welcome. It doesn't matter whether your 18 or 80, been a hypnotist for 20 years of 20 minutes. All we really care about is that you have a sincere desire to have fun, do the drills and get the skills. 

This is a No-holds barred hypnosis group! 

That means any and all applications of hypnosis are discusses and often practiced, we are also a non-denominational group meaning we do not care what hypnosis organizations you belong to or whether you have never belonged to any hypnosis organizations. 

Just bring a great attitude a sincere desire to have fun and the rest will happen Do you want to - Learn Instant Hypnosis Inductions That Really Work?... We do that - Learn How To Hypnotize Someone Without Their Knowledge? 

Got That Too! 

- Learn How to Program Your Own MIND For Unlimited Success, Health, Wealth and Happiness... YEP! 

- Explore the power of covert hypnosis, conversational hypnosis and NLP... 

- Boost your private hypnosis practice and expand your range of techniques and applications We will go  beyond what most schools will teach you and give the you hands on practice you should have gotten

- Meet and Network with other aspiring hypnotists in the San Diego Area? 

- Explore the Realms Of Recreational Hypnosis Like: - Stage Hypnosis - Sexual/Erotic Hypnosis Skills -  

 Attraction and Seduction Technology We will Even Explore the Hidden Secrets of Advanced Personality

 Change Techniques (really top secret stuff) And That is just the very beginning of what you can learn...

  practically for free! 

Why practically? 

Well... To tell the truth it DOES Cost You Something and ... You Are Probably Wondering What It is Going To Cost You, 

Are you Not? 

OF Course You are. 

Well the truth is that in order to get all this great training, practice, self confidence and hypnotic power and ability for yourself You Are Actually Going To Have To: 

- Sign Up For The Group - RSVP To The Meetings And Finally...

- You Actually Have To Show Up and Participate! Is that fair? 

We have a Great Time at these meetings and I love to hang out with all you hordes of hypnotic heros in the making. Lets get the party started. 

Send me the topics you are most interested in studying first, Ill assemble them into a schedule and start putting the meetings together very soon. 

Here's a Little List Of Things You Will Be Learning Over The Next Few Months... and that is just the beginning. 

• Hypnotize People Without Fear of Failure 

• Hypnotize Even The Most Resistant Clients Easier 

• Hypnotize People With or Without Their Knowledge 

• Quickly Hypnotize People Who Say and Believe They Can't Be Hypnotized 

• Bypass or Remove Any and All Resistance To Your Influence FAST 

• Make Sure Your Hypnosis Always Works 

• Make People Want To Change and Follow Your Suggestions 

• Hypnotize Anyone Completely Ethically and Honestly, Hypnotize People In Writing, 

• Over The Phone, Even While Texting Use Hypnosis To Improve Your Relationships, Sex Life, Etc. 

• Hypnotize Groups of People As Easily As One Person. 

• Create Instant and Rapid Hypnotic Inductions On The Fly That Really Work 

• Have More Confidence In Your Ability To Hypnotize 

• Make More Money Using Your Hypnosis Skills Get More Hypnosis Clients Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible Become Known as The Leading Hypnosis Expert In Your Area Build Your Hypnosis Practice Into a Six Figure Business Handle Even The Toughest Hypnosis Cases With Absolute Confidence 

• Help People To : Eliminate Fears,Phobias,Public Speaking, Shyness, Anxiety e.t.c Control and Remove Pain, Change Bad Habits, - Lose Weight, Quit Smoking,Nail Biting, etc. 

• Destroy Limiting Beliefs, Remove Inhibitions Improve Your Relationships Sell More Effectively In Person, Over The Phone, or In Writing Enhance Performance for Sports, The Arts, or Even In The Bedroom? or Even Dramatically Change A Persons Personality? 

Send me your most pressing questions about hypnosis and I will be sure to work those into our upcoming meetings. 

Talk to you all very soon 


Your Friend,

David Snyder 

PS: San Diego Hypnosis Club Check Out Our Free Video Archive Here Read Our

    Blog Here:

  If you have any other questions about the NLPPOWER -San Diego NLP &

  Hypnosis Club Be sure to call me at 858-947-8382

318 members · Public

The Orlando Business Networking Meetup Group

Orlando, FL

The Orlando Business Networking Meetup Group
We endeavor to provide networking and knowledge events that will be uniquely effective in initiating valuable professional connections, developing important relationships, increasing influence and leveraging social capital. It only takes one person to change our personal or professional lives. Undoubtedly, you will make new connections at our events likely to change yours... forever. This group is intended to provide value for professionals interested in connecting with and supporting each other in our personal or professional endeavors. Members include, but are not limited to: entrepreneurs, small business owners, corporate executives, company representatives, tech professionals, creative arts professionals, angel and accredited investors, startup experts, revolutionary startup entrepreneurs looking to change the world - or their local community (lean, bootstrap, crowdfunding, or venture capital focused), and people seeking to expand their professional development and/or network. Please remember the words of author and speaker Simon Sinek: "We do not become great leaders, we do not fulfill our potential when we work to see ourselves grow or rise. It is when we devote ourselves to seeing those around us rise that we actually grow. And when the people we care about also work to see us grow, then they too will grow... The only true way for any of us to grow, to truly fulfill our full potential, is when we work to help others do the same." We believe the current business environment will continue a transition towards what thought leader **[Seth Godin](** refers to as the "connection economy" - where value is increasingly created through the connections we make and less so through industrialism. Every event scheduled will have its own unique opportunities. Every. Single. One. This group is part of one of the largest business alliances of entrepreneurs and business professionals in the USA - with over 100,000 combined members. Thank you for your consideration in sharing our events with your network, and/or bringing a friend or professional associate to attend with you. We'll look forward to seeing you sometime soon!  :-) Regards, Doug Means  **[](** We provide additional resources and information through our LinkedIn and Facebook groups, located here:  **[](**  **[](** Our events continue the spirit of service to the small business community - and honor the memory - of Southern California business leader Rod Means (1938-2015). Thank you. "Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art." *\- Andy Warhol*
2183 members · Private

Orlando Business Marketing Breakthrough Group

Orlando, FL

Orlando Business Marketing Breakthrough Group
We are now doing online **business and marketing educational, networking and social events.** You can join for free and most (if not all) events per month are generally free of charge.  This group is part of a global network of women and men entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, visionaries and leaders. This population globally runs about **200,000+ people** \- mostly in the main cities of USA\, Canada\, UK and South East Asia\. **Please join our group and RSVP to the next event. (Please click the JOIN THIS GROUP button to join for free.)** "They offer great networking events requiring participants to go beyond their rehearsed elevator speech. " - Christina Wilhelm from CMW Accounting & Consulting Christina Wilhelm CMW Accounting & Consulting - Baldwin, Maryland. "Demonstrated industry experts in Business Marketing & Networking" - Gregory Ige of Azare Technology Solutions LLC - Stafford, Texas. **WIDE RANGE OF INTERESTS COVERED IN OUR AFFILIATE GROUPS:** Our affiliate group leaders have organizations catering to startup and tech, spirituality, consciousness, innovations, social networking, blogging, support for authors, experts and bloggers categories too many to list here.  You can see a list of some of our groups here: **These events receive some of the most stellar recommendations.** "Amazing, full of connection and sound advice." - Priscilla Christie of Discovering You - Santa Cruz, CA. "Outstanding information meetings concerning new businesses." - Dennis Coburn of Expense Reduction Analysts - Tomball, Texas. "Refreshing business perspective and excellent information." - Philanthi R Koslowski Infinite Nonprofit Solutions, LLC - Roswell, Georgia. We receive such raving reviews almost weekly. No idle boast and all due to our wonderful team members and affiliate leaders who lead networking and educational events almost every day in some major city. Please join our group and we will make you feel welcome. We are a well structured community with rules and guidelines for each meeting - these will be outlined in our meetings and in the event descriptions. We combine this great structuring with good down-home friendliness - to ensure that you have a good, if not great experience with us. Please Join This Group ASAP. See you very soon.  Sunil Bhaskaran More information on Sunil WEBSITE: []( ​LINKEDIN:[]( ALIGNABLE free to join:  []( Please join our Global Small Business School, where you can learn to network effectively in the USA. [](  We will be adding other courses soon at this link above; Time management, productivity for entrepreneurs, doing effective and compelling sales presentations, marketing strategy, and much more.  Please go to the link above and join the email list at the bottom of the page if you wish to be alerted. For more groups to join - Startup & Tech, Social Media, Blogging & Content Marketing, Writing, Social Events & Training, Worldwide groups to join and much much more, go to Our twice a month Nationwide Business Networking events (we have people from all over USA, Canada and globally attending) typically get 30-50 attendees (business professionals and owners). To learn more, please go to []( To get a list of all our business networking and educational groups and to learn about them or join them, please go to [](  and scroll down to see the list.
848 members · Public

OWIB- Orlando Women in Business

Orlando, FL

OWIB- Orlando Women in Business
We Welcome You to OWIB- Orlando Women in Business Join our community on Facebook: []( Orlando Women in Business is a different kind of networking group. We are a relationship-building group. This group is dedicated to helping women in business reach high levels of success. This is an invitation to all women business owners, entrepreneurs, or women who work in any capacity in the business world. Our group meets quarterly. Some meetings will be catered and free or food provided by a company that will host us, some meetings you may have to buy lunch, and for some of the meetings our organizer will cater free of charge. Our members spend quality time with each other really getting to know each other. Each attendee may bring samples, products, displays, or visuals to share and show. Everyone will have the opportunity to talk about their business.  We will have a guest speaker for 15 minutes at each event. This is not someone talking about sales. This will be a speaker offering value about business growth, motivation, inspiration, and coaching. We will select a businesswoman of the month. Our membership is **FREE**! Join us now and meet a group of like-minded women. We Focus on Helping & Inspiring Women ***Women need inspiration and motivation, and a place to grow and excel. Women offer so much to the business world and to the community. There is a need for places where women can lead and share. Orlando has so many great businesswomen waiting to take their place in leadership.*** ***We are women helping women, women inspiring women, and women teaching and mentoring is our vision.*** We are a free group but do require reservations to attend. Our membership rules can be found on the About Us page of this website. We do require a photo or business logo for your profile photo, we require that your profile be filled out completely with contact information, and we do require the first and last names of the person who is joining. This is a professional business networking group and members must be engaged in business, employed representing their company, entrepreneurs, starting up or newly engaging in business or network marketing. **We accept all women from all industries and all walks of life.** **OWIB Believes that even the savviest businesswoman gets her inspiration from somewhere! We believe that Women are powerful creators, passionate and compassionate leaders and that women are the heart and backbone of our world’s businesses, homes, and communities** **Our Mission is to inspire and empower women to a greater dimension to find their inner wisdom, and strengths, and to follow their passion and live rich authentic lives.** ***Our Network welcomes all women from all walks of life.*** ***We recognize that diversity in our relationships creates opportunities.*** If you are a woman-owned businesswoman with a creative business concept, we would like you to join our online business community. We ask that once you become a member you participate in the many activities. Your participation is greatly encouraged and welcomed ― we strongly recommend that you ask questions and share your perspectives. If you feel led to help this organization in any way please contact the organization's President, Shelley Costello Visit our site to RSVP for all of our Chapter luncheons. Thank You Organizer POLICIES OF GROUP MEMBERSHIP: 1\. You are required to have your real name\, a photo\, or company logo to request membership\. 2\. Once you RSVP for an in\-person event on meetup\, you are required to text me \(number in the meetup details\) with your name\, and on the evening before the event you must text me again "CONFIRM" to the phone number\. I cannot have " No Shows"\. I give the restaurant a head count and they pay to bring in extra personnel\, they are planning on us showing up\. 3\. You are required to complete the profile questions including the name of your company\, what your business does\, and the industry\. Thank you.
1250 members · Private

Amazin' SouthWest Orlando Social & Networking Group

Orlando, FL

Amazin' SouthWest Orlando Social & Networking Group

We have been in existence for over 9 years, and we are one of the earliest established and one of the most successful Meetup groups in the greater Orlando area. If you use the Meetup formula of:<br> (# of members in a Meetup group) + (3 "times" the # of Meetups events the group has had), we are among the top 5 Meetup groups in Central Florida. We try to have 4 or 5 "well attended" Meetups a month.<br> --<br> The "Original Goal" of this Southwest Orlando Social, Networking, & Travel Meetup group, was to have Meetups which are easily accessible to people who live or work in South Orlando, but now we have members from (and schedule events) in many parts of Central Florida.

Often, clicking on our Main Group Photo, will show you the "Group" and "Main" photos from most of our past Meetups. Otherwise, it will take you to the photos to our most recent Meetup.

We have many well attended events, ranging from our events at the Expedia CruiseShipCenters location right off Highway 528, to many other events like new openings of local attractions and restaurants. Other get togethers include dancing at Backstage Lounge, Bravo! Cucina Italiana, Vines Wine & Grill Bar, Tavern on the Lake, Cricketers Arms, bike rides on the West Orange trail, WMMO Free concerts in Downtown Orlando, annual charity events like "Motorcycles & Martinis", plus much more.

If you have a location you would like to showcase and set up a special event for our members please let us know.

We welcome both singles and couples to be a part of our group of friends to get out and enjoy diverse activities that allow us the opportunity to meet other people, make new friends and enjoy fun events together.<br> --<br> If you want your profile to be approved for this group, do the following:<br> 1. *POST A PHOTO OF YOURSELF* for your SW profile photo.<br> (Profile photos of just your pet, may be fine for (pet related) Meetup groups, but for this Meetup group, please have your SW profile photo be of yourself)

2. All new members are encouraged to fill out this SW group's profile questions.

3. Use a *REAL* Name.

(Meetup profiles with names of ex: "Mr Bean" or "Wonder Woman" won't be approved)<br> --<br> Since May 2008, Over 75 Inactive members, and members with out photo's were removed. So you can be assured that only "Active" and "Legit" members are in this Meetup group. (ie: No anonymous members lurking)

1099 members · Public