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Networking groups near Glen Spey, NY


Middletown, NY

Blackanomics is A new network of local entrepreneurs. Emerging chapters in Atlanta, New York, Dallas, & Chicago. This is not your run of the mill Networking event, We are a progressive group of conscience entrepreneurs focused on economic empowerment of the African diaspora through the Master Mind principles of Strategic Alliances, Creative Exchange, Collective Ventures, Accountability & Integrity. <br> Initiated by David Anderson, now headed up by Charles B. McInnis; Blackanomics, meetups will have an agenda, facilitator and support team. If your a serious dedicated Entrepreneur, seeking that push to get you to that next level come to the Blackanomics Meetup. Together lets explore the opportunities- Inspiring, developing, cultivating, the business mind of aspiring & current business owners. Finding Mentors, Coaches, Partners,

As my hero; Mr. David Steward, of World Wide Technologies, states we've will explored the benefits of new emerging market shifts.

Excerpt of the June 2001 issue of Black Enterprises; The 800 Million Dollar Man Story....

E-commerce is real. Just ask David Steward, CEO of World Wide Technology Inc., the largest black-owned business in the nation. Last year, Steward's customers point-and-clicked his information technology (IT) products and services firm to $802 million in revenues

Steward says; "it all comes down to what products and services you choose to offer over the Web, and the strategic alliances and relationships you enter into to deliver them."

"We have a one-stop shop; because it has made the value of accessing information services and ordering products online a competitive advantage for its customers. "We provide a central line to warehousing, distribution and integration services, and supply-chain management services that a company can't get anywhere else."

"Those companies that are able to invest in the Web technology, the supply-chain management systems, and electronic procurement logistics systems have an opportunity to define vertical market spaces," "In the process of defining those market spaces, they'll have a competitive advantage and a whole new frontier that they will have an opportunity to dominate."


Stay tuned for the notification of our newly scheduled weekly Conference Call, webinars & various events to really create a certain culture of supporting all members’ endeavors to Build Business, Careers & become very Successful.

189 members · Private