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Networking groups near Springfield, VA

BNI Fairfax Business Magnets Networking

Fairfax, VA

BNI Fairfax Business Magnets Networking
BNI is a **business** and **professional** organization whose primary purpose is to exchange qualified business referrals. If you would like to increase the volume of your business or just want to do “better” business through personal referrals, then BNI is for you. Remember – people who GIVE business referrals, GET business referrals. At BNI we invite only one person from each profession to join a chapter, and we currently are seeking to give referrals to someone in your industry. I would like to invite you as my guest to learn first-hand about our organization, particularly if you are interested in generating a steady source of referral business for yourself. Please RSVP on each individual meetup you will be attending. Remember to bring plenty of business cards to pass around, as you will meet 25 to 35 local business professionals. Please feel free to bring a business associate with you who may also be interested in finding out how to generate more business through “word-of-mouth” marketing. **\*\*\*The cost to attend the meeting is $21.00 payable by cash or $22.00 via credit card. The meeting fee includes buffet lunch, beverage, tax, tip, and amazing networking opportunities.\*\*\*** \ **ICC Dress Code: Please refrain from wearing denim. Thank you.** BNI Chapter meetings follow a prepared agenda. Plan to arrive by 11:15am to maximize your chance to speak with members and other guests. The meeting has two parts, first there is open networking and about 11:45am, we start the more formal part of the meeting. Visitors have three chances to speak during the meeting. First, we ask for an introduction of just your name, business, and who invited you. Second will be your 45 second elevator speech where you tell us who you are, what you do, and what types of referrals you are looking for. At the end of the meeting, you will have the opportunity to tell us your impressions of the meeting and any chapter members you would like to talk with further. \
1654 members · Public

NoVA Working Moms Network

Falls Church, VA

NoVA Working Moms Network
***What We are About*** NoVA Working Moms Network is centered around supporting, encouraging, and providing an outlet for working mothers in Northern Virginia. With regular monthly events for mom alone as well as the whole family, our focus is on fun! ***Our group membership is limited to 100 members (active + pending) to foster close friendships among our members and their children.*** ***Who We Are*** * Active working moms with active families throughout Northern Virginia * Moms who can have a blast both with their kids... and without them! * Women who love making new friends and chatting it up with other women * A diverse group of women who love checking out new activities and new ways to have fun * Opinionated moms who know how to debate, disagree, and discuss passionately and maturely ***What We Do*** * Meet at least once monthly at **Playgroups** with our families at a local park, member's house, or other fun location. * Meet quarterly for family-inclusive **Seasonal Events** celebrating summer (our Annual Summer event), fall (our entertaining Halloween Party) and spring (Annual Easter Party and Egg Hunt). * Have monthly **Mom's Night Out** (MNO) activities including coffee breaks and wine outings. (no kiddos!) * Get together locally for fun events around town... or just a lunchtime escape with your fellow moms. ***Key Points*** **Locations:** Most of our members are currently concentrated in the Northern VA area (hence the name). Our events are centered in and around Fairfax County and its surrounding areas. **Event Times:** All of our members work full- or part-time so the majority of our events are scheduled on weekends and weeknight events. **The Kids:** Sure, this group is for moms to hang out, have fun, and become friends, but we aren't moms without the kiddos! The majority of our members have at least one child under the age of 8. This is important for potential members to know because it helps you understand the focus of our kid's events, our message board posts, etc. Does that mean you shouldn't join if your kids are older? No, but it does mean that ultimately you may find this group isn't the best fit. **The Fee:** Our group's annual membership fee of $25 allows us to do a number of things we could not as a free group. With such a large group of women, it's essential for us to rent community-type venues to allow everyone to get together at the same time. This means that there's no issue with finding an available house or someone being stuck with all of the cleaning after our more major events. The fee is also used for crafts, favors at our large celebrations, greeting cards for our members going through difficult times, and other miscellaneous party costs. ***Okay, I Want to Join -- What Do I Do?*** Look up at the top of this page. You should see a button labeled "Join Us." Click it! Meetup will load a page with a brief questionnaire. This is where we learn about you, so be honest and let yourself shine through! Keep in mind that one potential sign of an active member is the amount of time taken to respond, so lots of abbreviations, fragments, and blanks will make us wonder whether you'll have time for the group. This questionnaire is also displayed in your profile and is a great way for the other members to get to know you better, so details are great. Make sure you have a photo displayed. The photo doesn't necessarily have to be of you -- it could be your kids, your dog, your favorite flower, whatever, but you *must* have a photo in order to be approved for membership.  Then make sure you pay your dues within the 30 day trial period, and attend at least one event every 90 days. We look forward to meeting you! We can't emphasize enough what a wonderful group this is -- many of our members become very close friends, and this is truly the best support system you could find for a working mom. We'd love for you to be a part of that. If you have any questions at all about the group, feel free to contact our organizers at the Contact Organizers link at the top of the page. Can't wait to meet you! ***GROUP POLICIES*** *Active vs. Inactive:*  To help keep our group moving forward, dynamic, and a close network of friends, we endeavor to ensure the majority of the group members are active. We understand that travel schedules, family activities, and life in general can really leave little time for social activities, but as we fulfill our responsibility to provide a social outlet for working moms, we feel our members have a similar responsibility to keep a moderate level of activity. Our organizers have created the following policy to determine inactive members: If a member has not attended at least one event or logged into the meetup site once per quarter, they will be considered inactive and removed from the group. *Capacity:*  We limit our group to 100 members. Our current members, though, can "sponsor" possible new members even if the group is at capacity -- exceptions will always be made for women directly referred by current members. *Dues:*  Our dues help to cover what we pay for the site as well as for our larger events where we have to rent space and provide food, supplies, entertainment, etc. These dues are paid annually through Meetup (via Stripe) and must be paid within 30 days of joining. Dues are nonrefundable. *Member Businesses:*  Many of our members are not only working moms, they're entrepreneurial moms who own their own businesses. We're here to support our members' businesses as much as we can, but we have to balance that with trying to protect our members from those who want to join NoVA WMN *solely* to advertise. The rule of thumb we're using for promoting member-owned businesses is fairly straightforward: members need to attend two events and put in a request with the organizers prior to advertising with the group. Once cleared, you can provide a logo and link to be added to the Member Discounts/Preferred Vendors page and make a post on the message board. We feel this is a low-maintenance way that our member-preneurs can offer products and services to our member base and our other members can be more assured that they're doing business with a reputable source without feeling "spammed." *RSVP and No Show Policy:*  A lot of thought and time goes into planning all of the events. And even more so in the case of home play dates, the hostess have worked very hard to make this fun for all. As a courtesy to the Organizers and Hostesses and all the moms and kids attending an event, the RSVP policy is as follows: Please RSVP – Yes, or No whenever possible. Please do not mark yes and in the comment line "maybe", especially with a home play date or any event that has an attendance limit. This is helpful when a headcount is important. If plans change, please update the RSVP as soon as possible. Also, if it is less than a 24 hour cancellation, members are required to make a courtesy call to the hostess. This way if other arrangements need to be made, the hostess will instantly be aware of it. Hopefully making it possible to formulate necessary changes creating an enjoyable play date for those attending. If within a 3 month time frame, a member is a no show for an event without cancelling 3 times or more that member will be removed from the group. Habitual last day changes in RSVPs will be considered for removal. There are exceptions, for example a pregnancy or illness which makes it difficult to know from day to day what life will be like. If there is a special circumstance, please alert the Organizer and/or Hostess in advance. *Attendance at Events:*  Participation is one of the keys to making this a successful group, and members are required to attend at least one event per quarter. And because this is a Mom’s group, posting a “yes” RSVP for an event means that you will be there with your children/family. We have lots of events where entire families are welcome and invited, but you must also come too, (for example, please do not send Grandma with the kiddos and without you). One of the main purposes of the group is for moms to get to know one another, so it’s important that you come with your families.
19 members · Private

Inventors Network of the Capital Area

Falls Church, VA

Inventors Network of the Capital Area
The Inventors Network of the Capital Area (INCA) is an educational organization founded in 1993. Our members are interested in patents, the innovation process, product design, marketing, licensing, prototyping and other product development issues. Every month we host a meeting with a speaker and time for experienced and beginning inventors to network.The meetings are usually held third Mondays of the month at the Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library in Falls Church, Virginia. Private sector speakers at past meetings have included successful inventors, and experts in: marketing, branding, patenting, licensing, prototyping, venture capital, and entrepreneurship. Speakers at previous meetings have also included officials from the US Patent & Trademark Office of Independent Inventor Programs and representatives of government small business assistance programs. Meetings are open to the public. We invite you to attend our next meeting to participate in networking over pizza, snacks, and drinks. See the [Meetings]( page on our website for a schedule of upcoming meetings, directions, and more information. If you are interested in speaking at an upcoming meeting, or would like to recommend a speaker, visit our [Speakers]( page. For more information on INCA see []( If you are interested in making a prototype of your invention you may also be interested in the [CCBC MIT Fab Lab]( and related [CCBC MIT Fab Lab Meetup group]( The [TechShop Arlington, Virginia ]( also a great resource for inventors. 
1140 members · Public

Christian Small Business Owners: Education + Networking

Fairfax, VA

Christian Small Business Owners: Education + Networking
Our events are now completely online. We are a group of Christian small business owners looking to have breakthroughs in the following: ``` 1. Continuing education: Actionable insights for running a profitable small business in accordance with the will of God 2. Contacts: You will meet other Christian Small Business Owners, so that you can establish collaborations and friendships 3. The joy of being on a faith-based business journey together with other Christian Small Business Owners ``` Are you a follower of Jesus Christ and a solopreneur or small business owner? Then please join our group ASAP! See you soon, and be blessed! Norbert Bollow, Organizer P. S. for the benefit of those who like to have things spelled out in detail, here are some more specifics: Goals of the group: Learning from each other in informal discussion and from prepared presentations. Business networking / creating contacts, collaborations and friendships. Having a good time together. We are committed to creating a healthy community of support for all our members for their wellbeing and business. We will learn from experience what specific kinds of events to do in order to pursue these goals, but there will probably always be some educational content, some related discussion, and some social and business networking aspects. All events of the group are provided free of charge. There are no costs or fees charged to members. We all benefit most from our interactions when events are well-attended, without the hassle of fees getting in the way. Who should join the group: **Christian Small Business Owners, widely interpreted.** Besides well-established businesses, it’s also quite ok if your business is only a side hustle or even still a dream transitioning to the planning phase. All who consider themselves Christians, or even just curious about the Christian faith, are welcome. While we discuss the application of what the Bible says to today’s business realities, differences of theology and faith practices between different faith traditions are not what we’re concerned with in this group. The group and all events are intended to be a friendly and totally discrimination-free environment. If someone says something that you consider to be incompatible with the Christian faith, please treat them as an honored guest. The organizer of this group is himself a Christian solopreneur, self-employed as a business coach. The group is not affiliated with any religious or business organization beyond this group and a couple of similar groups run by the same organizer, each with a different geographical focus; online events can be shared across groups in order to bring a good number of like-minded people together.
51 members · Public