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How to Improve Self-Love and Self-Worth

Abu Dhabi, ae

How to Improve Self-Love and Self-Worth
A person lacking self-love and self-worth may exhibit various behaviours and experience emotional challenges that can significantly impact their well-being and quality of life. Understanding the implications of this absence is crucial, as it underscores the importance of initiating positive change for personal growth and fulfilment.   In essence, self-love and self-worth are not only essential for individual well-being but are also foundational for creating a life rich in purpose, positive relationships, and personal fulfilment. Recognizing and addressing a lack of self-love opens the door to a transformative journey toward a more empowered and authentic existence. **In this group we will be running inline and live events that address:** **1.     The Essence of Self-Love:** Self-love is the gentle embrace we offer to ourselves, a commitment to our well-being that transcends the superficial. It is a journey of acceptance, kindness, and compassion towards our own being, recognizing our inherent value irrespective of external validation. Practicing self-love involves acknowledging and embracing both strengths and vulnerabilities, fostering a deep connection with our authentic selves. Understand your thoughts, feelings, and reactions without judgment. Embrace your imperfections as part of the beautiful mosaic that makes you unique. Cultivate a positive inner dialogue, replacing self-criticism with self-compassion. Engage in activities that bring joy and nurture your spirit, creating a sacred space for self-discovery. **2.     The Significance of Self-Worth:** Self-worth is the bedrock upon which our decisions, relationships, and achievements rest. It is the unshakable belief in our inherent value and deservingness of love, respect, and success. Elevating self-worth involves recognizing and challenging negative self-perceptions, fostering a sense of competence, and valuing oneself independently of external judgments. Understanding the importance of self-worth is crucial. When we believe in our worthiness, we set healthy boundaries, make choices aligned with our values, and pursue goals with determination. High self-worth acts as a shield against the harsh criticisms of the world, allowing us to weather storms with resilience. **To help we will be calling on speakers who have expertise in different areas of personal development to join us in giving talks, running group activities, sharing and giving support.** **We look forward to having you with us either in an online Meetup or live event as it is safe to do so. We’re committed to hosting safe and responsible Meetup events for our members.** **THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME ALL THAT YOU ARE DESTINED TO BE!** **Profound thanks for joining our Group.**
1318 members · Public

Greater Social Life Union of Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi, ae

Greater Social Life Union of Abu Dhabi

The Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

There are many steps on your journey to greater social life. Here are the first steps for members of GSLU. After reading the rest of this introduction, you should read the 2021 book The Guide to Thumoslang. Many of our members put this new knowledge into practice as suggested by The GSLU Handbook.

When you spend more time in damage control mode and less time benefiting from your various relations, you waste a great deal of effort in your social life. Such a cost of opportunity keeps you from going at high speed towards your ideals, in creating your ideal self, and in actualizing what you truly want to become. This is likely due to a lack of social clarity, which is essential for internal conversations and vital for meaningful relationships.

Unintentionally created in 2017, accidentally discovered in 2018, and first taught in 2019, Thumoslang is the nomenclature for social clarity. It is used as a language for faster communication, be it in complex collaboration or difficult conversation. The first widespread use of social clarity has been predicted by Thumoslang pioneers to be just as important as the first widespread control of fire. All is explained by The Guide to Thumoslang, which is backed by The Dictionary of Thumoslang.

Again, the Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

Your ideals are the same as your ideal self, which means what you truly want to become. "Everything else is secondary," said Steve Jobs. Our group activities involve you with the first practical steps in the further development of your ideals, in keeping others from interfering with your life, and in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals. To be sure, if you lack social clarity in your internal conversations, face unwanted drama too often, are not sure of your social life or your path into the future, or have no friends and no groups available on a regular basis to help create your ideal self, this group is for you.


Our group activities bring you the following benefits:

Benefit 1 - Mastery of Relationships

As new GSLU members participate in the union's activities, they will quickly find themselves having noticeable enhancements in their social lives. The further they participate in GSLU activities, the faster they naturally acquire the mastery of relationships.

Benefit 2 - Best Friends for Your Ideals

Our group activities include practical steps in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals.

Benefit 3 - Internal Dialogues More Effective

Thumoslang is a set of terminology whose use is intended to benefit one's clarity in social situations. Consequently, Thumoslang allows you to have clearer communication with yourself in your mind.

Benefit 4 - Meaningful Relationships Much Stronger

Our members use Thumoslang to mend or strengthen their existing relationships, build new relations, and achieve greater social life.

Benefit 5 - Faster Actualization of Your Ideals

The actualization of your ideals goes faster when it regularly involves your best group, which is the small group of in-person, second-mind friends who are the best for the nurturing of your ideals. Our activities help you speed up the actualization of your ideals by reducing social roadblocks and increasing social shortcuts in your life.

75 members · Public