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Outdoor activities groups near Manama, BH

Bahrain Black Hash House Harriers

Manama, bh

Bahrain Black Hash House Harriers
What we're about: A Drinking Club with a Running Problem We are a group of social people interested in running, walking, drinking, exploring, and raunchy humor. Come join us on our next hash! What is hashing? You have stumbled upon an international phenomenon, where a group of people, "hashers", follow a cryptic trail that has been marked by the "hare". This trail leads to adult beverages, water, snacks and a lot of camaraderie. Some people run, some people walk, but they all follow these marks along streets, trails, and off the beaten path until they find a beverage stop. Now there is water there too and snacks, but we're really know as an Drinking Club with a Running Problem. Anyone with an open mind aged 21 to 99 is welcome! Participation is free your first run and then costs 1 bhd per run after, we run year round. What are the Black Hash trails like? Typically around 3-6km with more adult bevies than kilometers. Our hashers cooperate to follow trail and find the beverages. We stay and socialize at each stop for about 15 minutes after the last hashers arrives - nobody gets left out. Hash trails might include a mix of busy areas and deserted terrain, bar stops, and outdoor beverage stops. Who can come on trail? Trail is open to any 21 and over. What do I need to do in order to come out? Nothin is needed before hand, just show up! What do I bring and wear to my first trail? Bring: Cash for bar stops, a well prepared liver, and a sense of adventure! Wear: Clothes and sneakers you don't mind getting dirty. Can I still do trail if I don't run? Walker, jogger, or runner... trial is great for all levels. So don't be afraid to come out if you don't run. We have a bunch of walkers and/or walker-joggers. I'm still not sure what the heck Hashing is in the first place! Check out this wiki page for more info: Important: The organizers accept no responsibility for loss, damage, or injury, however caused or sustained by any participant in any event or associated activities. In other words, participants agree that "If I get hurt on trail, it's my own damn fault"
24 members · Private

Global Friends in Khobar

al-Khubar, sa

Global Friends in Khobar
Welcome to **Global Friends in Khobar**! 🌹 (ENGLISH) Are you new to Khobar or just looking to expand your social circle? Our group is dedicated to bringing together people from all walks of life, different backgrounds, and cultures. Whether you’re an expatriate, a local, or just passing through, you are welcome here! Our events are in English to make sure that people from different backgrounds and cultures can join. ❣️ #### What We’re About: We believe in the power of community and the enriching experience of meeting people from diverse cultures. Our group offers a friendly and inclusive environment where everyone can feel comfortable and valued. We organize various activities, including social gatherings, cultural events, and outdoor adventures, to foster meaningful connections. 🎈 #### Our Activities Include: * **Meetups**: Casual get-togethers at cafes, parks, and local venues to chat and make new friends. * **Cultural Exchanges**: Share and learn about different traditions, languages, and cuisines. * **Outdoor Adventures**: Group hikes, beach days, and city tours to explore the beauty of Khobar and its surroundings. * **Workshops & Discussions**: Engage in interesting topics and skill-sharing sessions led by group members. * **Festive Celebrations**: Celebrate international festivals and holidays together. 🎊 #### Who Can Join? Everyone! Whether you’re an expat, a student, a professional, or a local resident, if you’re open-minded and eager to meet new people, this group is for you. We welcome individuals of all ages and backgrounds. 🎉 Join **Global Friends in Khobar** today and start your journey towards making new friends and enriching your cultural experiences! 🌏 **Meet. Share. Connect. Celebrate Diversity.** 💥 We look forward to meeting you at our next event! 🔥 Feel free to bring friends, and let’s make Khobar an even more welcoming place together! 🤩 Join our Whatsapp group here:
519 members · Public

Anan's Researchers

al-Khubar, sa

Anan's Researchers
In today's rapidly evolving world, networking and collaboration play a vital role in driving innovation and advancing research. Recognizing the need for a dedicated meetings to connect like-minded researchers, Anan was founded—a vibrant and dynamic meetup group designed to foster collaboration, exchange ideas, and empower researchers from diverse fields. Objective: The primary objective of Anan meetings is to create a supportive and inclusive community for researchers, where they can connect with peers, share insights, and collaborate on groundbreaking projects. By bridging the gap between disciplines,Anan aims to ignite interdisciplinary discussions, encourage knowledge transfer, and spark innovation through diverse perspectives. Structure and Activities: Anan organizes regular meetups, workshops, and networking events, providing a community for researchers to interact and engage with one another. Here are some key activities that define the meetup group: 1. Regular Meetups: Anan hosts monthly or bi-monthly meetups, featuring presentations by guest speakers, panel discussions, and lightning talks. These events cover a wide range of research topics, enabling cross-pollination of ideas and encouraging participants to explore new avenues of collaboration. 2. Workshops and Skill Development: To empower researchers with essential skills, Anan conducts workshops on topics like scientific writing, data analysis, grant writing, and project management. These interactive sessions provide valuable insights and practical guidance, equipping researchers with tools to excel in their respective fields. 3. Networking Events: Anan understands the power of networking in fostering collaborations. The group organizes networking events where researchers can connect with potential collaborators, mentors, and industry professionals. These events facilitate the exchange of ideas, establishment of partnerships, and unlocking of new research opportunities. Benefits for Researchers: Participating in Anan offers numerous benefits for researchers, including: 1. Collaboration Opportunities: Researchers can establish collaborations across disciplines, leveraging the diverse skill sets and expertise within the group. Such collaborations often lead to groundbreaking research projects and publications. 2. Knowledge Exchange: Through presentations, panel discussions, and workshops, researchers gain exposure to new research trends, methodologies, and emerging fields. This knowledge exchange helps them stay at the forefront of their respective domains. 3. Professional Development: Anan's workshops and skill development sessions enhance researchers' professional skills, such as scientific writing, data analysis, and project management. These skills are crucial for career advancement and securing research funding. 4. Networking and Mentorship: The meetup group facilitates networking with peers, potential collaborators, and seasoned professionals. Researchers can find mentors, exchange ideas, and seek guidance from experienced individuals within the community.
91 members · Public

Tabletop Games Club نادي العاب الطاولة

al-Khubar, sa

Tabletop Games Club نادي العاب الطاولة

Welcome to the world of board gaming! Games that you play physically in the comfort of your own home - face to face - with your family and friends.

You might not have noticed, but we are currently in the middle of a board game golden age! More board games are being made every year than ever before. What's impressive is they're fun! Beautiful! And made to suit all kinds of different personalities! There are world-class, prestigious awards, YouTube channels, blogs and cafes, all dedicated to the hobby of board gaming.  The hobby is growing all around the world, let me tell you why:

مرحباً بكم في عالم الألعاب اللوحية!  عالم واسع من ما يمكن لعبه عند الاجتماع بالعائلة والأصدقاء.

نحن نمر في هذا الوقت بعصر ذهبي للألعاب اللوحية، حيث الإنتاج السنوي للألعاب الجديدة والمبتكرة ليس له نظير في التاريخ.

وما يزيد حلاوة الموضوع أن هذه الألعاب جميلة جداً، وممتعة، ومختلفة لتناسب كثير من الأذواق!  يوجد في زمننا الآن قنوات يوتوب، مدونات انتقادية، مقاهي، وجوائز عالمية مخصصة لهواية الألعاب اللوحية.

So what changed?

Fun... fun has changed. Player fun has become important above all.

In many of today’s board games you will find some or all of the following:

- Your decisions matter. Your choices matter. You win or lose based on what you decide to do. Luck has a place in games where it makes sense and doesn’t kill your joy.

- You have interesting decisions to make every turn. Meaning, player engagement from start to end. No more 4-hour games of one player who wins while you all watch and have nothing to do. Which brings us to...

- The winner is not always obvious. In some games, you won't know who won till the game ends. And yes...

- Games end! Whether after 10 minutes or 2 hours. You know how long ‘this’ game is going to be before and while you play the game. You can plan your last winning moves as you see the ending in sight.

- Social interaction. Using skills such as bluffing, manipulation and negotiations.

- Party games that can entertain 8, 10 or more people, in less than ten minutes, over and over again, fast!

- Thinking games for the thinking person. Where luck is minimal, and it’s all about how well you plan and scheme.

- Thematic games. That brings fun gameplay to themes you like. Whether it’s something seemingly unexciting like farming or raising cattle to

But wait... there's more. Board games are ultimately a social activity. With your loved ones, your family or friends. A good game invokes social interaction and lets you use skills you usually don’t.

فماذا تغير عن الماضي؟

المتعة! أصبحت المتعة هي الهدف الأول في تصميم أي لعبة.

في العاب اليوم، تجد بعض أو كل المميزات التالية:

- قراراتك مهمة، فعالة، وأساس نتيجة اللعبة.  الحظ موجود في المكان المناسب له، ولا يحبط من متعتك في اللعب.

- لديك قرارات ذات قيمة ووزن لتتخذها طوال مدة اللعبة.  بما معناه، لن تقضي معظم الوقت وأنت تشاهد لاعب آخر يفوز وليس بيدك حيلة.

- وعن الفائز! الفائز ليس بالضرورة واضح، بل من أحلى الألعاب، التي تسمح بإخفاء حقيقة الفائز حتى النهاية.

- النهاية! الألعاب تنتهي، بوقت معلوم أو أهداف واضحة.  أنت على علم بمدة اللعبة قبل البدء، وكم بقي أثناء اللعب.  وهذه الميزة تسمح بتخطيط أمسيتك بشكل أفضل.

- العاب حفلات، للأعداد الكبيرة، حيث القوانين السهلة، والمتعة السريعة.

- العاب معتمدة على التواصل الإجتماعي، والقدرة على الخداع، التمويه، والمفاوضة.

- العاب التفكير العميق والبعيد، حيث لا تأثير بالغ للحظ.

- مواضيع مشهورة ومحبوبة، تضيف عامل المتعة لألعاب قد تبدو غير مغرية.

عالم هذه الهواية يستجذب العائلة والأصدقاء ليقضوا وقتاً ممتعاً مع بعضهم البعض، وليستخدموا مهارات ليست من عادتهم في الحياة اليومية.

So how to get started in the group?




Where to start in the hobby?

Recommended videos and first games:

Social: Dixit, Telestrations, Codenames / Codenames Pictures.

Bluffing: The Resistance, Spyfall.

Light: No Thanks, Coloretto, For Sale, Archaeology, Jungle Speed.

Family: Ticket to Ride, Splendor, Potion Explosion, Takenoko.

Cooperative: Forbidden Desert, Pandemic

فكيف تبدأ مع مجموعة اللعاب اللوحة؟

- الحضور.

- الحضور.

- الحضور، كل ما استطعت!

أين تبدأ في الهواية؟

ألعاب مقترحة:

إجتماعية: Dixit, Telestrations, Codenames / Codenames Pictures.

تمويه: The Resistance, Spyfall.

خفيفة: No Thanks, Coloretto, For Sale, Archaeology, Jungle Speed.

عائلية: Ticket to Ride, Splendor, Takenoko.

تعاونية: Forbidden Desert, Pandemic.

409 members · Public