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Outdoor activities groups near Toronto, ON

MOCWA - My Outdoor Cycle, Walk & Activities Group

Oakville, ON

MOCWA - My Outdoor Cycle, Walk & Activities Group

A Meetup Group for Men and Women 45+ who enjoy Active Living. Great for Singles & Couples, renew fun and lively activities into your lives and meet other active enthusiastic new friends. Meet other Outdoor Enthusiasts to cycle with or walk local ravine and lakeside trails. Socialize with new like minded friends. Revel in the beauty and serenity that is within our city limits!  Enhance your physical health and well-being.

Please use your first name and your last initial when you join MOCWA Group. To update your profile or the messages you receive: Click your photo at the very top of the page then click Settings.

" What is important is the relation of people to each other and the relation of people to the land."

Aldo Leopold 1878-1914

WELCOME RECREATIONAL WALKERS, CYCLISTS, PADDLERS, VOLLEYBALL & TENNIS PLAYERS, DANCERS, HIKERS, SKATERS, SNOW SHOERS AND XC SKIERS! The Philosophy of Mocwa Group is to do Outdoor Events that are about 1.5 - 2/3 hrs. long and close to home for busy people. Watch for our fun and challenging activities like kayaking, tree top trekking, Dragonboat paddling, roller blading, xc skiing, tennis, beach volleyball, dancing, bowling, snow shoeing ... Please arrive a few minutes before the posted time to allow time for parking and our friendly Meet n' Greet & to contribute a Toonie to your volunteer HOST.
Please RSVP for the events you plan to attend. As a courtesy to the event host and fellow Mocwa's please update/change your RSVP if your plans change.

The walks are sociable but steady and fairly brisk so we have a good aerobic workout, too. Amazing photo ops along the way, check out some of the photos of past events.

Level I rides are between 30 km to 45 km in length at a pace of 17-19 km/hr. along trails and roadside bike lanes, usually about 1.5 - 3 hrs. long with occasional re-grouping. Level 2 Road Rides are between 30-60km at a pace of about 19-23 km/hr.  I will try to include some Leisure/Beginner Rides at a pace of about 16-18 km/hr. for about 1.5 hr that will have re-grouping and drop out locations. These Events will include Cycling Safety Tips! You must already be a fairly competent and confident rider to do all our rides with a late model well tuned bike. 

All you need to join is enthusiasm, a smile, water, a well tuned bike, comfortable hiking shoes and an umbrella. And your Toonie contributuon,

A monthly movie night and Chatter/Symposium Cafe is also on the agenda, plus other fun sociable activities. Check out our past events.

Improve your conditioning or take the first step on your journey toward better health.

Improve your heart rate, reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, increase bone mass, oxygenate your blood, improve your circulatory system, limber your joints, broaden your smile, lighten your heart, appreciate nature and enjoy one on one conversation.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Come and enjoy the exercise and camaraderie of our group. Check out the PHOTO's. Please use your first name and last initial when you sign up.

By participating in any of our events, you agree to the Waiver: (click Pages to review at any time)

WAIVER: Mississauga/Oakville Cycle, Walk and Activities Group Release and Indemnity Agreement
Being a member or participant or any guest thereof, for any activity by the MOCWA Group releases and forever discharges its organizer or assistants from any claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and actions or any liability or responsibility in anyway connecting to or however arising as a result of participation in any activity or event organized by this meet-up group. You agree that you are physically fit to participate in the activities and that your equipment is mechanically safe and suitable for its intended use. You also agree to heed all traffic laws and wear suitable clothing and accessories appropriate for the activities.

Icers might be useful for some of our winter walks.
Please have Helmets and a well tuned Bicycle with a bell. Lights and Gloves are also recommended. I recommend helmets & wrist guards for in-line skating. We snow shoe with poles when it snows on our local trails - this has become one of our favourite events.

Note: Posted times of events on the Calendar are the Departure Time, please arrive a few minutes early for our Meet and Greet so we can Depart on time.

3806 members · Private

Outdoor Cardio Ravine Explorers

Toronto, ON

Outdoor Cardio Ravine Explorers
**We are on Instagram @ravineexplorers** We are a hiking group with a twist….of history!  Our 10 km + cardio history hikes aim to not only raise your heart rate but also your awareness of the vibrant history and archaeology of the Don River Valley, and also the neighborhoods adjacent to it. Our urban hikes are quite popular too and are a great way to explore Toronto. These history hikes combine my appreciation for the Don River Valley ravines and trails, my Ph.D. ancient history and archaeology and my goal of staying fit and staying outdoors, year round! **Please note: Only members with clear profile photos can attend hikes. We do not allow guests (waiver considerations-see below) or pets. All members must be 18 years and older.** **WAIVER** By attending hikes organized by the Outdoor Cardio Ravine Explorers and its hosts you have read the waiver, acknowledge and agree to the terms of the waiver below. \*\*\*Waiver\*\*\* I acknowledge that the hiking activities in which I am participating, organized by the Outdoor Cardio Ravine Explorers (OCRE), involves risks which are beyond the control of the Outdoor Cardio Ravine Explorers and its organizer. Notwithstanding the acknowledgement of such risks, I hereby release the Outdoor Cardio Ravine Explorers, members and organizers from all claims for damage however so arising as a result of my participation in this and any other activity organized by the Outdoor Cardio Ravine Explorers. I affirm that I am aware of the nature of this activity, its length, duration and degrees of difficulty and that I am properly equipped and physically able to participate and have the proper equipment. I have no medical or other condition which might preclude my participation. I agree to follow the directions of the leader and any assistants at all times. **\*\*\* Hike FAQ’s\*\*\*** **Attendance:** **Clear profiles photo are required to attend our hikes.** Only members on the Going List for the hiking event can attend. No guests. No pets. Must be 18 years and older. **Mandatory Gear:** Hiking/trail running shoes with good treads. A headlamp or flashlight (night hikes) and for **Winter, Microspikes (see below) are mandatory.** **Attitude:** Please be courteous and respectful to other hikers, and the organizers and event hosts. And please, stay on the trail as to not disturb habitat or wildlife. **Where We Explore:** Outdoor Cardio and Ravine Explorers (OCRE) will explore the trails in and around the west and east Don River Valley System- all the way north to Finch Avenue and south to the Lakeshore and the Leslie Spit. We will venture west to the Humber River and east to Highland Creek. We also offer Urban hikes through the city and these have become quite popular and a great way to explore Toronto! And, we offer Storm Chaser hikes - if it's snowing, we are hiking! **Exercise Pace and Terrain:** Our hikes are mostly on the brisker side (5.5km/hr +) with a few moderate (4.0-5.0 km/hr) hikes occasionally. The terrain includes hills, stairs, uneven paths with roots and rocks, bike trails and paved sections. These are “no-drop” hikes, meaning we do not leave anyone behind in the ravines. **Hike Format:** Our hikes will start from a TTC Subway station to ensure quick entry into the ravines. Each hike will have a specific theme and destination. Be prepared to be amazed at the rich history and archaeology of the TO ravines. Hikes take place in the evenings, weekends and early mornings year-round! Our hikes will take place year round in the rain and snow with the exception of thunder and lightning and high winds (if in the ravines). **Trail Etiquette:** Since many of the trails are multi-use, we yield to mountain bikers. Step to the right, if safe to do so, and they will pass. **Cancelling Events/Changing RSVP:** Please respect your RSVP. Your host has researched the route and history, so cancelling at least 24 hours before an event is expected. We understand things come up last minute, but this should be a one-off. If you have 3 "no-shows" or more, you will removed from the group
5036 members · Private

Toronto Vancouver Kundalini Activation Process in Canada

Toronto, ON

Toronto Vancouver Kundalini Activation Process in Canada
Join us for transformative gatherings in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, Winnipeg, and other Canadian cities. Delve into awakening the Kundalini energy within through Life Force Energy/Kundalini activations, Non-Dual States of Consciousness Transmissions, Healing Circles, and Inner Guidance. We will explore ways to alleviate stress, gain deeper self-understanding, and connect with your Higher Self. **What is Kundalini Activation Process?** *Kundalini* is a term from ancient times describing the vital energy that moves through everything in the universe. Similar to concepts like qi or prana, kundalini is seen as the root of all creation and our consciousness. It's a special, hidden energy inside each person, waiting to be awakened. **Kundalini Activation Process (KAP)** is a powerful method that helps awaken this energy inside you. It's unique because it involves a direct energy transmission that activates this awakening. Unlike practices such as kundalini yoga, tantra, or chi gong, where you work to raise your own energy, KAP brings energy from above down to you, filling you from top to bottom naturally and gently. The energy knows what you need and adjusts itself to your needs without overwhelming you. Regularly participating in KAP can deeply change your brain and nervous system. This can lead to a big spiritual awakening. People in KAP often experience all the different signs of awakening, from the beginning stages to the more advanced ones. One of the cool things about KAP is that anyone can try it, no matter their experience level. You just need to come with an open heart and mind, ready to let go of control and without expecting anything specific. This direct flow of energy helps us discover our true essence. Learn more on my website: **[ESSENCE RISING](**
32 members · Public

COWS Canada Outdoor World Seekers

Toronto, ON

COWS Canada Outdoor World Seekers
\*\*Please NOTE:  If you choose to attend an event, make sure you read the DETAILS.  The event organizers may outline certain requirements, and may choose to not allow you to participate if you do not adhere to them.  This is important if we are following guidelines mandated by the Ontario government. And as always, any COWS member who wishes to attend an event should have their 'Moo' title.  If you don't have that, you will be notified, and/or moved to the wait or not going list, depending on the event. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Welcome to Cows! Canada Outdoor World Seekers (COWS), located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is a very active and dynamic group of that focuses mainly on outdoor activities. We encourage you to join and enjoy our varied adventures such as hiking, international trips, etc. Our annual membership fee is $5. Please pay using PayPal or any electronic payment method.    After you pay our membership, you will see a ‘Moo’ designation beside your name. A Moo means that you have paid your membership for 2020.  \*\*Only COWS who have paid their membership dues can attend COWS events.\*\*   As a group, we have adopted the following COWmandments: 1\. You shall be fun and positive and be open\-minded about yourself and other COWS\.  You shall leave your personal and/or professional issues at home or at work\. 2\. We encourage you to log in to our website at least once every 90 days to keep your account active\. 3\. You shall bring a guest\(s\) to one event for free and include his/her name\(s\) when you RSVP\.    If your guest wishes to attend future COWS events\, please have them register as a member of COWS\. 4\. All of our organizers are volunteers whose passion is the outdoors and having fun\.  We do not do this for a living\. 5\. Honor and respect your RSVP commitment\. "Yes" means "Yes"\.  Last minute cancellations\, within 24 hours of the event\, shall be marked as No Show at the discretion of the Event Host\. 6\. "No Shows" are taken seriously\.  Three "No Shows" removes you from the herd\.  Once removed for "No Shows"\, you may re\-apply for membership six months from your removal date\.  If removed a second time\, you have to wait 12 months to re\-join\. 7\. You shall not contact ‘Holy Cow’ to report other members unless you feel threatened or harassed\. 8\. You shall contact drivers directly for rides\.  Cows Inc\. does not arrange carpooling\. Please respect your fellow Cow's car\.  Bring an extra pair of shoes so as not to dirty your fellow Cow's car after a muddy or wet hike\.  You will take your trash with you when you leave the vehicle\.  Do not expect your driver to clean up after you\. Once you are accepted by a driver as part of his carpool, you must honor that commitment.  Do not cancel carpooling at the last minute and leave the driver with no time to look for your replacement.  If you do, please be courteous and considerate by paying your share of the carpool, even if you are no longer attending the event. Last-minute cancellation for carpooling is no less than one week before the event.   9\. You will be responsible for your own safety\.  You are expected to follow the COWS hiking safety guidelines and the event organizers' rules\.  At no time will you put yourself nor any COW at risk during any COWS hike or outdoor event\. 10\. You shall not ruin your fellow Cows' fun time\.  You shall not make negative comments about another member nor tarnish anyone's reputation\.  Neither will you say anything negative about your fellow Cow’s religion\, race\, colour or beliefs\. Your profile picture Your main profile picture needs to be a very bright and clear picture of your face, large enough so that organizers and members can recognize you at meet-ups or carpooling pick-ups. Your COWS' name Please use a name using the English alphabet. Do not use a name that starts with an ampersand, a squiggle, or any other character that will make searching your name difficult.  Because we may have several members with the same name, your last name can start with your initial.  For example, Donna R. or David P or David Peer.  Avoid nonsense names such as The Phantom for example, single letter names, capital letter names such as, RDJ or some such combination. Disclaimer: Cows Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation and by rsvping to the events, you assume responsibility for you own safety and are bound by the terms of our waiver. See link for more waiver details. [Waiver form](
393 members · Private

Mosaic Outdoor Club of Ontario - Toronto and Ottawa

Toronto, ON

Mosaic Outdoor Club of Ontario - Toronto and Ottawa
[Sign up for our Mosaic newsletter!]( Mosaic Outdoor Club of Ontario is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit organization which integrates Jewish values with an appreciation of the outdoors. We celebrate and explore the great outdoors in a social setting. We provide quality group experiences to foster the development of outdoor knowledge and respect for the environment in a Jewish context. Mosaic also seeks to provide a positive social atmosphere for sharing those experiences. We encourage you to join us to interact with other like-minded active people. **Love to be outdoors!** What type of activities do we do? We hike the beautiful Bruce Trail and Oak Ridges Moraine; we have Chanukah skating parties; we take city walks along the ravines; we ski the stunning cross-country trails of southern Ontario; and we play tennis. We enjoy bowling, we feature running clinics, and we learn how to dance. And if that isn’t enough – we usually get together for coffee and schmoozing afterwards. Some programs we have done in the past include tree planting, orienteering, baseball and archery, to name a few. MOCO also hosts fabulous weekend getaways up north in summer and winter, complete with bonfires, singsongs, and other fun outdoor activities. Our MOPACK club organizes amazing canoe and camping trips to spectacular sites throughout Ontario. Mosaic also has chapters in many other North American cities, and the annual Labour Day event is a fabulous, fun-filled weekend with opportunities to meet others who love the outdoors just like you!   **Fees and Membership** How to Participate in Mosaic Activities When you sign up on Meetup, you can join our events as a full fee-paying member or guest.   **Become a Mosaic Member:** Membership entitles you to participate in all Mosaic events, including weekend getaways, canoe trips and the annual International Event. The fee covers your membership until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is usually held in March each year. Click here to join us as a paid member: [](   **Participate as an Event Guest:** If you choose not to become a full member, you can participate in most events as an Event Guest by signing on to our Meetup site. You will pay an individual Event Guest fee of $8.00 and sign a waiver form found on the website [](   **How to Join our Meetup Group:** To join our Meetup Group, either as a Mosaic Member or as a Guest, you'll first need to have a Meetup account (free of charge): · To access the Mosaic Meetup Group, log into your Meetup account and go to our group page at MOCO  []( · Click the Join us! button on the right side of the navigation bar and answer the profile questions to introduce yourself. · We will send you a confirmation message to advise that you have been added to our Meetup Group list. This will allow you to view all our upcoming activities and events and RSVP to the ones you wish to join.   [Click here]( to sign up for our Mosaic newsletter! [](
523 members · Private

North York Outdoor Volleyball

North York, ON

North York Outdoor Volleyball
**Finding and making new friends is always essential, and finding the right activity within the right group is equally important.**  **Let's stay active and get social!** **Since Toronto has a limited warm-weather season, it's time to get outside, do outdoor activities, and have fun!**  **What's better than a friendly game in the park?**  **We love volleyball and know sports are a great way to meet new people and make friends.** **We would love to invite you to join us for a healthy, family-friendly game in the park.**  **Our primary focus is on fun and the chance to meet new people.**  **Everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level, age, or capability—no experience is required. This is a recreational group. From avid fans to those just learning, we want to have fun.** **We strive to accommodate players of all skill levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—and always reserve one net for more advanced players. This way, everyone can enjoy the game at their own pace.** **We hope you'll join us on Wednesday and/or Saturday evenings at Antibes Park.** **Please Note: This is a not-for-profit group. You participate at your own risk. By participating, you release the organizers of all liabilities related to any loss or injury you might sustain while participating in the events planned by this group. You also acknowledge and agree to abide by any rules and accept any conditions or restrictions the chosen venues for the games may have in place.** **See you in the park!** 
2075 members · Public