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Language Exchange - Macau

Macau, mo

Language Exchange - Macau

Language Exchange - Macau is a local and international community of language learners of all levels that come together to improve their language skills and make great friends.

In this community, people from different cultures and linguistic backgrounds will have the opportunity to sharpen their language skills, while helping others to do the same. Currently we do weekly language exchanges with English, Cantonese and Mandarin and select special events in other languages. Its lots of fun and it's free!

Language Exchange usually starts with a fun ice breaker that gets people talking, then moves to a quick vocabulary lesson. After this, the bulk of the time is spent on actual conversation with each other. At the end of the exchange you will be a better speaker and have a bunch of new friends!

We have fun games and activities that utilize our knowledge of English or Cantonese to learn new grammar points and practice our conversation skills through various weekly topics that are applicable to use in your everyday speaking life.

Try “Speed Swap” - Use the grammar points learnt in class to practice in one on one conversations with a wide variety of people! <br>This is a chance to have quick conversations with people, without feeling the pressure to hold a conversation!

Try “Group Chat” - Make friends both international and Chinese as you practice points learnt in class in group discussions! <br>This is a relaxed way to chat openly in the language of your choice and lean new things about your friends!

Who can you meet at Language Exchange?

- At Language Exchange we have people from all over the world! <br>Meet people from countries like America, Australia, the UK, Europe, Canada and some funny countries you have never even heard of! These people are studying or working in Hong Kong as teachers and business people, bringing a wide variety of skill and background to Language Exchange Macau!

- It’s also a chance to meet Chinese, who may be studying to enhance their English skill like you, or are looking to exchange their native language for yours! Whoever you meet at Language Exchange Macau, you are sure to learn new and exciting things as well as make friends for life!

Do I need to have any previous English/Cantonese/Mandarin skill?

- No, you don’t need any previous language skill, Language Exchange Macau is bilingual so you won’t have any problems understanding! Just come with the confidence to learn something new!

Do I have to speak in a foreign language?

- No, Language Exchange Macau is a relaxed and friendly environment, we encourage people to speak and learn something new, but there are no requirements to speak if you are uncomfortable.

Do I need to bring any English or Cantonese textbook?

- Language Exchange Macau, is based on conversation skill and grammar points, sometimes we will teach from textbooks, but it is not necessary to bring your own.

Can Language Exchange Macau help me with my upcoming english exam?

- Yes, we focus primarily on speaking, however this can aid you in your examinations and give you the boost you need. We also focus on grammar points based used in TOEIC .

Does Language Exchange Macau have age limits?

- No, there are no age limits, young and old Language Exchange Macau is for everyone!

Who runs Language Exchange Macau?

- We are run by international volunteers living in Macau. Anyone can volunteer, including you. Email us if you are interested to volunteer.

Why is Language Exchange Macau free?

The venue, equipment, and resources are all provided to Language Exchange Macau by Lifehouse International Church. This is provided as a service to the local community with minimal cost.

428 members · Public

Macao Tai Chi & Qi Gong Meetup Group

Macao, mo

Macao Tai Chi & Qi Gong Meetup Group
Can choose just one activity : Health Qigong Baduanjin and WuQinXi 5 animals play or All combined in one class that is easy to follow Health Qigong, Other Qigongs, Taijiquan Wushu and taekwondo Karate all in ONE with Teacher Coach Nikola and Track & Field 新聞稿:澳門市民馬司洋老師在全國健身氣功比賽中榮獲銀牌 第六届全国健身气功·八段锦交流比赛大会举行 Macau Health Qigong General Association Coach Nikola 馬司洋教練 won SILVER at Chinese National. Thank You Sifu Sam Pou Wa 10月28日,为期两天的第六届全国健身气功·八段锦交流比赛大会在房山区良乡体育中心举行。比赛吸引了来自全国15个省区市和澳门特别行政区的近300名健身气功爱好者参赛。 健身气功是一项融合了中华传统文化和现代运动理念的体育项目。本届比赛大会由国家体育总局健身气功管理中心、中国健身气功协会、北京市体育局、北京市房山区人民政府共同主办,北京市社会体育管理中心、北京市健身气功协会、北京市房山区体育局联合承办。活动得到了体育彩票公益金的大力支持,助力传统体育项目在市民中普及发展,不仅丰富了广大市民的业余生活,提升群众身体素质,更让健身意识、健康中国理念深入人心。 与往届相比,本届比赛的竞赛组别设置更加丰富,参与方式也更为便捷,为不同地区、性别、年龄和不同水平的习练者提供了交流展示平台。比赛继续秉承“赛训结合”的理念,设置了“名师讲座”环节,由大赛裁判长、北京体育大学副教授、武术世界冠军刘晓蕾在比赛之余为选手进行健身气功·八段锦提升培训,让习练者“知其然,更知其所以然”,避免因错误的习练方式造成损伤。 为更好地推广项目,本届比赛依托北京健身汇微信小程序,专门开发了健身气功AI智能测试系统,并率先上线健身气功·八段锦线上测试功能,让习练者即便不参加比赛也能学习健身气功,同时检验自己的学习效果。此外,比赛还限量发售数字藏品《八段锦古籍图谱》、《八段锦图谱》、《八段锦卷轴》、《八段锦百问百答》,每件藏品均拥有唯一编码,可以永久存证,不仅具有收藏价值,而且还可兑换相应书籍。第六届全国健身气功八段锦交流比赛大会 AWARD CERTIFICATE 获奖证书 代表队名称: 澳門健身氣功總會隊 运动员姓名: 馬司洋 参赛项目: :健身气功·八段锦普及功法男子中老年个人赛 二等奖 获奖名次: 2023年10月 北京·房山 中国体育彩票
49 members · Public