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Outdoor activities groups near Nantwich, C5

Be Active Be Social

Wrexham, Z4

Be Active Be Social

My happiest moments in life are when I’m doing ‘stuff’ with like minded people, not taking life seriously and having fun. But sometimes it’s tricky to find the people to do ‘stuff’ with when you’re available and so it can be tough to motivate yourself to be active and social. So, this group aims to bring like minded people together to do stuff with in Wrexham and the surrounding area.

Although I started this group, I want it to belong to the community. Therefore, other people may organise ‘stuff’ and invite you to come along.

I am a spontaneous ‘planner’ so anything I add is likely to be last minute. I’ll also add notes and updates so please check Meetup regularly if you don’t want to miss my activity.

Id like this group to have good friendship etiquette so please be punctual, keep us updated, or cancel if you are unable to attend activities.

Note: There are no charges. However, the fees to use this platform need to be covered so contributions towards costs maybe requested prior to each gathering. Any surplus will always be donated to local charities.

We also have a Facebook group

This is an informal group, a group of like minded people using a platform to organize get togethers. It is not a formal group (e.g. there are no leaders, no experts, no insurance or anyone to compliment or complain to!). You must take responsibility for researching an activity, deciding if it’s appropriate for you and being responsible for ensuring you’re adequately prepared so you can look after your own health and safety. Hosts/organizers cannot be held liable as they are individuals inviting you to an activity they have planned as a friend. Finally, usual caution with respect to using any social media platform should be used. Thanks!

553 members · Private

Free Meditation & Yoga Newcastle-under-Lyme

Newcastle, M9

Free Meditation & Yoga Newcastle-under-Lyme
Join us on Wednesdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm - at the Wheelhouse, 41 high street, Newcastle under Lyme, ST5 1QZ.  PARKING:  Midway car park for £1 in the evenings, less than 2 mins walk to Wheelhouse.  Alternatively, you can find free car parking spaces at ''Wilson street, Newcastle under Lyme, ST5 2BZ'' ... 4 mins walk to Wheelhouse. Achieve Yoga & enter into a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’. This community group was started in Nantwich/Crewe & Stoke - Newcastle under Lyme to invite all those who might be interested in learning to meditate and for those who actually want to achieve Yoga. Many are curious as to what meditation or yoga actually is and what's it all about?  The meetings aim to provide that insight and know how. With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we normally sit on chairs to achieve yoga, effortlessly & spontaneously. So there is no need for mats and no special clothing required. The charity offers free bespoke classes that are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous.  The free classes feature introductory talks, video's, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK.  Sahaja Yoga free meditation classes help attendees to achieve a deep state of peace and spiritual awareness in life. Try Sahaja Yoga meditation classes and see for yourself the improvement to your mental, physical and emotional state.  Learn and experience… \- Simple meditation techniques\. Guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation\. Tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home\.  The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing the subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with no mental activity or thoughts about the past or the future.  Occasionally there are 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, a natural state of being.
210 members · Public

North Staffordshire IVC Social Group

Stoke-on-Trent, M9

North Staffordshire IVC Social Group
**Welcome to the North Staffs IVC Meet Up Group.** This group has been set up to give an introduction to the North Staffs Inter Varsity Club, a social and activities group for professional & like-minded people which has been going for over 60 years and has a wide range of social events and activities each and every month, all organised and hosted by our club members. Our Meet Up group will alert you to our weekly club nights and also one or two of the other events from the many which our full members can attend. Just a few words about our club – we have almost 80 active members, mainly in the 50+ age group. We're always looking for new members, whether singles or couples, to join us in having a great time. We have no limits on what we may do, and are always open to new ideas. You can make new friends, and have the chance to do new activities you may never have experienced before. Full members of North Staffs IVC arrange a number of events every month throughout North Staffordshire and further afield. There is a wide range to choose from and if there is something particular which you would like to do, you can become a member of the IVC and host an event yourself! Come along to one of our club nights for further information and a great welcome. The NSIVC is part of the Association of Inter Varsity Clubs, which has around 40 clubs nationally with a combined membership of over 3,500. This also gives us access to many of the events hosted by other AIVC clubs and carries further benefits such as insurance for the adventurous things we do. Further information about North Staffs IVC can be found on our website: []( PLEASE NOTE THAT NOT ALL NORTH STAFFS IVC MEMBERS ARE MEMBERS OF THIS MEETUP GROUP AND THEREFORE ATTENDANCE NUMBERS ARE INACCURATE AND ARTIFICIALLY LOW. **DATA PRIVACY POLICY FOR IVC CLUBS** **1\. About this Policy** 1.1 This policy explains when and why we collect personal information about our members, how we use it and how we keep it secure and your rights in relation to it. 1.2 We may collect, use and store your personal data, as described in this Data Privacy Policy and as described when we collect data from you. 1.3 We reserve the right to amend this Data Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice. You are advised to check our website regularly for any amendments (but amendments will not be made retrospectively). 1.4 We will always comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when dealing with your personal data. Further details on the GDPR can be found at the website for the Information Commissioner's Office. ([]( For the purposes of the GDPR, we will be the “controller” of all personal data we hold about you. **2\. Who are we?** 2.1 We are the North Staffs Inter Varsity Club. We can be contacted at **** **3\. What information we collect and why\.** **Type of information** **Purposes** **Legal basis of processing** Member's name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address(es). Managing the Member’s membership of the Club. The Host contact details for IVC Events. Performing the Club’s contract with the Member. For the purposes of our legitimate interests in operating the Club. Date of birth / age related information. Managing membership categories which are age related. Performing the Club’s contract with the Member. Reporting information to the AIVC. For the purposes of the legitimate interests of the AIVC to satisfy diversity compliance required by law. Photos and videos of Members. Putting on the Club’s website and social media pages and using in press releases. Consent. We will seek the Member’s consent on their membership application form and each membership renewal form and the Member may withdraw their consent at any time by contacting us by e-mail or letter. The Member’s name and e-mail address. Creating and managing the Club's online Membership Directory. Consent. We will seek the Member’s consent on their membership application form and each membership renewal form. The Member may withdraw their consent at any time by contacting us by e-mail or letter to tell us that they no longer wish their details to appear in the Membership Directory. Login credentials to the clubs web site. Performing the Club’s contract with the Member. For the purposes of our legitimate interests in operating the Club. Bank account details of the member for making payments to and receiving payment from the Club. Managing the Member’s membership of the Club, the provision of services and events. Performing the Club’s contract with the Member. The Member’s name and  e-mail address, whilst a current member and for up to 2 years after ceasing to be a member of the Club. Passing to the AIVC for the AIVC levies and to conduct surveys of Members and former members of the Club. See paragraph 5.3 below. For the purposes of our legitimate interests in operating the Club and / or the legitimate interests of the AIVC in its capacity as the national body. Name, e-mail address and telephone number of each Club Officer. Information published on Club’s website, in Club’s newsletter and other publications, in the Club’s marketing materials and made available to the AIVC, in each case as a point of contact at the Club. For the purposes of our legitimate interests in operating and promoting the Club. Name, e-mail address and telephone number of each Club committee member. Information published on Club’s website. For the purposes of our legitimate interests in operating and promoting the Club. **4\. How we protect your personal data** 4.1 We will not transfer your personal data outside the EU without your consent BUT we will inform you if the Club’s hosted services, website and/or email server are outside of the EU and therefore your data is held outside of the EU. 4.2 We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personal data from loss, misuse, or unauthorised alteration or destruction. 4.3 Please note however that where you are transmitting information to us over the internet this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure. 4.4 We will notify you promptly in the event of any breach of your personal data, which might expose you to serious risk. **5\. Who else has access to the information you provide us?** 5.1 We will never sell your personal data. We will not share your personal data with any third parties without your prior consent (which you are free to withhold) except where we are required to do so by law or as set out in the table above or in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 below. 5.2 We may pass your personal data to third parties who are service providers, agents and subcontractors to us for the purposes of completing tasks and providing services to you on our behalf (e.g. to print newsletters and send you mailings). We do this for the purpose of our legitimate interests in operating the Club and for performing our contract with you. However, we disclose only the personal data that is necessary for the third party to deliver the service and we have a contract in place that requires them to keep your information secure and not to use it for their own purposes. It is possible that third parties may themselves engage others (sub-processors) to process your data. Where this is the case, third parties will be required to have contractual arrangements with their sub-processor(s) that ensure your information is kept secure and not used for their own purposes. 5.3 We may also pass your personal data to the AIVC for the purposes of carrying out surveys when it is in the legitimate interest of the club and the AIVC to do so. The AIVC may use third parties to carry out the surveys but disclose only the personal data that is necessary for the third party to do so and will have a contract in place that require the third party to keep your information secure and not to use it for their own purposes. **6\. How long do we keep your information?** 6.1 We will hold your personal data on our systems for as long as you are a member of the Club and for as long afterwards as it is in the Clubs’ legitimate interest to do so or for as long as is necessary to comply with our legal obligations. We will review your personal data every year to establish whether we are still entitled to process it.   If we decide that we are not entitled to do so, we will stop processing your personal data 6.2 We will retain your personal data in an archived form in order to be able to comply with future legal obligations e.g. compliance with tax requirements and exemptions, and the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. 6.3 We will securely destroy all personal financial information (banking details) once we have finished using it and no longer need it. **7\. Your rights**  7.1 You have rights under the GDPR: (a) To access your personal data. (b) To be provided with information about how your personal data is processed. (c) To have your personal data corrected. (d) To have your personal data erased in certain circumstances. (e) To object to or restrict how your personal data is processed. (f) To have your personal data transferred to yourself or to another business in certain circumstances. 7.2 You have the right to take any complaints about how we process your personal data to the Information Commissioner's Office. Web: []( **Tel: 0303 123 1113. Information Commissioner's Office** **Wycliffe House** **Water Lane** **Wilmslow** **Cheshire SK9 5AF** **For more details, please address any questions, comments and requests regarding our data processing practices to Dannie Bonner, (**
53 members · Private

Chester50 - Chester & district 50+ social group

Chester, C5

Chester50 - Chester & district 50+ social group
The group was set up for people aged 50 and over, living in the Chester, North Wales, Wirral, Cheshire, areas. It can be hard when you are older or even retired to know where to go to meet other people of a similar age. We have members of mixed ages from 50, 60, 70+ who have numerous interests. This site will help you to mix and socialise with other members, by joining in with events they have put on.  Every member is encouraged to put on events, so if there is something you've been wanting to do, but have no one to do it with, now is your chance.  Just put it on the site as an event, and interested members will RSVP.  Everyone says we are a friendly bunch, so come on and join in, you will be made very welcome.  The membership joining fee is £10 per person  and is non-refundable. MEMBERSHIP WILL BE APPROVED WHEN YOUR £10 FEE HAS BEEN PAID by:-  ONLINE BANKING (QUOTE SUBS & THE NAME YOU WILL USE ON YOUR PROFILE ON THE WEBSITE.) Or BY CHEQUE PAYABLE  to MeetupChester50+ The account number or address will be provided on application. **DISCLAIMER** \*\*PLEASE NOTE……\*\*WE DO NOT HAVE ANY INSURANCE COVER FOR ANY ACTIVITIES YOU MAY TAKE PART IN eg WALKS, OUTINGS. DANCING,  TRAIN /BUS JOURNEYS, WEEKENDS AWAY, ETC. ETC. IT IS UP TO MEMBERS TO BE AWARE THAT THEY MUST HAVE THERE OWN INSURANCE COVER. I**t is up to all members to organise meetups** (events) by filling in the on screen form. It's actually quite easy and quick (once you get used to it). Our requirements for membership are as follows:- 1    You must complete the short questionnaire with the information requested as to what your interests are and where you come from.  Also what you would like to gain from joining the group. 2     You must provide a **CLEAR HEAD AND SHOULDERS PHOTO OF JUST YOURSELF.**  (No animals, other family members or friends must be on the photo.)  This is so that all members can be recognised by other members when attending events.  Applications with incorrect photos will be declined and you will be asked to re apply with the correct photo. 3     Your profile should not promote your own, or anybody else's **Financial Interests/Gains**, and you should not use membership of the group to do this. 4    We look forward to members putting on at least one event each year that we can all enjoy.  (Help/advice on how to do this can be's easy!) 5     If after 9 months members have been inactive in the group, it is up to our discretion to cancel their membership. 6 PLEASE NOTE…..If you cancel an event attendance, please make sure you give at least 24 hours notice unless it’s a last minute emergency with the courtesy of an apology. Failure to do so means you will receive a ‘NO SHOW’ on your profile. 3 NO SHOWS will mean your membership will be cancelled. 7\. Our policy is that applicants are not in 12 groups or more when they apply to join\. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF A MEMBER CEASES TO COMPLY WITH THE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS, THEIR MEMBERSHIP WILL BE CANCELLED WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS INCLUDES REMOVING OR CHANGING A PROFILE PICTURE TO AN UNSUITABLE ONE. N.B. When you apply for membership, it will appear that you have been accepted, but you will not be able to access the site fully until the application has been approved.  You will have 4 weeks to complete your application. Approval can only take place if your profile is complete, as above. If you are not sure how to upload a picture, please click on the "Pages" tab above, and then select "To upload or manage profile photos." We look forward to meeting you soon. Sue H, Val and Eileen. Organisers.
219 members · Private

Widows and Widowers of Cheshire (and beyond!)

Chester, Y1

Widows and Widowers of Cheshire (and beyond!)

This is a social group which will appeal to single widows and widowers, or anyone who has lost their long term partner through bereavement, to enjoy being together with people who know how they feel and where they are coming from.  It is NOT a dating site nor is it a bereavement support group as such but a social group where we can 'fit in' instead of being the odd one out which many of us sometimes feel.  I want our group to be a very safe place for everybody in the group, a place where people can come and be respected and cared about and where people can let their guard down and just be whoever it is they are learning to be post loss. It will be for members only and run by members. Our core age is 50-75 but this is just a guide, we do have members outside that age bracket both above and below but most of our activities are targeted at that age range!

Lots to look forward to - walks, meals out, bowling, theatre and cinema visits, Christmas events, I am excited just thinking about it! . The annual fee is £5 payable within six months of joining. And if you have any further questions don't hesitate to hit the 'Contact' button under my photo and get in touch! Look forward to meeting you!

(This group is a Chester based group - our core events such as coffee mornings/pub evenings etc take place in Chester, if we go to the cinema it is one local to here and we often walk in N.Wales.  Our policy has always been that if you would like to come to us, even from a distance, we are happy to have you but we do prefer our membership to be made up of actively involved members and this may be more difficult for some if you live away.  Just worth bearing in mind!!)

233 members · Private

Heart and Soul Community Singers, Chester

Chester, Y1

Heart and Soul Community Singers, Chester
Heart & Soul Community Singers have been meeting for many years but found a new name during the pandemic. We sing simple but beautiful songs about the heart and soul of human experience; joy and sadness, hope and grief and everything in between. We co-create community with each other through singing together and generally leave sessions feeling nourished, uplifted and connected. We enjoy heartening the community around us by singing in public spaces and hold a mixture of indoor and outdoor sessions. We are always open to new members; no experience needed, there are no auditions and no expectation to sign up for any specified length of time. We aim to be accessible to anyone who wants to sing with others; there is no music to read; all songs are taught by ear at a gentle pace and newer and less confident singers have the support of those more experienced. We run several sessions throughout the week, some themed. All members are welcome to attend as many or as few sessions as they can/wish to. Monday, Thursday and Sunday sessions cover a wide range of songs from various cultures and traditions. Monthly Saturdays we Sing for the Earth or drop into Sacred Song. Fridays is Taize chants in Chester Cathedral. There are payment options for pay per session or a monthly subscription and we are happy to negotiate reductions for those on low incomes. We are led by Ella Speirs, an experienced Natural Voice Practitioner and group facilitator, who is supported by many members who help in big and small ways to ensure things run smoothly. If this appeals you are very welcome to come along anytime and try your first session for free. NB We have been singing throughout the pandemic and have developed good covid safe practices which we respectfully ask all singers to follow.
7 members · Public

New Chester Friends - Tel: 07790498898

Chester, C5

New Chester Friends - Tel: 07790498898
This brand new group will host a comprehensive choice of activities and entertainment in Chester and its environs giving its members the best of the ancient city and its spectacular countryside. We will also feature events promoted by neighbouring groups in the true spirit and tradition of Meet Up. We will have a team of organisers with great experience of arranging a huge variety of events and will offer the warmest of welcomes to everyone who joins our group. Members will be encouraged to share ideas for new events and the group will be run for the members by the members. The annual Membership Fee is £5 per person. By joining the group you agree to these terms and conditions  (if you disagree, please remove yourself from the group):  I will take all responsibility/liability for any injuries/damages resulting from my participation in group activities or use of equipment/facilities during any event I understand & am aware that strength flexibility & aerobic exercise including the use of equipment are potentially hazardous activities.  I understand that exercise and fitness activities involve a risk of injury & even death & that I'm voluntarily participating in these activities & using equipment and facilities with the knowledge of the dangers involved.  I agree to assume & accept all & any risks of injury or death and declare myself to be physically sound & suffering from no condition impairment disease or infirmity or other illness that would prevent my participation in any event that I RSVP for as herein stated I acknowledge that I have either had a physical examination & have been given my doctors permission to participate or that I have decided to participate in an event activity and use of equipment & machinery without the approval of my doctor; I assume all responsibility for my participation in activities & use of equipment and machinery in my activities New Chester Friends cannot accept responsibility for any loss theft or damage of personal belongings. I agree that I bring these to events at my own risk.
60 members · Private

Leek and Moorlands Beekeepers

Longsdon, M9

Leek and Moorlands Beekeepers
Meet other local Beekeepers to discuss the art and craft of this fascinating hobby! **IMPORTANT Read This:** **Terms of Attendance** **everyone attending the apiary must accept the following:** * the apiary is a **trip hazard** as it is on rough ground with access down uneven steps, so is only suitable for those who are safe on such terrain * you run the **risk of bee stings** anywhere in or near the apiary, and you should not attend the apiary if you are allergic to bee stings * if you use our protective equipment (eg bee suits), it is **your responsibility** to ensure it is in good repair and bee proof (report any damage); you should wear bee proof, loose-fitting trousers and bee proof footwear such as wellingtons * seek assistance from others to ensure you are free of bees before removing suits and leaving the apiary; ensure you do not take followers down the lane * you should not wear perfumes or scented deodorants * **bee disease risk** \- do not use your own hive tools or gloves \(we provide them\) * you must follow the instructions of the apiary team leaders * take care with **fire** when using smokers: if using the blow torch ensure no-one is nearby and extinguish it immediately after use; keep your veil away from naked flames as they are flammable and can cause serious burns; ensure that no burning material blows out of the smoker; empty used fuel into the metal bin and put on the lid; keep water nearby * be aware that **hazardous substances** are used in the apiary (particularly acetic, formic and oxalic acids) and these must only be handled by authorised personnel * if you feel unwell you must notify a team leader and move away from the hives to the steps * it is your responsibility to obtain **manual handling** training, as mishandling heavy hive parts can cause injuries * **children** should not attend without the express prior permission of the event organiser, and a parent/guardian must be present at all times We have regular weekly meetings at the Leek and Moorlands Beekeepers Association apiary during the active season, plus occasional visits to members apiaries. Newcomers are welcome to attend, and bee suits are available to borrow (on a first come basis) Those who attend regularly may wish to become members by paying the annual subscription of £5; this will give you voting rights and occasional text alerts about short notice events. Check out the North Staffs BKA website []( PARKING: There is very limited parking by the apiary and we try to reserve it for those transporting heavy equipment or with mobility issues; please take care not to annoy our neighbours; there is a particular problem with Horsebridge Cottage at the end of Micklea Lane. Please park further up the roads and do not block entrances
645 members · Private