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Outdoor activities groups near Kendal, C9

Morecambe PianoMeetups

Morecambe, H2

Morecambe PianoMeetups
If you're passionate about the piano, **Morecambe PianoMeetups is your group**! Morecambe PianoMeetups organizes unique experiences for piano enthusiasts, where the performers are the attendees themselves. Morecambe PianoMeetups is a non-profit initiative that seeks to create a community of piano enthusiasts through activities and events. Fundamentally, we hold PianoMeetups: regular events in an auditorium with a grand piano where the attendees are the performers. At these events, we play pieces that move us, pieces that we are working on, and just for the pleasure of doing it. The level is not important, and playing is not mandatory; it is simply about loving music and the piano. The PianoMeetups consist of two parts, one musical and one social. After playing, we continue the event by having a drink and share the experience with everyone. All attendees who wish to do so will have time at the piano to play the piece(s) they want, without restrictions on musical style. Morecambe PianoMeetups is a non-profit initiative. The event expenses are divided among the attendees. * Is it necessary to know how to play to attend? No. We welcome all piano enthusiasts, who knows if after attending an event you decide to start playing... * I have a very low level, can I play? Yes. Whenever you want, you can play. The events are characterized by absolute respect for those who overcome their fear of playing in front of others. No one will correct you or interrupt you. However, we ask that you have worked on the piece. * I'm not sure if I want to play, when do I have to decide? You can wait until the event itself. If at the last moment you decide to play, one of the organizers will gladly give you their time slot. If, on the contrary, you get cold feet at the last moment, some other pianist will take your place. We don't force anyone. It's about enjoying... * When do I have to register? As soon as possible! The events have a limited capacity since each pianist has their time to play. However, we understand that last-minute problems may arise, and you may not be able to attend. What we do ask is that you let us know. The second "no-show" without notice will result in expulsion. * Is there anything else I should know? We are not a singles group, we seek to create a healthy and safe environment. Likewise, we do not want to be a platform for commercial activities. In this regard, we are very strict, and anyone who breaks the rules and harms the atmosphere will be asked to leave the group.
27 members · Public