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Outdoor activities groups near Dorchester, D6

Bournemouth and Poole Fun Fit For Life Club Meetup

Poole, D6

Bournemouth and Poole Fun Fit For Life Club Meetup
Bournemouth and Poole Fun Fit For Life Club   The purpose of this Meetup is to connect with those people who prefer to exercise outdoors and make friends with like minded people. We have a community of healthy active members with a sense of fun and we welcome everybody, no matter their fitness level. Going to the gym can be daunting for some. It is easy to feel as if you are being judged on your body shape and fashion sense, with mirrors and posers all around in abundance. It can also be very insular, with music so loud you can't have a conversation, or people wearing earphones. Even in group classes there is no communication between participants and everybody disappears within 30 seconds of the class finishing. There is also the aspect of working in a forced air environment with everybody's germs and smells being recycled. We are very different, we get people to work outside in the fresh air, and engage with each other, in pairs or teams, doing exercises, games or races. The sorts of games we play are Touch British Bulldog, Stick in the Mud, skipping with everybody on one long rope, leap frog, wheelbarrow races and piggy-back races. In fact all the games you used to play before the world went health and safety mad. Come and get in back in touch with your inner child. Fashion is not an issue, come in what is comfortable and suitable for the weather. We do work hard, with activities pitched to each individual’s fitness level, fitter members exercise at a higher intensity, but we are very inclusive. We like smiles on faces, when people are having fun they tend to work harder without realising it, and therefore get better results. The sense of community we engender makes exercising with friends something members want to come to and be part of rather than something they feel they should do. Each session will cost £4.00 however your first taster session is free, £3.00 per session if you block book 15 sessions We also have other events, such as mountain bike rides, kayaking, Stand Up Paddle Boarding, mystery runs/walks on Sundays, paint balling, and occasional socials. My email is and my phone no is 07775 633081 if you would like more information.
911 members · Public

Free Meditation & Yoga Shaftesbury

Shaftesbury, P8

Free Meditation & Yoga Shaftesbury
The group was started to invite all those living in Dorset who might be interested in learning to meditate and for those who actually want to achieve Yoga. Many are curious as to what meditation or yoga actually is and what's it all about? The meetings aim to provide that insight and know how. The charity offers free bespoke classes that are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous. The free classes feature introductory talks, video's, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK. Sahaja Yoga free meditation classes help attendees to achieve a deep state of peace and spiritual awareness in life. Try Sahaja Yoga meditation classes and see for yourself the improvement to your mental, physical and emotional state. Learn and experience…- Simple meditation techniques.- Guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation.- Tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing the subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with no mental activity or thoughts about the past or the future.
20 members · Public

Bournemouth IVC Social Club

Bournemouth, D6

We are pleased to see that you are interested in our club. The following information gives you an idea of our club activities and will help you make up your mind about us.

Bournemouth IVC (BIVC) is a friendly social and multiactivity club run by its members and overseen by a committee. We have around 60 subscribers with approximately equal numbers of women and men, the majority of whom are aged 40 and upwards. Members are friendly and welcoming and friendships are made which last outside of the club itself.

Each month members put on a variety of events such as walks, meals out, theatre and cinema outings, book club, quizzes, walking holidays etc which are advertised on Meetup and via occasional bulletins which also give other useful information. We encourage and support events from our members.

If you like the sound of what we do, you can join temporarily which gives you trial membership for 3 months at a cost of £5.00. Please note that for us to administer this we ask for the following: your full name, a contactable email address and telephone number and some form of ID (and £5, of course!).

As a temporary member you will have full access to all of our activities shown on Meetup. If you attend some events and then decide to become a full member, subscription is £15 per annum and your initial £5 trial fee is deducted from this sum*.

Our subscription covers club running costs (Meetup fees and insurance for example) and our audited accounts show how our funds are spent. BIVC is a non profit club and the subscription rate is reviewed annually at the AGM.

 IVC itself is a network of national clubs, first started in this country about 70 years ago by a group of ex-graduates, then known as the Inter-Varsity Club. Since that time IVC and BIVC have grown to include a much more diverse membership. As a member of BIVC you have access to events organised by other IVC groups around the country.

We look forward to welcoming you to our club and seeing you soon at one of our events.

Bournemouth IVC

77 members · Private

Bournemouth National Trust Volunteers

Bournemouth, D6

Bournemouth National Trust Volunteers
Volunteers (over 18) are needed to help us undertake outdoor conservation tasks at various properties including Kingston Lacy, Brownsea Island, Stourhead, Dinton, Corfe Castle, Studland & Langton Matravers. Conservation tasks mainly take place on Sundays 10am until 3pm or thereabouts, and there are some weekends away during the year at Stourhead. If you fancy doing some green gym activities, to combat working behind a desk for instance, then do come and join us, we would love to meet you. We do like some commitment as the work parties are arranged some months in advance. The National Trust Rangers have their work planned out and each of the work parties needs at least 5 volunteers to make it viable. Therefore we do ask you to let us know at least 3 days in advance of a work party, that you intend to come. If there aren't enough volunteers, the work party is cancelled, and all the planning involved by the Rangers and Work Party Co-ordinator has been in vain. Also the Rangers need to know numbers so that they have the correct number of tools available. If you have to cancel at the last minute, please let the task leader know so that people aren't waiting for you unnecessarily.  If you RSVP Yes and don't turn up, this is shown as a No Show. If this happens more then once, we will remove you from the Bournemouth National Trust Volunteers Group.  Regrettably we can't allow people to bring dogs to work parties.  Please try to car share wherever possible. If you are new to this group, we advise that you join us on one or two work parties so you have a chance to see whether you like the kind of work we do. You can stay for as long as you like, you don't need to stay for the full 5 hours. After two work parties, you **must** join the group officially for insurance purposes. Our annual fees are quite small, £5 single and £8 for joint membership. Membership runs from March 1st to the end of February. If you join later in the year, i.e. after September 1st,  you can join for £3 single, until the end of the BNTV year, or £8 which will give you around 18 months. Your Hours for each work party are sent to the Hours Co-ordinator and if you complete 50 hours during the year between March and the end of February, you earn a National Trust Volunteer Card. There are many advantages of having a National Trust Volunteer Card, such as free entry to National Trust Properties and a discount in the National Trust Shops and cafe's. If you have any questions, I would be happy to respond. You can message me via Meetup or email me at - text or phone me on 07962444130 We look forward to meeting you at a work party soon.
367 members · Public

BH ART Life Drawing and Portraiture

Bournemouth, D6

BH ART Life Drawing and Portraiture

Life Drawing has long been considered the best way to learn to draw and can be an enjoyable and therapeutic experience for anyone regardless of experience.

Trish is skilled at teaching the subject to people from absolute beginners to students on BA/masters courses and professional artists, bringing the extra insight of her time spent learning with and teaching life drawing to animators.

Whilst the whole subject of drawing is taken seriously, tutored sessions are lively and engaging, introducing a variety of techniques and ideas which are delivered with humour. Individuality and independence are encouraged, and activities are adjusted to the ability of the artist, whether beginner or experienced.
The intention is to provide the type of sessions we would like to attend - with the flexibility of pay-as-you-go, a variety of venues and models and varied activities. Do look at the comments on the website from people who have attended sessions!

The aim is not so much to get a finished drawing as to explore different techniques, increase confidence, encourage personal style. Newcomers are surprised how fast they progress. Some more experienced artists may opt to work untutored some or all of the time (do say if you prefer this) but most enjoy joining in. There are warm ups followed by a range of activities both traditional and new to inspire, and a longer pose where one to one help is available.

Most venues have a café or some way of making drinks during the break.

There is a regular newsletter with dates and a weekly text for those who find it helpful (you can request this via the contact page on the website).

All Day Life Drawing Workshops 2019:

10-4 at Parkstone Baptist Church, £40 including £10 deposit. Pre-book only. Guidance available if required. See website for further information.

We have a facebook page which you are welcome to follow:

For contact details see

629 members · Public

The Welsh Connection (Bournemouth and District)

Bournemouth, D6

The Welsh Connection (Bournemouth and District)
CALLING ALL WELSH PEOPLE, their families and friends in Bournemouth and the surrounding areas! And those who have a genuine affinity with Wales, Welsh culture, or a strong connection with people who are Welsh. This would be your 'Welsh Connection'. By establishing an active Meetup group, we aim to foster the common interests of those with some connection to the Principality or to Welsh people, where they can enjoy companionship and friendship. Regular 'Meetups' are shown in our calendar and these will always be social, friendly and informal. The minimum age of membership is 18 years, but members can bring minors to suitable events. Membership of the Welsh Connection is free. When you respond positively to an event (an ‘RSVP Yes’ or 'Attend', indicating that you plan to attend), you may be given the option of bringing one or more guests - the so-called ‘+1’, ‘+2’ etc. If this option doesn’t appear, it usually means that spaces are very limited, or we anticipate a large take-up where, initially, priority must be given to members. In these circumstances, it may be worth your while to message the Organisers and ask about the availability of guest places. We will do our best to accommodate your guests. PLEASE NOTE, it is not our intention to make a charge for membership, even though the Organisers dedicate their time freely, and incur some costs, in maintaining the Group. All we ask in return is that members practise good etiquette. What is good etiquette? Well, it’s about an acceptable standard of behaviour and has nothing to do with rules! For example, we expect you to: a. SUPPORT US by maintaining an attendance (how much is your choice, but we'd love to see you from time to time!!) and contributing to the values of our ‘community’. We do not favour people joining the Welsh Connection simply as another social outlet alongside other Meetup groups that are based solely on having ‘a good time’. What bonds us as a Meetup group, and makes us different, are our Welshness, our heritage, our culture and/or our affinity with Wales and Welsh friends. b. WELCOME AND INTEGRATE with all Welsh Connection members and guests attending an event, some of who are, with trepidation, visiting for the first time. Be social, considerate and friendly and be mindful of the surroundings. The Welsh are the most friendly race on the planet, so let's make everybody feel a part! c. REFRAIN FROM demeaning, discriminatory, harassing behaviour, and particularly the use of inappropriate, or bad, language, or engaging in gossip. d. NOT BOOK on to one of our events if you have, knowingly, booked on to a simultaneous event with another organisation. The practice of purposeful double-booking is unfair and can be disruptive to both groups. If we are made aware of such practice taking place, we may decline your booking or request your commitment to our event. e. GIVE ADEQUATE NOTICE - more than one week, ideally - of cancelling your attendance at an event (we appreciate that this may not be possible in certain circumstances). This is particularly important when the event has a 'waiting list'; in principle, it sounds great if those on the list can attend in your place, but in practice short notice can mean they are unable to come, or just don’t see that they’re ‘in’ – and that can create problems for us and the venue. f. IF YOU need to cancel your attendance at short notice, the Organisers would consider it polite if you could give a reason for cancellation by contacting them; there’s nothing more frustrating than having people drop out late for no apparent reason! PAYMENTS AND CANCELLATIONS. Payments (where applicable for an event) are generally required within one week of (a) your response with a RSVP 'Yes' or 'Attend' or (b) the Organiser’s notification to you that payment is due (which will state if a deposit or full payment is required), whichever is later. Specific details on the refund policy may change between events, depending on the circumstances, but this will always be made clear in the event description. Fortunately, we have a very loyal band of followers who never transgress our expectations by choice, and we like to believe it's that loyalty that sets us apart from other Meetup groups. We also encourage our members to suggest venues and occasions for Meetups and even host or co-host events with the support of The Welsh Connection organisers. So, come on, join us, enjoy yourself, bring your ideas and influence what you want the group to be! (The language of the group is English, which means that those who have no Welsh are not at any disadvantage.) The Welsh Connection has a Facebook presence here: ([]( ); The group has links with the Bournemouth and District Welsh Society, which can be viewed on:- []( Susan and Bern, Organisers The Welsh Connection. ![](
344 members · Private