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Outdoor activities groups near Bexhill-on-Sea, E2

Sunday Walking And Talking (SWAT) - Brighton

Brighton, P6

Sunday Walking And Talking (SWAT) - Brighton

This is a group for people who enjoy a Sunday morning walk in the Sussex countryside in convivial company.  The walks will usually be roughly 3 to 5 hours in duration and will, where possible, be accessible via public transport. Walks can be either circular or linear but will feature at least some sort of refreshment point at the end of the route.

Although the pace is not on a par with the Ramblers you should ensure before signing up for a walk that you can maintain a steady pace.  As a guideline, the Group usually walks at around two and a half miles per hour.

Dogs are, in most instances, welcome but remember on many routes you may encounter livestock who can be particularly protective of their young in early summer (that’s enough disclaimers). Dogs are entirely the responsibility of their owners and it the owner's responsibility to ensure their dogs are on a lead when nearing roads or livestock. 

The walks are free and open to all (even non-members) and any member of the group can suggest/organise a route – the more the merrier.

Please be aware - There is always a risk of injury when participating in any outdoor activity so please be sensible and responsible. Always be prepared for adverse weather by bringing a waterproof jacket, warm clothes, and high energy snacks in cold weather and protection from the sun and heat in summer. Please wear sturdy footware. By RSVPing to a walk, you accept responsibility for your own safety, and agree that the Organisers and walk leader can be in no way held responsible for any injury incurred to yourself, your guests, or your or their dogs, in the course of the walk.

6637 members · Private

Eastbourne Fun for Over 50's

Eastbourne, E2

Eastbourne Fun for Over 50's
Eastbourne is a great place to live with much to offer. This group is for anyone over 50 who wants to come together for a range of activities, meet new people and have fun. If you like to dance the night away, enjoy great conversations, a good film, meal, walk, theatre outing, arts, crafts, singing and so much more we may be the group for you.  If you want to grow old disgracefully, prefer laughter lines to frowning and like to connect with like minded people, this is the group for you. A group is only as successful as its members. If you have ideas about activities you are interested in, let me know and I will put it out as an event. Experience suggests there is always someone who would like to join you. **GROUP GUIDELINES.** 1. *If you have agreed to attend and your plans change (it happens to all of us at times), **kindly change your RSVP to NO to reflect this.** This group is not run as a business and the Organizers spend voluntary admin time researching ideas and reserving places at venues, as well as putting the details on Meetup. It is unfair and discourteous to them to agree to go and then not attend, without notification. It is also unfair to members on the waitlist wyo could have attended. **Anyone who does this more than three times will be removed from the group.*** 2. *Goes without saying that we expect courteous, respectful behaviour to all. We are a friendly group and we avoid drama and conflict.* 3. ***You are required to provide a current photo of yourself on your profile***\*. This makes it easier for the organizer of an event to recognize you and is part of our secuirty at events for members. 4. New members are allowed to attend 3 meetings for free. This will enable them to decide whether the group is a good fit and, if so, will then pay a **membership** **fee of £5 per annum**.
1510 members · Public

Music and Dancing in Bexhill Eastbourne Hastings - Over 35s

Bexhill-on-Sea, E2

Music and Dancing in Bexhill Eastbourne Hastings - Over 35s
Music,  dancing and other active events are the primary focus of this group. Other active events will cover things such as Joke/quote and a drink, Crazy Golf, Tenpin Bowling, Axe Throwing, Archery, etc plus the occasional unusual event (e.g. Outdoor dystopian theatre by the Rudes). Other interests such as walking/hiking, going to restaurants and bars are well handled by other groups. **PLEASE READ THIS DESCRIPTION BEFORE JOINING** Only join if you intend to participate, prefer a smaller participatory group rather than a large number who never or very rarely get involved. **Membership Fee** An £8 annual membership fee is charged to cover running and administration costs (starting 1st October each year). No refunds of this fee will be provided. New members will be given one month to pay the annual membership fee and determine if the group is for them. If new members feel they would enjoy being part of the group they can either pay me or another organizer at an event during that period or message me and I will forward my bank details. Failure to pay the annual membership fee in this time period will result in their removal from the group. Anyone removed from the group for not paying their £5 annual membership fee will always have the opportunity to rejoin but their membership will not be approved until their membership fee has been received (this has enacted to avoid people repeatedly joining the group and opting to not pay their yearly £5 membership).. **Repeated Guest Attendance** Members are encouraged to bring guests along to group events. However if the same guest comes to a number of events they will be expected to pay the £5 annual membership fee. This fee is needed to fund the group. The procedure will be either the guest pays the £5 annual membership, the individual who invited the guest pays the £5 annual membership for the repeated guest or the member inviting the repeated guest will be removed from the group. This procedure is needed to make the rules consistent for everyone. New members have a month to decide if they wish to join and pay the £5 annual membership and this policy puts repeated guests into the same effective situation. **Group Description** Group directed at those who like music and dancing (main focus). Primary purpose is to bring together people who enjoy doing similar things (particularly music and dancing) and whose company and interactions we enjoy. Other active events will be tried to give members opportunities to try different things and develop rapport.     **Age/Attitudes** For over 35’s (past the need for drunkenness and prior to pushing up the daises). Attitude and energy not age are the key factors. Plus we can all learn from each other.   Key criteria: politeness, energy, curiosity, good humour, friendly banter, sobriety (have a few drinks but drunks not appreciated) and participation (if not, why are you joining this group).   Other preferable attitudes of members are positiveness and ease of smiling. Although not a prerequisite, hopefully that is something that the interactions within the group will help generate.     **Locations** Activities basically in the south coast area covering Bexhill, Eastbourne and Hastings.   Locations for activities/events should be accessible by public transport i.e. within a 30 minute walk of a train station or an operating bus service – ecology, no danger of drink driving and I don’t have a car. Events can be held outside the described area but these may require designated drivers.     **Picture/ticketed events/notifications** If you join the group you should place a ‘recognisable’ picture of yourself on the profile page. Otherwise it will be totally your responsibility to find the group/host.   If there is a ticketed event posted then you should get a ticket before marking that you are going.   If you mark you are going to an event and subsequently find you cannot attend, at a minimum adjust your attendance status (politeness rule). To increase your politeness send a message to the host either on the event page or via messages. **Marking going, failing to come and not updating attendance status** A three strike rule (baseball terminology) will be used if you mark that you are attending an event, do not come and do not, at a minimum, update your attendance status. The procedure for such occurrences are: * First time: A message will be sent to the individual reminding them of the politeness rule and of informing the host of any attendance changes. * Second time: A message will be sent to the individual repeating the above and informing them that if that happens again they will be remove from the group. * Third time: The individual will be removed from the group. **Clarification of the Strike Rule:** Members may choose to go to events mentioned by the group on their own and not as part of the group for various reasons (e.g. going with your family, want some private time, etc.). Saying Hi and chatting to the group attendees in such circumstances is strongly supported. If this is your intention please do not mark going on the event. Marking going to an event means you wish to go to the event and be part of the group going to that event. If you mark going to an event it is upto you to either come within a reasonable time of the meetup time/place or find/contact the host/group if you arrive somewhat later. Marking going to an event and not updating your status or meeting these rules will  incur a strike and if you incur 3 strikes you will be removed from the group. **Member Interactions** All members should make honest efforts to make others feel at ease and be part of the group. Protracted oligarchic conversations discouraged. Ask others for their opinions, smile and adopt other positive attitudes/acknowledgements and employ active/full listening (probably the most deficient area for us all). **Previous Interactions between members prior to joining the group** There could be issues between members that have occurred in situations prior to joining this group or outside this group. We may not be able to really like everyone we meet but we can be always be civil and polite.   My responsibility is to the group, it’s members and their interactions. If there are any such existing/outstanding issues I ask that when you join this group you start with a clean slate or better still resolve them. We are all fallible, make mistakes, etc and we all have the ability to recover, resolve, forgive and move on.   I point out what I feel is the brilliant first rule of Takanakuy which could be adopted at any time. * *First Rule of Takanakuy* * *The South American country of Peru has an interesting tradition held every year on December 25. In addition to Christmas, they celebrate Takanakuy. Takanakuy is when you settle your grudges for the year. Men, women, and kids all participate. They challenge each other, they fight each other, and when it’s all done they make peace and move on.* Should issues occur within the group I will deal with them to the best of my abilities.     **Acronym** To be determined. Would like to create an acronym for the group that is easy to use and one that hopefully creates a positive/amusing vibe. Have some ideas but would need group acceptance.     **Events** Assuming take-off velocity achieved general/get together meetings may be held in each of the main areas for a coffee/drink and to develop rapport.     **OTHER IDEAS** Some other ideas for possible meetups are given. Music and dancing are the main objectives of this group but other events may be worthwhile to provide more diversity and opportunities to get together. These would be determined on feelings from group members.     **Joke/Quote and a drink**. Each person should endeavour (not mandatary) to come with a joke/quote. This should help create some good natured humour/moans and some interesting conversation topics. Don’t have one, get one from the internet. Be careful about these two – they could reveal more about your character and personality than you are aware. Could be split into two events. Could even have themed such nights e.g. Age, Animals, Attitude/Outlook, Business, Communication, etc. Could vote for the best (by claps, applause, reactions) and then attendees buy the winner a drink (but remember no drunks). For the drink - pool together, take turns, worst one buys the best one a drink, whoever wants to be the judge can buy the drink, at worst I’ll be the judge, jury and patron. Note: I will be able to select myself as winner in the last scenario.     **Seminars/Presentations/Lectures** Members may have interests which they may wish to share with others. For me, this would be the  Cosmos and particularly any new insights into dark energy, dark matter and the quantum area. Plus the Pechakucha presentations which should restart soon.     **Other activities - Crazy golf, tenpin bowling, axe throwing, darts, snooker, bridge, etc.** To further increase the diversity of ‘events offered by the group other things may be occasionally posted. Could have other activities like crazy golf, monthly bridge (card game), darts and snooker nights. These would need a location. These will be tried depending on the interests of the members and the location of suitable facilities. The social club I belong to in Bexhill has such facilities for snooker and darts but I can only bring two guests (annual membership £25).
51 members · Public

Hastings and Area Socials

Hastings, E2

Hastings and Area Socials
Hi, we are **Hastings and Area Socials**. We like eating out, live music, trips to historical places, attending local festivals, and many other social activities. Please note that the group is run by it's Co-Organisers, Jenette, Yvonne and Janet, and any queries should be directed to them. We do have Group Rules that we expect our members to adhere to and these can be found at the end of this section. **Application Requirements:** Please ensure that your ‘Profile Name’ includes your first name. The use of initials only, such as TC, BLT, JR, or similar, is not acceptable in this group. You can edit your Profile Name in 'Edit Profile' if needed. Please ensure that your profile displays a recent photo of yourself alone that includes your face, head, and shoulders. You can load a new profile photo in your profile ‘Settings’. **No Membership Fees:** A Group Subscription charge is paid by the Group Organiser to ‘Meetup’, but they are not seeking to recover this through charging members of this group at this time. Should members wish to make a contribution up to £5 towards this cost then they are welcome to do so should they wish to. **Group Rules:** **1) Reserving a Place at an Event** Only reserve a place on an event if you have a clear intention of attending it. If you are unsure whether you want to go, or may not be available, then please do not reserve a place until nearer the time of the event. The practice of members not showing up at events when their event status is ‘Going’, or regularly reserving places on events and then changing their event status to ‘Not Going’, is not welcomed. This inconveniences Event Organisers, and also has an impact on venues where the nature of the event has required the Event Organiser to provide confirmation to the venue of the number of attendees. Members may be removed from the group if deemed necessary by the Leadership Team. If you require transport to get to an event then use the event 'Comments' to request this, stating your whereabouts. If you are fortunate enough to be offered a lift by another member, then please offer to contribute to their costs. Do not directly approach another member requesting a lift. **Do not RSVP to the event until your transport has been confirmed.** **2) Bringing Guests** Some events may provide a member with the opportunity to bring 'guests' with them. Only persons who have not previously been a member of this group are permitted to attend with the member as a 'guest'. Anyone who has previously been a member of the group who wishes to attend must reapply and have their application approved before being permitted to attend an event. Members are responsible for the behaviour of their guests at the event. **3) Event ‘Comments’** a) The Event ‘Comments’ feature should be used to request information about the advertised event, to provide short notice advice that you are no longer able to attend (also update via ‘edit RSVP’), request transport to an event, or should you wish to do so to make positive comments about the event after it has taken place. **b) Under no circumstances is the ‘Comments’ feature to be used to give criticism, advice, sarcasm, abuse, or to make any other remark that might be considered offensive, however humorous the intention.** **c) Do not use ‘Comments’ to request alterations to any aspect of the event. The content of an event is the decision of the Event Organiser, and if you feel that any part of it does not accommodate your requirements then please refrain from attending the event or commenting on it.** **d) Regardless of whether it relates to 'Meetup' or not, do not use 'Comments' to advertise items or services that are for sale, other groups or organisations, or other events or activities.**   **4) During the Event** **a) You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing throughout the event. The group accepts no responsibility for any injury or loss that you may incur while attending our events. You are attending the event as a like-minded person, and the Event Hosts and/or Event Organisers are to all intents and purposes another attendee at the event and they hold no legal responsibility for any difficulties that may arise during the event.** **If you or another attendee at an event becomes unwell please alert the Event Host immediately.** **b) If you are attending a walk, always bring an adequate amount of water with you in a suitable drinking container.** **c) You must adhere to government legislation at all times.** **d) Ensure that you have with you the means to purchase any items or services that you may need during the event, including any that have been specified in the event description, such as Event Fees, food, drink, entry fees etc. Do not expect any other member of the group to fund any requirements that you have during the event.** **e) Any person making comments at an event that are liable to cause offence will be warned of this behaviour by the Event Host. Should the warning be ignored, the Event Host may ask the person to leave the event.** **f) By all means mention your interests when talking to others at events, but campaigning, haranguing and fulminating must be avoided. Discussions about politics and religion are strictly off-limits at all events.** **g) Any actions that may be interpreted as an attempt to corral other members into joining alternative social groups, or to form a ‘clique’, will result in dismissal from this group.** **h) If you have any concerns during the event, then please refer them to the Event Host.**   **5) After the Event** a) If you have any concerns after the event then please send a personal message to the Event Host in the first instance. If the Event Host has not been able to resolve the concerns to your satisfaction, please send a personal message to the Group's Co-Organisers who will do their best to resolve them. b) If you enjoyed the event, and others that we host, then please mention our group to your friends.   **6) General Etiquette and Safeguarding** **a) Great effort is made by team to organise events and to ensure members enjoy being in this group. Members are expected to act in a manner that eases pressure on the Organisers. Any form of abuse aimed at the Organisers will lead to a member's instant dismissal and barring from the group.** **b) Please act in a friendly manner towards other members, both at events or in communications outside of the events. You should not however harass, stalk, pester, or give any other form of unwanted attention to other members. This is not a dating site, it is a social group. It is important that all members can feel safe. We reserve the right to remove from our group any members who do not observe this. We also recommend that members report any such instances to Meetup. The following link refers:** **** **Please note that while our team do everything possible to create a safe environment for our group's members, we are not responsible for experiences that members have in other Meetup groups.**
427 members · Public

Free Meditation Eastbourne

Eastbourne, E2

Free Meditation Eastbourne
**Hello, We are holding "live" meditation sessions again in Eastbourne on Wednesdays evenings 7.30 pm** Address: Old town Community Centre, 1a Central Ave, Eastbourne, BN20 8PL Contact Graham Pottinger  [tel: 07813 496076 email:](tel:07813 496076) Hello there! - We'd like to welcome you to **free weekly Sahaja Yoga Meditation meetings** hosted Gail, Graham & Raphael on Wednesday evenings 7.30-9.00 p.m. With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we normally sit on chairs to achieve yoga, effortlessly & spontaneously. So there is no need for mats and no special clothing required. We are all volunteers of a Charity organisation and have many years of experience in offering free Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes. The classes are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous. The free classes feature introductory talks, video's, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK. The idea is that you don't do yoga - you achieve Yoga! Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a simple, time-honoured technique. It helps those who enjoy it, reduce stress and increase wellness. It brings better focus and helps people become more centred and better balanced. Anyone can do it. Founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a world wide movement for peace and self awakening. All the meetings and classes are free of any charge. Each week we go through simple meditation techniques, often with guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation. We share tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing the subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with no mental activity or thoughts about the past or the future. Occasionally there are 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, a natural state of being.
76 members · Public

Hastings over 40s Socialising & Walking

St Leonards-on-Sea, E2

Hastings over 40s Socialising & Walking
**Our Group:** Although badged as an 'Over 40s' group, we welcome over 35s, and are a group of like-minded social people who enjoy going out and meeting up with others to do a whole range of activities. **What We Do:** Events will mainly take place in the Hastings area, though our countryside walks and other one-off events may be further afield. Our events include countryside and coastal walks, going out for dinner, coffee mornings, park walks, craft events, board games evenings and catching local bands etc. We make sure we have a laugh on the way! Please have a look at our 'past' events as well as our upcoming ones to get a better idea of the types of events that we put on. **Rules:** We do have Group Rules that we expect our members to adhere to and these can be found at the end of this section. **Application Requirements:** Please ensure that your ‘Profile Name’ includes your first name. The use of initials only, such as TC, BLT, JR, or similar, is not acceptable in this group. You can edit your Profile Name in 'Edit Profile' if needed. Please ensure that your profile displays a recent photo of yourself alone that includes your face, head, and shoulders. Images of your pet, a cartoon, or a group photo (two persons or more) are not acceptable, as the Event Host and other members need to be able to identify you. You can load a new profile photo in your profile ‘Settings’. **Event Fees:** A few of our events, such as countryside walks where site recces are required to assess the feasibility of a walk and to determine the route, may result in the Event Organiser incurring costs. While we are very grateful to our Event Organisers for giving up their time to organise events, we do not expect them to be out of pocket. As such for some events the organiser may choose to charge an 'Event Fee' to cover their costs. This will be payable on the day to the Event Host and will not normally exceed £1 per person. If such a fee is applicable this will be clearly stated in the event's 'Details'. This fee will be in addition to any personal costs that an attendee may incur such as parking fees, and food and drink costs etc. **Safeguarding:** Please behave appropriately when interacting with other members, and note that this is a social group and not a dating site! We reserve the right to remove from our group any members who harass or bully other members. We also recommend that members report any such instances to Meetup. The following link refers: Please note that while our team do everything possible to create a safe environment for our group's members, we are not responsible for experiences that members have in other Meetup groups. **Group Rules** 1. Your Profile a) Please ensure that your ‘Profile Name’ includes your first name. The use of initials only, such as TC, BLT, JR, or similar, is not acceptable in this group. You can edit your Profile Name in 'Edit Profile' if needed. b) Please ensure that your profile displays a recent photo of yourself alone that includes your face, head, and shoulders. Images of your pet, a cartoon, or a group photo (two persons or more) are not acceptable, as the Event Host and other members need to be able to identify you. You can load a new profile photo in your profile ‘Settings’. 2. Fees a) Event Fees - Event Organisers can choose to charge an 'Event Fee' to cover their costs if they so wish. This will be payable on the day at the start of the event and will be detailed in the Event ‘Description’. This fee will be in addition to any personal costs that an attendee may incur such as parking fees, and food and drink costs etc. 3. Reserving a Place at an Event a) Only reserve a place on an event if you have a clear intention of attending it. If you are unsure whether you will be available, or you think there is a possibility that you may not want to go, then please do not reserve a place until nearer the time. If you require transport to get to an event then use the event 'Comments' to request this, stating your whereabouts. If you are fortunate enough to be offered a lift by another member, then please offer to contribute to their costs. Do not directly approach another member requesting a lift. Do not RSVP to the event until your transport has been confirmed. There is an option in Meetup to add an event to a list of 'Favourites', which enables you to have a record of an upcoming event without having had to commit to attending it. b) Having identified an event that you are able to attend and wish to do so, select the event ‘Attend’ or RSVP button to reserve your place. Your status for the event will then be ‘Going’, unless the event is already full in which case you may be placed on a ‘Waitlist’. Persons on the ‘Waitlist’ will automatically have their event status updated to ‘Going’ if a vacancy appears, and you should receive a notification of this. Please note in some cases the Event Organiser may disable the ‘RSVP’ option until nearer the date of the event. c) If you have chosen to attend an event, or added yourself to a ‘Waitlist’, but exceptional circumstances have occurred and you are no longer able to go, then select the ‘Edit RSVP’ button on the event and select the ‘Not Going’ option. If the event is less than 48 hours away, in addition to updating ‘Edit RSVP’, it is also courteous to use the ‘Comments’ feature on the event to leave a brief message regarding your non-attendance. If you have paid a deposit for the event, this may not be refundable. d) Some events may provide a member with the opportunity to bring 'guests' with them. Only persons who have not previously been a member of this group are permitted to attend with the member as a 'guest'. Anyone who has previously been a member of the group who wishes to attend must reapply and have their application approved before being permitted to attend an event. Members are responsible for the behaviour of their guests at the event. 4. Event ‘Comments’ a) The Event ‘Comments’ feature should be used to request information about the advertised event, to provide short notice advice that you are no longer able to attend (also update via ‘edit RSVP’), Request transport to an event, or should you wish to do so to make positive comments about the event after it has taken place. b) Under no circumstances is the ‘Comments’ feature to be used to give criticism, advice, sarcasm, abuse, or to make any other remark that might be considered offensive, however humorous the intention. c) Do not use ‘Comments’ to request alterations to any aspect of the event. The content of an event is the decision of the Event Organiser, and if you feel that any part of it does not accommodate your requirements then please refrain from attending the event or commenting on it. d) Regardless of whether it relates to 'Meetup' or not, do not use 'Comments' to advertise items or services that are for sale, other groups or organisations, or other events or activities. 5. During the Event a) You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing throughout the event. The group accepts no responsibility for any injury or loss that you may incur while attending our events. You are attending the event as a like-minded person, and the Event Hosts and/or Event Organisers are to all intents and purposes another attendee at the event and they hold no legal responsibility for any difficulties that may arise during the event. b) If you are attending a walk, always bring an adequate amount of water with you in a suitable drinking container. c) You must adhere to government legislation at all times. d) Ensure that you have with you the means to purchase any items or services that you may need during the event, including any that have been specified in the event description, such as food, drink, entry fees etc. Do not expect any other member of the group to fund any requirements that you have during the event. e) If you have any concerns during the event, then please refer them to the Event Host. 6. After the Event a) If you have any concerns after the event then please send a personal message to the Event Host in the first instance. If the Event Host has not been able to resolve the concerns to your satisfaction, please send a personal message to the Group Organiser who will do their best to resolve them. b) If you enjoyed the event, and others that we host, then please mention our group to your friends. 7. General a) Great effort is made by the Leadership Team to organise events and to ensure members enjoy being in this group. Members are expected to act in a manner that eases pressure on the Leadership Team and anyone else involved in the organising and hosting of events. Any form of abuse aimed at members of the Leadership Team will lead to a member's instant dismissal and barring from the group. b) Please act in a friendly manner towards other members, both at events or in communication outside of the events. You should not however harass, stalk, pester, or give any other form of unwanted attention to other members. This is not a dating site, it is a social group. It is important that all members can feel safe. c) Any person making comments at an event that are liable to cause offence will be warned of this behaviour by the Event Host. Should the warning be ignored, the Event Host may ask the person to leave the event. d) By all means mention your interests when talking to others at events, but campaigning, haranguing and fulminating must be avoided. Discussions about politics and religion are strictly off-limits at all events. e) Unforeseen situations occur which may necessitate members cancelling their attendance of an event at the last minute. The practice however of members regularly reserving places on events and then changing their event status to ‘Not Going’, or not showing up at events when their event status is ‘Going’, is not welcomed. This inconveniences Event Organisers, and also has an impact on venues where the nature of the event has required the Event Organiser to provide confirmation to the venue of the number of attendees. Members are likely to be removed from the group if they have reserved places but withdraw from, or do not show up at, four (4) consecutive events, or their overall attendance record of events that they have initially reserved places on drops below 30%.
457 members · Private

East Sussex Walking

St Leonards-on-Sea, E2

East Sussex Walking
**What We Do:** We are a countryside walking group. Although our team are Hastings based, our walks throughout the year will cover much of East Sussex and into the edges of Kent. We therefore very much welcome members from outside of the Hastings area to join us on our walks. Weather permitting, we will usually have a walk on every weekend between the start of March and the end of November, and probably a few winter walks too. The distance of the walks will usually vary between 5 and 8 miles, however we may throw in the odd longer walk. We expect members of the group to be capable of walking a minimum of 5 miles at an average pace on rugged terrain. We do have Group Rules that we expect our members to adhere to and these can be found at the end of this section. **Application Requirements:** Please ensure that your ‘Profile Name’ includes your first name. The use of initials only, such as TC, BLT, JR, or similar, is not acceptable in this group. You can edit your Profile Name in 'Edit Profile' if needed. Please ensure that your profile displays a recent photo of yourself alone that includes your face, head, and shoulders. You can load a new profile photo in your profile ‘Settings’. **Membership Fees:** An of 1st September 2024 an Annual Membership Fee of £5 will now apply to all members of this group in order to attend the walks. The fee will be non-refundable regardless of the reason for not attending walks, the lack of availability of walks, or for whatever reason a member might leave the group. The fee must be paid when, or before, you attend your first walk in the current annual membership period. The membership period runs from 1st September to 31st August. There is no charge for members who attend their first walks in August. The accounts of members who have not paid a membership fee within an annual membership period may be removed at the end of that period, however the member can simply reapply if they wish to attend walks in the future. Any 'Guests' of members who attend our walks must pay a fee of £2 per walk or alternatively join the group themselves and pay the annual membership fee. 1. If you wish to pay your annual membership fee by bank transfer, please contact Norman Crouch by personal message through Meetup who will provide you with their bank details to which your payment of £5 should be made. Once you have made your payment please message them again confirming this, including details in your message of your name as it appears on your bank account so that they can trace your transaction. **This is the preferred method of payment.** 2. If you would prefer to pay your annual membership fee by cash, please place £5 in an envelope that has your full name clearly written on the front of it, and pass it to the walk leader before the walk commences. After the walk please contact Norman Crouch by personal message through Meetup advising them that you have passed a payment to the walk leader. **Group Rules:** **1) Reserving a Place at an Event** Only reserve a place on an event if you have a clear intention of attending it. If you are unsure whether you want to go, or may not be available, then please do not reserve a place until nearer the time of the event. The practice of members not showing up at events when their event status is ‘Going’, or regularly reserving places on events and then changing their event status to ‘Not Going’, is not welcomed. This inconveniences Event Organisers, and also has an impact on venues where the nature of the event has required the Event Organiser to provide confirmation to the venue of the number of attendees. Members may be removed from the group if deemed necessary by the Leadership Team. If you require transport to get to an event then use the event 'Comments' to request this, stating your whereabouts. If you are fortunate enough to be offered a lift by another member, then please offer to contribute to their costs. Do not directly approach another member requesting a lift. **Do not RSVP to the event until your transport has been confirmed.** **2) Bringing Guests** Some events may provide a member with the opportunity to bring 'guests' with them. Only persons who have not previously been a member of this group are permitted to attend with the member as a 'guest'. Anyone who has previously been a member of the group who wishes to attend must reapply and have their application approved before being permitted to attend an event. Members are responsible for the behaviour of their guests at the event.   **3) Event ‘Comments’** **a)** The Event ‘Comments’ feature should be used to request information about the advertised event, to provide short notice advice that you are no longer able to attend (also update via ‘edit RSVP’), request transport to an event, or should you wish to do so, make positive comments about the event after it has taken place. **Under no circumstances is the ‘Comments’ feature to be used to give criticism, advice, sarcasm, abuse, or to make any other remark that might be considered offensive, however humorous the intention.** **b)** Do not use ‘Comments’ to request alterations to any aspect of the event. The content of an event is the decision of the Event Organiser, and if you feel that any part of it does not accommodate your requirements then please refrain from attending the event or commenting on it. **c) Regardless of whether it relates to 'Meetup' or not, do not use 'Comments' to advertise items or services that are for sale, other groups or organisations, or other events or activities.**   **4) During the Event** **a)** **You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing throughout the event. The group accepts no responsibility for any injury or loss that you may incur while attending our events.** You are attending the event as a like-minded person, and the Event Host and/or Event Organiser is, to all intents and purposes, another attendee at the event and they hold no legal responsibility for any difficulties that may arise during the event. If you or another attendee at an event becomes unwell please alert the Event Host immediately. **b) Any person making comments at an event that are liable to cause offence will be given a warning by the Event Host. Should the warning be ignored, the Event Host will ask the person to leave the event.** **c) Discussions about politics and religion are strictly off-limits at all events.** **d) Any actions that may be interpreted as an attempt to corral other members into joining alternative social groups, or to form a ‘clique’, will result in removal from this group.** **e) If you have any concerns during the event, then please refer them to the Event Host.** **5) After the Event** a) If you have any concerns after the event then please send a personal message to the Event Host in the first instance. If the Event Host has not been able to resolve the concerns to your satisfaction, please send a personal message to the Group's Co-Organiser who will do their best to resolve them. b) If you enjoyed the event, and others that we host, then please mention our group to your friends. **6) General Etiquette and Safeguarding** **a)** Great effort is made by team to organise events and to ensure members enjoy being in this group. Members are expected to act in a manner that eases pressure on the Organisers. **Any form of abuse aimed at the Organisers will lead to a member's instant removal and barring from the group.** **b)** Please act in a friendly manner towards other members, both at events or in communications outside of the events. **You should not however harass, stalk, pester, or give any other form of unwanted attention to other members. This is not a dating site, it is a social group. It is important that all members can feel safe. We reserve the right to remove from our group any member who does not observe this. We also recommend that members report any such instances to Meetup. The following link refers:** ****
200 members · Public

South Downs Midweek Walks Via Public Transport

Seaford, E2

South Downs Midweek Walks Via Public Transport

I moved to Seaford five years ago and enjoy walking with my dog Benjamin in the beautiful Sussex countryside with its picturesque villages, rolling hills, ancient woodland, rich wildlife, majestic coastline, and of course the iconic Seven Sisters chalk cliffs. To me, South Downs respresents English countryside at its best and I would like to share our wonderful time in this special place with others.


The walks will be :

*on Tuesday or Wednesday

*accessible via public transport

*between 4 to 8 miles

*slow pace


* ALL AGES WELCOME (need certain fitness because of the hilly landscape)

*ALL DOGS WELCOME (my dog is blind, he is very friendly but can get insecure and nervous if his new friends are too passionate about life. He will be on lead most of the time.)


Please note:


*it is lovely to make new friends and have great conversations. Yet it is also perfectly fine if you want to be quiet and just want to have a day out in nature. <br>

*walks cover attractive hiking routes but might spend time in lovely villages, museums, castles or any tourist attractions. <br>




Group organisers and assistant organisers assume no liability; take part in the activities at your own risk. By being a member of the group you hereby agree to assume all risks and liability related to or resulting from any and all group functions. You agree that neither you nor any third party will hold the group's leaders, officers, or representatives liable for any injury, loss, or damage to your own person or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, children, pets, or property arising directly, or as a consequence from a group activity. You also agree that your membership of this group is based on an 'at will' basis. Everybody must behave in a responsible and respective manner; any inappropriate behaviour causing anyone to feel uncomfortable will result in being removed from group.

507 members · Public

Free Meditation & Yoga in Lewes

Lewes, E2

Free Meditation & Yoga in Lewes

Sahaja Yoga Meditation 2021 Update – 

Meetings remain online to reflect our commitment to the benevolence and wellbeing of our participants.

You can find daily Zoom & Microsoft Team meetings via this link:

Additionally you are invited to learn meditation via one of our free online platforms @ - - Here we host Online Guided Meditations @ 7pm Tuesdays & Thursdays

Want to experience it now – Experience Self Realisation now – Guided Meditation

Achieve Yoga & enter into a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’.

Hello there! We'd like to welcome you to our FREE weekly Sahaja Yoga meditation meetings - nearest meetings are in Brighton or Eastbourne & can be found at:

With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we normally sit on chairs to achieve yoga, effortlessly & spontaneously. So there is no need for mats and no special clothing required.

We are all volunteers of a Charity organisation and have many years of experience in offering free Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes. The classes are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous.

The free classes feature introductory talks, video's, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK.

The idea is that you don't do yoga - you Achieve Yoga! Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a simple, time-honored technique. It helps those who enjoy it, reduce stress and increase wellness. It brings better focus and helps people become more centered and better balanced.

Anyone can do it. Founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a world wide movement for peace and self awakening. All the meetings and classes are free of any charge.

Each week we go through simple meditation techniques, often with guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation. We share tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home.

The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing the subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with no mental activity or thoughts about the past or the future.

Occasionally there are 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, a natural state of being.

387 members · Public

Vamos Spanish Hiking Group

Lewes, E2

Vamos Spanish Hiking Group

Want to practise your Spanish and enjoy hiking? Then this is the group for you! Come and experience an educational hike through the picturesque South East countryside whilst practising your Spanish. Whatever your language level or fitness level, it’ll be a great opportunity to speak with other Spanish learners and explore the scenic landscape of South East.

¡Vamos! Spanish Hikes are for beginner to experienced hikers who want to develop their Spanish language skills and explore the South East countryside. You will connect with other language learners and myself in a supportive and friendly environment. As we collectively encourage one another in our Spanish language learning journey which will help you individually to progress to a higher level. The hikes will range from 5 miles to 10 miles and will happen on either Saturday or Sunday. They will be led by Adriana and will happen with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 attendees. After your hike, you would have accomplished the task of speaking Spanish while having enjoyed the outdoors. Leaving you, motivated and inspired to continue not only your Spanish learning journey but keeping fit and active.

A bit about me! ¡Un poco sobre mi! 

¡Vamos! Spanish Hikes will be led by Adriana who is originally from Argentina and has lived in Lewes, East Sussex since 1999. Adriana holds a BA (Hons) in English Studies & Linguistics from the University of Brighton and she has been a private Spanish tutor for over 15 years. Her students have ranged from beginners to advanced and for academic purposes  (A level, GCSE, IB and undergraduate degree). She is an avid hiker with experience in leading hikes throughout the South East, if you’re interested in seeing Adriana’s past hikes, you can take a look at her Instagram : Adriana Blair (@adrianapaezblair). Her love for languages and hiking inspired her to start ¡Vamos! Spanish Hikes. In her spare time, she enjoys sailing, reading world literature and cooking recipes from different cultures! 

Details on what will happen on the hike!

We will start the hike by introducing ourselves and then I will split the group into their requested  levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced). You will then be able to converse with people in Spanish as we hike. Prior to the event you will receive a weekly task that will include a question. You will have to prepare an answer to the question in as much detail as you can. Then, during our lunch break, we will discuss the weekly task and you will have the chance to share your answer with the group or in partners. If you did not manage to complete  the task, do not worry!  you can still participate and ask fellow attendees about their answers.  Whatever your language level, you can always ask for help from Adriana. 


Member requirements

Be respectful and polite to other members at all times.

Have a keen interest in learning Spanish and about Spanish and Latin American culture. 

A desire to keep fit  and explore new settings.


£10 per hike (non-refundable)

Any queries do not hesitate to contact me by email or private message.

504 members · Public