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Outdoor activities groups near Chelmsford, E4

F.R.I.E.N.D.S & Social Group.

Basildon, E4

F.R.I.E.N.D.S & Social Group.
Hello 👋 I hope all is well with you and thank you for your initial interest. Why join F.R.I.E.N.D.S & Social Group? If you’re a little nervous to join, please let me assure you from the off as a new member you will feel comfortable and always inclusive. Of which will continue while you’re with us. This is because we are welcoming, friendly and like minded individuals who want to meetup and have a great time at events such as dining out, lunches, walks, festivals, crazy golf, picnics, Zoos, comedy, tributes and much more (pub crawl’s excluded). As long as you’re over 18 (with the odd exception). Single or in a relationship you’re welcomed. Formalities; In order to keep this community active, relevant and transparent the number you see listed will always be actual committed group members and to achieve this I may remove members who haven't shown any activity with the group for over 6 months or who RSVP for events and just don't turn up.I will also reserve the right to cancel a membership if there is any disrespect to others and consistent signing up and pulling out of events, with no refund of membership. If you sign up and later can't make it, please move your name to "Not Going" before the RSVP deadline or notify the Event Host! That's the polite thing to do. Please can you make sure you add a current and clear photo of yourself (only). So the hosts and others can recognise you. If you pay in full to a host for them to book your place at an event be aware that if for any reason your are no longer able to attend, please move your name to "Not Going" . You are welcome to post your offer on the board to see if anyone would like to take your place and any payment transactions would have to take place between you and the new receiver and the new receiver must make sure they sign up to the event. Please note when paying a deposit for an event this is non-refundable unless the event is cancelled or if the deposit hasn’t already been accounted for (paid to venue). Plus One’s: If you would like to bring a non member with you, that’s absolutely fine. However, if you wish to bring that same person to more than 2 events. To be fair to the paying members I will need to request they join the group, which of course I hope they do. But if they don’t, sadly I cannot permit for them to attend any further. Fee; I wish I could offer free membership. But alas Meetup does charge for this great platform. So, I have a small £8 (subject to change) yearly joining fee, which can be paid via PayPal or bank transfer. Further details can be advised. If you’re still unsure about joining, the 4.7 out of 5 star rating from members will, I hope give you the push to take the plunge. Bye 👋 take care and we really hope to see you. Karen Organiser
41 members · Private

Brentwood/Billericay Social Group 30s+

Brentwood, E4

Brentwood/Billericay Social Group 30s+

If you’re fed up going to the same old places and seeing the same old faces or simply have friends/family that are not really up for going out and enjoying themselves or you would like to try different activities and events but haven’t yet found people to go with who are likeminded… this group is for you! Its not just for single people its open to anyone (married, single, mums, dads, nans, granddads) who would simply like to go out and make new friends.

There will be a yearly subscription membership fee of £10 required (which is less than 85p per month), which should be made payable by paypal to (friends & family) please enter your full name in the reference section in order for me to mark you down as paid. If you would prefer to pay by bank transfer, please private message me and I will send you my bank details. This covers the cost of my yearly meetup fee along with time and effort in organizing events. 

Watch out for the special fund raising / local charity events which are due to be posted on the events page. I am open to charity choices (not International), just close to home. 

If any members have ideas of something they would love to do but just haven’t got likeminded people with the same enthusiasm, please feel free to let me know your ideas. Please don’t feel embarrassed or scared about coming to any events as I’m sure everyone who joins will be in the same boat, we all newbies together but will be very friendly and are all looking for the same thing… to meet new people and make new friends.

Always check out details i.e. meeting up at various events - myself and event hosts will always try to meet up with people at the front entrance of clubs, pubs and restaurants so that you don’t feel uneasy about walking in alone.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Sue & The Team x

838 members · Private

Chelmsford Friendship Group

Chelmsford, E4

Chelmsford Friendship Group
Welcome to Chelmsford Friendship Group. As we move into our fourth year, the club is all about making friends and having fun. We now number over 800 members! Over the last three years we have created a happy and safe environment where people can meet and have fun. We have hosted many events, from restaurants evenings to pubs, clubs, and local events. Our more popular events are the mid-week and weekend hosted walks, pub quizzes, cocktail and drinks evenings and fish and chip picnics which are always great fun. We also have a book club and many interesting and highly enjoyable walks, several meals out for all tastes and plenty of informal weekend drinks gatherings. Open to anyone of any age although the bulk of our members are in the 40/50 age range. Be involved as much as you wish, be it suggesting and hosting new events or sitting back and just enjoying yourself with new friends. We are always looking for new hosts so if you would like to join our team please get in touch with one of the leadership team and we can guide you through the process. As a club our number one concern is safety and we operate strictly within our Code of Conduct and we expect all our members to agree to this. We are very welcoming and value inclusivity whilst having a zero-tolerance policy for any unacceptable behavior from our members that would make anybody feel uncomfortable or excluded. To cover the admin costs there will be a small, one off fee of £5.00 (payable by all new members) into our (Community/Business) bank account: **Bank**: MetroBank **Account Name**: Chelmsford Friendship Group **Account No**: 44126710 **Sort code**: 23-05-80 This fee is mandatory to all new members after your first event. Our organisers generously give their time free to administer this, so please assist them in actioning this payment promptly. We are incredibly proud of our club and the 100’s of fantastic friendships it has made. Going into 2024 this is going to be our best and most active year so far, so come and join us, we can’t wait to meet you all. The Leadership team ———— **CODE OF CONDUCT** Our group is about friendship and fun, our organisers willingly give their time to ensure all our members get the most out of the group and it is with this in mind that we have a few simple codes we would expect all of our members to adhere to. **1\. Subscription \-** This is just £5.00 when you join the group and this covers the group's administration. We would expect all new members to pay this after you have attended your first event. It would be unfair to make our leadership team have to chase this, as failure to pay this after a reasonable amount of time would result in your membership being put on hold. **2\. Age range \-** Although this group is open to anybody, it is ideally suited to people aged 40 and above. **3\. Event booking \-** Most of our events are very popular and have large waitlists attached to them. If you booked one and do not turn up or cancel at the very last minute, it is very disappointing as another member on the Waitlist would have happily taken this spot and the organiser can waste large amounts of time waiting for you to arrive. All you need to do is change your RSVP to 'Not Going'.  We realise that things happen unexpectedly and this is sometimes unavoidable. However, if a member consistently does not turn up to events they will automatically be removed from event lists. **4\. Profile Photo \-** We do ask for your profile photograph to be a recognisable likeness of yourself, as this aids our organisers finding you at busy events. **5\. Photo and Video \-** We all like capturing and uploading memories from many of the fun events we have. Out of courtesy we would advise you to ensure the subject of your pictures are aware and give you their permission before uploading or tagging them in social media posts. **6\. Unsolicited use of the database \-** As a group we are able to direct message each other through the MeetUp platform. Please do not abuse this facility and note that we have a zero tolerance policy for the following: * Promoting goods and services via the app * Unsolicited approaching of members for personal relationships * Using the database to directly message members and organise events outside of the Meet Up Group. In all cases the member will be removed from the group once a final warning has been issued. **7\. Personal details \-** We actively encourage using this group to develop closer friendships. However, please use caution when disclosing personal contact details with another member. If in doubt please see one of the leadership team for guidance **8\. Respect and courtesy \-** We are all ambassadors of the group and as such we expect everybody to be polite and respectful to staff at venues where we have organised events. Many of the venues we go to are regular events where we are well known to the staff, who very often go the extra mile to give us a great event. It is with this in mind that we ask that if you have an issue with food or service, please offer that feedback in a polite and respectful manner. If you have any questions regarding any event please contact the host and not the venue. Also, our organisers give up their free time and often put a lot of work into these events. If you feel the event was not as you expected, please feed that back in a respectful and constructive way. Once again, we take a zero tolerance to this and persistent or serious breaches of this will result in the member being removed from the group following the issue of a final warning. **9\. Behaviour** - Safety and comfort of our members is our number one concern. Below is a list, although not an exhaustive one, of what will not be tolerated. * Aggressive behaviour/bullying * Degrading comments around race, politics, culture, sexual orientation, and gender identification * Any unwanted behaviour or comments towards a member that would make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe * Failure to comply with government guidelines around the control of COVID 19. If you require further clarity around any of these points, please contact one of the group leadership team. As this is a private group the Organiser reserves the right to remove a member if they are deemed to be having a negative effect on members within the group. Leadership team
988 members · Private

Free Meditation & Yoga Chelmsford

Broomfield, E4

Free Meditation & Yoga Chelmsford

Sahaja Yoga Meditation 2021 Update – 

Meetings remain online to reflect our commitment to the benevolence and wellbeing of our participants.

You can find daily Zoom & Microsoft Team meetings via this link:

Additionally you are invited to learn meditation via one of our free online platforms @ - - Here we host Online Guided Meditations @ 7pm Tuesdays & Thursdays

Want to experience it now – Experience Self Realisation now – Guided Meditation

Achieve Yoga & enter into a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’.

Hello there! We'd like to welcome you to our FREE weekly Sahaja Yoga meditation meetings hosted by Essi which take place in Chelmsford,  (Phone Essi - 01245348413, MOBILE: 07442019559 ) 

The Nook centre is behind the houses or  behind Panache  Hair dressing saloon (opposite to King Arm pub).  You can open the heavy wooden gate and follow the path behind the houses (i.e it is well lighted).

With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we generally sit on chairs to achieve Yoga, effortlessly & spontaneously. As such no Asanas (exercises) are required, no mat or special clothing. We are all volunteers of a Charity organisation and have many years of experience in offering free Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes.

The classes are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous. The free classes feature introductory talks, video's, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK. The idea is that you don't do yoga - you Achieve Yoga!

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a simple, time-honored technique. It helps those who enjoy it, reduce stress and increase wellness. It brings better focus and helps people become more centered and better balanced. Anyone can do it. Founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a world wide movement for peace and self awakening. All the meetings and classes are free of any charge.

Each week we go through simple meditation techniques, often with guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation.

We share tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing the subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with no mental activity or thoughts about the past or the future.

Occasionally there are 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, a natural state of being.

We have a web site in London too which you can visit if you are ever there for more info about weekly

Join us on Facebook and Twitter

452 members · Public

Braintree Social Group

Braintree, E4

Braintree Social Group
Come join the Braintree Social Group! We propose to do walks, meals out, pub visits, picnics, cinema, theatre, games evenings, quizzes and lots more! \*All Members MUST have a Profile picture and name before being approved for the group. The picture must be of you alone and a name. We ask this so that all our organisers can find you at your first meetup if you are lost and you can find us too. It is also for security and makes for a more welcoming atmosphere. **BY JOINING THE GROUP, MEMBERS AGREE THAT THEY ATTEND EVENTS ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK. WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE SUFFERED.** There is a one off £5 fee to pay for membership. When making payment please add your name and your location as shown in your meetup profile in the reference field. Please make a £5 bank transfer to: Account name: Braintree Social Group Sort Code: 30-92-16 Account number: 63392060 **By joining our group you are agreeing to abide by our Code of Conduct as listed below:**   **CODE OF CONDUCT**
   Our group is about friendship and fun.  Our organisers willingly give their time to ensure all our members get the most out of the group and it is with this in mind that we have a few simple codes we would expect all of our members to adhere to:   1\. Subscription \- This is just a one off £5\.00 when you join the group and this covers the group's administration\. We would expect all new members to pay this after you have attended your first event\. It would be unfair to make our leadership team have to chase this\, as failure to pay after a reasonable amount of time would result in your membership being put on hold\.
   2\. Age range \- Although this group is open to anybody\, it is ideally suited to people aged 40 and above\.
   3\. Event booking \- Most of our events are very popular and have large waitlists attached to them\. If you booked one and do not turn up\, or cancel at the very last minute\, it is very disappointing as another member on the waitlist would have happily taken this spot and the organiser can waste large amounts of time waiting for you to arrive\.
All you need to do is change your RSVP to 'Not Going'\.  We realise that things happen unexpectedly and this is sometimes unavoidable\. However\, if a member consistently does not turn up to events they will automatically be removed from event lists\.  Also\, if you do not remove your name from the list or fail to turn up to an event\, you will be marked as a ‘no show’\.  If this happens 3 times with no good reason\, you may be asked to leave the group\.   4\. Profile Photo \- We do ask for your profile photograph to be a recognisable likeness of yourself\, as this aids our organisers finding you at busy events\.   5\. Photo and Video \- We all like capturing and uploading memories from many of the fun events we have\. Out of courtesy we would advise you to ensure the subject of your pictures are aware and give you their permission before uploading or tagging them in social media posts\.
   6\. Unsolicited use of the database \- As a group we are able to direct message each other through the Meetup platform\. Please do not abuse this facility and note that we have a zero tolerance policy for the following:   ·         Promoting goods and services via the app.     ·         Unsolicited approaching of members for personal relationships ·         Using the database to directly message members and organise events outside of the Meet Up Group.
In all cases the member will be removed from the group once a final warning has been issued.
   7\. Personal details \- We actively encourage using this group to develop closer friendships\. However\, please use caution when disclosing personal contact details with another member\. If in doubt please see one of the leadership team for guidance
   8\. Respect and courtesy \- We are all ambassadors of the group and as such we expect everybody to be polite and respectful to staff at venues where we have organised events\. Many of the venues we go to are regular events where we are well known to the staff who very often go the extra mile to give us a great event\. It is with this in mind that we ask that if you have an issue with food or service\, please offer that feedback in a polite and respectful manner\.
If you have any questions regarding any event\, please contact the host and not the venue\.
Also\, our organisers give up their free time and often put a lot of work into these events\. If you feel the event was not as you expected\, please feed that back in a respectful and constructive way\.
Once again\, we take a zero tolerance to this and persistent or serious breaches of this will result in the member being removed from the group following the issue of a final warning\.
   9\. Behaviour \- Safety and comfort of our members is our number one concern\. Below is a list\, although not an exhaustive one\, of what will not be tolerated: * Aggressive behaviour/bullying * Degrading comments around race, politics, culture, sexual orientation, and gender identification * Any unwanted behaviour or comments towards a member that would make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe * Any form of discrimination If you require further clarity around any of these points, please contact one of the group leadership team.
   As this is a private group the Organiser reserves the right to remove a member if they are deemed to be having a negative effect on members within the group.
   **Any breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in a warning and/or being removed from the group at the discretion of the leadership team.**
707 members · Private

Dicing With Life - Board Game Community

Romford, E4

Dicing With Life - Board Game Community
This is DICING WITH LIFE'S **Meetup Group**. Yes, we are **active**! We are so regular that people just drop by without RSVP ☺️ **If you're new** just reach out to any volunteer working the session you have attended, they'll give you an intro and get you in a game based on your preferences. **DICING WITH LIFE** is a Board Games and Tabletop Gaming Community based in Romford, Essex (Zone 6 of London). We're a CIC (Community Interest Company) and a Social Inclusion Club so our doors are open to everyone. 👬👭👫 Our atmosphere is always fun and very friendly and whether you are new to tabletop games or a seasoned player, on your own or with friends, **all ages & abilities** are welcome for a night of tabletop fun with like minded people. And if you are coming alone, we will gladly help you find others to play with so come check out our lovely community. 🎲 We have a huge range of **over 400+ games** for you to play, everything from 10 minute 2 player games to in depth, multiplayer, all evening strategy games and the very best of modern and classic games. 🐉 We also run organised games, including several RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder etc and we have a massive selection of terrain & mats too for Wargames & Skirmish games such as Warhammer & Moonstone to name just a couple ⚔ We play many TCGs, CCGs and LCGs also such as Yu-gi-oh, Pokémon and Metazoo 🎴 And of course, please feel free to bring your own games as well. Raffles and events are regularly held at DWL too. 👾 We have tons of brand new & preloved games in stock within our shop at ridiculously low prices as we aim to be cheaper than anywhere else! And we are now an official Warhammer/Games Workshop stockist too! Plus we sell RPG books, dice, gaming equipment & paints as well 🎨 🌭🍿☕ There are many hot & cold food & drink options available from the cinema at surprisingly low prices! And we will be adding even more options in the weeks ahead 🍟🥪 All our Social Media pages are updated every day so please follow us to keep upto date with everything we have going on: Instagram: []( Facebook: []( Twitter: []( We also have active Discord and WhatsApp groups. We'd love to see you at our club soon and if you have any questions, please send us a message. Let the fun and games commence! 🎲
1046 members · Public