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Outdoor activities groups near Skipton, J7

Sheep Town Social Group

Skipton, J7

Sheep Town Social Group
Hello and Welcome to Sheep Town Social Group (STSG)! STSG \-\-\-\-\- STSG's aim is to be one of the best and busiest social groups based in Skipton. MeetUp is all about being involved! Members are encouraged to post Events - it can't all fall to the Group Organizer to do this! The Event Types listed in the Message Boards 'Hosting Events' thread at the link below are ones we would be mainly interested in hosting for the time being. If you have some Event ideas, or want to host an Event yourself, and it isn't listed below, please message me directly and let me know so we can work it out: Covid \-\-\-\-\-\- Covid 19 (and variants) look like being with us for some considerable time! When attending Events, please bear in mind all legal requirements for social mixing and distancing. Please do carry hand-gel and masks. Please also consider the feelings of other members - some people have contact with elderly or vulnerable people and really don't want C19! Some Events, such as Pub Quiz, aren't hosted directly by our Members but by the venues themselves. Most other Events are hosted by our Members. Some Events won't be possible due to C19 until National and Local restrictions allow. Sign up to your local council's C19 notification emails to keep updated. MeetUp Fees \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Membership of MeetUp Inc. costs the Group Organizer around (currently) £200 per year, payable in two 6-monthly installments, so to recover our costs, we have set an Annual Membership Fee of £5. Please feel free to join us a few times at no cost to check us out and see if you want to join. We don't charge per Event so you won't be asked for money when you turn up for one! (See the Message Boards for more details about Event Hosting!) Please note that, unless there are exceptional circumstances (decided solely by the Group Organizer), your Membership Fee is non-refundable. Membership Timeout \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Membership of this group requires Active Participation. If you haven't visited the group home page in 2 months and/or haven't participated in Events, you may be removed from the Active Membership List (AML). If you wish, you may rejoin at any time. Active Participation in the group is strongly encouraged, afterall, it IS a social group! Members \-\-\-\-\-\-\- Generally, STSG is open to people of all ages 18 and over. Some Events will be 'Family Friendly' with recommended age restrictions and some will be 'Dog Friendly'. An Event Host should clearly mark these details in the Event Description and if they haven't, feel free to contact them to clarify. Please be courteous and nice to other Members. Abuse won't be tolerated and any Members involved will be removed, banned and reported to MeetUp Inc. If you have any problems with any other Members, or have received unsolicited or unwanted personal messages from anyone, please forward the messages to me and we'll discuss options! I hope you enjoy being an active part of STSG! Best regards, Jules Group Organizer a4\~20220420
129 members · Private

Skipton Social for Eating, Drinking, Talking, Laughing EDTL

Skipton, J7

Skipton Social for Eating, Drinking, Talking, Laughing EDTL
**Hello and Welcome to this fun Skipton Meet Up Group** We are a lively group of locals who enjoy socialising. Every week new people join, all are welcome. If you want to expand your circle of friends then this is a great place to start.  Events might include meals out, theatre trips, cinema, pub quizzes, dancing, day trips, festivals, games nights, garden visits, walking, cake and coffee get togethers, craft events, book reviews and the like... In October 2022 we celebrated our 1,000th event! **Membership is just £4.90** per year to cover Meet-up costs or choose to pay £1 per event attended. Obviously costs for entry to venues, to take part in paid activities, drinks, food, tickets, etc are the responsibility of those attending. We have a Club bank account into which you can pay a subscription. Thank you. This local group was set up in 2016 by Gill to help EDTLS **Eaters, Drinkers, Talkers and Laughers** meet new and existing friends, socialise and attend events in and around the Skipton and Craven area. Doing stuff together is much more fun! A lovely community of folk has grown over this time. I took over hosting in the summer of 2020 and particularly enjoy organising weekly restaurant outings, garden visits, picnics and creative excursions. If you have any ideas for future events or would like to host an event then please get in touch. We are always looking for people to organise events. The Skipton E.D.T.L. Meet Up is open to people of all ages (over 18 years).  Come join us ***Gina Lazenby*** **PS** If you want to attend a dinner, as these are group bookings, you will see on each event page that we ask for a **£5 Dinner Deposit** to be paid into the Club bank account. We retain this if you want to keep coming to dinners or refund it if your visit is a one-off.
673 members · Private

Keighley and District Under 40s Social

Keighley, 45

Keighley and District Under 40s Social
I'd like to make some friends around my age in the local area; most of the groups I'm in/organise are either based in Leeds, or are mainly virtual, but I'm really keen to find some people close enough to me that I don't have to rely on endless amounts of public transport to reach them. I think this makes for more opportunities for spontaneous meets, and close friends you can get to know better than the occasional monthly social with tons of people where you can't remember anyone's name by the end of the night (or is that just me 🤔😂). I live just outside of Keighley going on towards Haworth with my three cats, work from home full time as an ESL teacher, and I'm up for trying a bit of anything! I think the area lends itself to nature related activities, but there are plenty of places further afield perfect for getting coffee or food, going to the cinema or theatre, literature events etc. I'm also into animal rights, conservation and social support for those in need, so if anyone would be up for volunteering/some community project involvement I'd love to join! I've found as I've gotten older that previous good friends have moved away, got families now, or live far enough away that seeing them frequently isn't an option. Along with this, all the pandemic stuff made me realise the importance of having people in your life you can rely on, so I'd love to find at least a few people like me, with similar interests or a similar situation/perspective in life, to make some genuine connections! I've spoken to lots of people who feel exactly the same, so I'm hoping a few of those might be local... I'll organise an event if/when there are a few members, hopefully I'll see someone soon 😅
34 members · Public

Leeds Mountain Bikers

Otley, 45

Leeds Mountain Bikers
Welcome to Leeds Mountain Bikers (LMB). We meet regularly for adventurous and challenging off-road rides and our aim is to provide a friendly and supportive atmosphere in which to enjoy our sport, with all the benefits of riding in a social group.   We welcome new members, but please understand that while many of our riders have a lot of experience, we are amateurs and do this for the love of our sport. We do not hold any formal qualifications. We are **not** instructors, mentors nor technical experts.   We will always help and support each other when needed, and will never leave a group member behind, but all riders must accept that mountain biking is a dangerous sport, and that individual riders are responsible for their own safety.   LMB, its organisers, hosts and leaders will not be held liable for any injury or loss incurred.   Rides will each have one or more designated hosts, who will be familiar with the route. If you are new to the group you will be asked to fill in a 'Rider Information' form with your personal details, and also to sign our 'Participation Statement' and disclaimer. We also suggest that you complete a personal medical information form to carry with you on the ride. (You can download, print and sign these prior to attendance from... [here]( ).   We charge a subscription fee of £1 per ride or £10 per calendar year (Payable each January), which allows us to cover our subscription to This is payable in cash to the ride leader. \*Note that as of January 2023, we will no longer be affiliating to British Cycling, so please do not use their payment system.   Rides have a maximum attendance of 15 riders, but if full please get yourself on the waiting list. Spaces usually appear nearer the ride. If you subsequently are unable to attend, please let us know early, so somebody else can take your place.   **PARTICIPATION STATEMENT & ACCEPTANCE OF RISK**   **As a condition of riding with Leeds Mountain Bikers, all persons must be aware of and accept the following:-** * **MOUNTAIN BIKING IS A DANGEROUS ACTIVITY WHICH CARRIES A RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY** * **RIDE ORGANISERS DO NOT NECESSARILY HOLD ANY MOUNTAIN BIKING QUALIFICATIONS NOR ARE THEY INSTRUCTORS, MENTORS OR TECHNICAL EXPERTS** * **ALL RIDERS ARE INDIVIDUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS AND SAFETY** * **RIDERS WILL AT ALL TIMES CONSIDER THE SAFETY OF OTHER PERSONS AND  ACT  ACCORDINGLY TO AVOID DANGER TO OTHER RIDERS AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC** * **SELF RELIANCE AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY ARE CENTRAL TO THE WAY LMB OPERATES** Risks include but are not limited to the following:- * We actively seek to ride over terrain which will in places be technically difficult, and where a fall could result in injury. It is each rider's responsibility to read the trail ahead of them, and make their own decision as to whether they are capable of riding any particular section, or whether to dismount and walk. * We may also ride through remote, exposed, upland and mountain  areas, which may be exposed to extremes of weather. Routes may be physically demanding, typically covering 20 plus miles of off-road riding, with several thousand feet of ascent. It is each riders responsibility to ensure they possess the appropriate fitness, and to carry suitable waterproof/warm/cool clothing, food, liquid, and equipment for the proposed route in the prevailing weather conditions. (Check weather forecast and each 'ride description' for details). * The routes we follow may be used by other persons such as walkers and other mountain bikers. It is each LMTB rider's responsibility to ride in a manner which does not put other persons or property at risk. * Rides will usually include sections on the public highway. Each rider is responsible for riding safely and in accordance with the highway code. **Further requirements** * Riders must be 18 years of age or older * Approved cycle helmets and knee protection must be worn- No helmet no ride * Suitable bikes: Appropriate quality full suspension or hard tail mountain bikes * This includes UK road legal electrically assisted mountain bikes with pedals (E-Bikes) * NB- de-restricted bikes, or those modified in such a way which makes their use on UK roads illegal, will not be permitted on our rides Leeds Mountain Bikers and Ride Leader will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from or in connection with mountain biking activity (except for death or personal injury caused by their negligence) and waive all and any claims against [Leeds Mountain Bikers and Ride Leader] in this respect.
148 members · Public

Otley Area Meetup

Otley, 45

Otley Area Meetup

Otley Area Meetup provides local events for local people and attempts to fill a gap between the successful groups that surround us in Ilkley, Harrogate and Leeds. We are a new group and it will take some time to build momentum. Please support us by attending events! 

We welcome suggestions and hosts for one-off or regular events. If you have a suggestion, please contact a member of the leadership team using Meetup messages, or start a discussion on the discussion board.

Membership Donations

This is a non-profit group, run by local volunteers for the benefit of local members. It is free to join, but we are charged a bi-annual fee by At most events you will be asked to make a small contribution toward these running costs. 

Monies received will be documented and evidence of this will be available upon request. Excess funds will be donated to our chosen charity, which for 2018 is Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Some events may require a deposit payable to the event venue. This deposit does not go toward running this group and will usually be deducted from your bill at the venue itself, e.g. a restaurant. The event host will explain the reason for a deposit in the event description and provide payment instructions. Deposits are non-refundable, except by arrangement with the event venue and event host.

Membership Guidelines

1. When you sign up to attend a group event you do so on the understanding that you are meeting with a group of friends and that this group, it's organisers and event hosts have no legal duty of care to you as a member or to any guests. You accept that the group's organisers and event hosts accept no liability for any accident or loss occurring from, or for any injuries arising out of, participation in this group's activities. You remain responsible for your own property, personal safety and wellbeing at all times. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that events you attend are suitable for your own personal circumstances

2. If you are unable to attend an event, please update your RSVP as soon as possible. Some events will, by their nature, have a limit on the number of people that can attend. Updating your RSVP as soon as your plans change gives someone else the chance to come along. Please be considerate to other members and only book onto events that you have a reasonable expectation of attending. Repeated no-shows are unfair to event organisers and other members and will result in your removal from the group.

3. Our policy is that you have a profile picture that allows you to be recognised by other members. This is particularly helpful when you or other members are trying to locate the group at the start of a meetup event.

4. We are committed to creating a friendly, inclusive and welcoming environment for all our members. If you experience any form of abuse, discrimination or harassment from another member at one of our events, or through the website, please do not hesitate to contact an organiser.

5. Our policy is to maintain a membership roster that is current and active. From time to time we will review members' activity and may remove members who have not visited the group pages for three calendar months. You are free to rejoin at any time.

6. Organisers may post their mobile number on events for your convenience. Please only contact them about that event. If you want to contact an organiser about anything else, please use Meetup messages.

654 members · Public

Burnley/Pendle & Rossendale Girls/Ladies Social

Burnley, H2

Burnley/Pendle & Rossendale Girls/Ladies Social
Days ..afternoons and nights out for ladies over the age of 25 , living in Burnley & local surrounding areas.We welcome from all backgrounds and different ages so don't worry about not fitting in . A varied range of events with the aim being to make them both affordable and fun . As an active member you need to attend four events during the year.. new members at least one event in the first 4 months . If we have inactive members we will remove you from the group.If you find you can only attend a limited amount of times within your \*calendar year ie less than 4, you can always remove yourself from the group and become a guest. This entitles you to attend 2 events a year without needing to be a member. Example of a \*calendar year, joined in May runs from May to following May, 13mths in total. We want to ensure that we offer all members the opportunity to be part of an active group with regular events. We keep our membership to a maximum of 50 to allow those who join us to get to know one another and have the chance to meet familiar faces at events. Please note : To help us maintain an active group we ask that you inform us if you cannot attend an event at least 2 days before it is planned to go ahead, unless unforeseen circumstances arise. We ask that if you cancel in under 2 days notice you let us know the reason for cancelling.Without doing so you will be removed from the group.If you add your name to an event and repeatedly remove yourself with less than two days prior to the event, with or without a valid reason, you will be removed from the group. If you fall ill on the day of the event please inform the host by 9am, failing to do so will mean you are removed from the group. If you are removed from the group and have paid to attend future events you will be entitled to attend and will be made most welcome. If you decide not to attend you are welcome to sell any outstanding tickets to others wishing to attend the event. This is the responsibility of the attendee and not the organiser. Please be courteous to the organisers & hosts. They are volunteering their time to ensure you have a good time.It is up to the host how she wishes to run her event, ie how many attendees, place & times.The organisers have the final say on any decisions made within this group, please respect this. The annual subscription will be £10.00 and must be paid each year by the end of February. In the event that payment is not received then you will no longer be a member of the group.By paying your membership fees you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of this group. As a new member you will need to have paid your joining fee within a limited period & before attending any events.(Payment details are shown on your introductory message.)Please pay the organiser Lesley, you can contact her via messages, just click on her profile picture and locate the message icon on the top right hand corner. If you join in the month of January your initial fee will cover you until the following JANUARY. Any events attended by members are at their own risk. This group takes no responsibility for any members individual actions
31 members · Private

Greater Social Life Union of Bradford

Bradford, 45

Greater Social Life Union of Bradford

The Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

There are many steps on your journey to greater social life. Here are the first steps for members of GSLU. After reading the rest of this introduction, you should read the 2021 book The Guide to Thumoslang. Many of our members put this new knowledge into practice as suggested by The GSLU Handbook.

When you spend more time in damage control mode and less time benefiting from your various relations, you waste a great deal of effort in your social life. Such a cost of opportunity keeps you from going at high speed towards your ideals, in creating your ideal self, and in actualizing what you truly want to become. This is likely due to a lack of social clarity, which is essential for internal conversations and vital for meaningful relationships.

Unintentionally created in 2017, accidentally discovered in 2018, and first taught in 2019, Thumoslang is the nomenclature for social clarity. It is used as a language for faster communication, be it in complex collaboration or difficult conversation. The first widespread use of social clarity has been predicted by Thumoslang pioneers to be just as important as the first widespread control of fire. All is explained by The Guide to Thumoslang, which is backed by The Dictionary of Thumoslang.

Again, the Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

Your ideals are the same as your ideal self, which means what you truly want to become. "Everything else is secondary," said Steve Jobs. Our group activities involve you with the first practical steps in the further development of your ideals, in keeping others from interfering with your life, and in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals. To be sure, if you lack social clarity in your internal conversations, face unwanted drama too often, are not sure of your social life or your path into the future, or have no friends and no groups available on a regular basis to help create your ideal self, this group is for you.


Our group activities bring you the following benefits:

Benefit 1 - Mastery of Relationships

As new GSLU members participate in the union's activities, they will quickly find themselves having noticeable enhancements in their social lives. The further they participate in GSLU activities, the faster they naturally acquire the mastery of relationships.

Benefit 2 - Best Friends for Your Ideals

Our group activities include practical steps in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals.

Benefit 3 - Internal Dialogues More Effective

Thumoslang is a set of terminology whose use is intended to benefit one's clarity in social situations. Consequently, Thumoslang allows you to have clearer communication with yourself in your mind.

Benefit 4 - Meaningful Relationships Much Stronger

Our members use Thumoslang to mend or strengthen their existing relationships, build new relations, and achieve greater social life.

Benefit 5 - Faster Actualization of Your Ideals

The actualization of your ideals goes faster when it regularly involves your best group, which is the small group of in-person, second-mind friends who are the best for the nurturing of your ideals. Our activities help you speed up the actualization of your ideals by reducing social roadblocks and increasing social shortcuts in your life.

10 members · Public

Bradford Walking

Bradford, 45

Bradford Walking
🌍 Join CHA Bradford  - Coach Holiday Association 🌍 Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and embrace the great outdoors with CHA Bradford, your local hiking community in the heart of Bradford and immerse yourself in a day out hiking in Nature! 🥾 Why Choose CHA Bradford? ✅ All Ages and Abilities Welcome: Whether you're a seasoned hiker or just starting, our friendly and diverse group caters to everyone. ✅ Variety of Hike Levels: Choose from three different hike levels: A, B or C walks, ensuring there's a perfect fit for everyone, regardless of your hiking experience and ability ✅ Seamless Logistics: Forget about transportation hassles! Our guides provide directions on how to reach your hike start point for our weekly Saturday walks so all you need to do is show up and enjoy the hike ✅ Sunday Coach Trips: Explore new horizons with our Sunday coach trips every two weeks, featuring breath-taking landscapes and scenic routes such as Yorkshire Dales, Lake District, Lancashire and beyond. There are pickup points along the way and our members come from a wide breath of locations. Please see coach trip details for hike destinations and coach trip price. ✅ Guided Hikes: Each hike has a dedicated walk leader, most often with experience of leading groups ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants. However, not all our walk leaders are qualified and although you walk at your own risk, it is thought to be safer walking in groups than individually ✅ Socialize and Relax: You can choose to socialise during the hike or if you prefer to get lost in nature and absorb the scenery you can. Wrap up your hike at a cosy pub or café, where you can relax, grab a drink, and connect with fellow hikers. ✅ Try Before You Commit: New joiners get three trials to experience the camaraderie and excitement before choosing to become a member. ✅ Exclusive Membership Benefits: Become a member for an annual fee of just £10 per person or £18 for couples. Enjoy club newsletters and a detailed yearly syllabus outlining upcoming hikes across all walking groups as well as social nights ✅ Extended Hiking Holidays: Beyond local hikes, we offer 2 yearly in country weekend trips away (we've been to Scotland, Wales, isle of Wright etc) and a foreign trip abroad for those craving more exploration and hiking (we've been to Greece, Spain, Majorca to name a few, and have The Lycian way and Crete to look forward to!) Ready to elevate your hiking experience? Visit our website [Bradford CHA]( or join us this weekend to start your hiking adventure! 🏞️ #CHABradford #HikeWithUs.
1626 members · Public

Walks & Weekends Away, (fka Leeds YHA Walking Group)

Leeds, 45

Walks & Weekends Away,         (fka Leeds YHA Walking Group)
**Hello there!** We are a friendly group of people who enjoy walking and outdoor activities. People leading walks for the group are not qualified walk leaders or do not have any outdoor qualifications. People joining our walks do so at their own risks. **How do I meet the Group?** It is best to contact the events organiser and let them know that you intend to attend a walk/event. You can then sign up for the walk/event on the meetup site. This lets the walk leader know how many people to expect on the walk/event and this allows them to plan accordingly. You can also contact one of the committee members identified as contacts on the front cover. **Is there a membership fee?** Yes, but you are welcome to try one walk before being asked to join. There is no charge for individual walks. The subscription is currently £5 per year. You can contact John Freeman, our treasurer, through the meetup site and arrange payment. Alternatively you can speak to a committee member. Please note that we are charged by the number of members we have in our group so if you do not attend an event within 12 months you will be removed from our meetup always with the option to rejoin at any point. **Do I also need to be a member of the national YHA?** No, you do not need to be a member of the national YHA . When we stay in a YHA hostel on our weekends away it is sufficient for one person in the group to be a national YHA member. You may however be asked to show ID when you stay at a a YHA hostel. **How do I get to events?** We encourage car sharing. Use the meetup site to book onto the walk and you can also request a lift or offer to car share. **Who runs Leeds YHA Walking Group?** An elected committee co-ordinates the group’s activities which are then run by individual members. All members are actively encouraged to lead walks and to organise events. **Tuesday evenings:** Walks and social events are organised on Tuesday evenings usually starting at 7.30 pm. **Weekends away:** These usually involve Friday and Saturday nights at either a YHA or an independent hostel with walks, occasional cycle rides or other outdoor/social activities organised on the Saturday and Sunday. You do need to be a fully paid up member of the group to attend a weekend away. **Weekend day walks/cycle rides:** Unless otherwise stated we start at 10.30am. We stop for refreshments on the walk so please bring a packed lunch & drink. Please wear appropriate clothing and hiking boots including waterproofs. **Walks:** \*\*Grade 1:\*\*A gentle, fairly flat walk of up to 6 miles. \*\*Grade 2:\*\*An undulating walk of about 7-9 miles. \*\*Grade 3:\*\*A walk of 10-13 miles with moderate ascent \*\*Grade 4:\*\*A walk of 14-16 miles –significant ascent \*\*Grade 5:\*\*A challenging fast-paced walk of 17+ miles. **Cycle rides:** \*\*Grade 1:\*\*A gentle fairly flat ride, up to 15 miles. \*\*Grade 3:\*\*A moderate ride with some hills, up to 40 miles.
287 members · Private

Harrogate Ladies

Harrogate, J7

Harrogate Ladies

Are you a female wishing to meet new friends, expand your current social network or just meet new people in general to share some fun time with? Then maybe this is the group for you! This group was created for females in the Harrogate and other surrounding areas to come together, chat and make new friends in the process.

Please note the following:

1.  Please make sure that you have a current photo of yourself and use your first name, not a nickname.  It is hard to identify members at events when we only can go by a picture of their children or pets.  

2. Respect and consideration for others is priority so if you RSVP for a meet up please do attend. I understand that due to unforeseen circumstances one may need to cancel but if you could please change your RSVP and inform the organiser/host it would be much appreciated.

3. Unfortunately, on previous occasions, venues/tables have been organised and booked, and some members haven't attended on the day. As such, members will still be charged £1 for a 'no show' on that date. If you can't attend please advise and change your status prior to the day of the event.

4. Member activity is monitored monthly and no shows and or inactive members will be removed.

5. The MeetUp website charges a fee each month to run, and so to stay active there is a small fee of £1 at each event towards the cost of running the website, and is very appreciated!

Take care and look forward to meeting you soon.

Thank you

867 members · Private

Harrogate Bookworms

Harrogate, J7

Harrogate Bookworms
**Ever finished a book and wanted to speak to someone like-minded about it? Been online or in the library and couldn't decide what book to choose? If so, this group is for you! We will discuss and share, (re)discover authors and why not try a different genre of literature?** *If you don't receive a response to your application to join the group, please email me at* **Group rules:** **Membership fees are now charged annually to cover the costs of meetup.** A whole £12 for the year (or pro-rata). \***FREE** **Trial Membership:** When spaces are available, offered for 2 months to ensure we are all a good fit. Please don't apply to join unless you can make the next two dates. We provide you with two options to discuss the SAME monthly book choice - **IRL** (In real life) or **zoom**. **\*In person** - **2nd Thursday monthly from 7pm (chit chat only until the discussion proper starts at 7.30pm). Max 15 members to allow free flowing conversation and reduce the risk of multiple breakaway chats which can be distracting for the host.** **\*Zoom** \- usually the **3rd Thursday from 7.15pm (discussion proper starts at 7.30pm),** and you are welcome to attend this one (as well if you want to or) instead. \*The group is **limited to circa 30 members** and it is important to keep the group active. \*IRL meetings are limited to ensure everyone gets a chance to make a contribution. So, you may not be able to attend every IRL meeting throughout the year. Attendance is therefore on a first come basis and it is **essential** **that you amend your RSVP** if you find you cannot attend as early as possible to allow someone else to take your place. Zoom meetings are unlimited and you can attend both if you wish. \*Books usually **<350 pages** though I occasionally allow this to be exceeded. \***Anyone** can suggest a book of any genre, but they then need to lead the discussion at both groups. Just message your interest to Julia or talk to her at the end of a meeting. ***\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*Please ensure your Meet-Up settings are correctly set, in order that you may receive any Group messages and be advised of events as and when they are uploaded to the website, particularly when you apply to join.\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\**** \*You must show talking **etiquette and respect** to fellow attendees. \*We are happy to collaborate with publishing or PR companies if relevant to our group. Any events around books will be considered (book signing, theatre/cinema, etc). Message Julia. \*We have a **group Whatsapp** which you can join after your trial period if you let us know your phone number. **Reasons for Declining/Cancelling Membership:** \* Failing to pay membership fees as requested. \* Displaying inappropriate behaviour, including persistent lateness. \* Registering for an event and then not turning up. **If you change your mind, simply change your RSVP as early as possible.** \* The membership will be monitored and managed on a periodic basis to ensure the membership numbers accurately reflect those considered to be active members. \* If your membership is cancelled, you are free to reapply for membership at any time, if the reason for cancellation is simply down to not registering for any events during a specific period of time.
30 members · Private

Free Meditation & Yoga Harrogate

Harrogate, J7

Free Meditation & Yoga Harrogate
This community group was started in Harrogate to invite all those who might be interested in learning to meditate and for those who actually want to achieve Yoga. Many are curious as to what meditation or yoga actually is and what's it all about? The meetings aim to provide that insight and know how. The charity offers free bespoke classes that are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous. The free classes feature introductory talks, video's, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK. Sahaja Yoga free meditation classes help attendees to achieve a deep state of peace and spiritual awareness in life. Try Sahaja Yoga meditation classes and see for yourself the improvement to your mental, physical and emotional state. Learn and experience…- Simple meditation techniques. Guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation. Tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing the subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with no mental activity or thoughts about the past or the future. Occasionally there are 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, a natural state of being.
224 members · Public