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Outdoor activities groups near Marlborough, P8

Swindon 20s and 30s Social Activities

Swindon, P8

Swindon 20s and 30s Social Activities

A group for people under the age of 40 who want to undertake social activities which are either only possible or better as a group. 40 is not a rigid cap but is designed to show the kind of things this group is about and prevent it being dominated by an older generation like other social groups.

The plan is for this group to organise group social activities at least twice a month across both weekday evenings and weekends. The group will be a pay for what you participate in.
Please ensure you RSVP and pay for activities well in advance to allow things to be booked. Activities will NOT be booked until I receive sufficient funds from attendees. Please note a number of activities have minimum numbers and will be cancelled if this amount is not reached.

Meetups will be organised with sufficient notice to receive payment beforehand. Places will only be booked for those who have paid and no refunds offered unless someone else is willing to pay for the place.

Meetup charges for the running of such groups therefore in order to recoup these costs a small admin charge will be added to bookings however I hope to receive group discounts where possible. The price offered reflects this fee

Examples of such activities could be: <br>- Ten Pin Bowling <br>- Board Game evenings <br>- Crazy Golf <br>- Foot Golf <br>- Escape Rooms <br>- Pub Quizzes <br>- Stand up paddle boarding <br>- Paintball <br>- Airsoft <br>- Ice Skating <br>- Archery <br>- Beer Tasting/Brewery Tours <br>- Days Out <br>- Watching sports games <br>- Go Karting <br>- Laser Quest

Depending on interest in activities this could also involve trips out of Swindon or breaks away.

Couples and groups of friends are welcome as long as they are open to meeting new people. Please note this is NOT a singles or a party/clubbing group

644 members · Public

Data Swindon

Swindon, P8

Data Swindon
Data: Swindon has been formed to offer knowledge sharing and networking opportunities for data professionals, techies, researchers or simply those with an interest in data applications and technologies. We aim to have an open, friendly and informal setting for meetings covering a wide range of data related topics, events generally cover the following subject areas: - • Data/Big Data Technologies • Business Intelligence • SQL/NoSQL • Advanced Analytics • Cloud Computing/IoT Meetings provide an opportunity for established and new speakers to share their experience, knowledge and thoughts to the benefit of all members. Attendees are encouraged to socialise, ask questions, network and learn from other members. The organisers of this meetup abide by a Code Of Conduct, because it's the nice thing to do. We think our members should too. ### Code of Conduct for group leaders As event and experience organizers, we seek to provide a **respectful, friendly, professional experience for everyone, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, age, race, or religion**. We do not tolerate any behaviour that is degrading to any gender, race, sexual orientation, or disability, nor do we tolerate any behaviour that would be deemed harassment or discrimination. Individuals are responsible for knowing and abiding by our standards and we encourage everyone to assist in creating a safe and welcoming environment. Please report any concerns, suspicious activity, or disruptive behaviour to the team at so we can address issues immediately. ### All group members should follow Throughout each interaction: * Be friendly and welcoming * Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences. * Ask yourself how you can make someone life easier. * Be patient * Remember that people have varying communication styles and preferences. * Recognize that not everyone is using their native language. Meaning and tone can be lost in translation. * Be thoughtful * Think about how others will interpret your words. Aim for clear and productive communication. * Remember that sometimes it is best to refrain from commenting. * Be respectful and inclusive * Respect differences of opinion. * Seek to understand and build bridges, not condemn or criticize. * Make a conscious effort to include people who differ from you. * Be open and curious * Assume good intent and interpret others’ statements or questions in good faith. * Ask questions to understand, not denounce. * Focus on continuous learning. Improve upon the things you already know, tackle new things, and ask others about their expertise to deepen your own knowledge. ### Summary * Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and empathy. * Use welcoming and inclusive language. * Be thoughtful in how you communicate in person and online. * Don’t be destructive or inflammatory. * Gracefully accept constructive criticism. * Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences. * Reach out to the organizers if you need anything. Please report any concerns, suspicious activity, or disruptive behaviour to the organisers.
623 members · Public

Swindon Social and New Friendz

Swindon, P8

Swindon Social and New Friendz
We are a relaxed social group catering for people of all walks of life from around the Swindon area.  We arrange social activities includes meals, drinks, bowling, cinema, theater, concerts, quiz nights, and lots more. Come and join the fun! :-) Thank you for applying to join our Meetup group. Meetup does cost money to operate, roughly £180 a year. We are making a charge of £10 one off fee to join the group. Please make payment to the following account:- Account Number: 21678060 Sort Code: 30-90-85 Please pay the joining fee and use your name as a reference. We reserve the right to delete your membership until you have paid the joining fee. If payment is not forthcoming we will delete your membership. Many thanks. This fee is used to cover the cost of running this meetup group. Any questions please kindly message the group on This group is organised and run by a group of organisers, and no one individual has total control. We have a committee which meets regularly, to decide the direction the group takes.  The organiser name, "Wiltshire & Swindon Organisers" isn't a single person, but a collective of organisers who have access to this account. You might think it odd that no one person is in control, and we are not here to mislead people. It is merely to prevent any one person having a monopoly of control, as well as ensuring that one person doesn't do all the work as is often the case. Also if one organiser wants to move away, dies, leaves the country or whatever, the group is sustainable.
899 members · Private

Swindon IVC Social Club

Swindon, P8

Swindon IVC Social Club
Swindon IVC are a group of friends from all walks of life who enjoy socialising. Members are individuals or couples with a mix of ages, generally 40 upwards. All are welcome. If we want to go to a film, or for a day or meal out, we invite the others so we can enjoy events together. We are book worms, theatre addicts, walkers, cyclists, and lots more. Although there is a committee in the background, events are organised by members for members. We have a regular pub night twice per month and we would encourage prospective members to come along and meet us in this informal setting. Would you like to meet people and try new things? Fancy going to the Cinema but have no-one to go with? Like eating out with friends? Then you need us! If you attend some events and then decide to become a full member, subscription is £12 per annum. There is an option for an initial 3 months membership at a cost of £3. Please note that for us to administer this we ask for the following: your full name, a contactable email address and some form of photo ID (and the subscription!) The subscription covers club running costs including Meetup fees. We produce annual accounts for members to show how our funds are spent. Swindon IVC is a non profit club and the subscription rate is reviewed annually at an AGM. Swindon IVC is a member of the AIVC network of national clubs, first started in this country about 70 years ago by a group of ex-graduates, then known as the Inter-Varsity Club. We have been an active club in Swindon for more than 40 years. We look forward to welcoming you to our club and seeing you soon at one of our events.
58 members · Private

Wiltshire Wanderers Walking Group

Chippenham, P8

Wiltshire Wanderers Walking Group
Wiltshire Wanderers are a friendly welcoming walking group that covers Wiltshire and the immediate surrounding counties. We are not a dating group or a singles group, but we have many single people and couples walking with us. We used to be a group tailored for 20s-40s and was affiliated to the Ramblers, but this ceased in December 2016 and now take anyone interesting in walking from 20 to 80! Our walks are generally on a Sunday morning from 10 or 10:30 am and can be from 6 to 15 miles in length. We also do Saturday walks during the summer and shorter evening walks as well during this time of between 4 and 6 miles. We strive to put on 2 walks a month, all over Wiltshire and surrounding counties, and we also sometimes do walks with the Long Distance Walkers Association (LDWA) where the length of walk can go up to 26 or 40 miles in a day. We are not a group for children or disabled (in wheelchair) walkers, though walkers with dogs are welcome, provided they are well behaved and on leads. Please remember to wear good walking clothing such as walking trousers, wet weather clothing is also advisable (water proofs top and bottom, gaiters etc), good stout walking boots with ankle support with or without walking socks, and please also remember to bring plenty of water with you on our walks. Sometimes its advisable to bring an extra pair of shoes and socks to change into after our walks if the walking boots are muddy, for you to enter pubs or your car home. Please do not wear jeans as if they get wet they take ages to dry and are not ideal for walking in. We can offer lifts to members to share on transport costs. Ring the walks organiser before the walk starts. We generally always go to the pub for a drink and sometimes an optional meal after the walk, so if you want to join us, you may want to bring some money. We ask all walkers to contribute to the cost of running this meetup group by means of small donations per walk of up to a £2.  For 8 years David paid out the Meetup fee of approx £200 a year, but in 2020 decided to charge a fee per person per walk. We sometimes ask for an upfront deposit for some walks as well as weekends to prevent timewasters. A standard flat fee applies to all walking lengths. Try running a group if you feel short changed. David has been shortchanged by £1600! Where is the money going to come from? Thin air? There is also a fee of £60 per year which goes to the Ramblers, for affilation and group insurance. We don't make a profit on the fees paid, and have expenses just like any other meetup group. 1) ***That by signing up for this Group, you accept that you take part entirely at your own risk.*** 2) Where as organisers are facilitating activities, he or she will not be held legally or otherwise responsible for any accidents or other mishaps during any walk. Outdoor activities are never without risks. " Those who take part consent to the Risk involved" 3) If you have any doubts about you abilities, the weather conditions or the terrain or the ground, you must discuss it with your Organiser before the start of the Walk. 4) Please advise your fellow Walkers as early as possible if you encounter difficulties during a Walk or if you see another Walker with problems. This group is organised and run by a group of organisers, and no one individual has total control. We have a committee which meets regularly, to decide the direction the group takes.  The organiser name, "Wiltshire & Swindon Organisers" isn't a single person, but a collective of organisers who have access to this account. You might think it odd that no one person is in control, and we are not here to mislead people. It is merely to prevent any one person having a monopoly of control, as well as ensuring that one person doesn't do all the work as is often the case. Also if one organiser wants to move away, dies, leaves the country or whatever, the group is sustainable. 
1462 members · Public

Focus: Spiritual discussion meetup

Heywood, P8

Focus: Spiritual discussion meetup
**\*\*\*PLEASE READ\*\*\*: WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY CURRENTLY ACCEPTING ANY REQUESTS TO JOIN THE GROUP AS WE ARE AT THE LIMIT OF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WE CAN HAVE IN THE GROUP, THERE IS ALSO A WAITING LIST TO JOIN.** There are many reasons for people to band together in groups: employment, politics, religion, self-help or social activity, the list is endless. But consider this, what if the so-called 'reason' for gathering is nothing more than an elaborate camouflage, an excuse that draws together personalities of similar intent, inquisitiveness and purpose in order to experience a form of identification, a comradeship or brotherhood. We do not wish to belittle the results that groups achieve, but simply suggest that perhaps the instinctive reason that underpins our grouping together and therefore our ultimate achievements is not so much the cause but an attempt to remember that we are not separated; that we are indeed as one. We achieve results as a by-product of of grouping together. In forming this Group its founder members have attempted to bypass the camouflage and dispense with the excuses, we actively seek at-one-ness. ***We would state at the outset that this Group has absolutely no association with any other group or organisation whatsoever; it is not intended to replace any other group, we see it more as complimentary to other involvements.*** Whatever our backgrounds it is safe to say that we have been bombarded with selective information from birth. In our schooldays we were taught that religion and science were to be accepted as facts of reality instead of beliefs or theories about reality. We are all in one way or another the product of social beliefs. This group openly questions those beliefs and the so-called 'facts' that we have been raised on. We seek spiritual growth and expansion through discussion; we have come to realise that by actively changing our beliefs we most certainly change our experiences. We effectively create our own experiences ***in life*** through our beliefs and expectations ***of life***. Over the past few centuries society has increasingly developed a 'victim mentality', we are taught from the earliest age to mistrust our bodies, our environment, and just about everything that does or doesn't move! It is little wonder that an enormous amount of our Combined Wealth must now be dedicated to Health Services, Policing, Armed Forces and various Health and Safety initiatives; we have become frightened and confused. There was a time when the human race instinctively knew (in keeping with all creature-hood) that our individual and collective state of health and 'good fortune' had little to do with outside forces. As a species we have been taught to believe that mankind is at best untrustworthy and at worst downright dangerous. This has fed our lack of self worth and self trust and resulted in an ever increasing number of laws to 'protect' us from ourselves. We strongly question that hypothesis. Therefore we (as a Group) attempt to operate without rules, we prefer to trust our own common sense and impulses. We have no bosses and no dogma. We aim to provide a forum in which members can freely express themselves with no allegiance to anything save their own free will. We all came into this world with a wonderful sense of awe and anticipation, we instinctively knew our oneness; what on earth happened! Most of us have spent a good part of our lives **learning** to mistrust ourselves, learning that to 'fail' or 'to be wrong' is some sort of moral crime, we have become so fearful of making mistakes that many of us have given up trying to achieve much at all. The result has been an obsession with safety and a relinquishing of our own responsibilities; expecting others to 'fix' us, and if they don't – then we can just blame them. What if there is another way? Perhaps we came here to learn just how strong we are, just how in tune with our environment we can be. Perhaps we still instinctively know that taking risks and trusting life is the only way that we can truly achieve inner peace and value fulfilment. What if we came into this world not to be bystanders, not to live as passive 'victims' of life, but to be active participants in progressing the well being of our own lives, and in doing so to progress the well being of all life? If fear of failure and the 'victim mentality' or powerlessness, are high on the list of causes for our dissatisfaction with life, then strength or courage, and empowering action could be seen as very effective 'cures'. As a Group we actively encourage each other to 'stretch our boundaries', to question the status quo and to take positive steps to move away from mind-sets or beliefs that keep us locked into states of ill health, lack of abundance, blaming others, and general powerlessness. The power of like-minded people grouping together cannot be underestimated, we can and do achieve things together that we would consider impossible if attempted alone. Everybody has something for which they can be grateful, and most of us have a great deal to be thankful for. Focusing on what is going well in our lives will bring far better results than concentrating on what we perceive to be wrong. Hating war will never stop war, loving peace however, will. And so it is with all matters of life, approached from the ***'ain't life awful'*** angle we can't help but feel overwhelmed, but looked at from a different viewpoint, that of ***'ain't life great',*** we begin to see a different picture, our focus 'miraculously' shifts, and we begin to see aspects of life to which we were once blinded. What we concentrate on we draw toward us, concentrate on pain, hostility and lack, and that's what we get, focus on health, friendship and abundance and that will be ours also. Working together with a common purpose this Group eagerly explores the possibilities of contrary thinking and action. We believe that there has never been a better time to explore the possibilities of self-responsibility, and by that we mean responsibility for our own thinking, emotional and physical well-being, and the everyday experience of our lives. We are not allied with any particular school of thought or teachings, and actively seek new ideas and inspiration. There are however certain books that we find especially useful: Seth: The Nature of Personal Reality – Jane Roberts Power vs Force – David Hawkins The Awakening of Intelligence – Jiddu Krishnamurti Finally, we will **NEVER** try to indoctrinate you, fill you with dogma, or encourage you to do anything against your will; that would stand against the very principles upon which we operate. We are all free spirits of the universe. **Meetings are held online on Thursday evenings between 7 and 8pm.**
44 members · Public

Free Meditation and Yoga Cirencester, Glos

Cirencester, E6

Free Meditation and Yoga Cirencester, Glos
  You can find daily Online meetings via this link: [](   You are also invited to learn meditation via one of our free online platforms @ - [](   Tuesday & Thursday we host Online Guided Meditations @ 7pm daily   Want to experience it now – Experience Self Realisation now – Guided Meditation [](     Achieve Yoga & enter into a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’. This community group was started in Gloucestershire to invite all those who might be interested in learning to meditate and for those who actually want to achieve Yoga. Many are curious as to what meditation or yoga actually is and what's it all about? The meetings aim to provide that insight and know how. The charity offers free bespoke classes that are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous. The free classes feature introductory talks, videos, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK. Sahaja Yoga free meditation classes help attendees to achieve a deep state of peace and spiritual awareness in life. Try Sahaja Yoga meditation classes and see for yourself the improvement to your mental, physical and emotional state. Learn and experience…- Simple meditation techniques. Guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation. Tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing the subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with no mental activity or thoughts about the past or the future. Occasionally there are 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, a natural state of being.
177 members · Public

Free Meditation & Yoga Cirencester

Cirencester, E6

Free Meditation & Yoga Cirencester
You can find daily Online meetings via this link: [](   You are also invited to learn meditation via one of our free online platforms @ - [](   Tuesday & Thursday we host Online Guided Meditations @ 7pm daily   Want to experience it now – Experience Self Realisation now – Guided Meditation [](   Achieve Yoga & enter into a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’. With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we generally sit on chairs to achieve Yoga, effortlessly & spontaneously. As such no Asanas (exercises) are required, no mat or special clothing. We are all volunteers of a Charity organisation and have many years of experience in offering free Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes. The classes are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous. The free classes feature introductory talks, video's, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK. The idea is that you don't do yoga - you Achieve Yoga! Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a simple, time-honored technique. It helps those who enjoy it, reduce stress and increase wellness. It brings better focus and helps people become more centered and better balanced. Anyone can do it. Founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a world wide movement for peace and self awakening. All the meetings and classes are free of any charge. Each week we go through simple meditation techniques, often with guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation. We share tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing the subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with no mental activity or thoughts about the past or the future. Occasionally there are 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, a natural state of being.
131 members · Public

Didcot New In Town Meetup Group

Didcot, K2

Didcot New In Town Meetup Group
This group will have a mixture of social events and activities throughout each year. We will look for events in Didcot that we believe suit the Meetup culture, as well as do additional activities, such as pub quizzes. There will also be a monthly evening social event taking part in a pub in Didcot. **Questions and answers** **Who is this group for?** There is no set criteria to who this group is for. We have a mixture of people who are new to Didcot, as well as people ready to start finding a new friend cycle. Anyone is welcome. **What can I expect from the organisers?** Apart from setting events up, we attend for the same reasons as you - to connect and make friends! Whilst we do our best to make everyone feel welcome, please remember we are not a business and are attending to take part in the event organised just as much as you are. **What's the goals of this group?** We want members to find like minded people and develop their own social lives. The Meetup events organised are your opportunity to do this. Additionally, we have a WhatsApp Community, which we aim to grow and give members the opportunity to organise additional activities themselves! **How much does attending cost?** Unless there are tickets required for a public event, we never charge members who attend. However, despite being a group that does not aim to make a profit, we cannot hide from the fact it costs the group £200 per year to run. Because of this, we will ask for donations to fund this. However, we do not make this mandatory and the amount you donate (if anything) is completely optional. **Can I join the WhatsApp Community?** Members who attend regularly are welcome to join the community, as long as they agree to the policies of the group. Please speak to Kevin if you are interested in joining. **Group Rules** These are the policies in place for the group: **1) Be respectful of others.** You are going to meet a diverse range of people, so there are bound to be individuals you don't click with. Rather than make an argument with them, just accept you are different. **2) Make sure you correctly update your attending status.** Not knowing the correct number of attendees can have a negative impact on the event taking place. All it takes is a quick tap on your phone to update your status. **3) Do not turn up for events you have not signed up for.** This can potentially lead to difficulties in hosting an event. We don't want to find a member who shows up for pizza, but there is no space on the table! **4) Do not advertise your own activities in the group comments.** Whilst we are happy to see additional events, they must apply to the groups structure. If you want to advertise any of your events, contact Kevin. **5) Do not take control of events hosted.** The organisers already have a plan for the event they are hosting. To prevent any difficulties, respect what the organisers have set up for you. Members are welcome to organise additional activities once the event is over. **6) Appreciate what the organisers do.** Please remember that all the organisers in the group are hosting events on a voluntary basis. The events we host are for ourselves to enjoy as much as you. Anyone who does not apply to these rules is at risk of being removed from the group. © 2024 Oxford Social Events & Activities
372 members · Public

Salisbury LGBT+ Social Group

Salisbury, P8

Salisbury LGBT+ Social Group
PLEASE NOTE, DUE TO THE MASSIVE PRICE HIKES IMPOSED BY MEETUP, THIS GROUP WILL BE CLOSING IN FEB 2025 Facebook group: This is a Private group - The group description and admin/moderators can be seen by non-members Posts on the page, events and the members list can only be seen by group members - group activity will not be visible to others unless they are also in the group. This group is for LGBT+ people in Salisbury and surrounding areas wanting to meet up and socialise in a coffee shops or pubs etc There will be meetups as a minimum on a monthly basis - usually on a Sunday afternoon - this is currently the second Sunday of the month. There are other LGBT+ groups/events in the Salisbury/South Wiltshire/South Hampshire area - events may be promoted or joint events suggested however the focus of this group will be a tea and coffee conversation social. Discussion is welcome and suggestions for meet ups, activities, locations, dates etc are also gratefully received. Please see the group policy for the rules that we expect all members to follow. This can be found below. There is a cost implication to running the meetup group there is therefore a moneybox on the table at each meetup for members to make a donation towards the cost. If each member that attends an event donates £1 at each event this spreads the cost between us all however donations are voluntary. I look forward to meeting you! Andy If you would like to feed back to the group admins and moderators about suggestions, ideas and issues you can do so using the form below. It can be anonymous if you want. Just fill in the form and it will find its way to us. Remember though, it may not get an immediate response and we are volunteers! []( There is an overspill FB group to allow a larger number of people to keep in contact with events. []( []( These rules are to be abided by on the Meetup page as well as at the events. We will warn/remove people from the group if they do not abide by them: **1\. We only accept LGBT\+ members aged 18\+** This group is for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people or anyone of a non-binary sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, who are 18+. This group also welcomes people who are questioning any of these things. **2\. No hate speech or bullying** Make sure that everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed at events or on the group. Below are examples of things that will result in a warning or ban: Homophobia, biphobia, panphobia, transphobia, transmisogyny, acephobia, asexualphobia, sexism, disablism, classism, agism, body shaming, discrimination against sex workers, racism, objectifying, harassment, creating a hostile atmosphere, ridiculing members, aggression, phobia towards different relationship structures (e.g. poly) **3\. Respect everyone's privacy** If you are told something on the group or at an event, don't assume that it's general knowledge and tell other people without their consent. If you fear for someone's safety because of something that you have been told, then please inform the appropriate authorities. **4\. This is not a dating/hook\-up group** We hope that people are going to make some awesome friends here, but this is not dating or hook-up group. While people may meet at events and a friendship may develop into a relationship, repeatedly approaching a group member or a number of members will result in you being removed from the group. **5\. Keep posts appropriate** This group is a group about LGBT+ issues and events. While you may have some really funny meme or exciting post, if it's not relevant to the group then we won't permit it. The same goes for any posts of a sexual nature or with lots of offensive language or behaviours. Repeatedly posting things like this will result in you being removed from the group. Long video posts may also be rejected as admins and mods don't have time to watch them! **6\. Events are for members only** Events are organised for members of the group only UNLESS the event is specified as open for allies. For people who need additional support at events for mental or physical needs, a carer can accompany a member. Please let the event host know in advance if possible. **7\. Take care of your own safety** If you meet somebody at the group and choose to meet them privately or exchange messages or other communication means, make sure you are doing this safely. While admins of the group could potentially support you in the event of something going wrong outside of the group, it is unlikely that any direct action will be taken unless a group rule is broken. If something serious has happened, contact the relevant authorities.
330 members · Private

Warminster Adventure Sports Club

Warminster, P8

Warminster Adventure Sports Club
Warminster Adventure Sports Club (or WASC) is a tribe of outdoor enthusiasts based in Wiltshire and North East Somerset. We hold weekly meets, social events, and trips all over the UK and abroad in all seasons of the year. Make friends and get outdoors! If you want to make the most of your time, get outdoors , meet friends and explore what our amazing countryside has to offer, the Warminster Adventure Sports Club is for you! Our activities include kayaking, climbing, hiking, caving and cycling. Our members aren't trained instructors, but you'll be able to sample a range of activities with like-minded people at an introductory level. Then, if one sport takes your fancy, you might be able to club together with other members to hire a trainer or practise together. We love to get out and about and explore by water, footpath, cycle trail, rock or underground! Our trips have included the Wye valley, Snowdonia, the Peak District, the south coast and much more, but we can also help you discover some hidden gems right here on your doorstep, in West Wiltshire, NE Somerset and Avon too. What's more, we will always do our best to keep your costs low by lift-sharing and choosing good value campsites and bunkhouses. As a club member, we hope you will club together to suggest ideas for trips and help organise them. Don't worry, you don't need to be a leader, an instructor or an expert! You just need an adventurous spirit and an eagerness to make friends and make things happen! WASC members can use our app and chat group to discover what other members are into and share ideas for new adventures, both for WASC weekends and in-between time. The club owns kayaking, climbing and caving equipment which is available for club members to use on club events for a small fee. It's also available for personal use once members have shown they have sufficient skills to use it safely. When you join, you will have the option to take out club membership for British Canoeing and the British Mountaineering Council. Join the WASC ​ This is not a free group as participants will need to join to obtain insurance from the BMC or British Canoeing. We do allow some free tasters to get you to try the club, however to cover ourselves we ask you to become a paid member. Paid members have access to our Stack app and Whatsapp groups to discuss and attend events. We are in the process of shifting our 12-month membership calendar to May - April. That means you can now take advantage of our special 10-month offer: July 2023 (onwards) - end 2024 Adults: £30 U18: £15 A 10% discount is available for family groups with U18s.​ Please note that U18s can only join the club and attend club events alongside their parents/legal guardians. Please note that adults must sign up separately, unless signing up with U18s as a family. Please follow the link below to join WASC.
48 members · Public

Free Meditation & Yoga Salisbury

Salisbury, P8

Free Meditation & Yoga Salisbury
Hello there! - we will be resuming weekly meetings in the fall 2024 Our email: Contact numbers: Nelly: 07855 112 669 With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we normally sit on chairs to achieve yoga, effortlessly & spontaneously. So there is no need for mats and no special clothing required. We are all volunteers of a Charity organisation and have many years of experience in offering free Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes. All across the globe, many are seeking new sources of energy. Meanwhile, the most **transformative energy** of all is hiding in plain sight, within us. It's natural, sustainable, and infinitely renewable. It's called inner kundalini energy. And everyone already has it — everyone!. It is often likened to an inner feminine or motherly energy which automatically knows about us and what is needed to help us **restore balance and harmony** within our subtle being. It works spontaneously, effortlessly, organically and cannot be paid for. The classes are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is **quite effortless and spontaneous**. The free classes feature introductory talks, video's, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a **state of yoga**, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK. The idea is that you don't do yoga - you Achieve Yoga! Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a simple, time-honored technique. It helps those who enjoy it, **reduce stress and increase wellness and health holistically.** It brings better focus and helps people become more centered and better balanced. Anyone can do it. Founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a world wide movement for **peace and self awakening**. All the meetings and classes are free of any charge. Each week we go through **simple meditation techniques**, often with guided meditations to help **re**duce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation. We share tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and **balancing the subtle body**. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with **no mental activity or thoughts** about the past or the future. Occasionally there are 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, a **natural state** of being. 10 Reasons to try-out Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Salisbury in 2024 **It’s easy.** You don’t have to spend years living in the mountains to achieve enlightenment. You don’t have to give up anything or spend weeks in silence. You don’t have to learn mantras or wear special clothes or even try to clear my mind. The meditation simply happens spontaneously. The classes are easy and fun, and as long as you keep up your daily ten minutes of meditation you find you are able to achieve a deep and peaceful meditation on a regular basis. **It’s free.** You don’t pay for your meditation. There are no catches, and there are no hidden expenses. If you missed attending classes one week, it doesn’t matter. You just picked up the classes again when you could manage it. It is simply the generosity of spirit of other Sahaja Yoga meditation practitioners that allows Sahaja Yoga to be taught to whomever desires it, at no cost. **You can see results.** You feel relaxed and you feel a deep sense of calm. Now you can also feel your chakras (energy centres) and through the meditation techniques learnt along the way you can understand the vibrations of your own energy centres. If you feel unwell you meditate and use the techniques you’ve learnt to heal your chakras, and you can then feel the centres clearing, and as a consequence your health improves. **It’s all-inclusive.** All the major religions and their core teachings are acknowledged and respected in Sahaja Yoga. No one’s spiritual journey is right or wrong. And through meditation the wisdom of all the great gurus and saints is easily revealed and understood. In fact, you’ll find that since you’ve been meditating you’ll come to understand and appreciate the teachings of great teachers such as Lao Tse, Buddha and Mohammed. **You’re your own boss.** You meditate and introspect at your own pace. You don’t have to keep up with others, or feel pressured into doing things you’re not comfortable with. You are your own teacher, your own guru, your own master. This technique of meditation empowers you and enables you to help yourself. You don’t have to rely on anybody else. Of course, there are many people who practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation who can teach you a great deal about the yoga & meditation and its various techniques. However, all that you need is ultimately within you. **It’s everywhere.** Sahaja Yoga is practiced in almost every country in the world. So, no matter where you travel you can always locate a local Sahaja Yoga Meditation programme that you can attend. Whenever you get the chance, and no matter where you are, You try to link up with other Sahaja Yoga practitioners and enjoy a collective meditation. (Meditating with others is a much deeper and more powerful experience than meditating alone.) **It’s portable.** You don’t need to take anything with you to meditate: no mats, no potions, no special clothing or books. You can meditate anywhere – in a quiet room or on a noisy bus; at the beach or watching a movie. Thoughtless awareness (the state of meditation) is easy to achieve if you keep meditating daily, and it can be achieved in almost any situation. **It makes sense.** Everything you’ll learn will make sense. There is a lot of common sense in Sahaja Yogameditation, and even though not everything was known to you (for example, the chakras and their respective qualities), once you have a chance to learn more about the meditation, it feels very natural and comfortable. **Everybody does it.** When you begin a hobby or join a new group, you often find that there are particular types of people who are in the group with you. For example, some groups attract younger people, others older folk; some groups have a lot of people who are wealthy, or people who live in a certain part of town. In Sahaja Yoga you will find people from every walk of life, from every demographic – male and female, young and old, rich and poor, every shape, size and colour, with varying interests, languages and beliefs. You don’t have to be a certain type of person to do Sahaja Yoga meditation. It is one of those rarities: something for everybody. **You feel good.** Without fail, every time you sit down to meditate you feel better.
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