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Outdoor activities groups near Jakarta, ID

Jakarta Outdoor Adventurists Meetup Group

Jakarta, id

Jakarta Outdoor Adventurists Meetup Group

"There is nothing new under the sun" said an ecclesiastic, thousands of years ago. Although with the power of hind sight you could have argued that the entire Jakarta or Indonesia would have been new to him and fell into his category of being under the sun, it seems that humans have always worried about the world being boring. Yeah... TRUE. He didn't have TV, Computer, BlackBerry, iPhone, GPRS or GPS. He didn't have bike, motor, car, plane or even boat. That time didn't have any shopping mall, theme park, waterboom or high tower. His world has an edge. May be if he has all, like us, he won't said it or get bored. Rubbish! I have a TV, MacBook, BB, iPhone, travelled with motor, car, plane til cruise, went to Plaza Senanyan, Senayan City, Pasific Place, Plaza Indonesia, Central Park, jumped and screamed at Dufan, SeaWorld, WaterBoom til bamboo Rafting but yet I'm bored. Here, I decided to start The Jakarta Outdoor Adventurists Meetup with purpose of finding you who are bored with the office works, traffic jam, walking and shopping around the mall, eating or trying the lastest yummy or funky foods, looking nothing in your FB walls til forwarding the hoax around your BBM contact lists. But you are the "un-boring" person who like to do the "un-boring" things, go to "un-boring" places, meet the "un-boring" peoples and make friends with "un-boring" strangers like us. Togethere we do continuously "un-boring": walking, hiking, trekking, climbing, rafting, snorkeling, diving or any outdoor adventure and while that we enjoying the nature around Jakarta, Jawa and many beautiful places around Indonesia. I believe there is still "un-boring" adventure to be found in Jakarta, Indonesia. We just need to go try that little bit harder to find it or make it happen. Let's cut new edges into our maps, break our GPS' and set forth into the mother nature to find out what happens and making a difference to our nature, beloved country and ourselves. We will working close with travel organizer, local tour guide or just simply somebody who is experience and expert to guide us for the adventures. Sure, we request for the "un-boring" price from them too. ^^ See you on the top of "un-boring" hills, mountains and under the "un-boring" seas. SALAM!

1728 members · Private

Indonesia Explorers

Jakarta, id

Indonesia Explorers
*Welcome to Indonesia Explorers!* Are you an outdoor enthusiast looking to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for exploring nature? Whether you enjoy hiking, camping, kayaking, or simply taking nature walks, this group is perfect for you. Join us for exciting getaways, adventurous trips, and refreshing outings to immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes and vibrant cultures of Indonesia and beyond! Let's embark on unforgettable experiences together and create lasting memories in the great outdoors. Don't wait, join us now and start your next unforgettable adventure! **HOW TO JOIN THE EVENTS** 1\. RSVP "YES" if you are keen 2\. Contact the Organizer for the next step \-\-\-\- Selamat datang! Grup ini berfokus dengan kegiatan di luar ruangan dan terbuka untuk siapa saja yang berminat dengan kegiatan outdoor baik di Indonesia maupun di luar Indonesia – baik yang masih baru maupun yang sudah berpengalaman di kegiatan ini. Rata-rata trip yang kami rencanakan itu melibatkan paling tidak salah satu kegiatan ini: snorkeling, trekking atau hiking. Tapi tentunya juga kami juga mengisinya dengan hal-hal lain yang unik dari tempat yang kita kunjungi seperti budaya dan kuliner. **CARA DAFTAR DI EVENT** 1\. RSVP "YES" di halaman event 2\. Kontak Organizer untuk langkah selanjutnya \-\-\-\- **Be part of our community:** [Instagram]( [Facebook Group](
55 members · Private

Jakarta Social

Jakarta, id

Jakarta Social
**Welcome to the Jakarta Social Meet Up Group. We're all on the lookout for good times and new friendships because, let's face it, humans are social creatures! Whether you have a few friends and want to expand your social circle or simply crave more connections, why not join our group?** Our goal is simple: we want to bring together anyone in Jakarta who's eager to make new friends while trying out new and fun activities at the same time. Each event promises to be a unique experience! From park walks to bowling, language exchanges to day tips, there's something for everyone. The best part? No specific skills are required for any of the activities — we're all about trying new things, having fun and being sociable. Our meet-ups are typically be scheduled every week in and around Jakarta, lasting around two or three hours. We'll do our best to keep things centrally located for everyone's convenience. **The group is completely free!** Any costs associated with activities will be paid directly to the respective companies or venues hosting the events. In this group, your input and ideas are always encouraged. If some activities prove to be a hit, we'll gladly arrange them again. We're open to your suggestions because this group is all about creating enjoyable experiences together. Here are the two main rules for the group to help keep the group vibrant: **Active participation is key.** If you’re unable to attend events or engage occasionally, please consider whether this group is the right fit for you. Kalau kamu merasa tidak sanggup untuk datang ke event-event atau berpartisipasi berkala waktu, mohon pertimbangkan untuk meninggalkan grup. **Be reliable**. Confirmed no-shows will be removed to respect everyone's time and efforts. Keandalan itu penting. Ketidakhadiran yang terkonfirmasi akan dihapus untuk menghormati waktu dan upaya semua orang. We value all members, whether you’re more of a quiet supporter or an active voice in the conversation. What matters most is your intent to connect and contribute positively. So let's start connecting with new people. We've got some fantastic events lined up, and we can't wait to make incredible memories with all of you. Please feel free to let me know here or join our friendly and active WhatsApp Group Chat: []( Instagram: [](
439 members · Public