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Outdoor activities groups near Naas, IE

Unusual Outdoors events with likeminded people

Dublin, ie

Unusual Outdoors events with  likeminded people
This is an opportunity to do different activity and adventures that generally other groups don't do and if they do ,its done with fun and enthusiasm . It will be a public group ,so please understand this before you join . We have decided to keep the group public so all can see what we are at and what we do in the hope that it catches and enthuses like minded people to join and Mabey offer to host activity themselves. To this end ,we would prefer a recognisable photo of you. Some people have reasons to be anon, for example safety, that's ok, but please then put a photo symbol. Its open to everyone over 18 and irrespective of previous groups that we organised and you may have joined . We wont allow politics or rumours as what you do in your private lives is your business .Unless you seriously misbehave you will not be asked to leave .The only rule we demand is that if you RSVP you come along and **FULLY PARTICIPATE** (unless of course you have had commitments that could not be changed ). In that case we ask you PLEASE to change your RSVP to no so that the group is not waiting for you to come. This is the only fundamental rule of the group and no shows will be fined 5 Euro payable withing 10 days . It is also not a dating site . If you meet someone and spark to a relationship . Fair play and good luck to you , but its not the groups primary function. We will offer activity such as canoeing, hiking , City Breaks , Archery and axe throwing, biking , Ghost tours , Viking displays , sky rail, personal growth and development , Reiki and spiritualism , including drum circles and any other activity outside you wish to imagine. As this is cross border group in conjunction with my Newry Group, there will be events held both in the ROI and GB ( students in ROI may wish to look and see if they can participate in UK due to recent changes). There may be a cost by event managers such as go carting and so expect a charge and there will be a voluntary fee to cover admin cost and other charges . No more than 3 Euro per event. We will run an event once per month as a minimum but this can be increased as we get more helpers to organise events. We have noticed that in other groups there is a over representation of ladies and we would encourage men to join to balance out gender . However we will respect those who are non gender or who wish to call themselves whatever they wish . **A photo is expected upon joining . This is to prevent scamming .** Hope to see you soon
672 members · Public

Men's Group Maynooth

Maynooth, ie

Men's Group Maynooth
**An opportunity for men to sit in circle and be supported by other men.** **\*What is a men's circle?\*** A men's circle is a structured environment for support and growth, distinct from casual socialising. It aims to create a space where men can openly share their experiences, challenges and emotions, without fear of judgment. Unlike a casual conversation, every man in the circle commits to confidentiality, active listening, and mutual respect. **\*Why would I go to a men's circle?\*** If you want a supportive space where you can raise life issues you might feel uncomfortable bringing to a pub or to work, for example, then a men's circle could be for you. It also offers a place to discuss issues unique to men. Expect to find a level of personal growth, and challenge, if you request it. It provides a venue where you can learn from the diverse experiences of others in a structured way. **\*Can I try it out?\*** Yes. You can come along and see if it is for you, and leave if it doesn't work out. **\*What kind of support can I expect from a men's circle?\*** You can expect emotional support, encouragement in personal growth, and honest feedback. Men's circles often facilitate a journey of self-discovery. They help in developing better communication skills, and provide a forum for discussing sensitive topics, such as masculinity, relationships, and life transitions. **\*How does a men's circle differ from group therapy?\*** While there may be therapeutic elements, a men's circle is not therapy. It's a peer-led support group focusing on personal development and community building. Professional therapists are not a requirement, and the focus is on mutual support rather than treatment. **\*How often do men's circles meet?\*** This group meets bi-weekly. The regularity of meetings helps build trust and continuity among members. **\*What happens during a men's circle meeting?\*** Meetings typically begin with some agreements, such as agreeing to non-violence and to confidentiality. This helps to build a place where we can trust each other. We then "check-in" or share, where each man speaks about his current state without interruption. This may be followed by discussions, educational sessions, or activities designed to build trust and camaraderie. **\*Is there a leader in a men's circle?\*** Leadership can vary. Some groups have a designated facilitator, while others may share or rotate the role. The leader is typically responsible for guiding the discussion and maintaining the structure and safety of the space. **\*Do I have to share personal information?\*** You are encouraged to share to the degree to which you are comfortable. The effectiveness of the circle often depends on the willingness of members to be vulnerable, but no one is forced to share beyond their comfort level. **\*What are the rules or guidelines in a men's circle?\*** Every circle will have its own set of guidelines, but common ones include confidentiality, respect for each other's viewpoints, speaking from personal experience (using "I" statements), and not offering unsolicited advice. **\*Can I leave the men's circle if it's not for me?\*** Yes, commitment to a men's circle is voluntary. Most circles appreciate a notice if you decide to leave, as the group relies on trust and the building of relationships over time.
46 members · Public