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Outdoor activities groups near Doha, QA

Greater Social Life Union of Doha

Doha, qa

Greater Social Life Union of Doha

The Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

There are many steps on your journey to greater social life. Here are the first steps for members of GSLU. After reading the rest of this introduction, you should read the 2021 book The Guide to Thumoslang. Many of our members put this new knowledge into practice as suggested by The GSLU Handbook.

When you spend more time in damage control mode and less time benefiting from your various relations, you waste a great deal of effort in your social life. Such a cost of opportunity keeps you from going at high speed towards your ideals, in creating your ideal self, and in actualizing what you truly want to become. This is likely due to a lack of social clarity, which is essential for internal conversations and vital for meaningful relationships.

Unintentionally created in 2017, accidentally discovered in 2018, and first taught in 2019, Thumoslang is the nomenclature for social clarity. It is used as a language for faster communication, be it in complex collaboration or difficult conversation. The first widespread use of social clarity has been predicted by Thumoslang pioneers to be just as important as the first widespread control of fire. All is explained by The Guide to Thumoslang, which is backed by The Dictionary of Thumoslang.

Again, the Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

Your ideals are the same as your ideal self, which means what you truly want to become. "Everything else is secondary," said Steve Jobs. Our group activities involve you with the first practical steps in the further development of your ideals, in keeping others from interfering with your life, and in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals. To be sure, if you lack social clarity in your internal conversations, face unwanted drama too often, are not sure of your social life or your path into the future, or have no friends and no groups available on a regular basis to help create your ideal self, this group is for you.


Our group activities bring you the following benefits:

Benefit 1 - Mastery of Relationships

As new GSLU members participate in the union's activities, they will quickly find themselves having noticeable enhancements in their social lives. The further they participate in GSLU activities, the faster they naturally acquire the mastery of relationships.

Benefit 2 - Best Friends for Your Ideals

Our group activities include practical steps in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals.

Benefit 3 - Internal Dialogues More Effective

Thumoslang is a set of terminology whose use is intended to benefit one's clarity in social situations. Consequently, Thumoslang allows you to have clearer communication with yourself in your mind.

Benefit 4 - Meaningful Relationships Much Stronger

Our members use Thumoslang to mend or strengthen their existing relationships, build new relations, and achieve greater social life.

Benefit 5 - Faster Actualization of Your Ideals

The actualization of your ideals goes faster when it regularly involves your best group, which is the small group of in-person, second-mind friends who are the best for the nurturing of your ideals. Our activities help you speed up the actualization of your ideals by reducing social roadblocks and increasing social shortcuts in your life.

242 members · Public

Doha Writers Forum

Doha, qa

Doha Writers Forum

Dear Writers,

After review with regular attendees of the group, we've decided to make a few changes to the rules of the group - these will be posted below after the general introduction (who wants to be scolded right at the get-go) but please note that these rules will be taken seriously.

Are you a creative writer/author? Do you live, or work, in Doha ? Are you looking for a group of like-minded individuals? Need some inspiration? Then Join the Doha Writers Forum! 

DWF is a writers' group that mixes between working on general writing prompts provided before each session and presenting works on our writing projects for group feedback. We are also open to holding talks by members if they volunteer to do so, and the talks can range in topic to new styles of writing, writing mechanics, and getting your work published. Writing critique meanwhile allow any creative writer to volunteer and read their work for instant feedback and advice in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. It doesn't matter if you are a 'seasoned writer' or you have just started to 'dabble'. This writer's forum is especially for those who would like to exchange ideas and gain some much needed insight for their current writing project. So why not come along to our next meeting to see how we roll? 

A couple of things to note, to join us you must: 

- This group is for writers 21 years of age or older

- write novels, plays, monologues, scripts, screenplay, short stories, poems and the like (i.e. any FICTION of CREATIVE NON-FICTION writing projects - no thesis reviews please)

- live, or work, in Doha, or close enough to attend our meetings

- want to meet a friendly and supportive group of like-minded individuals, and to become such a friendly and supportive member of the group - this can be accomplished by:

- Attending sessions that you commit to attending to by signing up

- Not work at cross-purposes with the premise of the group, or engage in any overly controlling behavior

- Not offer any members any unwanted attention or advances

- you are just starting to write, writing, editing/submitting to agents, agented, or published (it really doesn't matter to us).

All applications are considered individually by the organizers, so please take the time to fill out our quick profile so we can quickly approve your request and you can come along to your first meetup.

Please also note the following:

• All meetings are conducted in English, and all presented materials are in English as well

• While we encourage anyone writing to join, we are not an ESL group, and you are required to be able to follow the group's discussions and provide feedback

• This is a supportive environment - any personal attacks or nonconstructive criticism are not allowed, and may be grounds for dismissal and banning from the group

• non-active members may be removed from the roster and asked to rejoin - we are aiming to maintain a count of 50 writers at most, with the ultimate aim a small group of actively engaged members rather than a large group of members for whom we are a low priority

• All materials shared with the group are considered the property of the original creator - please do not share these materials with anyone outside the group without the express permission of the original creator

Looking forward to meeting you all, and happy writing!

137 members · Private

GDG Doha

Doha, qa

GDG Doha

To put it in a nutshell, GDG stands for Google Developers Group. GDG Doha is a community where programmers meet to discuss and work with several Google developer resources and products. 

A GDG can take many forms — from just a few people getting together to large gatherings with demos and lectures, to events like code sprints and hackathons.

Our meetings will always be free and open to the general public. We will sometimes co-host a joint meeting with other community groups. In such events, you may even get the chance to interact with developers who have already programmed on any of these platforms in person.

Local community-ran meetup for developers interested in resources and technology from Google Developers.

Disclaimer: GDG Doha is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation. To learn more about the GDG program, visit

2687 members · Public

Dune Riders Club

Doha, qa

Dune Riders Club
The Dune Riders Club, or DRC, is a social, family-oriented, environmentally aware club focused on Qatar desert adventures. We organize weekly events to escape city life, supported by over a dozen experienced off-road marshals who have decades of experience in off-road exploration in the Middle East, including off-road training certificates. All vehicles equipped with 4H/4L are welcome. ***🚩 TRIPS INCLUDE:*** \- Guided safari trip \- Desert driving skills \- Desert recovery and safety equipment skills ***🚩 IMPORTANT NOTES:*** * Please make sure that your 4WD vehicle has 4H and 4L settings. AWD vehicles are not real 4x4s. * Please ensure that your vehicle is in good working condition. (We will provide technical assistance for any basic mechanical or electrical problems that might arise during the trip. However, we will not be able to handle repairs.) * Departure and arrival timings are only estimations and may vary depending on how quickly the convoy moves. * Don't forget to come with a full tank of petrol. * Seatbelts for all vehicle passengers are required at all times. * Car seats for kids are mandatory to attend the ride. * Desert trips can be long and unpredictable. Bring your own water, drinks, snacks, and meals if the event includes stopping at a camping spot. Bring any personal items such as medications (if required). * Camping equipment and swimming attire. * Off-roading is a bumpy ride. If you or any of your passengers have a weak stomach, plan your meals ahead and bring some extra bags for your convenience. * When reaching the swimming spot, kids must be attended to at all times; extra precautions are always better. * Recovery equipment, if available (e.g., tire gauge, compressor, straps, shovels, walkie-talkie, etc.). * Plan to take out all your own trash and never litter in the desert. ***🚩 HEALTH & SAFETY MEASURES:*** Sustaining the health and well-being of our group members is one of the foundations of the Dune Riders Club. The Dune Riders Club complies with Qatar MOPH regulations and guidance regarding public gatherings, public health, and rules of engagement with others. Please visit (MOPH) for more info. ***🚩 DISCLAIMER:*** By participating in an event, you hereby agree and acknowledge that: * Off-roading can be a hazardous activity, and my participation with the Dune Riders Club is entirely at my own risk and responsibility. * Marshals and other individuals who may be assisting us during the drive will be doing so on a voluntary basis. In the unlikely event of any death, injury, damage, theft, or any other loss or liability whatsoever, whether direct or consequential, which may arise out of such assistance or service, it is at my own risk and responsibility, and no liability shall be incurred by the Dune Riders Club (Dune Riders Tourism) or any Marshal or member. * No claims shall be raised by me or by my representatives against Dune Riders Tourism, Dune Riders Club, Marshals, and/or other members and volunteers in respect of the above.
163 members · Private