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Outdoor activities groups near Camarillo, CA

Ventura County Active Seniors

Oxnard, CA

Ventura County Active Seniors

We're a meetup for over-50 active seniors. We walk and hike every week: there is a "start-the-week-off-right" walk every Monday [generally at either Seabridge or Marine Emporium Landing in Oxnard] and at least one longer hike, generally in the 5 to 7 mile range. We mix "elevation" hikes [Ray Miller Trail, Zuma Ridge, Sulphur Mountain, etc.] with flatland hikes [Lake Casitas, Sycamore Canyon, Ormand Beach, etc.]. Sometimes we mix the two. For example, at Sycamore Canyon part of the group may opt to stay on the flat trail while the rest hike up one of the side trails. Last year went to Santa Cruz Island for some hiking, and we'll probably go back. We throw in bike rides, on occasion, knees permitting. I'd like to do some camping, and we do have a camp, but tent camping is a hard sell to many in the over-50 crowd. I would like to camp at Jalama Beach and Santa Cruz Island in the next year.

We also do many less rigorous things. Cultural things, for example. Classical music is a focus. So we organize all six of the New West Symphony yearly concerts as MEETUP events. We've gone to one or two Hollywood Bowl concerts most seasons. Each season, the Metropolitan Opera simulcasts 10 operas from New York to various theaters around the world, including the Century at The Collection in Oxnard. We go to nearly all of them. The experience is really much better than if you attended live in NY: more comfortable seats, better than front row view of the action, popcorn or whatever to chomp on. 

Continuing on the cultural  theme, The Bolshoi Ballet broadcasts several ballets a year. We see those at The Collection as well. Then there are the plays from National Theatre Live: we've seen everything from War Horse to Frankenstein streamed to a local theater. And we throw in an occasional live play. We've also attended various arm chair museum and other tours. The one on Pompeii was my favorite. One night we saw "Last Night of the PROMS," probably my favorite of all the events we've seen. [For you non-Brits, PROMS is a summer series of concert events that are sort of like a combination of the Hollywood Bowl and a party.]

Each year we go on a fireworks cruise out of Ventura Harbor. Another yearly event is a special charity BBQ for St Jude Hospital.  

A special opportunity last year was the Flamenco Arts Festival in Santa Barbara-- a movie [called, fittingly "Flamenco, Flamenco"] and a live performance. Flamenco is not everyone's cup of tea, but for some of us...No Festival in 2018, but it will return in 2019.

Then there are the special musical events offered at the theater at The Collection. Which brings us to the other "classic" music we favor--classic rock and blues. Examples include the Rolling Stones Latin American tour, Grateful Dead concerts raised and remastered from the Jerry Garcia era, the Who in concert, Eric Clapton's "Crossroads," and more. Nonmusical special events at The Collection have included a mixed bag of things.  We saw the opening night of TED 2017 streamed live, for example.

We don't ignore movies, although we're not hard core. About every other week the Oxnard Film Society presents a foreign film. These are frequently very good and very often present cinema you'd never see from Hollywood. Plus they often give some insight into foreign cultures and societies. We attend nearly all of them. Then there are the classic movies--everything from Gone with the Wind to The Graduate--remastered and resurrected on the big screen. Seeing them on that big screen is a much different experience from Netflix on your iPhone. We don't ignore contemporary movies, but we're selective. You won't be seeing "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" with us. But "Born in China" or "Allied?" Sure.

In most events, some sort of meal is included, either at a restaurant, or bring your own picnic basket, or a potluck. So we have eaten at and explored the cuisine at a variety of conveniently located restaurants--The Golden Egg, Moqueca, Settebello, Kabuki, Yard House, The Spot [Carpinteria], Sura, and various others. In some of the restaurants they know us by name. Sometimes we skip the pretense of an event and just eat out. The goal beyond getting fed is of course to have a social outing. Not much socializing can go on in a dark theater, at least not without being thrown out.

As you can see, this MEETUP is not narrowly focused. It follows my tastes in general, but I'm open to adding events suggested by members, especially if you're willing to help in organizing the event. And although I don't mind having members who belong to 100 different MEETUPs and attend one of ours infrequently, my goal is to have a group of friends who do many things together. That adds the social side to eventing. So welcome to Ventura County Active Seniors and I hope to see you at an event soon.


Some loyal group members have "Chipped In" from time to time to help defray the costs of running this MEETUP group. But the MEETUP folks have suppressed this option in their ongoing effort to anger organizers and make the MEETUP app less useful.  But the function is still there, although hidden:

1484 members · Public

Humanist Community of Ventura County

Thousand Oaks, CA

Humanist Community of Ventura County

Mission Statement: The Humanist Community of Ventura County is a welcoming social environment offering fellowship for those committed to secular values and community service.

Humanism is a progressive lifestance that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead meaningful, ethical lives capable of adding to the greater good of humanity. Essentially, we're your friendly neighborhood non-believers who are here to show the world that we're “good without god.”  While others have churches, temples, and mosques; there are no similar groups for people who take a more pragmatic non-supernatural approach to dealing with life's dilemmas.  More than anything, we provide support and a safe, positive sense of community among local Ventura County Humanists!

We meet for discussion groups monthly, as well as social gatherings, outdoor activities, and community service projects. We welcome people in all stages of life; singles, couples, families, and senior citizens. If you identify as atheist, agnostic, secular, skeptic, humanist, or even Jeffersonian deist and looking for like-minded folks, you have found a your people. 

We are a Charter Chapter of the American Humanist Association, and the international charity Foundation Beyond Belief. We have nonprofit 501(c)(3) status, so donations are tax deductible and we participate in community events as such. We support and network with other like minded groups in our region, state and nation. See our website for more information. .

All are welcome; we hope to meet you soon!

Check out our Facebook page here:

Checkout our website here: 

431 members · Public

Ventura County Trail And Beach Hikers

Camarillo, CA

Ventura County Trail And Beach Hikers
My name is Mary Veve Arbuckle. Hike To Be Present Is my feeling. We are our best selves when we are hiking. It is in the exercise of movement along the trails of the outdoors that we can welcome friends and members of our community to find themselves, both literally and figuratively, I will post hikes that range from 2-6 miles 2-3 times a week with my assistant leaders helping out.All ages are welcomed! Let’s enjoy our beautiful mountains and beaches. Let’s support each other in our fitness goals!
 We do super low impact to strenuous hikes please check each hike for the ratings of the same! I hope to have a few Event Organizers to help me with this group. It allows me to feature several levels of difficulty. 
Have a Blessed Day,
Mary Veve Arbuckle
 Please arrive to the hikes within 5 minutes of the designated start time. Thank you 😊
Help others by just hiking 👇👇Here's a link to walk for the Charity of your choice:
1589 members · Public

Adventures R US, Lake/River/Ocean/MTN, Bike/Hike/Paddle/Camp

Port Hueneme, CA

Adventures R US, Lake/River/Ocean/MTN, Bike/Hike/Paddle/Camp
Welcome to this Group! Trying to bring like minded people together, in a fun and adventurous community, all year long. We go to the Ocean, Lakes, Rivers, Mountains and Beaches regularly....try to get something off grid overnight once a month! Nature lovers and Water Peeps. Are you ready for a little adventure? Have you been Stand-up-Paddling, Wind sailing, Wildlife Tours, Backpacking, Glamping, Hiking and Biking?! That is what we are all about! Please Read Entire Description, There is No Alcohol at these events, Its not part of the experience I want for this group. Lots of Groups out there that drink, vape friendly ONLY, no forest fires please or Cig butts....Thank You in advance... DISCLAIMER / RELEASE OF LIABILITY IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ BELOW IN ITS ENTIRETY: The group organizer/host is a title only as far as finding and planning trips. They are not responsible for the groups experience. The people in the group will make the experience. Safety should be all individuals priority for everyone in the group. Please treat this meet-up as if you were with a group of friends. If you become fatigued and unable to continue the hike, advise someone in the group of this and return to our starting point on your own. The hike organizer, host may adjust, limit, cancel or re-route the trip on the basis of conditions encountered during the event. As well as asking member/s that don't seem to fit with the group to leave the meet-up. Outdoor activities, hiking, backpacking off grid, Paddling in open water, river or lakes can be inherently dangerous and accidents may happen, including bruises, broken bones, concussions, drowning, death. By participating in any posted event, you assume responsibility for your own safety and well-being and for any guest you might be bringing. All participants take full responsibility for their own actions. Your personal safety depends on your own judgment and experience, and should be your first, and top priority. Please make an honest assessment of your own ability; plan and act accordingly. If you choose to sign up for any Meetup event, you, your family, business and any other personal or professional acquaintances are releasing this Meetup Group, its organizers, Leaders, members and sponsors from all liability in case of possible injuries including death. All participants must be 18 or older, or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. PLEASE CONTACT ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS When you sign up for an event, it is assumed you have read and agree with these terms to participate in any event. Julie Jenkins
1125 members · Private

"What the Fifties! "(WTF) Women’s club Newbury Park & beyond

Newbury Park, CA

"What the Fifties! "(WTF) Women’s club Newbury Park & beyond

First & most importantly! This group has no age limit! We have younger and over 50, ALL welcome who are looking to make friends and support and empower one another.

We are about making friends NOT customers, so bring a warm smile and be ready to converse!

Do you find yourself at that time in your life saying "what now?" Kids have grown or left the nest? Are you thinking of a career change or maybe starting one ? Are you saying who's that in the mirror? Are looking to make new friends? Do you want a healthier, happier, and best looking you for this next exciting half of your life? If the answer is yes, Let's do it together! Through fun activities & events to make new friends to support, and empower one another along the way.

We have a variety of professional and life experiences to share with each other for guidance, advice and first hand tips. Together we can all improve to find our passion and purpose again, while connecting with other women going through the same things.

Come join us for fun events like, outdoor activities, wine socials, discussions , speakers , movies, and cultural events, just to name a few!

To Join our closed Facebook pages you need to be a paid member to be able to join. Here are few of ur closed community pages, “WTFifties" main page and "WTFifties Camarillo", WTFifties Ventura, and, WTFifties Simi Valley, also "WTFifties Singles". Pay your membership then Ask to join, and start making friends while doing fun things!

NOTE: YOU HAVE TO BE A WTFifties PAID MEMBER to be approved to our closed Facebook pages, as this helps secures our members private information.

MEMBERSHIPS- Please go to our website at; to see our membership options.

We are a very active group, with up to 14 activities a month, with more being added all the time by our members, along with many more on our FB pages.



We also request members to take an active role by stepping up to become an event host. This means you plan an event of what you like doing ie: hiking, knitting, book club, healthy cooking, movies or museums and cultural events. You get the idea. You are not obligated, but it gives all our members more to choose from and connect with similar interests, and with our rapidly growing group it lets us grow and reach more women who want to make friends. This could be done monthly, weekly, whatever fits your schedule. So please reach out to me if interested I will get you started and always be there for any questions or help.


For those further out and would like to start their own WTFifties chapter in their area contact me and Ill get you started.


You will hold harmless all leaders, members of liability in any WTFifties, event or activity. You join events acknowledging you are in good health to do so or know your own health and physical limitations to make such decisions to participate.

We have a no-show policy as follows, if you fail to give adequate notice of cancelation, or fail to show up for events you will not be able to rsvp for events, and maybe removed from group if it continues. Please be respectful of our members, your friends.


We are a all inclusive group, warm and welcoming to all women. So we do not tolerate ANY harassing, bullying, gossiping or basic negativity. So two topics we don't allow, because of their often divisive nature is religion and politics.

You have to have a profile picture, full face only, no hats, sunglasses ect. to join. This is to help discourage fake profiles. We also need to communicate with you, so we recommend you to turn on EMAIL UPDATES & NOTIFICTIONS in both your computer and phone app. This helps with being able to do email confirmation for events and to cut back on no shows or last min. cancelation. If you need help doing this please reach out to me and Ill gladly walk you thru.


We welcome you and look forward to meeting you soon!


DeAnne Cool

Founder of WTFifties (805)750-0533

1654 members · Public

Conejo Valley Hikers, Walkers & More! (Beginner+)

Thousand Oaks, CA

Conejo Valley Hikers, Walkers & More! (Beginner+)

✨ Calabasas - Agoura Hills- Oak Park - Westlake Village - Thousand Oaks - Moorpark - Simi Valley- Newbury Park - Camarillo ✨

🌱 This group is for those living in Conejo Valley and looking for new hiking, walking & exercise buddies, to keep active. Sometimes it is a struggle to find people you can rely on to go work out with and get some exercise in and I know for me I am more likely to work out if I have a commitment in place! Let's all help each other out by making more commitments to exercise and get outside together! I welcome all who can commit (no flakes please) to whatever meetup exercise activity interests you the most in this group!

💥 Note, the more the merrier- All genders, races, religions and political parties welcome…but PLEASE no political talk. Children & dogs are also welcome to attend as long as you feel the trail is appropriate. Please check allTrails app.

🌿 Our meetups will have a variety to choose from: easy, moderate, moderate-hard, occasionally hard. We will also have walks, work-outs and other activities and even sometimes grabbing a coffee before or after! All hiking/walking areas will be in Conejo Valley.

🙌 Please make sure to checkout & support our group's sponsor, who is covering the yearly costs to keep the group going strong! 💪🐐 Train Goat Gainz (Community Fitness):


By being a member of this group and attending the meetups, you hereby agree to assume all risks and liability that are related to or resulting from any group meetups and activities during meetups. Group Organizer, assistant organizers, sponsor, and other members of the group assume no responsibility or liability, including but not limited to injury or loss of any kind/form due to the use of information you receive from the meetups, or from participating in activities in the meetups. You agree that neither you nor a third party will hold any of the group organizers or members liable for any injury, loss, or damage of any kind to yourself or others as a direct result from anything that has to do with this meetup group. Please also read all information below in the "FAQ's & REMINDERS" section, as there are important details you may need to know before attending a hike!


😷 COVID FAQs: No rules as we are outdoors. Please be courteous of one another. Members are welcome to keep their distance and mask up as they feel comfortable. Host is vaccinated, but it is not required of members.

📸 PROFILE PHOTO: Please make sure to post a photo of YOURSELF, showing your face, as your member profile (instead of your kids, pets, flowers, etc). This helps members identify you during the meetups!

📆 YOUR RSVP: Please take your RSVP seriously and read the hike description thoroughly before RSVP’ing. Way too often we get last minute cancellations. Yes we understand people get sick and things happen, but often times people just don’t feel like going or end up making other plans and cancel last minute. This is not fair to those who are on the wait list and really wanted to go. Please be respectful of this and only RSVP if you can commit!

1044 members · Public

Adventure Club of Conejo Valley

Thousand Oaks, CA

Adventure Club of Conejo Valley
Our family geared outdoor adventures will engage children and families throughout with nature crafts & activities, investigative tools, geocaching, hiking games & more! Each week we will explore and enjoy nature in a new way! Families will notice the physical and mental benefits of spending time bonding together hiking in nature and children will be inspired to have a lifelong love of nature. We meet at various locations throughout Conejo Valley. **All attendees under the age of 18 must have a guardian with them.** Duration: approx. 90 - 120min. All- ages welcome! Stroller friendly. Join our public FB Group for info on weekly adventures: Private Groups meet all week. Please contact us for more information to set up your own group. What to Bring: Always wear sun protection, bring plenty of water & a few easy snacks for the mid way point. This can help little ones re-set and re-engage. Children will often get messy, so please dress accordingly. Shoes appropriate for running/walking/climbing and getting muddy/wet. Pants are recommended to protect legs. Geocache Adventures: Bring 2 knick knacks per child (note: items should be extra small ie, coins, buttons, paper clips, beads, etc.) ‼️ Optional, download the free “Geocaching” (green/white) app on your phone so that your explorers can have a more hands on experience. When prompted to upgrade “x” out and remain on the free version.
71 members · Public