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Outdoor activities groups near Chico, CA

Chico GO Club "Get Outdoors!"

Chico, CA

Chico GO Club "Get Outdoors!"
**Welcome to the Chico GO Club "Get Outdoors", (formerly COOA) Meetup Group!** This group was founded in 2010 by Beth Bella (Miles of Smiles!) and Gary Leese to help folks in and around Butte County get outdoors, have fun, and meet fellow adventurers. Since then, meetups have included day hikes, backpacking, kayaking, biking, snowshoeing, camping trips, wildlife walks, road trips, cultural tours, and lots more. The Club name was changed to Chico GO Club, "Get Outdoors" in March of 2024. **Guidance for Adventurers attending a Meetup:** -Before your second event, annual dues of $10.00per year are required, your first event is free. After you pay dues the first time, annual dues are due every year during the month of April. -Please read and understand the Disclaimers found below. The main thing is that each person is responsible for themselves. Please show up to any Meetup aware of what’s going on, aware of what you’re capable of, and prepared to be in the conditions that you’re entering (snow, heat, cold, rocky terrain, etc.). -Bring the 10 essentials on adventures: []( -Please change your RSVP from “Yes” to “No” as soon as you can if you find out that you cannot make a Meetup that you RSVPed to. This is particularly important on Meetups with a waitlist. -It is best if when you join you provide your first and last name and a clear picture of yourself on your profile picture. It makes it easier for organizers to match a name to face and is greatly appreciated! -If you plan on separating from the group during any Meetup (leaving early, taking another route, etc.), please communicate with the Event Organizer. -Event Organizers may have additional guidance for those attending a Meetup depending on the nature of the event. -The regular carpooling location is the Chico Park and Ride at Fir Street and HWY 32, western lot (closest to freeway). Event Organizers may indicate a separate location as needed. **Guidance for Event Organizers:** -Event Organizers are awesome volunteers that make things happen! If you’re interested in posting and leading an event, notify the Chico Go Club Organizers to be made an Event Organizer. -When posting an event, please provide the following information:      -Location and Meetup time for carpooling location (if desired)      -Location, directions, and Meetup time for the trailhead / event location.      -Event information and important stats (trail length, elevation gain, etc.).      -Indicate the difficulty of the adventure (this might help: []( -Any additional info that would help adventurers plan for the event. -For more involved events, it may be a good idea to check in via email or meetup message to make sure the adventurers that are signed up are all on the same page. Event page comments work too, but some folks miss out on reading the comments. -It's up to you if you want to provide your phone number to adventurers. Sending it to your group in an email or meetup message provides a little more privacy than posting it in the meetup comments. -You’re welcome to set additional guidelines for your event based on your comfort level, the nature of the event, and conditions. **Chico GO Club Meetup Group DISCLAIMERS** By attending any Meetup, activity, or event organized through the Chico GO Club Meetup Group, you agree to the following terms and disclaimers: The event organizer is a volunteer and is not liable for participants or their guests. Joining any event is entirely voluntary and participants assume any and all risks and financial responsibilities associated with the activities; for example, bodily harm or injury and or death from wildlife, weather, terrain, falls, waterways, acts of God, etc. It is each person's responsibility to ensure that s/he is in sufficient fitness and health to participate in a strenuous activity, with the appropriate water, food, clothing, first aid, survival gear and navigation equipment for the conditions. Chico GO Club assumes ABSOLUTELY NO responsibility, including but not limited to injury or loss of any kind/form due to the use of information, or participating in activities found on this group/site. By becoming the member/participant of the Chico GO Club, you agree to the terms and conditions of the group. Individuals interested in carpooling may voluntarily do so. You are advised that the use of carpool system is voluntary and entirely at the discretion of participants. Chico GO Club and the event organizers assume no responsibility. It is the responsibility of the individual accepting a ride in a carpool to ensure that the driver of the vehicle has an acceptable driving record, is licensed accordingly and has adequate insurance to protect both driver and passengers. Chico GO Club and organizers are no way responsible for verifying or certifying the reliability, driving ability or insurance status of drivers and participants using the system. While participating in the group activities, your photo may be taken and be posted on the group website by the event organizer or other participant. We cannot control other people taking photos and uploading it onto the site but we can remove photos. It is your responsibility to inform others if you do not wish to be photographed and inform us if any of your photos to be removed from the site. **As a member of Chico GO Club, you agree to the following release of liability:** I understand that during my participation in any event or activity organized by Chico GO Club, I may be exposed to risks include, but are not limited to, the dangers of serious personal injury, property damage, and death (“Injuries and Damages”). I agree to WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY the Chico GO Club, its organizer, event organizers, and other members from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from Injuries and Damages, in any way connected with the Activity. I further agree to HOLD HARMLESS the Chico GO Club and leaders from any claims, damages, injuries or losses caused by my own negligence while a participant on the Activity. I understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release is binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying me on the Activity. If I bring guests to participate in the event I take full responsibility for the guests and agree to all above terms and conditions.
219 members · Private

RfR - Chico, CA (Need local host)

Chico, CA

RfR - Chico, CA (Need local host)
NOTE: *This local group is currently inactive, but don't despair! We are searching for a local host. You are welcome at any of the meetings listed. All the events listed here are active RfR virtual events (identified as "Network event") or are meetings cross-posted from other local groups.* *We strive to serve as many areas as possible, but we do not have enough volunteers to handle them all. If you are interested in helping to host a meeting in your area, feel free to post a comment here in Meetup, or go to []( to apply.* **What Recovering from Religion is about:** Doubt your beliefs? Have questions about changing or leaving your faith? You are not alone, and we are here to help each other through this journey. Learning how to live after questions, doubts, and changing beliefs is a journey. We at Recovering from Religion are intimately familiar with this path and are here to help you to cross that bridge. Our mission is connecting others with support, resources, community, and most of all, hope. The primary focus of a Recovering From Religion support group is to provide ongoing and personal support to individuals as they let go of their religious beliefs. This transitional period is an ongoing process that can result in a range of emotions, as well as a ripple effect of consequences throughout an individual’s life. As such the support meetings are safe and anonymous places to express these doubts, fears, and experiences without biased feedback or proselytizing. RfR has an immense collection of well-curated resources available as you go through your journey. The page includes resources for mental and physical crises, working with relationships, for issues stemming from specific religions, coming out stories, and much more. Head to for these helpful resources. If you find you need to talk with someone before the meeting date, RfR has a hotline and online chat for that express purpose. Call (844) 368-2848 to speak with someone or go to to chat online. If you’re seeking professional help, we can offer the Secular Therapy Project to provide options to connect with a professional therapist. All therapists have been thoroughly vetted by our organization and offer only evidence-based and non-religious treatment. Connect with them at
80 members · Public

Sky Creek Dharma Meditation Center

Chico, CA

Sky Creek Dharma Meditation Center
The Sky Creek Dharma Center ( []( ) is a non-profit, donation-based meditation center founded in 2004 that attracts a diverse group of meditators and spiritual seekers from Chico and the surrounding area. There are meditation groups meeting every Sunday through Thursday evening, and on Sunday mornings. Each of the groups are hosted and run by individual volunteers as mentioned below. We have no paid staff, and board members are not paid. Note that these groups have been meeting for many years independent of, and we are cross-posting these meetings to promote them, thus signups on do not reflect the true attendance to these events. The typical weekly attendance for each of these groups varies from 4 to 20+ people. If you are an experienced meditator, we welcome you to our dedicated communities. Group meditation can be a powerful support for those seeking to develop and maintain a regular practice. Come explore translations of the Tao Te Ching on Sunday mornings, the Soto Zen of the Wednesday night group, the mystery of Zen koan practice on Thursday night, or the Five Mindfulness Trainings with the Monday night Thich Nhat Hanh group. If you are new to meditation, group leaders and experienced volunteers will provide basic instructions and guidance. There is never a charge for joining us in meditation, but we accept donations to support the center. Although the groups are run by volunteers and the center has no paid staff, we do have a regular monthly mortgage and operating expenses that paid solely through voluntary donations. Buddhism is a practice and a religion. There is a full spectrum of regular members who vary on the continuum of religiosity, some seeing meditation as a spiritual/religious practice, while others practice mindfulness meditation and see it as a purely secular activity to reduce stress and improve mental health; we welcome all! **Slowly Ripening Sangha** **Monday Night 6:45 – 8:45PM.** Practicing Zen Buddhism in the [Plum Village tradition ]( Vietnamese monk, scholar, author and poet Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. The weekly sitting group leader is Jasper Lerch. It is affiliated with Plum Village and the Order of Interbeing and its hundreds of sanghas (groups) throughout the world. See []( We meditate and socialize in accordance with the Five Mindfulness Trainings. Currently masks are optional. For your first visit, come at 6:45pm. Meditation begins promptly at 7PM. No meditation experience needed. We welcome newcomers and a brief orientation & instructions will be provided. We begin with an hour of meditation— two sitting meditations and one walking meditation. After a short fellowship break, we return to the hall for a brief ceremony, reading, or discussion of our individual practices. Group Contact: Jasper Lerch, **The Heart of the Lotus Sangha** **Tuesday Night 6:30 - 8:15 PM.** The group leader for this meditation group is Rebecca Cook, with weekly sittings and discussion led by a rotating list of volunteers. This is a peer-led group that practices Vipassana, or Insight Meditation and is loosely affiliated with [Mountain Stream Meditation Center]( in Nevada City. This is Vipassana in the Western Insight Tradition, typically associated with [Spirit Rock Meditation Center](, in Marin County, and teachers such as Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Joseph Goldstein, and Tara Brach are often an inspiration to our sangha in the form of books chosen for dharma study.  We encourage those new to the center and/or meditation to join us 15-20 minutes early. **The Chico Serene Reflection Meditation Group** **Wednesday evenings 6:00 – 7:30 PM.** We are affiliated with the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives and [Shasta Abbey Buddhist Monastery]( near the [town of Mt Shasta](, California. Our practice is Soto Zen, also known as Serene Reflection Meditation. The primary group leaders are Ja'nice Hoobler and Chris Perske. Our practice includes: meditation, ceremony and study of the Dharma. Our weekly meetings consist of meditation, both sitting and walking. Afterwards we have tea, cookies and discuss some aspect of the Dharma. We cordially invite newcomers and visitors to come any time to learn about our practice. Please contact Chris at []( or []( with questions. **Mud and Sky Sangha** **Thursday evenings 7:00 – 8:30PM.** The mission of our Sangha is to help one another open our minds and hearts to the Buddha nature inherent in all beings. Our practice is one of silent meditation, koan inquiry, and Dharma conversation. The use of koans – stories which provide a bridge between the spoken and the unspoken, and thereby provide a path to fuller embodiment of spiritual practice – is key in our Sangha. We begin with silent meditation, a koan having been dropped into the silence at the beginning of meditation. After silent meditation, both sitting and walking, we have a dharma talk, usually by Chris Gaffney. After the talk, we share experiences we have had in our meditation and in the conversation. Questions? Contact Chris at (530-588-4941). **3pm - 5pm Afternoon Open House**. Come visit, take a tour, discuss meditation and our groups. Check [our Google calendar]( to confirm that there are no special events planned. **Sunday Morning** **The Chico Taoist Group meets 11:00 AM-Noon Sunday to practice ongoing contemplative meditation and discuss the 81 Chapters of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching.** We welcome you to the practice. There is no right or wrong way to be in the Tao. As soon as we try to name it, it eludes us. Yet speaking and our sitting with these paradoxes, we find, helps us to drop our suffering, recognize our common humanity and to live more openly in the world. We are all seekers and guides upon this path. Newcomers are welcome. Instruction in meditation available on request. For further information, contact David Philhour **Vipassana** **Sunday Evening 6:00-7:00pm. We practice [Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin](** This is a weekly group sitting for experienced students, as no instruction is provided. [Here is a short introduction on the tradition. ]( organization conducts [donation-based 10-day silent meditation retreats in Kelseyville]( (Clear Lake) California. Please contact: Lee at
120 members · Public