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Outdoor activities groups near Desert Hot Springs, CA

Mojave to Mountains Trekkers (M2MT)

Yucca Valley, CA

Mojave to Mountains Trekkers (M2MT)
**Mojave to Mountains Trekkers (M2MT**) is a small community of kindred spirits who seek outdoor activities and adventures in the Desert regions, southern California mountains, as well as up to the Eastern Sierras on occasion. For the most part, our events will occur in the high and low deserts of the Morongo Basin and Coachella Valley with jaunts to the local mountains as desert temps heat up. Our on-trail and occasionally off-trail hikes will largely be 4-10 miles at an average pace of 2.0mph. There will be shorter hikes and social walks to help build up stamina and muscle strength. Overnight backpacking, car camping, and social potlucks to plan adventures together are additional activities offered. For safety purposes, your first name and a clear photo with your face visible are required for membership. You will also be required to respond to a few questions in the screening process. We would prefer you to have a referral from someone in the group or already know someone here. Snowbirds and travelers are welcome to join for the duration of your travels through this region. Just let us know your situation. Once joined, if you do not participate or interact with us in any way within 2 months, you will be dropped. You can always request to join again once you know you are able to join in, at least occasionally, on our adventures. As events are free and hosted by volunteers, M2MT members are asked to respect the following guidelines in order to create a safe and pleasant experience for themselves and their fellow trekkers. **By joining, you have read ALL the information and are agreeing to:** * Behave like a decent human being * **Respect your event leaders and fellow trekkers** * ***Don't engage in put down talk of fellow members or other hike groups*** * Be appropriately prepared for the event you signed up for * Only sign up for events you know you can handle * Be a good steward on the lands we will tread on * Gracefully bow out of an activity should you come down with a communicable illness *If an event welcomes guests, it will be mentioned in the event description. By attending, your guest consents to the club's legal disclaimer/liability waiver.* We are looking forward to trekking together! ***Participation in any group event requires agreeing to the terms in the disclaimer.*** **Legal Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability: Each activity is a “participate at your own risk" event. *The organizers, assistant organizers, event organizers and event hosts of Mojave to Mountains Trekkers are not professional guides.* The function of the volunteers is only to organize the event. Each person who signs up for an event is responsible for their own safety and the safety of their property. By signing up for a hike, or any other event organized by this group, you are acknowledging that you are aware of the risks, dangers, and hazards associated with any outdoor activity. You freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers, and hazards. Furthermore, you agree to release and discharge the organizers, assistant organizers, event organizers, and event hosts of this Meetup group from and against any and all liability arising from your participation in the group activities including travel to and from group activities. *Our volunteers are not responsible for your safety*.** ***All that said, we need to adopt a group mentality on our events - meaning, we respect each other, the landscape we tread on, and work together to ensure the safety of everyone involved.***
38 members · Private

Sketch Palm Springs

Palm Springs, CA

Sketch Palm Springs
Sketch Palm Springs is a sketching group that meets to draw on location in and around Palm Springs using portable tools. Sketches can be simple or elaborate but most often they will be quick and spontaneous to capture the world as it is at a given moment. There is no pressure to create a finished work of art. It is an opportunity for each sketcher to create their own visual journal of everyday life. Sketchers use favorite portable materials: pencil, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, ink, tablet, or whatever they prefer.   Anyone who wants to explore Palm Springs by sketching on location is invited.  All levels are welcome, from those who will be sketching for the first time, to those who have an active sketching practice.  Participants must be 18 years of age unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. We will primarily have outings in Palm Springs, although we may go further afield occasionally.  When weather permits, we will meet outdoors where we can sketch people, buildings, streetscapes, special events, parks, or whatever captures our interest.  We may also meet at indoor venues like museums, coffee shops, bars, or other public spaces.  The options in Palm Springs are endless.  Locations will be determined by group interests. **There will be several meetups each month at varying times and days**.  The format of the meetups will be as follows: * We will all meet in a designated spot at the specified beginning time * The first 10 or 15 minutes will be introductions and planning for the meetup * Then we will fan out around the meeting spot, either alone or with others, to sketch for a specified period of time * Finally in the last 15 or 20 minutes we will meet up again as a group where we will have a “throw down” (this is where sketchers put their sketches down on the ground or a table so everyone can see them.)  Participation in the throw down is not required but it is encouraged.  It is not as intimidating as it sounds and it is a great way to learn and be inspired by others’ sketches.  Here’s an example of a throw down. []( As the group grows we will have meetups that appeal to the interests of the group.  We could have meetups at special events like Modernism Week or Pride, for example.  We could have members give tutorials and demos of their drawing process. Other sketching groups have Drink and Draw events where they meet at a bar or coffee shop to draw.  There are many options. **Other:** * Participation in events in public places with no admission charge is free.  Attendance at special events, venues with admission charges, or eating and drinking establishments will require each participant to pay their own way. * The group will be organized on for the first six months.  We will see how that works for members.  There will also be an instagram account so members can post their sketches if they would like. * When sketching outside, bring a hat, water, sunblock, snacks, and other things you need to be safe and comfortable. Non Negotiable Rules: * Always be kind to and accepting of other sketchers. * Do not be judgemental about sketches, your own or others'. * If you are an experienced sketcher, be generous with your experience and knowledge but don’t give unsolicited advice. * If you are a beginner, don’t get down on yourself and don’t compare your drawings to others.  The more you sketch, the more confident you will become. * If you RSVP for an event, please show up or withdraw your RSVP if you can’t make it. * Be respectful of locations and others who are using them.  Do not leave litter.  Don’t set yourself up in such a way that you are impeding others.  Don’t be loud or distracting. * Above all, have fun, appreciate our beautiful city, and enjoy capturing the world in drawings.
101 members · Public

LGBTQ Hiking of PS 🏳️‍🌈

Palm Springs, CA

LGBTQ Hiking of PS 🏳️‍🌈
Come join us for a hike in our local mountains. Make friends and get fit at the same time. If you’re ready to get in shape and start hiking, or continue hiking, with your LGBTQ community 🏳‍🌈 peers let’s go hiking regularly locally in the Coachella Valley. HIKING RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS, EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT Please read and be certain you understand.  By signing up to the event, YOU acknowledge that you are fully informed of the inherent hazards and risks associated with hiking.  Inherent hazards and risks include but are not limited to: 1. Risk of injury from the activity including the potential for permanent disability and death. 2. Falling, causing broken bones severe injuries to the head, neck and back which may result in severe impairment or even death. 3. All "act of nature," including but not limited to avalanche, rock fall, inclement weather, thunder, and lighting, severe and or varied wind, temperature and other weather conditions. 4. Risks associated with crossing, climbing or down-climbing of rock, streams, waterways. 5. My own negligence and/or the negligence of others, including agents. 6. Cold weather and heat related injuries and illness including but not limited to frostnip, frost bite, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, sunburn, hypothermia and dehydration. 7. Attack by or encounter with insects, reptiles, and/or animals. 8. Accidents or illness occurring in remote places where there are no available medical facilities. 9. Fatigue chill, and/or dizziness, which may diminish my/our reaction time and increase the risk of accident 10. My sense of balance, physical coordination, and ability to follow instructions. I understand the description of these risks is not complete and that unknown or unanticipated risks may result in Injury, illness, or death.  In consideration for being permitted to participate in any way in hiking and activities, I hereby agree, acknowledge and appreciate that I HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE, the organizer and co-hosts, herein referred to as releasees.
286 members · Public

Meditation Center Healing & Therapy

Desert Hot Springs, CA

Meditation  Center Healing  & Therapy
This is a group for anyone interested Meditation Healing & Therapy. We offer individual sessions, as well as group activities including classes, courses. We do residential personal & group Retreat.We do many Active Meditations have been scientifically designed  over a period of time to enable us to consciously express and experience repressed feelings and emotions, and learn the knack of watching our habitual patterns in a new way. Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent. But for most of us accumulated stress in our body mind makes that difficult. Before we can hope to access our inner powerhouse of consciousness, we need to let go of our tensions. Meditation will make you inwardly rich, certainly. Inwardly you will become ecstatic, but outwardly it can’t be guaranteed that you will become rich, that you will become successful, that you will become very healthy. The approach to therapy is that it can never be the ultimate solution to human problems, but it can be used as a tool to help prepare the ground for meditation. Based on this understanding he has created a series of “meditative therapies” that give participants the opportunity to dissolve the tensions and repressions that keep them from being able to sit silently and observe the mind that creates problems in the first place. Meditation is very important for the soul. Meditation reveals to us the eternal, divine being that is truth, awareness & bliss. Active meditations naturally help the thoughts to appear in our mental frame less and less and also help us watch the thoughts like watching the clouds in the sky. This gives us a calm and stress-free mind. I wish everybody can try I so many people transformation. In addition, we are also a Healing Center. We offer several modalities of energy healing, such as: Usui Reiki, Terra Mai Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Shamanic Reiki, color-puncture, crystal healing, massage and more. We also offer spiritual counseling, intuitive readings, and advice on all matters of your life journey. We do personal special spiritual retreat, meditation, course,  for loose weight Personal meditation or training. If you feel stuck emotionally, energetically, mentally or spiritually We can help you we Transformation Retreat We often need time to replenish and rejuvenate from stress, allowing time to heal and repair. Life offers opportunities and challenges to help us grow, which can be overwhelming and confusing In life’s major turning points, great breakthroughs can occur by taking a personal intensive retreat with a seasoned transformational guide. A personal retreat can remove long-standing blocks and beliefs that have held you back from your greatest power and potential, opening you to new paths of freedom, vision, and personal fulfillment. Zaki , extraordinary break throughs can occur in a concentrated period of time. Outgrown beliefs and patterns that have held you back from your greatest joy, unhealed past experiences calling for resolution, careers or relationships that no longer fulfill you, can all open doors for healing and transformation when positively explored with Zaki experienced guidance and facilitation. During your Personal Retreat with Zaki : You receive concentrated, caring, professionally supported time with a seasoned, skillful guide to create a new life vision and a plan to enact it. You reframe and clear unresolved past experiences and limiting beliefs that hold back your magnificence. You immerse yourself into your goals for your life, relationships, spirituality, and personal meaning. You discover exhilarating new insights and clarity about your life, work, and relationships which make a quantitative positive shift in your life. You create a powerful new vision for your life path and craft a practical, step by step plan to actualize it. You discover your magnificence and deep worth in the presence of a guide who sees your highest potentials, believes in you, and helps you arrive where you want to be in your life. You have fun, laugh, do rituals, share deeply, feel empowered, get energized, and feel lighter. Conscious Relationship Retreat: For individuals or couples learning conscious communication skills in listening, giving and receiving feedback sensitively, expressing needs and wants in healthy ways; discovering creative ways to reframe and transform conflicts, finding new joy and love in a committed partnership, marriage or other relationship, discovering how to attract and sustain healthy, positive relationships, creating a vision for the kind of relationship you want. TRANSFORMATIONAL WORKSHOPS Zaki De luca experiential workshop facilitation is grounded in 26 -years of experience leading transformational, personal growth workshops for thousands of participants nationally. Each workshop is an interweaving of: The Heart, with heart-opening, integrative human healing work; We offer a serene and supportive environment to quiet the mind, connect with yourself and renew the spirit. Spend your days enjoying the peaceful and healing. A personal spiritual retreat provides an opportunity to get away from hectic daily life and renewal at your leisure. Daily classes and personal sessions we are offered every day to enhance. Your retreat experience. We offer classes’ active mediation, & passive mediation, guide mediation, pyramid mediation, & training. Course, program for losing weight. Personal retreat differs from our programs, trainings, and workshops because it gives you complete flexibility. Meditation is a very individual and private experience. No two meditators meditate in the same way. Each meditation participant faces unique challenges in their practice. We specialize in one-on-one lesson packages, custom fit to each student’s needs. If you are serious about learning meditation and establishing a regular practice, private lessons are the best way to learn. Our lesson packages are designed to firmly establish new meditators in a fabulous meditation practice. The packages include private lessons, suggested readings, meditation space consultation, and plenty of support. We do personal training Retreat, session & meditation learn healing. Is a beautiful starting place .  The tastefully modern, silent rooms all have air conditioning and bathrooms. Osho meditation Center & Multiversity of California has created “our sacred earth” as an interactive social meditation. Here you won’t sit still for long. We’ll bring you into the present moment in an enjoyable way – by being with others. Social meditations will guide you to dance, meet people and express yourself. As these activities nourish your body and mind, you will be led naturally into a space of stillness and meditation.  “Be loving to the earth. Sow the seeds of love on the earth. The question is not for you to enter into some paradise in the skies. On the contrary, the question is how to transform this earth into paradise. It has all the potential. To see all the event click here
184 members · Public

Chess in Palm Springs by

Palm Springs, CA

Chess in Palm Springs by
Chess in Palm Springs by is lucky enough to now have two chess clubs! One Pint Chess Palm Springs is an excellent community for anyone passionate about chess, meeting people and craft beer! Joining us you can improve your chess skills, meet new people, have fun and have amazing craft beer! Our tournaments are fun and always different. We also offer chess walk through for first timers. Please note that is not responsible for the organization, management, or conduct of any events or groups listed on Meetup including those under the name. These events and groups are independently organized and managed by third parties. does not control, supervise, or endorse any activities, actions, or statements made by event organizers or participants. Participation in these events and groups is entirely at the responsibility of the participant. disclaims all liability for any injuries, damages, or losses that may occur during or as a result of participation in these events or groups, whether they are held in person, online, or at any specific venue. Become a member of Global Chess Community to connect with other chess enthusiasts all around the world. 1. Learn how to play chess; 2. Play games and tournaments online; 3. Get better at chess. 4. Attend in-person and online events, including exclusive watch parties and live chess events online. We have free and premium content, for players of all skill levels, from absolute beginner to master.  Help us build a great global chess community! 
38 members · Public

Palm Springs Sunup Rotary Club

Palm Springs, CA

Palm Springs Sunup Rotary Club
Welcome! Are you looking for ways to give back and get involved in our community? The ***Rotary Club of Palm Springs Sunup*** is an active club partnering with local organizations including the Mizell Center, James O. Jessie Desert Highland Unity Center, Lifestream Blood Bank, and Hanson House to name some. We also do monthly community beautification and trash clean-up at the Palm Springs Visitors Center. If you are interested in volunteering your time and making a difference in our community, we would love to have you join us at one of our events. Rotary is 1.4 million passionate individuals in 46,000+ clubs worldwide. We are both an international organization and a local community leader. Together we lead change in our own backyards and across the world. ## **Interested in fellowship and community service?** You don't have to be a Rotary member to get involved with Rotary. We have fellowships, groups, and community service projects for all ages and interests. Connect with a local Rotary or Rotaract club near you to find out what's available and how you can be involved. Our Club meets at 7:00 a.m., Tuesday mornings for breakfast, at Rick's Restaurant and Bakery, 1973 N. Palm Canyon Dr. It's a great way to meet new friends, network with community members and enjoy interesting guest speakers that include movers and shakers from businesses and organizations in our community! We would love to invite you as our guest at one of our breakfast meetings? If you are interested and would like additional information, email Carrie Allan, at
53 members · Public

Speed Mingling In Cathedral City CA For Singles 55 To 75

Cathedral City, CA

Speed Mingling In Cathedral City CA For Singles 55 To 75
Are you ready to meet like-minded singles in a fun and engaging environment? Join us for Chicago Authentic Connections: Speed Mingling, designed exclusively for singles 35 to 55 in the Chicago area, whether it's for friendship or a serious relationship. What is Speed Mingling? Speed Mingling is a fun and dynamic way to meet new people in a relaxed and structured environment. Unlike traditional speed dating, speed mingling focuses on creating meaningful connections through brief, timed interactions with a variety of participants. How It Works: 1. Brief Conversations: Participants engage in a series of short, timed conversations with different people. Each interaction lasts a few minutes, providing enough time to get a sense of each person's personality and interests. 2. Rotating Partners: After each timed conversation, participants rotate to meet a new partner, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to meet a wide range of people. 3. Icebreakers: Fun and engaging activities are often included to help ease the conversation and make interactions more natural and enjoyable. 4. Connection Cards: At the end of the event, participants can indicate which individuals they would like to get to know better. If there's a mutual interest, contact information is exchanged to facilitate further connections. Benefits of Speed Mingling: * Efficient Networking: Meet many people in a short amount of time, increasing your chances of finding a connection. * Relaxed Atmosphere: Enjoy conversations in a friendly and low-pressure setting. * Structured Interaction: the organized format ensures everyone has an equal opportunity to meet and interact. Speed Mingling is perfect for anyone looking to expand their social circle, whether for friendship, or romantic connections. The choice is yours, it doesn't have to be about dating and romance, but we hope you'll find that here!! It's especially ideal for those who appreciate structured social settings and enjoy meeting new people. Join a Speed Mingling event and experience a unique and enjoyable way to connect with others!
48 members · Public

The Civilization Society BETA, Virtual Lab

Palm Springs, CA

The Civilization Society BETA, Virtual Lab
With displays of individual prejudice gaining in popularity, fact-checking being dismissed as irrelevant, and leaders and citizens worldwide debating basic priorities with heightened intensity, the reality of widespread whim and informal reasoning becomes ever more apparent. But with both formal logic's classifications of Consistency, Fact, and Necessity and Sufficiency; and the products of The Scientific Method; mere Persuasion finds itself in the dust. Now add to the mix Healthy Self-Image. At The Civilization Society we are working to change the subject. We are working to convert humanity, from dependence on, and obedience to, arbitrary opinion, to competency in the sustainable foundations of Sane and Healthy Civilization. And [all humanity]( must change. So we are celebrating this conversion religiously. We are replacing "ignorance is bliss" with the peace of mind that can be proven. On paper. By all ages. In all walks of life. Again and again. From now on. Locking down society’s formal reasoning and healthy self-image skills will be a turning point for our species. The methods are available, and a proven distribution mechanism has been in place for thousands of years. Making it happen — is — as easy as changing the subject. You choose. The Civilization Society. THIS VIRTUAL LAB WELCOMES ANYONE FROM ANYWHERE. Visit []( FINE PRINT: The Civilization Society, a California corporation, is both nonpartisan and a 501(c)(3) PENDING nonprofit charity. Activities, interests, and intentions of The Civilization Society are organizationally consistent with those of superstition-based religions, however The Civilization Society rejects superstition. The Civilization Society is a church-like institution grounded in the principles of responsible Science; namely logical consistency, fact, necessity and sufficiency; the scientific method; and healthy self-image. Subjects remaining in question and cogent conclusions generated by meeting exercises are added to our canon Q.E.D. The “Utopian” Agenda. On Meetup: Membership requirements constitute the desire for a single-minded commitment to the principles noted above. Membership dues or fees are $0. "The Civilization Society, Virtual Lab" is an online lab (congregation) necessitated by the realities of COVID-19. KEYWORD SETS SET 1: Science, Philosophy, Intellectual Discussion, Critical Thinking, Personal Development, Self Exploration, Freethinker, Logic, Scientific Method, Ethics, Humanism, Human Rights, Community Building, Community Service, Social SET 2: Personal Development, Self Exploration, Self-Improvement, Self-Empowerment, Logic, Scientific Method, Identity, Self-Esteem, Ethics, Cosmology, Paleontology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Physics, Theory of Everything SET 3: Intellectual Discussion, Critical Thinking, Science, Philosophy, Ethics, Humanism, Human Rights, Community Building, Community Service, Freethinker, Personal Development, Self Exploration, Self-Improvement, Self-Empowerment, Social SET 4: Self-Improvement, Wellness, Self-Empowerment, Self Exploration, Consciousness, Life Transformation, Personal Development, Intellectual Discussion, Women's Empowerment, Learning, Knowledge Sharing, Community Building, Sustainability, Philosophy, Environment SET 5: Self-Improvement, Wellness, Self-Empowerment, Social, Self Exploration, Consciousness, Life Transformation, Personal Development, Intellectual Discussion, Women's Empowerment, Learning, Knowledge Sharing, Community Building, Sustainability, Philosophy SET 6: Intellectual Discussion, Critical Thinking, Science, Philosophy, Ethics, Humanism, Human Rights, Community Building, Community Service, Freethinker, Recovering from Religion, Self Exploration, Personal Development, Self-Improvement, Self-Empowerment
61 members · Public

Coachella Valley Nudist Club - Meetup

Palm Springs, CA

Coachella Valley Nudist Club - Meetup
This group is for residents, part-time residents and visitors to the Coachella Valley, Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino counties) or who ever enjoys social activities without clothes. You must be 21 years of age to be a member or you must be accompanied by a family member who is a member of this group and is an adult. Alcohol is often present at events so that is the reason we have to have an adult policy. We welcome men and women, young and old, regardless of sexual orientation, race or ethnicity. Our meetups consist of pool parties, house parties, hikes, trips to nude beaches and other activities. Many of us enjoy the hot, sunny days in the valley or desert…it allows us to be naked outside for much of the year. But, why rent a room or buy a day-pass at a clothing optional resort in order to meet other nudists. The CVNM offers you a way to meet other naturists/nudists without spending a lot of money. So join us and start enjoying the sun the way nature intended! **This is not:** 1. *A clothing optional club.* This is a naturist/nudist club. Anyone attending a club event must be nude, unless weather dictates otherwise. 2. *A picture exchange club.* Although there are pictures of our meetups included on the website and members may post nude pictures to their profiles, there are very few nude photos here. Members are expected to attend meetups in person. Anyone who does not attend at least one meetup a year may be dropped from membership. Anyone who hasn't visited the sight in over 6 months may also be dropped. If you RSVP YES to attend a meetup then don't attend you will be dropped. We understand plans can change. If you later find that you cannot attend a Meetup that you have RSVPed YES to attend, take the time to go to the web sight and change your RSVP to NOT ATTENDING. It's difficult on the hosts to not have an accurate count of attendees. 3. *A sex club.* We believe nudity is a natural, healthy lifestyle. A naked hug and kiss is acceptable, but overt sexual activity will result in loss of membership. **How do you join?** You fill out the questionnaire about yourself. **Your profile should include one picture of your face (at least) so other members will recognize you at meetups.** You will not be granted membership if you do not post your face picture. If you delete your face picture after joining you will be deleted. Your membership will be reviewed and you will be notified if it is approved. Each member is encouraged to remain active and participate in events. To remain active and in good standing a member must visit the web site once every 6 months and attend a event or their profile will be deleted with no exceptions. Each members is encouraged to hold meetups in their homes. Even if you don’t have a pool, you can host a game night, pizza party, etc. If you have a small home, you can limit the number attending. Let’s be an active club! It takes all of us to participate, not just the organizers of this group. You may request to be an organizer if you want to schedule your own meetup event, or I can do it for you. Just send me a message with all the details. **Note: We want active participants, not just "looky Lou's".** We feel these rules above are not overly strict and do the best to weed out any people that might not have the best interest of the group in mind. These rules are in place to try to protect the members of the Coachella Valley Nudist Meetup - formerly the Inland Empire Nudist Club and the Valley Nudist Club.
68 members · Private