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Outdoor activities groups near Pacifica, CA

*Every Trail* : Bay Area Hiking and Outdoor Activities Group

San Francisco, CA

*Every Trail* : Bay Area Hiking and Outdoor Activities Group
Every Trail is a Bay Area outdoors activities group. Our focus is on hiking, but we also want to branch out to other activities like backpacking, kayaking, river rafting, etc. from time to time. This is a social group: our goal is to build a community of kind, generous people who share their love of the outdoors with each other. We are an inclusive group and we welcome members of all ages from multiple races and ethnicities, different countries of origin, and varied gender and sexual identities. Every Trail is a volunteer organization: the event hosts and organizers all donate their time without expectation of compensation. **Code of Conduct** Note: you can also [read the Code of Conduct here]( Be kind to everyone. This includes other Every Trail members, event hosts and organizers, park personnel, and other hikers you encounter on the trail.  Every Trail events are a good way to make new friends and strengthen existing friendships;  please, avoid inflammatory and divisive subjects of conversation at events.  Join hikes that you can safely complete while maintaining a reasonable pace (\~ 2.5 miles an hour, usually). You are the best judge of your hiking abilities. Never expect event hosts or other hikers to walk slower than their natural pace to keep you company. Familiarize yourself with hike routes and use apps like [AllTrails]( to guide you on the trail. Remember, it is your responsibility - not the responsibility of the event host or other hikers - to ensure that you stay on the trail and don’t get lost. Treat the trails with respect and follow [Leave no Trace principles]( Dispose of waste properly (“pack it in, pack it out”), and leave rocks, plants and other natural objects as you find them. Follow all park rules and respect posted signs; respect private property and hike only in permissible areas. When on the trails, let nature do all the talking. Silence all electronic devices. Avoid yelling, and keep your voices at a reasonable level. Your fellow hikers - and the wildlife around you - will appreciate this.  Stay on the trail. Going off trail can damage or kill certain plant or animal species, and it can hurt the ecosystems that surround the trail. Bring dogs only on trails that explicitly allow them (service dogs are generally permitted on most trails). The presence of dogs must never diminish the experience for other hikers or for wildlife. Dogs must always be on a leash. **LEGAL DISCLAIMER:** The hosts of Every Trail events are not hiking professionals; we have no wilderness expertise and we are not trained medical professionals. When you join this group,  you assume full responsibility for your own personal safety. We are only responsible for organizing hiking events; we cannot know what hike will be appropriate for your fitness level.  Please understand your own physical ability and join hikes that you can comfortably and safely undertake. If you have medical issues that could affect your ability to participate in any Every Trail event, please consult with your doctor. By signing up for any event organized by Every Trail, you acknowledge that you are aware of the risks and dangers associated with any organized activity and you assume all such risks and dangers. Further, you agree to release and discharge the Administrators, Event Hosts, Organizers or any other Every Trail members from all liability. For safety reasons, you must have a recent profile photo clearly showing your face.
2349 members · Public

SF Peninsula 30's & 40's Outdoor and Social Activities

San Bruno, CA

SF Peninsula 30's & 40's Outdoor and Social Activities
**SUMMARY:** This group is for people in their 30's and 40's who enjoy outdoor activities (such as hiking, camping, backpacking, etc.), active social activities (such as bowling), just hanging out after work over drinks, or grabbing a bite to eat on the weekends. Anyone who's easygoing and finds the previous statement appealing should join! This group is open to people who don't fall in the age range, but the focus is for this age range. If you'd like to know more about this group, and the various expectations of the members, please check out []( **EVENTS:** Events will largely be weekend hikes and active social activities after work, with some camping trips, backpacking trips, and other outdoor activities TBD. Outdoor activities will extend past the SF Peninsula (e.g., the North or East bay for hikes, or the Sierras for a week-long backpacking trip). Primarily social activities will be on the SF Peninsula. **OBJECTIVES:** * Get outdoors hiking! Get some exercise while socializing! * Provide a social environment to hang out, make friends, and exchange ideas. **HIKES:** Hikes are the majority of the activities of this group. They typically range from a quick 3-mile to an all-day 15+ mile. Almost all hikes will be in the great outdoors. As such, hikers should have the appropriate gear such as hiking shoes, trekking poles, sun protection, layers, water, snacks, etc. Hikers should review the prompt before each hike and make a personal assessment if the hike is for them. Please do not bring guests as we need to manage group size due to trail limitations and the safety of the group! Unless otherwise specified, hikers must be 21+. Some hikes will have an after-hike meal or social hour, which is optional but typically fun! **CAMPING TRIPS:** Like hiking? Let’s find a camping spot somewhere with great hikes and spend a few days exploring the area! As with the hikes, campers and hikers must have the appropriate gear for the activity (tents, sleeping bags/pads, etc.). Participants should read the prompt before RSVPing and self-assess their ability to determine if the event is for them! Unless otherwise specified, campers must be 21+. **BACKPACKING TRIPS:** Like the minimalist lifestyle? Enjoy not being able to be contacted by work for an extended period of time? Want to test your physical and mental ability? Try a backpacking trip! Trips may be overnight or multi-day (I typically don’t do through hikes that last weeks to months at a time). Like the other activities, participants should read the prompt and self-assess if the trip is for them! Unless otherwise specified, backpackers must be 21+. **OTHER SOCIAL ACTIVITIES:** Every now and then an after-work activity may pop up. Could be something like bowling, minigolf, or something else! Come out and have some fun in a social environment after work! Read the prompt, decide if the event is for you, RSVP, show up, have fun. Unless otherwise specified, socialites must be 21+. **SEMINARS:** Don’t know how to backpack? I’ve introduced quite a few people to the experience. I have a seminar series that is aimed at getting the beginner more knowledge about gear, techniques, and methodologies than they thought they wanted. People with experience also found them helpful! Based on my experience and what people indicate they would like to learn, I may develop and host other seminars. **ATTENDANCE:** Please, please, please show up on time to the events you RSVP for! And if something comes up, change your RSVP! If someone is on the waitlist and you’re a no-show (or cancel the morning of), that person can’t magically show up at the event on time! **LEGAL DISCLAIMER:** The organizers of this event are unpaid volunteers and not expert guides or instructors. By signing up for an event you agree to assume all responsibility for your own safety, health consequences, conduct, and well-being. You hereby release its organizers, hosts, and participants from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action that you now have, or may have in the future, for illness, injuries, damages, and/or economic loss of any kind or nature, arising in whole or in part out of the activities, advice, or information contained herein. You are also acknowledging that you are aware and have made your guests aware of the risks, dangers, and hazards associated with the type of activity and freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers, and hazards.
92 members · Private

Bay Area Queer Outdoors LGBTQ+

San Francisco, CA

Bay Area Queer Outdoors LGBTQ+
LGBTQ+ hiking and outdoor club. We offer a variety of activities including hiking, camping, backpacking, climbing, rafting and whatever else sounds fun. Yes, straight people are welcome too. This is a new group and we'd love for you to join. **DISCLAIMER** By participating in any outdoor or indoor activities organized or facilitated by Bay Area Queer Outdoors LGBTQ+, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. **Assumption of Risks:** Participating in outdoor activities involves inherent risks, including but not limited to, the risk of injury or death. You voluntarily assume all risks associated with your participation, including those arising from the negligence or fault of Bay Area Queer Outdoors LGBTQ+, its agents, employees, or representatives. 2. **Medical Condition:** You affirm that you are in good physical condition and have no medical conditions that would prevent your safe participation in outdoor activities. It is your responsibility to inform Bay Area Queer Outdoors LGBTQ+ of any health concerns that may affect your participation. 3. **Responsibility:** You are responsible for your own safety and well-being during the outdoor activities. Bay Area Queer Outdoors LGBTQ+ is not liable for any injury, loss, or damage to personal property that may occur during the activities. 4. **Release of Liability:** To the fullest extent permitted by law, you releaseBay Area Queer Outdoors LGBTQ+, its officers, directors, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any injury, death, or damage that may occur during or as a result of your participation in outdoor activities. 5. **Emergency Medical Treatment:** In the event of an emergency, Bay Area Queer Outdoors LGBTQ+ may, at its discretion, seek medical treatment on your behalf. You are solely responsible for any costs associated with such treatment. 6. **Photographic Release:** You grant Bay Area Queer Outdoors LGBTQ+ permission to use photographs, videos, or other media taken during the outdoor activities for promotional or educational purposes.
362 members · Private

Hiking & Activities Club (Bay Area)

San Mateo, CA

Hiking & Activities Club (Bay Area)
Hi there....glad you are here. I (Abid) have been hiking, biking, skiing a while. I started this group to get moving with more people and make new friends. This is a casual group to get out and make some connections while working out. Since starting, several amazing new leaders have joined who offer diversity of outdoors experiences across the bay area and beyond. We hope you are able to join us on one of our hikes and activities. **Group objectives:** 1\. get some exercise in the outdoors with hiking\, biking\, walking\, food tours\, kayaking\, skiing\, etc \(open to ideas from others\) 2\. exchange ideas\, get different perspectives\, meet new people and make new friends **Hikes (what we do mostly)** * Hikes are usually on weekend- either Saturday or Sunday- with some weekday hikes. We usually start between 8AM-10AM depending on how far the hikes are. * This is a CASUAL/ SOCIAL hiking group. The hosts may accommodates to conditions and skill levels of participants to maintain reasonable pace with stops. Different hosts will offer different levels of experience- so sign up for the one right for you. Some hosts will register an average pace of about 2-2.5mph while others maintain a pace of 3mph or above. Different hosts also lead different difficulty levels- so please ensure you sign up with the right host to get your best most comfortable experience. * We do most hikes in the woods, and the great outdoors. They are usually not city hikes but sometimes we also do those. As such, hikers are expected to have appropriate hiking gear such as hiking shoes, hiking poles, head cover, layers, water, snack * Hikers are expected to review each hike and make personal assessment whether they are able to do the hike. We will reasonably accommodate slower hikers. But PLEASE know thyself to be mindful of others. * Please do not bring guests (unless otherwise allowed on the specific hike) as we need to manage group size due to trail conditions and safety rules * All hikers need to be over 18 years old * If there is a waitlist, members who have usually signed up for and shown up to past events will be prioritized over members who have either frequently signed up and not shown up (no show) for previous events AND/OR the event is their first hike AND/OR signed up and canceled frequently. * Many hikes may be followed by group lunch/ drinks to get to know each other....please bring shareable food and drinks **LEGAL DISCLAIMER- BY PARTICIPATING IN ANY ACTVITY (EITHER AS MEMBER OF AS GUEST) YOU ASSUME ALL RISK & DISCHARGE ALL ORANIZERS OF ANY & ALL LIABILITIES RESULTING FROM YOURE VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION** The organizer and co-hosts are ONLY responsible for organizing the hike. We are not professional guides or medics. This is a hobby. When you sign up for this group you are responsible for your own personal safety. By signing up for any event organized by us, you acknowledge that you are aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with the organized activity and assume all such risks, dangers and hazards, and further agree to release and discharge the organizers of the event from any liability. Leaders reserve the right of admission of members to any event and may uninvite members if they feel necessary
3790 members · Public

Bay Area Boomer Outdoors Group

San Francisco, CA

Bay Area Boomer Outdoors Group

This group is intended to be an open network of outdoors enthusiasts of the boomer age.  Several people over the years have asked just what is a boomer? I would generally consider anyone born in the two decades following World War II (1945-1965) to be a boomer, but anyone is welcome so long as they are in alignment with the orientation of the group.

Outdoors activities can include hiking, backpacking, car camping, or the like. Examples would be the relatively short backpack to Wildcat Camp in Point Reyes, which has become a tradition with the group. Other examples would be day hikes in the Marin Headlands, bicycling on the Silverado Trail in the Napa Valley, cross country skiing in the Sierras, car camping trips to Death Valley, or organized treks in Bhutan or Nepal. You get the idea. 

Generally trips should be only lightly to moderately challenging, without a need for specialized skills such as snow camping, cross-country hiking, or climbing. If a trip will exceed these criteria, event hosts should be very clear in their trip description and be sure that all participants are fully aware of the level of difficulty and have the skills and equipment to join the trip safely. 

Everyone in the group is welcome to organize a trip, and the settings for the group allow anyone to do that. So, if you have a trailhead reservation and want some companions, feel free to post a trip.  However, unless you have at least Event Organizer privileges, you will not be able to manage the RSVPs for your activity.  It is suggested that you contact the the Organizer, or one of the Co-Organizers, to become an Event Organizer before you post your activity, in particular to avoid having more "yes" RSVPs than you intended or your permit allows.

It is also suggested that you post your trip with a trip size of 1 (yourself) but enable a waitlist.  Then edit the RSVPs to the waitlist to identify who will be going.  Event hosts will make those selections in their discretion.

A few groundrules.  First, be safe.  Only organize or join a trip that is within your skill level and be ready to change or abandon your plans if weather or other conditions demand it.  Also, unless otherwise understood with the trip organizer, everyone should plan on being self sufficient (equipment, food, transport, etc.).  Be on time - this includes knowing where you are going and not getting lost on the way to the trailhead, and allowing some contingency time for traffic, etc.  It is much more fun to hang out in camp than in the parking lot at the trailhead.  Generally, we will apply a 15 minute rule (organizers will only wait 15 minutes after the appointed time before leaving, unless other arrangements have been made).  Even better, show up a bit early.  Also, do not sign up for a trip unless you plan to go.  Although things do come up that require canceling, do not sign up for a trip just to keep your option open.  Late arrivers, last-minute cancelers, and particularly no-shows are very frustrating for the trip organizers, who are volunteering their time to make trips happen.  It is in your's and everyone's interest to keep the trip organizers happy, since that is what will lead to future trips becoming available. 

Joining activities in this group is entirely voluntary and participants signing up for and participating in these activities agree that they fully understand and assume the risks associated with the activity. The activities of this group are cooperative ventures, and it is each participant’s responsibility to ensure that s/he, and his/her guest(s), is/are in sufficient fitness and health to participate in the activity and be prepared with the appropriate water, food, clothing, equipment, supplies and first aid. Please provide event hosts with an “In Case of Emergency” (ICE) Contact. (This information needs to be provided to the event host for each trip - having provided the information to the hosts of other trips, or to one or more of the CaBOG organizers, is not going to help).By signing up for and participating in an activity of this group, participants agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless all persons and entities directly or indirectly involved in the activity, including but not limited to the event host, all other participants in the activity, and all other members of the Bay Area Boomer Outdoors Group, including the organizer, co-organizers, assistant organizers, and event organizers. Each participant agrees to pay the costs of any evacuation of that participant, regardless of whether the participant agrees that an evacuation is needed or whether the participant agrees at the time to bear those costs.  In the event that a participant is incapacitated or otherwise unable to provide informed consent at the time, the participant consents to any medical treatment determined necessary or appropriate by the treating facility and/or physician or other provider, including but not limited to emergency personnel.  Even better, participants are encouraged to have an Advance Care Directive / Medical Power of Attorney completed, signed, and in the possession of the participant's personal medical office and family members, with a copy also brought on the trip, in which case that document will govern any health care decisions (this can be done easily by scanning and emailing the documents to yourself, so they are available anywhere there is internet coverage). The agreements in this paragraph are made on behalf of the participants, their heirs, assigns, and all other potential claimants.

Group organizers and the event host(s) make no warranties about the quality, safety, or supervision of these activities. By signing up for any events, you are accepting and agree to follow all the rules of the trip and of the administering agency, campground and/or facilities.

There is no charge for any of these trips (other than the sharing of any actual costs as specified by the event host).    However, contributions directly to the group will be appreciated, which will help defray the Meetup fees and other miscellaneous costs. Go out, enjoy, and most of all be safe!

544 members · Public

" Last-Minute Backpackers " Camping, Hiking, Outdoors & More

San Francisco, CA

" Last-Minute Backpackers " Camping, Hiking, Outdoors & More for the full calendar. Ever suddenly realize that the weekend is almost upon you and you have a few free days, but can't find someone with an open schedule to accompany you on that killer hike you've been wanting to do for months? Or have you tried to organize a trip through another backpacking meetup and found that it's a mess of coordinating schedules?  Here's the place to post your idea, no matter how short the notice. We are a collection of backpackers from absolute beginner up to hard-core mountaineering folks all looking to share some new adventures with new friends. We will have regular events hosted by our organizers but we also welcome the community to post their own trips to see who else might be interested in joining. A couple of things about being part of our group: 1. **Safety!** Know your abilities and your limits. If you find yourself over your skills, be vocal and let others know. 2. **Respect nature!** Practice good stewardship and leave it cleaner than you found it. 3. **Respect Others!** Be mindful of how your decisions can impact them, especially when it comes to safety! 4. **Be patient!** If you like to grind out the miles be patient if your group isn't quite up to your level. 5. **Be generous!** Some trips will be free, others will be paid, it is all dependent on what the organizer decides. Even if a trip is free, offer to help with gas for the car pool or bring a dessert to share on the trail.
3144 members · Public

The Art of Active Networking -San Francisco

San Francisco, CA

The Art of Active Networking -San Francisco
WHY DO YOU NETWORK? Like most people, are you bad at networking or nervous about walking into a roomful of strangers? Do you often wonder why no one returns your calls or follows up with you after a "Networking Event"? Join us in any of our cities for "The Art of Active Networking", and let's change everything you believe about Networking! We’ll show you how to build powerful relationships through giving using our method of #MyGive4 The Art of Active Networking is a worldwide networking group 100% focused on helping you to do better by asking the question, "How can I help you do better right now?” We recognize that every single person on this planet has two things that are universally common to each other: 1\. We are all of the same race\.\.\.the Human Race\! 2\. That as humans we all struggle with something\! At this event you will make some amazing connections and you will learn why Networking is not about what you get, but what you give and what I call my #MyGive4. You really only need to meet one person to make your entire night worthwhile if you know what you are doing. You will have an opportunity to speak to everyone in the room, and you will absolutely meet people you might otherwise never have an opportunity to meet and you will see that's it's not what you are selling or how you sell it that matters. Instead, learn the importance of building 'know, like and trust' relationships! With that in mind we ask that you consider helping yourself and each other with those struggles by attending our events and sharing yourself and your knowledge, and practicing what we call #MYGIVE4 where we ask each of you to consider helping others for 4 hours a week in the following 4 ways.  1\. GIVE of your ideas and talent freely\! Share your vast life experience to help another\. 2\. GIVE of your time\! Volunteer\! Help a neighbor with a chose\, carry someones groceries\, volunteers at a soup kitchen or for a non\-profit\! 3\. GIVE of your money\! I'm not asking for your fortune\, even 25 cents in a hat or 5 dollars to a crowdfunding campaign or in the basket at church can go a long way to someone struggling\. 4\. GIVE of your network through referrals\! I now folks\, you know folks\, and the way we really do business is by building “Know\, like and trust” based relationships\! If I refer you and someone knows\, likes and trusts the person\, they will call you back or offer help when referred\. So use these 4 ways of giving and put in 4 hours a week of effort and watch your life get better. Watch the people who come into your life get better. Watch all the good you do with #MYGIVE4 and hashtag your good deeds while you share them to inspire others! Come see why over 30,000 people have attended in 5 countries and 17 cities worldwide! Tickets are 20$ on our site until 6:00pm the day of the event and 30$ cash at the door until 7:15pm. Each event typically ends about 9:45pm! You must purchase a ticket online in advance to get the 20$ pricing. If you are a Veteran Tickets are half price with a valid ID. (Thank you for your service). You are then invited to join all of our groups and pages and use our FREE walls to post up what you might be looking for, all of those links are on our homepage near the ticket link. Join our social media pages on the links on our site, follow our Instagram, LinkedIn Group and both our Page and Groups on Facebook for our events and #myGive4. Let’s work together to help each other. We’re here to help you do better, right now! []( Our Mantra: "The power of us all working together is so much greater than anything each of us can accomplish on our own." Call Mark E. Sackett with any questions at all: (415) 602-9500. BE WELL, BE CREATIVE, BE GREAT, BE GIVING! Mark E. Sackett Tickets: [](  Instagram: []( LinkedIn: Connect with me: [](
6085 members · Public

Bay Area Travel and Activities Social Group

San Francisco, CA

Bay Area Travel and Activities Social Group
This group is for travelers who don’t want to wait on their friends to finally say “yes” to travel. Life is too short and the world is too big! The trips in this group are usually 90% solo travelers but everyone is welcome, female/male, solo/couple/friends, straight/LGBTQIA+! So let’s travel together with fun, like-minded travelers! If you have an open mind and are kind to fellow travelers, you will fit in perfectly on these trips! **The local events in the group are member-driven** so if you’d like to host a Meetup in your area (i.e. a brunch, happy hour, travel talk, coffee, go for a walk/hike, see a movie, etc), feel free to let me know and I'll help you get it set up in the group! **NOTE:** The people on these trips are from all over the States but you’ll always be connected with people from the same city on a trip so you can meet up face to face and get to know your future travel buddies prior to the trip. You’ll also be connected to the whole group via email prior to the trip so you can virtually get to know those that are from different areas. On average, the people on each trip are 90% solo travelers but it’s hard to predict the exact demographic for each trip so please keep this in mind. Feel free to join the Facebook group to connect with past travelers on these trips, see pictures, ask questions, funny travel memes, travel-related articles, etc: []( The trips in this group are put on by a tour company called Globe Drifters and they focus on small group trips geared towards solo travelers with the mission of giving new meaning to travel by putting the human experience at the heart of their trips. The groups are small, usually with 12 people maximum per trip and about 90% of everyone on each trip are solo travelers so you’re not stuck being the odd man out on trips with mostly couples. You’ll have the best of both worlds, solo travel with the security of a small group of other solo travelers for some company on your adventure! To contact Globe Drifters directly, you can email [](
1613 members · Public