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Outdoor activities groups near Redlands, CA

Cal~Para Research Organization

Redlands, CA

Cal~Para Research Organization
FIND US AT OUR WEBSITE: []( ***See below for exact membership details...***\*\*\*CAL\~PARA WILL USUALLY ONLY ACCEPT NEW MEMBERS THAT ARE 25+ YEARS or OLDER AND HAVE SOME RESEARCH EXPERIENCE.\*\*\*  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-HOWEVER\, WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS\. **We are the Cal\~Para Research Organization.** We're looking to help homes, businesses, schools, and other organizations increase knowledge and awareness while we explore southern California! **IF YOU THINK YOUR LOCATION IS 'HAUNTED':** **We offer FREE consulting and investigation to help you determine if your location has paranormal activity.** Investigations usually take approximately 2-3 hours. You can expect: •Professional, courteous behavior. •Respect for the privacy of the owners, tenants, and property. •Your final report within 14-20 days after investigation. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Cal\~Para Research is an organization of investigators and researchers seeking to help those concerned or curious about their experiences with paranormal activity. Our investigations extend beyond to the Inland Empire area and southern California. Although our main goal is to assist clients with our services, we also endeavor to gather credible evidence by way of reliable scientific methods in order to contribute qualitatively to the field of paranormal research. As a result, the credibility of the group is closely maintained, and members are carefully screened. We have successfully combined technology along with psychics/sensitives to provide a comprehensive study of each location. In observing our standards of integrity, respect, and discretion, Cal\~Para Research strives for excellence among the field of paranormal investigations. **Client confidentiality is our #1 priority**. Information or evidence contained within our reports will not be posted to our website without express permission of the client to do so, and under no circumstances will the identity of the client or the location of a private venue be disclosed. **Our service is completely FREE of charge**, as our only agenda is to make you feel more comfortable in your own home and/or place of business. Although we may confidently claim to be experienced and educated in the field of paranormal research and investigating, we cannot in good conscience proclaim ourselves experts in the paranormal, and we caution our clients and the public to be wary of those who do make such claims, particularly if a fee is involved. There are in fact no experts when it comes to the supernatural and/or paranormal. Nevertheless, there are many credible and competent researchers, like ourselves, who are collecting the most authentic evidence possible. In light of this, **we believe the information contained in our reports to be credible and accurate**. However, we must also caution the client not to use it as absolute proof, but rather as circumstantial evidence supporting or denying the probability of paranormal activity. We thank you for the opportunity to conduct your investigation. WE ARE A PROUD PARANORMAL ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL GHOST HUNTERS SOCIETY ![]( **MEMBERSHIP** If you have an interest in paranormal research, join the group. We seek dedicated members who are not in many other para groups. It's best if you are available for requested investigations. * If you are looking for a group that goes out every single week, this group is NOT for you as I feel that tends to burn people out. If you want to see if it's just like TV - it's not. If you are dedicated to helping yourself and others learn about the 'how' and 'why' of hauntings, then you are at the right place. IF YOU WANT TO JOIN THE TEAM: This group is for learning about the paranormal and focuses on possible hauntings. We may go to local cemeteries and historical places to further our knowledge. * **\~YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 25 YEARS OLD AND UPLOAD AN ACTUAL PICTURE OF YOU.** \~You must not have any unlawful record with the police. \~No rituals or practices of occult or magik. \*\*\***Membership Waiver Agreement**:\*\*\* By joining this group and attending any event you agree to hold the Organizer, Asst Organizers, event organizers, co-organizers and any hosts harmless for any issues whatsoever arising from activities and events. BY JOINING THIS GROUP, IT IS ASSUMED THAT YOU FULLY AND COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THE CAL\~PARA INVESTIGATION RULES & PROTOCOLS (Copy available on the message board). Please read and reply to it. * As a member, you are expected to participate at least once every 3 months in research and investigations. After each investigation, you will have 10-15 days to turn in at least a two-paragraph report summarizing your experience and include any EVPs or possible evidence to give to the client. Failure to turn in timely reports will cause your removal from future investigations. We will all have different methods of research. Each member must have respect for others. **WHAT TO EXPECT\~WHAT WE EXPECT FROM YOU:** 1.Experience. We would prefer that you have been investigating the paranormal for quite a while. We want everyone on the team to have a good solid foundation in this field. 2.Dedication and Loyalty. We require that people make a firm commitment to our team. Which means if you are available once every other month minimum, and if you sign up – you attend! Pretty much every serious group in this field operates this way. That is not to say you can't investigate every now and then with other groups, but we want to know we can rely on you. 3.Reviewing Evidence. If you go on an investigation and don't review your evidence, or submit it, you really aren't helping the team. The whole point of these investigations is to capture evidence and share it. So after investigations, submit your EVPs, pictures, personal experiences etc. - email them to the organizer. 4.Consistent Attendance. This is very important. We don't expect you to come to every event of course, but those that are serious about working as a team will come to as many as possible. This kind of ties into the Dedication and Loyalty part. 5.Equipment. We believe strongly in having as much equipment as possible, as to better our chances of capturing the evidence we seek. Every Cal\~Para investigator should have a decent "arsenal" of gear to bring. Video cameras, laptops, still cameras, EVP recorders, EMF meters, thermometers, etc. If you are truly serious about paranormal investigation, you will invest in some gear to help you. 6.Activity and Motivation. We want our investigators to actively participate with investigations. Engage in EVP sessions, set up cameras down hallways, make an attempt to debunk phenomena. Don't just sit quietly and not "do anything". Investigate and participate. Make yourself useful to the investigation. 7.Teamwork Skills. You must be able to work well with others. It's very important we maintain a friendly, harmonious atmosphere and we expect everyone to bring their positive selves to our events. Don't be disruptive or rude. Do your best to connect well with your teammates and leave a positive impression on them. Befriend your teammates and make them your friend since you will be working intimately with them. You need to "click" with others and not be an outsider. 8.Common Sense. The way Cal\~Para approaches the paranormal is with skepticism, experimenting, and a down-to-earth scientific perspective. This does not mean we don't have room for sensitives in this group, but we frown on "dramatic" styles of investigating or where people assume everything is paranormal or freak out over things. We want our clients and colleagues to respect us and not look upon as some crazy circus troupe. *** **MISSION STATEMENT** * To investigate claims of paranormal activity by collecting and critically analyzing data as a team and researching the history of the site. To educate clients on the known and supposed aspects of paranormal activity, as well as reveal mundane explanations for non-paranormal occurrences. To pursue education in the paranormal field, so as to be the best prepared to understand and explain paranormal phenomena we encounter. To provide professional investigations at sites with suspected paranormal activity at no cost or compensation of any kind. To share any exceptional discovery with other groups if it could benefit the paranormal scientific community. To educate the general public on the subject of the paranormal.
16 members · Private

OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity of California

Moreno Valley, CA

OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity of California

Welcome to  Osho Meditation Center & Multiversity  of California

We are an OSHO Meditation Center sanctioned by the OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, India. We offer  OSHO Active Meditations; such as OSHO Kundalini, Nadabrahma, Nataraj, Dynamic, and more. As mans’ consciousness evolves, so too should his techniques. The meditation is scientifically designed to help you get out of your mind and into experiencing life itself. Every meditation session and workshop is an opportunity to explore and expand your self-awareness. Anger, sadness, joy, laughter, love, silence and celebration are all part of the journey. Throw off your tension, open a playful heart and drop into the silent silent witness. That’s why OSHO designed these meditations specifically for the modern man. They are different, they are powerful, and they can transform your life. The only way out, is in. And the only way in, is through meditation.

We are also  OSHO Multiversity,

Osho Multiversity has been created by Osho as a place where people can learn a simple thing: how to live meditatively.The Multiversity is in a setting unlike that of any other educational institution, meditation retreat, orrowth center in the world.It is an integral part of the community that surrounds it .Not separate and isolated from everyday life.But nourishing and being nourished by Osho Commune as a whole.Growth and self-discovery is an ongoing process in the world around Osho whether you are working.Participating in groups and meditations, taking time for each in turn,Or blending them together.

What means Multiversity?

Having one name, Osho Multiversity, around the world provides a global connection between all similar Osho-based works, just spiritually recognized by the Osho Multiversity, Pune, India which is the international center of this work. So besides the meditations, we offer a wide range of classes, workshops, intensives, and events to enhance your knowledge & understanding of yourself. Our topics cover all aspects of body, mind, & spirit, with the emphasis on creating more love, light, peace, & harmony within you and the world. You can take individual classes on a variety of subjects, or you can enroll in more formal training in our Reiki Mystery School or The College of Inner Knowledge.

Another school’s base is the esoteric sciences, chakras, energy readings, sounds – many things from China and especially from Tibet. Very important is that this be combined with meditation, or else esoteric science can be misused. (That’s how black magic happened: no meditation). Another school deals with the body and with healing. Another with the creative arts. And most fundamental are the Osho Meditative Therapies which Osho himself   developed – these are energy-based processes for deeply cleansing body, mind, heart and soul.

So it’s very multidimensional.

The Osho Multiversity is an umbrella under which can come many different departments. And foremost: all subjects come through meditation. The purpose is to show Osho’s vision in all directions – from meditation and the creative arts and creative sciences, to the healing and esoteric and martial arts – anything creative that is not destructive.  Anything that helps life to become more beautiful, not the ordinary subjects that the universities do; let them do that. The Multiversity teaches a reverence for life and the sense of one humanity, one world, dissolving all barriers of race, caste, and color. The function is to bring all climates and flavors together, even if they are contradictory.

The Multiversity is not in competition with any educations system. It is exploring that which no university is exploring, that which ordinary universities and educational systems don’t provide.

Is one of the  California  leading personal growth centers.. For well over a decade we have been welcoming people for courses, training’s and meditations and offering them the chance to stay with us and experience the art of living   is a warm, friendly, creative, meditative space. Whether you are looking for personal growth or further professional training, your experience here will help you get to know yourself and transform your life on all levels.

OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity  meditation and personal growth processes. It encompasses all the current western therapy approaches, the healing arts of East and West, esoteric sciences, creative arts, centering and martial arts, Tantra, Zen, Sufism, and Meditative Therapies. The Multiversity offers individual sessions, as well as group activities including classes, training, courses and intensives. Even more unique than this amazing diversity, is the fact that all the methods used, whether relating to the body, the mind, the emotions or the subtle energy bodies, have meditation both at their base and as their objective.

Meditative Therapies were created by Osho. They are scientifically designed for the contemporary man. A breakthrough to meditation, a speeding up process to connect with our natural state of being.

The Osho approach to therapy is that it can never be the ultimate solution to human problems, but it can be used as a tool to help prepare the ground for meditation. Based on this understanding he has created a series of “meditative therapies” that give participants the opportunity to dissolve the tensions and repressions that keep them from being able to sit silently and observe the mind that creates problems in the first place.

Uniquely simple and effective, these methods involve a minimum of interaction among the participants, but the energy of the group helps each individual go more deeply into his or her own process. No “therapist” is required, but only a facilitator who has gone through the process and has been trained in conducting it.

Meditative Therapies are processes for freeing old, stuck energies, to renew vitality and to create space for silence. They work energetically, bypassing the conscious, analytical mind. They are therefore clear, pure processes where individuals are connecting directly with their own energy, without any interference or intervention from a facilitator (except in rare circumstances where guidance is needed). And all of them are basically meditations – even in the active phase, one is in a moment-to-moment encounter with oneself.

The Meditative Therapies are:

    OSHO Mystic Rose

    OSHO Born Again

    OSHO No Mind

    OSHO Reminding Yourself The Forgotten Language of Talking to Your Body Mind

We offer individual sessions, as well as group activities including classes, courses. We do residential personal & group  Retreat.We do many Osho Active Meditations have been scientifically designed by Osho over a period of time to enable us to consciously express and experience repressed feelings and emotions, and learn the knack of watching our habitual patterns in a new way. Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent. But for most of us accumulated stress in our body mind makes that difficult. Before we can hope to access our inner powerhouse of consciousness, we need to let go of our tensions. Meditation will make you inwardly rich, certainly. Inwardly you will become ecstatic, but outwardly it can’t be guaranteed that you will become rich, that you will become successful, that you will become very healthy.

The Osho approach to therapy is that it can never be the ultimate solution to human problems, but it can be used as a tool to help prepare the ground for meditation. Based on this understanding he has created a series of “meditative therapies” that give participants the opportunity to dissolve the tensions and repressions that keep them from being able to sit silently and observe the mind that creates problems in the first place. Meditation is very important for the soul. Meditation reveals to us the eternal, divine being that is truth, awareness & bliss. Active meditations naturally help the thoughts to appear in our mental frame less and less and also help us watch the thoughts like watching the clouds in the sky. This gives us a calm and stress-free mind. I wish everybody can try I so many people transformation.

In addition, we are also a  Healing Center. We offer several modalities of energy healing, such as: Usui Reiki, Terra Mai Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Shamanic Reiki,  color-puncture, crystal healing, massage and more. We also offer spiritual counseling, intuitive readings, and advice on all matters of your life journey.

Our center is located in beautiful Southern California, on a private 34 acre lake. We have a group meditation room, a private room for individual sessions, and private rooms for overnight accommodations. All are welcome!

We do personal  special spiritual retreat,   meditation, course,    for loose weight Personal meditation or training.

If you  feel stuck emotionally, energetically, mentally or spiritually

We can help you we

Transformation   Retreat

We often need time to replenish and rejuvenate from stress, allowing time to heal and repair. Life offers opportunities and challenges to help us grow, which can be overwhelming and confusing

In life’s major turning points, great breakthroughs can occur by taking a personal intensive retreat with a seasoned transformational guide. A personal retreat can remove long-standing blocks and beliefs that have held you back from your greatest power and potential, opening you to new paths of freedom, vision, and personal fulfillment. Zaki , extraordinary breakthroughs can occur in a concentrated period of time. Outgrown beliefs and patterns that have held you back from your greatest joy, unhealed past experiences calling for resolution, careers or relationships that no longer fulfill you, can all open doors for healing and transformation when positively explored with  Zaki  experienced guidance and facilitation.

During your Personal Retreat with  Zaki :

You receive concentrated, caring, professionally supported time with a seasoned, skillful guide to create a new life vision and a plan to enact it.

    You reframe and clear unresolved past experiences and limiting beliefs that hold back your magnificence.

    You immerse yourself into your goals for your life, relationships, spirituality, and personal meaning.

    You discover exhilarating new insights and clarity about your life, work, and relationships which make a quantitative positive shift in your life.

    You create a powerful new vision for your life path and craft a practical, step by step plan to actualize it.

    You discover your magnificence and deep worth in the presence of a guide who sees your highest potentials, believes in you, and helps you arrive where you want to be in your life.

    You have fun, laugh, do rituals, share deeply, feel empowered, get energized, and feel lighter.

Conscious Relationship Retreat: For individuals or couples

learning conscious communication skills in listening, giving and receiving feedback sensitively, expressing needs and wants in healthy ways; discovering creative ways to reframe and transform conflicts, finding new joy and love in a committed partnership, marriage or other relationship, discovering how to attract and sustain healthy, positive relationships, creating a vision for the kind of relationship you want.


Zaki De luca experiential workshop facilitation is grounded in  26 -years of experience leading transformational, personal growth workshops for thousands of participants nationally. Each workshop is an interweaving of:

The Heart, with heart-opening, integrative human healing work;

We offer a serene and supportive environment to quiet the mind, connect with  yourself  and renew the spirit. Spend your days enjoying the peaceful and healing.

A personal  spiritual retreat provides an opportunity to get away from hectic daily life and renewal at your leisure.

Daily classes and  personal sessions  we are offered every day to enhance.

Your retreat experience.

We offer classes’ active mediation, & passive mediation, guide mediation, pyramid mediation, & training.

Course,   program  for losing weight.

Personal retreat differs from our programs, trainings, and workshops because it gives you complete flexibility.

Our center is located in beautiful Southern California, on a private 34 acre lake. We have a group meditation room, a private room for individual sessions, and private rooms for overnight accommodations.   All are welcome!

Meditation is a very individual and private experience.  No two meditators meditate in the same way. Each meditation   participant  faces unique challenges in their practice. We specialize in one-on-one lesson packages, custom fit to each student’s needs. If you are serious about learning meditation and establishing a regular practice, private lessons are the best way to learn. Our lesson packages are designed to firmly establish new meditators in a fabulous meditation practice. The packages include private lessons, suggested readings, meditation space consultation, and plenty of support. We do personal training Retreat, session & meditation learn healing.

Is a beautiful starting place .

The tastefully modern, silent rooms all have air conditioning and bathrooms.

Osho meditation Center & Multiversity of California   has created “our sacred earth” as an interactive social meditation. Here you won’t sit still for long. We’ll bring you into the present moment in an enjoyable way – by being with others. Social meditations will guide you to dance, meet people and express yourself. As these activities nourish your body and mind, you will be led naturally into a space of stillness and meditation.

“Be loving to the earth. Sow the seeds of love on the earth. The question is not for you to enter into some paradise in the skies. On the contrary, the question is how to transform this earth into paradise. It has all the potential.” (Osho)

513 members · Public

Greater Social Life Union of San Bernardino

San Bernardino, CA

Greater Social Life Union of San Bernardino

The Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

There are many steps on your journey to greater social life. Here are the first steps for members of GSLU. After reading the rest of this introduction, you should read the 2021 book The Guide to Thumoslang. Many of our members put this new knowledge into practice as suggested by The GSLU Handbook.

When you spend more time in damage control mode and less time benefiting from your various relations, you waste a great deal of effort in your social life. Such a cost of opportunity keeps you from going at high speed towards your ideals, in creating your ideal self, and in actualizing what you truly want to become. This is likely due to a lack of social clarity, which is essential for internal conversations and vital for meaningful relationships.

Unintentionally created in 2017, accidentally discovered in 2018, and first taught in 2019, Thumoslang is the nomenclature for social clarity. It is used as a language for faster communication, be it in complex collaboration or difficult conversation. The first widespread use of social clarity has been predicted by Thumoslang pioneers to be just as important as the first widespread control of fire. All is explained by The Guide to Thumoslang, which is backed by The Dictionary of Thumoslang.

Again, the Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

Your ideals are the same as your ideal self, which means what you truly want to become. "Everything else is secondary," said Steve Jobs. Our group activities involve you with the first practical steps in the further development of your ideals, in keeping others from interfering with your life, and in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals. To be sure, if you lack social clarity in your internal conversations, face unwanted drama too often, are not sure of your social life or your path into the future, or have no friends and no groups available on a regular basis to help create your ideal self, this group is for you.


Our group activities bring you the following benefits:

Benefit 1 - Mastery of Relationships

As new GSLU members participate in the union's activities, they will quickly find themselves having noticeable enhancements in their social lives. The further they participate in GSLU activities, the faster they naturally acquire the mastery of relationships.

Benefit 2 - Best Friends for Your Ideals

Our group activities include practical steps in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals.

Benefit 3 - Internal Dialogues More Effective

Thumoslang is a set of terminology whose use is intended to benefit one's clarity in social situations. Consequently, Thumoslang allows you to have clearer communication with yourself in your mind.

Benefit 4 - Meaningful Relationships Much Stronger

Our members use Thumoslang to mend or strengthen their existing relationships, build new relations, and achieve greater social life.

Benefit 5 - Faster Actualization of Your Ideals

The actualization of your ideals goes faster when it regularly involves your best group, which is the small group of in-person, second-mind friends who are the best for the nurturing of your ideals. Our activities help you speed up the actualization of your ideals by reducing social roadblocks and increasing social shortcuts in your life.

12 members · Public

Greater Social Life Union of Moreno Valley

Moreno Valley, CA

Greater Social Life Union of Moreno Valley

The Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

There are many steps on your journey to greater social life. Here are the first steps for members of GSLU. After reading the rest of this introduction, you should read the 2021 book The Guide to Thumoslang. Many of our members put this new knowledge into practice as suggested by The GSLU Handbook.

When you spend more time in damage control mode and less time benefiting from your various relations, you waste a great deal of effort in your social life. Such a cost of opportunity keeps you from going at high speed towards your ideals, in creating your ideal self, and in actualizing what you truly want to become. This is likely due to a lack of social clarity, which is essential for internal conversations and vital for meaningful relationships.

Unintentionally created in 2017, accidentally discovered in 2018, and first taught in 2019, Thumoslang is the nomenclature for social clarity. It is used as a language for faster communication, be it in complex collaboration or difficult conversation. The first widespread use of social clarity has been predicted by Thumoslang pioneers to be just as important as the first widespread control of fire. All is explained by The Guide to Thumoslang, which is backed by The Dictionary of Thumoslang.

Again, the Thumoslang Network is an association of groups whose members use Thumoslang, the nomenclature for social clarity, as their basic strategy for greater social life. Part of the network is the Greater Social Life Union (GSLU). Its mission is long-lasting joy for its members through faster actualization of their personal ideals.

Your ideals are the same as your ideal self, which means what you truly want to become. "Everything else is secondary," said Steve Jobs. Our group activities involve you with the first practical steps in the further development of your ideals, in keeping others from interfering with your life, and in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals. To be sure, if you lack social clarity in your internal conversations, face unwanted drama too often, are not sure of your social life or your path into the future, or have no friends and no groups available on a regular basis to help create your ideal self, this group is for you.


Our group activities bring you the following benefits:

Benefit 1 - Mastery of Relationships

As new GSLU members participate in the union's activities, they will quickly find themselves having noticeable enhancements in their social lives. The further they participate in GSLU activities, the faster they naturally acquire the mastery of relationships.

Benefit 2 - Best Friends for Your Ideals

Our group activities include practical steps in building a group of in-person friends who keep on encouraging you and nurturing your ideals.

Benefit 3 - Internal Dialogues More Effective

Thumoslang is a set of terminology whose use is intended to benefit one's clarity in social situations. Consequently, Thumoslang allows you to have clearer communication with yourself in your mind.

Benefit 4 - Meaningful Relationships Much Stronger

Our members use Thumoslang to mend or strengthen their existing relationships, build new relations, and achieve greater social life.

Benefit 5 - Faster Actualization of Your Ideals

The actualization of your ideals goes faster when it regularly involves your best group, which is the small group of in-person, second-mind friends who are the best for the nurturing of your ideals. Our activities help you speed up the actualization of your ideals by reducing social roadblocks and increasing social shortcuts in your life.

16 members · Public

The 'Over 40' Circle

Moreno Valley, CA

The 'Over 40' Circle
This group was started for people that were over 40 and lived in the Inland Empire, but we have expanded our membership all the way to the Palm Springs area, San DIego area, L A County. . \ I joined this group in 2015. I have really enjoyed meeting a very fun, friendly, diverse group of people. I have loved being introduced to new things that I would never have thought to do on my own. I was asked to take over as Organizer in January 2018 . I try and post a variety of interesting events, but please always feel free to offer suggestions. .We do many things in this group including, traveling, happy hours, concerts, movies, potlucks, game nights, and anything else that comes up !! There is a 2 month free trial period after which the dues are $20 per year . (Veterans and current military are exempt from dues as long as they attend one event every 6 months.) This may be paid via Zelle, Venmo, personal check , or cash if you will be attending an event.  There is a limit of 2 no shows during your trial period . After 2 no shows you will be removed from the group. Same day cancellation without an emergency or illness will count as a no show . After your trial period , there is a limit of 2 no shows per year, after that , you will be removed from the group with no dues refund. Please have the courtesy to change your rsvp if your plans change,. Please try not to cancel at the last minute unless absolutely necessary.. A pattern of canceling will result in not being able to sign up for events for a period of time We are a very fun , active group that likes to have fun !! We are always up for anything( some of us , LOL) and welcome suggestions for new activities. It's all about coming together with the IE over 40 crowd and sharing new experiences and meeting new people. If this sounds like something you would enjoy , give our group a try !!! We have a group facebook page for members only so do a search for the OVER40CIRCLE on facebook.  Please don't share any pictures on social media off our or off meet up unless you have the permission of whoever is in the picture Our policies for 2022 are on the message board under the About Group Category PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS INFO **WAIVER AGREEMENT:** By joining this group and attending any event you agree to hold The 'Over 40' Circle , the Organizer, Asst Organizers, event organizers, co-organizers and any hosts harmless for any issues whatsoever arising from club activities and events.
81 members · Private

Abundant Fun and Friendship - So Cal

Riverside, CA

Abundant Fun and Friendship - So Cal
Live a life of abundant fun and happiness!! Come share it with others as we indulgence in social activities. This is for people who are single professionals, business minded entrepreneurs and working hard every day to build success. Take time out from your busy lifestyle and come out for a drink or two. This is not a dating meet up but more for business professionals looking to meet new people, build friendships, expand their network and share your stories of life abundant. We will meet at different venues, night bars, restaurants or other social scenes around the Inland Empire where we can interact and chat. Let's let loose and dance a little, share laughs and stories, maybe we'll do bowling or Karaoke nights, outdoor activities like hiking, softball or volleyball. We can meet at night clubs or make it a movie night; the options are endless!! Even though I open it up to various activities, the notion of this group is to take a break, come out and play. Who knows, maybe you will find that special someone here or that long lost business partner you were looking for. Come alone or bring friends, the more the merrier. The group is open to many, including couples but more for single professionals looking for more in life abundance. Let's meet new friends, build business partners and long-lasting relationships all while enjoying fun active social events!! Three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others, sharing with others. - William Arthur Ward. Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature. - Steve Maraboli Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. - Wayne Dyer \
2426 members · Public