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Outdoor activities groups near Castle Rock, CO

Denver Outdoor Networking

Denver, CO

Denver Outdoor Networking
This group will provide networking opportunities for those in the Denver metro area with a focus on our shared love of the beautiful outdoors. Networking events will be in or around outdoor venues, and may be accompanied by light outdoor activities such as walking, hiking, swimming, horseshoes, frisbee, etc. The purpose of this group is to help Denver area outdoor lovers build healthy networks by meeting new people and creating connection with others in and around our natural environment. Activities will be for most fitness levels and focused on conversation and getting to know each other. Adults of all ages, professions, and skill levels are welcome to attend and network. Please no unsolicited sales pitches during our events. NOTE: I try to start and end my events on-time out of respect people's time. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early so as not to hold the group up. I would also like to find others who are interested in hosting events through this if you are interested in hosting a networking event, please message me. My Bio - I am a Sr. Portfolio Manager for a large technology company. I have an MBA along with my PMP, CSM, CSPO certifications. I moved to Denver 12 years ago because of the outdoor recreation opportunities and strong economy. I'm an avid outdoor enthusiast and enjoy meeting people and building relationships. Growing my professional network and building a community of like-minded people is one of my goals this here I go :-) NOTE: There is absolutely no tolerance for prejudiced, violent, and/or unlawful behavior. Inclusion, respect, and honesty are core values and expected from everyone. Violators will be warned and/or removed. Disclaimer and Release By signing up and/or participating you are confirming that you have read and understand the below information. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- DISCLAIMER: "Denver Outdoor Networking” and its event organizers (“the “Organizers”) are not responsible for your safety and/or well-being. Outdoor activities are inherently dangerous and have their inherent risks. Risks include, but are not limited to, potential injury from cars, trees, the ground, unmarked obstacles or obstructions, snow/ice, other riders, dehydration, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, mechanical failures, slips/trips/falls, etc. By signing up for these events and/or participating in any pre/during/post adventure activities related to this group you agree to release "Denver Outdoor Networking” group of and its Organizers from ANY responsibility, liability or claim in law or in equity. If you DON’T agree to these terms, DO NOT JOIN THIS MEETUP EVENT OR PARTICIPATE IN ANY ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES. "Denver Outdoor Networking” group of doesn’t certify the expertise of the Organizers. The Organizers in this Meetup group are volunteers. You are responsible for yourself and personal safety at all times. You acknowledge and understand fully that there are risks and dangers of serious bodily injury and death that could result from your participation in any event. You have voluntarily elected to participate in the events listed under "Denver Outdoor Networking” events and FULLY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL RISKS AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURY, LOSSES AND DAMAGES TO PERSON OR PROPERTY THAT INCUR AS A RESULT OF YOUR PARTICIPATION. You represent that you are qualified, in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in the "Denver Outdoor Networking” events. If at any time during your participation you feel your physical condition no longer allows you to participate safely or you believe the event becomes unsafe, you will immediately stop your participation. YOU AGREE NOT TO SUE AND TO RELEASE, DISCHARGE, WAIVE, HOLD HARMLESS AND TO INDEMNIFY "Denver Outdoor Networking” GROUP OF MEETUP.COM AND THEIR ORGANIZERS FROM AND AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSSES, DAMAGES, SUITS AND PROCEEDINGS, REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE, INCLUDING THE NEGLIGENCE OR CARELESSNESS OF ANY RELEASE, ARISING OR RESULTING FROM YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THESE EVENTS. By participating in "Denver Outdoor Networking” activities you are asserting and reaffirming that you are of least 18 years or age and are legally bound by your actions and decisions. You understand that the "Denver Outdoor Networking” group of may, from time to time, take photographic, digital or video images of event participants for advertising purposes. You hereby agree to allow "Denver Outdoor Networking” group of to use those images for that purpose without expectation of privacy or remuneration.
1124 members · Public

Spring into Adventure

Castle Rock, CO

Spring into Adventure
We are a group that loves adventure, loves to hike, loves fun, loves to connect, and loves the outdoors! Easy, moderate, or difficult, we'll offer a diverse mix of hikes that may challenge you or just get you out of the house and into Colorado's beauty. Either way, get off the couch, sign up, and meet new people! All ages welcome! This group is made up of singles, marrieds, in-betweens, and people who are in transition. Are you new to the area or have you lived here for many years? Come out and join us! We are not a swingers group or "in business" just so folks can hook up. We are a collection of many different individuals who just want to have fun together! : ) **PLEASE READ: GENERAL RULES AND LIABILITY WAIVER** You are required to read and agree to all of our general rules and liability waiver in order to participate in our events. It is NOT necessary for you to physically sign the waiver for it to be in effect. These are the general rules and waiver of liability (it is not necessary for you to physically sign this for it to be in force, but you must agree to it to participate in our meetups). **Please read!** 1. Our main goal/mission is to make new friends, hike, snowshoe, experience the beautiful outdoors, and enjoy getting together. Some of the hikes and other activities we have experienced before, but many will be new to us. 2. Activities this group is involved in can be risky. Every year people are hurt, maimed, and killed because they go beyond their skill and abilities, get lost due to lack of knowledge or preparation, get caught in the weather, or are unprepared with the wrong gear. 3. We are not a professional athletic organization. We are not professional hikers or guides. We are not professional event organizers. We can offer tips (suggestions), but whether or not you follow these (tips) suggestions is entirely up to you. We are not responsible if you do not. We typically rate each hike according to ease/difficulty. We generally use Alltrails when rating a hike. You are aware that ratings may be subjective, as what is easy for one person is difficult for another. If an Alltrails rating is not available, we may subjectively rate based on various factors, including distance and elevation gain. Because we are not professional hikers, it is up to you to conduct the necessary research to understand the conditions of a hike, whether it is easy or difficult, and the gear you will require. 4. We are not a competitive organization, that is - we set a time and place to meet before an outing, sometimes an average expected time to finish an outing (this is very subjective), and, on occasions, an approximate time range to meet at a designated venue afterward. We expect you to hike at your own pace, but understand that it is impractical for the group organizers to keep track of you the entire time on an outing. 5. This is a voluntary group, it is free, and as such, you participate on these outings at your own risk and are responsible for your own personal safety, the safety of your guests (and the safety of your dogs, should you bring them). As mentioned above, we can offer tips that will minimize these risks, but cannot obviously eliminate them. Please try to use common sense and know your physical limits. We will not judge you if you participate at a slow pace, or cannot finish an event in its entirety. Try to be smart about this. We want everyone to have a safe, enjoyable time. 6. Although we may get together afterward at an establishment that typically serves alcohol, we are not responsible for you taking risks with alcohol consumption and driving. Furthermore, if you drive, we encourage you not to drink any alcoholic beverage. People that drive carpools should especially keep this in mind as you are obviously responsible for other people besides yourself and should make sure your insurance covers non-family members. DISCLAIMER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEMBER RESPONSIBILITY, EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY IT IS NOT NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS AND GUESTS TO PHYSICALLY SIGN THIS WAIVER FOR IT TO BE IN FORCE – AGREEMENT OF THESE TERMS ARE A CONDITION OF JOINING SPRING INTO ADVENTURE AND/OR PARTICIPATING IN ANY ACTIVITY ORGANIZED BY SPRING INTO ADVENTURE. Spring into Adventure, its organizers, assistant organizers, leaders, and event hosts assume ABSOLUTELY NO responsibility, including but not limited to injury or loss of any kind/form due to the use of information, or participating in activities found on this group/site. By becoming the member/participant of Spring into Adventure, you agree to the terms and conditions of the group: I understand that during my participation in the Spring into Adventure outings, I may be exposed to a variety of hazards and risks, foreseen or unforeseen, which are inherent in each outing and cannot be eliminated. These inherent risks include, but are not limited to, the dangers of serious personal injury, property damage, and death (“Injuries and Damages”) from exposure to the hazards of travel and participating in the outdoors. Spring into Adventure has not tried to contradict or minimize my understanding of these risks. I know that Injuries and Damages can occur by natural causes or by activities of other persons, animals, trip members, hiking organizers and assistant organizers, or third parties, either as a result of negligence or because of other reasons. I understand that risks of such Injuries and Damages are involved in such outings, and I appreciate that I may have to exercise extra care for my own person and for others around me in the face of such hazards. I further understand that on this outing there may not be rescue or medical facilities or expertise necessary to deal with the Injuries and Damages to which I may be exposed. In addition, I fully understand the risks of weather, climate, and other outdoor conditions that are foreseen or unforeseen that can risk injury and/or death that Spring into Adventure assumes no responsibility for. NO INSURANCE; NO MEDICAL EXPENSES. I understand that Spring into Adventure and others involved in events do not provide me with any insurance, including life, medical, dental, motor vehicle, or liability, for any illness, accident, injury, loss, or damage that may arise in connection with my participation in or attendance at any Spring into Adventure event. If I want insurance of any kind, I must obtain my own insurance. I will pay my own medical emergency expenses and all subsequent medical expenses associated with any illness, accident, or injury in connection with any Spring into Adventure event. I agree to WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY Spring into Adventure, its Organizers, event hosts, and leaders from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from Injuries and Damages, in any way connected with the Activity. I will not initiate any lawsuit, court action, or other legal proceedings against Spring into Adventure, its Organizers, leaders, assistant organizers, and event hosts. I further agree to HOLD HARMLESS Spring into Adventure and leaders, Organizers, or event hosts from any claims, damages, injuries or losses caused by my own negligence, or someone else's negligence, while a participant on the Activity. I understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release is binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying me on the Activity. If I bring guests to participate in the Meetup event, I take full responsibility for the guests and agree to all the above terms and conditions. CARPOOLS: There are times when carpooling is included in the event description. You are not required to carpool to event locations, but individuals interested in carpooling may voluntarily do so or organize on their own. You are advised that the use of carpool system is voluntary and entirely at the discretion of participants. Spring into Adventure or the organizers assume no responsibility. It is the responsibility of individuals participating in a carpool to notify their insurance provider of their intent to carry non-family passengers and to ensure that they have adequate coverage to protect both themselves and their passengers. It is the responsibility of the individual accepting a ride in a carpool to ensure that the driver of the vehicle has an acceptable driving record, is licensed accordingly, and has adequate insurance to protect both driver and passengers. Spring into Adventure and organizers are not way responsible for verifying or certifying the reliability, driving ability, or insurance status of drivers and participants using a carpool. PHOTOS TAKEN DURING THE EVENT/ACTIVITY While participating in the group activities, your photo may be taken and be posted on the group website by the event organizer or other participants. We cannot control other people taking photos and uploading it on to the site, but we can remove photos. It is your responsibility to inform others if you do not wish to be photographed and inform us if any of your photos should be removed from the site. EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY I have read this document in its entirety and I freely and voluntarily assume all risks of such Injuries and Damages and notwithstanding such risks, I agree to participate in the Activity. In consideration for my acceptance as a participant on any outing, and the services and amenities to be provided by Spring into Adventure in connection with the outing, I confirm my understanding that: • I have read any rules and conditions applicable to the outing made available to me; and I acknowledge my participation is at the discretion of the Organizer(s). • The outing officially begins and ends at the location(s) designated by the Group organizer. The outing does not include transportation or transit to and from the outing, and I am personally responsible for all risks associated with this travel. If carpooling is available, it is voluntary. • If I decide to leave early and not to complete the outing as planned, I assume all risks inherent in my decision to leave and further waive all liability against Spring into Adventure and its Organizer(s) and event host(s) arising from that decision. Likewise, if the Organizer(s) and event host(s) have concluded the outing and I decide to go forward without the leader, I assume all risks inherent in my decision to go forward and continue to waive all liability against Spring into Adventure and its Organizer(s) and event host(s) arising from that decision. However, breaking away from an organizer(s) and event host(s) on/during an outing may result in restriction or removal from Spring into Adventure. • This Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by State and Federal law. If any provision or any part of any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or legally unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain valid and fully enforceable. • COVENANT NOT TO SUE. To the fullest extent allowed by law, I agree to WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY Spring into Adventure, its Organizers, directors, agents, assistant organizers, event hosts, and leaders from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from Injuries and Damages, even if caused by the negligence of Spring into Adventure, its Organizers, officers, directors, agents, assistant organizers, event hosts, and leaders, in any way connected with an outing. I further agree to HOLD HARMLESS Spring into Adventure, its Organizers, officers, directors, agents, assistant organizers, events hosts, and leaders from any claims, damages, injuries or losses caused by my own negligence while a participant on the outing. I understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release is binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying me on the outing. • I have read this document in its entirety, and I freely and voluntarily assume all risks of such Injuries and Damages and notwithstanding such risks, I agree to participate in the outing. IT IS NOT NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS AND GUESTS TO PHYSICALLY SIGN THIS WAIVER FOR IT TO BE IN FORCE – AGREEMENT OF THESE TERMS ARE A CONDITION OF JOINING SPRING INTO ADVENTURE AND/OR PARTICIPATING IN ANY ACTIVITY ORGANIZED BY SPRING INTO ADVENTURE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT AND THAT BY BECOMING A MEMBER OF SPRING INTO ADVENTURE, JUST BY BEING IN THE MEETUP, AND BY SIGNING ON TO ANY ACTIVITY, I AM AGREEING TO ITS TERMS WITH THE SAME FORCE AND EFFECT AS IF I WERE SIGNING IT. I UNDERSTAND THAT BY AGREEING TO THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY I AM GIVING UP MY RIGHT TO SUE OR OTHERWISE MAKE ANY CLAIM AGAINST SPRING INTO ADVENTURE, ORGANIZERS, LEADERS, ASSISTANT ORGANIZERS, OFFICER, DIRECTORS, AND EVENT HOSTS. FOR ANY MINOR (A PERSON UNDER 18 YEARS OLD), THE MINOR'S PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST ALSO READ AND AUTOMATICALLY ACCEPT THIS WAIVER, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS, AND I AGREE TO THEIR TERMS. I HAVE READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT CAREFULLY.
3275 members · Public

Weekend Hikers...Plus

Castle Rock, CO

Weekend Hikers...Plus

DO NOT USE THIS WEBSITE FOR ADVERTISEMENT OF YOUR PRODUCTS OR SERVICES!!!! If you have what you think is a legitimate message you'd like to share with the group send it to me via e-mail and I'll decided on it.

Camaraderie. Conversation. Fresh Air & Exercise

Join us for an opportunity to meet new people while getting outdoors. Kids are welcome. Fido too on his/her leash where allowed. On weekends we usually stick fairly close to Denver with hikes offering great Colorado scenery and views. You will sometimes get to see big horn sheep (like on the Quandary climb), hawks soaring overhead (like from dinosaur Ridge) , wildflowers in the spring, and songbirds in the forest. We usually stop off for lunch on the way home.

Folks it is winter now. And we are in Colorado. Please come to your outing prepared. Depending on the outing you may need snowshoes or spikes and poles. Dress in layers and try to stay away from anything cotton. And as we get further into winter be prepared to attach your snowshoes to your pack. 

We have different hikes. We do from easy to moderate hikes in the foothills with 300 to 600 feet elevation gain to more challenging hikes higher up in the mountains. Decent trail shoes or boots are recommended along with some extra clothing, a snack and some water.

We also mix in more advanced trips on a regular basis like backpacking the Grand Canyon, other National Parks and Wilderness Areas in Colorado and other states. 

Please assess each the outing based on your abilities, gear and physical conditioning. Same for the kids if they plan to come along. Join the group and we'll email you the hike details, directions to the park-n-ride we're using and directions to the trailhead each week so you can make your plans.

5089 members · Public


Littleton, CO



Welcome to the finest...and most active...Meetup group in Colorado!

We extend our warmest invitation to YOU to join our amazing family, amazing adventures, and discover why SO many refer to DFO as their home group!

Chances are, you didn't join Meetup to sit still.  We couldn't agree more!

With us, You're immersed fast. Right away, you'll have a wealth of opportunity for getting together with all of us. 'Facebook'  stays at home, ...we get Face2Face!

The perfect formula for anyone;  Great enjoyment, Fascinating locations, Limitless variety...AND...making a positive difference for our community at the same time.

Here's a little preview video to tell the story for you:

-VIDEO:  2ndAnniversary4Group

ALSO! .....PLEASE DO check out our extensive photo album which further highlights our incredible story!

SPECIAL NOTE!  .... Since we are indeed a very active group, we do tend to generate MANY emails.  Good News... you can tailor email activity to your preference to reduce these substantially.  After joining us, simply go to MY PROFILE ... EMAILS AND NOTIFICATIONS .... Then just select, or deselect, whichever items you'd prefer.

- We discover MANY more attractions, activities, and VERY cool happenings of what Colorado offers in and about the region than even some natives realized were there!

-Want to join us in making a difference in the lives of some fantastic kids?? Whether it's serving up a good meal, or spending some time just hanging out, reading a book together, kicking the ball, make some HUGE smiles??  We get the job done!

-MUSIC....ABSOLUTELY! From local symphonies to top artists, from our neighborhood parks to Red Rocks....Let's Go!

-Our VERY OWN 'IRON CHEFS' Creating some amazing dishes for ANY occasion!  (Our Potluck-Style parties and gatherings are simply NOT to be missed! )

-SOMEONE MENTION HIKING? ....YES!! So many great trails....and MANY great people to do it with! Best part?....No extreme marathons here. Just great strolls with great folks in the best spots!

-How about sacred nights of campfires and quiet conversation under the evergreens??? Or maybe just a candlelit night walk.....3000+ CANDLES for a nighttime walk you won't believe!

-PLUS! ALL our members can suggest and/or organize their own events giving ANYONE a chance to catch up with fellow members for a drink, eats, sports,.... you name ANYTIME in addition to main, scheduled events.....Get together when YOU want to!

Your choice, Your calendar....There's really only one thing left to do......





6045 members · Private