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Outdoor activities groups near Riverview, FL

Tampa Sports and Activities

Tampa, FL

Tampa Sports and Activities
Welcome to the Tampa Sports & Activities! Our goal is to encourage an active and social lifestyle designed around sports and activities like sand and grass volleyball, board games, trivia, etc. We strive to continue creating a fun and friendly-competitive environment of all age groups (18+), offering a safe space for those looking to de-stress, work up a sweat, and meet new people with shared interests. We will sometimes get together before, after, or outside of organized events for socialization purposes and we encourage all to attend! Feel free to contact a host if you are unsure whether you would make a good fit for an event. 🎟MANDATORY RSVP: We require ALL attendees to RSVP to each event in order to participate. If you remain on the waitlist for an event, you are ineligible to join the event. IMPORTANT NOTES: ⛑ Please note that you assume full responsibility for any risk or injury by participating in each event. 🔞To minimize risk, you must be 18 or older to partake in this event. 📵 This is not a dating site. Anyone randomly messaging or harassing players will be removed immediately for their safety. 😷 Do NOT attend any event if you are currently sick with any contagious disease/illness. 📻 Music will be controlled by the hosts unless host deem otherwise. 🚭 Smoking and Vaping are NOT permitted in close proximity to the playing area. If you choose to smoke or vape please do so away from the playing area and away from other participants. ☮ Hosts of the event reserve the right to remove any players based on misconduct or inability to follow any of the guidelines presented in this description to keep this a healthy and safe space for all. Players who RSVP with the group and play with other groups will be removed. Players who do not have the best interest for the group will be removed. 🏅Bring a friendly attitude, positive mindset, determination to play, and willingness to help others grow! 🆘 If you have any other questions or concerns related to this event, please contact our Hosts or Event Organizers.
554 members · Private

Tampa Bay Outdoor Adventures (20’s & 30’s)

Tampa, FL

Tampa Bay Outdoor Adventures (20’s & 30’s)
If you are a young adult this is the perfect group to try out with the most active group in the area. This is the fastest growing group in Tampa since I launched this back in May. This is now one of the most popular groups in the area with many events having 50+ on the weekends. Very often once a member attend one of our events the first time they sign up for another 5 events I have a good amount of regulars at events which help break the ice for newer members at our events. Events I offer will be a range of big ones and smaller ones. This meetup isn’t the typical bar hopping ones. I offer events like hiking, kayaking, arts & crafts, book club, dancing, pickleball, outdoor adventures, unique events like field day games. I pledge to make this a very active group with many different events. I like to have a balance of big events like beach days and top golf and smaller events trying to group other peoples hobbies together. Target people who like hiking, yoga, camping, beach days, kayaking, water sports, campfires, sunset, star gazing, biking, etc. As someone who grew up in Utah with the outdoors, I am looking to connect other outdoor lovers like myself too. IMPORTANT GROUP POLICY If you can no longer make it to an event you need to either update your rsvp or message one of the organizers. I understand something comes up no worries please respect our time it takes a lot time and effort to organize events which we do volunteer. After 2 times no showing without updating rsvp will result in removal in group. This will be strictly enforced with our members we haven’t met yet.
2360 members · Private

⛺️🥾 Outdoor Overnight Adventures 🚴‍♀️🛶

Tampa, FL

⛺️🥾 Outdoor Overnight Adventures 🚴‍♀️🛶
This group's focus will be to bring outdoor enthusiasts of all experience levels from beginners to advanced together to share a multitude of outdoor adventures. We look forward to sharing our passion and knowledge of the great outdoors with future overnight events in backpacking, kayaking and biking trips. We host Beginner Backpacking Clinics, and are planning quite a few one night to multi night beginner to advanced adventure trips throughout the year. Our adventures are usually in Florida but we do have a few out-of-state trips planned as well. The cost of trips will be for any out-of-pocket expenses associated with the event. Travel to event locations will be the responsibility of each participant. As well as the necessary equipment and gear to participate in the adventure. ***ASSUMPTION OF RISK*** **Certain risks are inherent in any outdoor activity. Your participation in any event of Outdoor Overnight Adventure Group is your expressed acknowledgement of understanding and acceptance of full responsibility and liability for all and any associated Risk. All members, any participant or guest, agree to accept personal responsibility for his or her safety at all times. As Outdoor Overnight Adventures group cannot ensure the safety of any participants on any of its activities. In participating in an Outdoor Overnight Adventure event, each such person agrees to hold harmless and free from blame Outdoor Overnight Adventures Group, any Organizers, Activity Leader(s) and Volunteers, and its Members, for any accident, injury, or illness which might be sustained from participating in any of its activities. Neither Outdoor Overnight Adventure Group, Organizers, Activity Leaders, nor land managers are in any way liable for any injury or illness you might sustain from participating in any activity with said group.**  **By joining this group Overnight Outdoor Adventures you agree that you have read, understand and fully agree to the terms of the above stated assumption of Risk. That you understand and confirm by participating in any Outdoor Overnight Adventure is proof of my intention to execute a complete and unconditional WAIVER AND RELEASE of all liability to the full extent of the law.**
258 members · Public

Tampa Bay Area - 45+ Active Couples Group

Tampa, FL

Tampa Bay Area - 45+ Active Couples Group
**Tampa Bay Area - 45+ Active Couples Group is not considering new applications for membership at this time. We like to keep our group small and intimate to allow friendships to nurture and so far we have met that goal. We will consider new applications as spots become available. Thank you for your interest.** Hello and welcome to 45+ Active Couples Group! Our members range in age from 45 to 70"s. We are a group of outgoing, active, social couples located all around the Tampa Bay area. Our vision is to make new friends while enjoying the many different venues and events that the Tampa Bay area has to offer such as…exploring new restaurants and new places, walking/hiking, festivals, live music, and various other activities! This is NOT a group for swingers, singles or those looking to hook up. Our membership is limited to married or committed couples who enjoy socializing and having fun. Our activities are based upon the interest of its members and your active participation is welcomed. Guidelines: 1)To help cover some of the costs to keep the website up and running, we are asking for an **annual contribution of $10 per couple**. This is only due when you have attended your first meetup and then decide if the group is for you before contributing. 2)Since this is a meetup for couples, we ask that you post a picture of both of you. If you cannot, your application will be declined. Also, please complete the brief profile. 3)Since many of our activities may require reservations, it is expected that if you RSVP yes, but are unable to attend, that you cancel within adequate notice (optimally within 24 hours). 4) Social media is really great but the intent of this group is to develop personal relationships. 5) We do ask that this remain an adult only meet-up group, unless otherwise specified. 6) No swingers or couples involved in a polyamorous lifestyle. 7) Inactive members will be removed after six months and we reserve the right to remove/restrict/decline members for inappropriate behavior.
34 members · Private

Walking Innovators Tampa

Tampa, FL

Walking Innovators Tampa
Walking Innovators is a hiking group for entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, local professionals, and innovators with a unique format: combine walking/hiking activities with brainstorming, intellectually stimulating conversations, etc. Meet other innovators, get advice, bounce ideas, learn something new, make friends, and find help and support from your peers - professionals in the same or similar industries - all while hiking and enjoying nature. You won't even notice, as you get more fit, improve your posture and get a good workout in the most natural way (just as our ancestors did), while doing their daily chores. The human body requires a lot of movement to stay healthy (10000 steps daily recommended by the American Heart Association) and the Austin metropolitan area offers some great trails/views and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. We can start with some simple yet effective walking and exercise techniques (courtesy of my chiropractor and gymnastic in structor in Europe) while discussing various topics of interest. We hope that the fresh air, beautiful nature, and interesting conversations with other innovators will inspire us to come up with new ideas, find teams/partners, create amazing projects, launch start-ups, and maximize our potential in general. Topics can be suggested for each meetup and we can form interest groups for every hike - anything from technology to management, education, etc. We can also team up with other meetups and expand our horizons. Feel free to provide your suggestions, new ideas, and comments - we look forward to exploring opportunities that this new format presents. The Walking Innovators group was first started in SF Bay Area in August of 2011 and expanded to Hawaii (Oahu), Los Angeles and Austin, TX. Now we are thrilled to restart the group for the new generation of entrepreneurs and innovators.
61 members · Public

► Tampa Bay Young Professionals Group

Tampa, FL

► Tampa Bay Young Professionals Group
**Welcome! Many wonderful friendships have started here. We are the original Meetup group in Tampa Bay for fun, adventurous, and cultured friends, mostly in our mid-20's through 30's.  This is the most active and most emulated group of this type in Tampa Bay. Whether you are New in Town or a Florida native, come meet new friends and discover new places with us. Enjoy a broad array of events that you can participate in and create.** **The intention of this group is to encourage community, friendship, and fun with a variety of events including \~** cultural explorations and outdoor adventures, career building & networking, pub crawls & wine tastings, bowling & ice skating, casual soirées, and just hanging out and relaxing with new friends. Most events are budget friendly, with occasional excuses to splurge on a night on the town! Your feedback and contribution is appreciated - if you have an idea or suggestion, share it with everyone. Also let us know if you may be interested in helping to host events in the future. This group is great because of all of our members. Contact our Organizer Krister & Event Organizers including Mallory and Jodi. Looking forward to your friendship & company! Sincerely, Michele Smith Organizer for the Tampa Bay Young Professionals ![]( \*\* This is a group for civic-minded people who like to have fun while striving to be safety-conscious and to avoid spread, not only for ourselves but for the good of broader community and economy, in Tampa Bay and beyond. If you have supported fun, responsible activity while looking out for others, then this is the group for you. \*\* Terms & Conditions \- All Meetup account terms apply\, including no soliciting of services or personal agendas to individual members\. Share other ideas for the benefit of the group by contacting organizers about creating an event\. \- To be in our group\, a nice photo is required that shows the member's face\. Please see new PHOTO Guidelines below\.  \- Also\, many members have expressed happiness at finding a Meetup group with peers in Tampa Bay of a younger age range\, and we do maintain this by generally requiring that new members be age 23 \- 39 \(we selectively stretch this\)\. Other requirements include answering profile questions and joining as an individual \(mention significant other\, if applicable\, but introduce one person in profile\)\. Thanks\. \- Annual membership is $5\. This group is financially possible thanks to member support\, so become a Supporting Member with a donation of $5/year \~ now that’s a good deal\! Member support allows us to cover the fees charged by Meetup\.com\. Supporting the group financially contributes to the ongoing success and stability of the group\. Supporting Members are given preference and have had priority access to special events\! Most of all\, you will enjoy the satisfaction of helping make future activities and friendships possible\. \- PHOTO Guidelines: We require a nice face pic of the member\, on the member's group profile\. Here are a few photo issues popping up recently:  \* No photo showing at all (photo must be selected specific to group).  \* Photo does not show member. \* Distant, or Can barely see member's face. \* Shirtless, or tone that doesn't match our group (Guys, we won't have this in our group).  \* Thumbnail photos (perhaps due to Facebook link and Meetup bug?). \* Multiple people in photo, without a note in profile to clarify which is the member.  \* Sunglasses -- we used to welcome people into the group with opaque/reflective sunglasses, but this was happening with increasing frequency, so we're now encouraging everyone to show their eyes.  The point is to share a nice face pic, to match the friendly, fun, appropriate tone of the group. We ask for this photo for a variety of reasons, including to help members know who will be at events. Thanks!
6873 members · Private