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Outdoor activities groups near San Antonio, FL

Tampa Sports and Activities

Tampa, FL

Tampa Sports and Activities
Welcome to the Tampa Sports & Activities! Our goal is to encourage an active and social lifestyle designed around sports and activities like sand and grass volleyball, board games, trivia, etc. We strive to continue creating a fun and friendly-competitive environment of all age groups (18+), offering a safe space for those looking to de-stress, work up a sweat, and meet new people with shared interests. We will sometimes get together before, after, or outside of organized events for socialization purposes and we encourage all to attend! Feel free to contact a host if you are unsure whether you would make a good fit for an event. šŸŽŸMANDATORY RSVP: We require ALL attendees to RSVP to each event in order to participate. If you remain on the waitlist for an event, you are ineligible to join the event. IMPORTANT NOTES: ā›‘ Please note that you assume full responsibility for any risk or injury by participating in each event. šŸ”žTo minimize risk, you must be 18 or older to partake in this event. šŸ“µ This is not a dating site. Anyone randomly messaging or harassing players will be removed immediately for their safety. šŸ˜· Do NOT attend any event if you are currently sick with any contagious disease/illness. šŸ“» Music will be controlled by the hosts unless host deem otherwise. šŸš­ Smoking and Vaping are NOT permitted in close proximity to the playing area. If you choose to smoke or vape please do so away from the playing area and away from other participants. ā˜® Hosts of the event reserve the right to remove any players based on misconduct or inability to follow any of the guidelines presented in this description to keep this a healthy and safe space for all. Players who RSVP with the group and play with other groups will be removed. Players who do not have the best interest for the group will be removed. šŸ…Bring a friendly attitude, positive mindset, determination to play, and willingness to help others grow! šŸ†˜ If you have any other questions or concerns related to this event, please contact our Hosts or Event Organizers.
558 members Ā· Private

šŸŒ“Suncoast OutdoorsšŸ„¾

Tampa, FL

šŸŒ“Suncoast OutdoorsšŸ„¾
* **Suncoast Outdoors** *is a hiking and camping group at its core. Throughout the year, we do many day hikes as well as a number of overnight backpacking trips- in Florida and out of state. We host many paddling and casual cycling events! We do group camp outings as well.* * **Suncoast Outdoors** *has activities for the beginner/intermediate, the experienced long distance trekker, and everyone in between.* * **Suncoast Outdoors** *Event Hosts share a deep well of experience within our ranks. We are happy to share this with the outdoor community.* * **Suncoast Outdoors** *is for those who share our passion for the great outdoors, and want to experience the benefits that being actively immersed in nature provide.* * **Suncoast Outdoors** *is family friendly. We encourage youngsters to join and get outside with us.* **YOUR RSVP TO ATTEND A *"SUNCOAST OUTDOORS "* SPONSORED EVENT IS YOUR EXPRESS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING AND UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF FULL PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR ALL ASSOCIATED RISKS.** **If you bring a guest who is not currently a member of Suncoast Outdoors, you have assumed such liability for that guest. Your guest is free to join our group and register individually, thereby releasing you from any such liability.** ***Possible risks from participation include, but are not limited to:*** **Injury from a trip & fall, venomous snakes, stinging insects, venomous spiders, wildlife encounters, heat stroke, hypothermia, noxious vegetation, weather related injury, insect or airborne transmissible virus and disease, smoke inhalation, wildfire, falling trees, drowning** ***Currently, Suncoast Outdoors has NO annual membership fee. We collect NO per event fees. On occasion we will ask for donations to offset out of pocket costs associated with particular events. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to reach out to me.*** Sincerely, Lenny
2904 members Ā· Public

CE-5, CE-6 & 7 Tampa Bay at Darby Ranch, Dade City, FL USA

Dade City, FL

CE-5, CE-6 & 7 Tampa Bay at Darby Ranch, Dade City, FL USA
Darby Ranch is a Tao Based CE-5 meditation and instruction group. We at Darby Ranch are here to create an environment for our members in which a positive spiritual catalyst occurs which facilitates the initiation of positive ET/NHI contact through the healing light of universal compassion and understanding and sharing that light with others. CE-5, CE-6 (NHI) & 7 Tampa Bay at Darby Ranch, Dade City, FL USA Definitions: CE-5: ā€œHuman Initiated bilateral contact experiences that are a result of conscious, voluntary, proactive and cooperative communication between human and extraterrestrial intelligence.ā€ CE-6: As used in this group it means: ā€œHuman initiated psychologically intimate communicative bilateral contact experiences between humans and Non Human, Inter-dimensional and non-corporeal intelligences that are a result of conscious, voluntary, positive and proactive cooperative communication.ā€ CE-7: ā€œHuman initiated invitation for positive bilateral contact with extraterrestrial beings and non-human intelligences that result in invitation and voluntary entry into and exit from an ET vehicle, structure, enclosure (xendra) or conveyance.ā€ CE-5, 6 and 7 are more than just making contact and seeing UFOs. CE-5, 6 and 7 are and should be an important part of a means to oneā€™s self-cultivation, spiritual evolution and refinement as a human being and sentiently connected member of the universe and beyond. The ultimate goal of this self cultivation and transformation is not to merely see UFOs but to connect the CE practitioner to the infinite intelligence of Universal Source and the ā€œIntegral Space-Time Highwayā€ that makes ET/NHI contact possible. It has been our experience that as one self-cultivates, his or her spirit becomes integrated and synthesized. Those who become harmonized physically, mentally and spiritually can then begin to move interdimensionally and through the recognition of self by self and others as self can open up gateways to healing, ET/NHI contact and even more importantly to our infinite intelligent and compassionate universal source. Successful CE ET/NHI contact is more than just following someone elseā€™s protocol. It is a consequence of our successful self-cultivation and the development of higher spiritual capabilities. What we do here at Darby Ranch is to help cultivate through ourselves and CE-5 something that is so enormous that it equates to cultivating the universe. That is why we are here. That is why we do what we do. According to Mr. Murburg, ā€œCE-5 is not about about just seeing UFOs. It is far more. CE-5 is a gateway for those who have become spiritually evolved enough to search for it. It is the beginning of a spiritual journey the results of which will depend upon the practitionerā€™s (and groupā€™s) levels of actual spiritual evolution which comes through the cultivation of non-materiality and the refinement of non-ego. Just as there is no ultimate dharma, no method of CE-5, 6 or 7is definitive. For beginners an orthodox CE-5 protocol may be necessary.Ā  For others who have been able to make contact, an orthodox CE-5 protocol is of little use or relevance. Any CE method is merely a means of activating a spiritual end and getting a positive ontological metaphysical result in response to oneā€™s heightened spiritual state and projected positive intention. Darby Ranch is therefore not a place for UFO sightseeing or UAP voyeurism. It is not a place to look for a date or any other reason other than making ET/NHI contact. These entities are real. They exist. They are advanced and they have been coming here out of their own compassion as part of the infinite integral universal source to answer our spiritual need for healing. Relevant contact requires spiritual work. Darby Ranch is a place where deeply spiritual and spiritually like-minded persons may peacefully and safely gather without judgment or recrimination in order to offer and to share their unconditional friendship, love and compassion for each other as spiritual beings and project that in a special way in order to make contact with extraterrestrial and inter dimensional beings and non-human intelligences who are our more ancient spiritual brothers, sisters and celestial counterparts. To that end, CE-5, 6 and 7 are means of beginning both a personal and social spiritual evolution that is necessary for our own personal refinement and the resultant transformation of human society and this planet as we know it into what it can and was always meant to be; something that is very far away from where it has been and where it stands today as a dark, simple and violent place. The Darby Ranch CE Contact, Research and Teaching Institute was founded by Mr. Murburg in 2015 as an outreach resource for other contactes and experiencers. ā€œMikeā€ is a graduate of Princeton University, an honors graduate of the FSU College of Law and has practiced law since 1987. His website is Mike has been a contactee throughout his life and as far back as 1957. After one very extraordinary, profound and photographed CE-3 contact experience on 10/4/15 Mike became involved with the research that was being done at astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchellā€™s and Rey Hernandezā€™s Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters and Extraordinary Experiences, now CCRI, the Consciousness and Contact Research Institute. Mikeā€™s contact history and the early history of the Darby group are memorializedĀ  in Chapter 12 of ā€œBeyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligenceā€ the seminal tome published by CCRI board members Dr. Jon Klimo, (Brown University), Reinerio Hernandez, (Cornell University) and Dr. Rudy Schild, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who has been active in UFO/UAP consciousness research since the mid-1960s. He has authored or contributed to over 250 papers, of which 150 are in refereed journals. ā€œBeyond UFOsā€ is an 820 page work that details the peer reviewed academic research findings of the world's first comprehensive multi-language quantitative and qualitative 5 year academic research study on individuals that have had UFO related contact with Non Human Intelligences and the long term and short term effects that contact has had on them. Reading this study is encouraged but not required to become a member of this meetup group. In 2015 Mike began Darby Ranch initially as part of an experiencer-contactee outreach and counseling program as indicated above. However, based on the significant contact histories and experiences of the initial members, the mission quickly evolved into a Non-Greer affiliated, protocol based ET/NHI CE-5 monthly meetup with a small group of lifelong contactees and Darby Ranch experiencers at its core. Since February 2016 Mike and this group members have engaged in monthly independent ET/NHI contact work. The Darby Ranch group does affiliate with Dr. Stephen Greer but it does confederate with & other independent people & groups in the US and throughout the world that practice CE-5. Mike has also lectured nationally on the subject of the spiritual nature of contact and has striven to demystify, simplify the modus operandi of protocol based contact and to democratize CE-5 so that all can practice it and enjoy its benefits. We charge nothing for his protocol, instruction, orientation or attendance at the Darby Ranchā€™s CE-5 training and CE fieldwork. Donations, however are accepted so that we may keep up the grounds and to continue to provide a safe and unfettered place where participants may safely learn and practice CE-5 and engage with each other and the ET/NHI phenomenon on a monthly and uninterrupted basis. Membership at Darby Ranch is open to people who are spiritually conscious and who want to learn the simplified CE-5 Protocols and engage in close, peaceful Human Initiated Extraterrestrial and NHI (non-human intelligence) contact. Our "Field work" is done nights, once a month at Mike's ranch away from the city lights in Dade City, FL. We are located in central Pasco county just 30 mins N of center city Tampa. We begin our meetup w/an informal meet and greet an hour or so before sunset. This includes a potluck dinner (so bring. food/snacks for yourselves and others) & an orientation thereafter. Orientation is followed by CE-5 meditations at dusk and 10:30 and individual meditations and sky watches that end at 1:30 AM. Before attending, new members are required to have read the Ranch introduction and Protocols that are sent upon membership. This should be done at least two weeks prior to their attendance at their first CE-5 to see if the protocol and group is right for them and visa versa. The group has been extraordinarily successful with well documented close visual encounters and proximal contact with ET/NHI. Our protocol is based in part on the Taoist concepts of self cultivation, spiritual refinement and. transformation. Contained within these concepts are truth, natural piety, (respect and reverence for all life), natural humility, (an indiscriminating love and compassion applied to others and to oneself) and Universal Consciousness, (the recognition of non-duality and the natural connectedness of all beings and things). The Tao also encourages service to others before service to self. To these we add a pre-CE meditation based on gratitude, forgiveness and the dissolution of ego into the singularity of unity consciousness and the oneness of all beings and non-beings (that which can be seen and that which cannot). Further study is encouraged by all members in all of the Conscious Contact modalities including but not limited to positive religious and ā€œparanormalā€ experiences including CE-6 and 7, TSP, Remote Viewing and Shamanic based peak conscious experiences, especially where ET and NHI are involved. That being said, Darby Ranch is a smoke free and free-drug free zone. This meetup is for serious CE-5, 6 and 7 students and experiencers. This group should not be considered a dating meetup. As a consequence of the seriousness of our practitioners, engaging the phenomena here at the ranch just keeps on getting better and better. Successful contact is all about the people that serious CE-5, 6 and 7 contact attracts here and their ability to consciously project through CTS (Conscious Thought Sequencing) the subtle energies of mutual love and compassion through space-time, (a simple technique that you will be taught here) past the interface of what Mike calls ā€œThe Subtle Realmā€. There is truly a miraculous source of human - ET/NHI interaction going on here and we want to share it with as many people as possible. Like it or not, it seems that our only spiritual and physical salvation as a planet and a species will come not from our National and international governments but from our own individual spiritual cultivation and transformation. From our experience, this is what actually brings us the recognition, healing and salvation that comes from above. Attendance at our monthly meetup is limited to only 30 members per meetup. You must be over 18 and a member to attend. Parking, bathroom and skywatch setup is in the field around the fire pit behind the big white barn. Parking is limited to 30 vehicles. Carpooling is advised. Arrive at least one hour before sunset. Do not be late. Gates and parking promptly close at sunset and reopen at 1:30 PM. The Ranchā€™s official Facebook site is: Tampa Hice/ce-5, Darby Ranch, FL, USA Here is a video of one of our CE-5 skywatch and fieldwork. Check Kenā€™s site out and our Facebook page for interesting articles on consciousness and contact. Hope to see yā€™all out here whenever you can make it. Aā€™ho, Love, Peace and Thanks, Sincerely, NMM
628 members Ā· Private

New Tampa Seniors

Tampa, FL

New Tampa Seniors
Please click on **ā€œREAD MOREā€** and review all of the information, before applying to join. NTS is not accepting new members at this time. Please check back after Nov 1, 2024 **As part of the application process, you must contact Dianne Hewitt Dubois directly, by phone at the number listed on the application form or by email:** **It is imperative that you contact Dianne in order to complete the application process.** All qualified applicants are placed on a wait list. The NTS Organizer team will review all applications and admit new members when we have openings in the group. We intentionally limit the number of our members, to provide opportunities for seniors to make friends. By being age appropriate (60+), living within our designated territory and by organizers of NTS creating a wide range of activities for our members to enjoy, we hope to welcome those who want to actively participate. Once approved, you will have full access to our website and the ability to RSVP to our fully explained events. Ā  IMPORTANT GUIDELINES NTS is a seniorā€™s social group ā€“ NOT a dating club.Ā  We welcome married or single seniors who sincerely want to make new friends and enrich their lives.Ā  There are many ā€œsinglesā€ and ā€œmate seekingā€ groups and websites out there for you to join, if that is your primary intent. Ā·We are a private group. We reserve the right to deny or terminate membership, to anyone who cannot meet our membership criteria. Ā·Because our communications are all done via our website and by email, members must be computer literate enough to stay fully informed about RSVPā€™s and payment deadlines regarding admissions to events. Ā· NTS does not provide access in any form, for any vendor, agency or member to attempt to sell services or products to us, or solicit for any charity or cause.Ā  NTS is not a political or religious organization.Ā  We will not provide a forum for any agency, individual or member to attempt to influence us, as to their religious or political viewpoints. Ā·Ā What we ask is that all members treat each other and the personnel at our venues with respect, tip appropriately, and respect the efforts of those who plan our Meetup activities. Those who are abusive, inactive, frequently cancel at the last minute, or are ā€œno-showā€ more than two times or fail to pay for tickets ordered, are subject to removal from the group. Ā·Ā Ā We will usually post about 7- 8 activities per month, such as performing arts, live music, museums, guided tours, boat rides, one-tank trips, botanical gardens, Just Lunches, social gatherings, games and more.Ā  \*\*Active membership does not require attending everything ā€“ just those events where interest, availability and affordability align.Ā  By attending a wide range of activities you will get to meet and share experiences with those who have common interests.Ā  Voila = friendships arise! Some of our events are free and we also strive to get the best prices available (best seats, too) for the ticketed events. Ā·Ā Ā  If you wish to be considered for membership, assuming that you qualify according to our membership criteria, then click on the ā€œJoinā€ button and start the process. Ā·Ā Ā Your profile must have a good headshot photograph of yourself (itā€™s a safety issue that we recognize you when you attend our Meetups). Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Your name must be real with a first and last name (just last initial is ok if you insist ā€“ but we have a bunch of Dianes, Debbies, Nancys, and Susans!)Ā  Contact Dianne Hewitt Dubois our membership coordinator at []( or the phone number listed on the application. Your application will not be complete until Dianne hears from you. Ā·Ā  For our geographic perimeter: The pivot point at the intersection of SR54 & US HWY 41 must be within an approximate 25- 30 min drive time. This ā€œboundaryā€ is loosely defined as our territory. It would encompass New Tampa, Wesley Chapel, Lutz, parts of Land O Lakes, Carrollwood, East to Morris Bridge Rd and West to Suncoast Parkway. The purpose of geographic boundaries, is to promote frequency of attendance and access to carpool locations. Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  To defray the cost of the website and other expenses, our annual dues are $15 ($30 for couples) payable January 1 of each year.Ā  For those joining July 1st, the pro-rated first year dues will be $7.50, payable when you are accepted. Dues are non-refundable.
94 members Ā· Private

Couples Happy Hour New Tampa/Wesley Chapel Meetup

Tampa, FL

Couples Happy Hour New Tampa/Wesley Chapel Meetup

This is an active club of couples who want to participate and have fun and make new couples friends.

 Are you a part of a relationship/married and have the time to visit, dine out, share a drink, and meet other couples? 

Do you like to do things as a couple and have free time on weekdays?

Do you enjoy meeting new people in your community and like to network? 

This group is not limited to happy hour events, it can be dinners, lunches, potlucks, beach parties, bowling, brunch. Just have fun with it! 

This is for couples -- All kinds of couples welcome. 

This club brings together people who like to go out and make new friends. 

Members are expected to be courteous and accurate with their RSVPs and show up when they RSVP yes to an event.

Additional Info:
 One of the requirements to join our group is to post a close up clear photo of you both!

-2 or more no shows/no call and you could be out!  We understand that things come up at the last minute or you could be running late, please just notify us by email, cell/text or you can post a comment in the event date. Nobody enjoys waiting around for people that do not show up.  Please be mindful and courteous to the group.

We want everyone to feel comfortable that they are joining a quality couples group who enjoy having fun and wanting to make new friends. 

If you are new to this group, please RSVP for our upcoming event and get started with making some new friends with some great couples.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our next upcoming event.  :-) 

278 members Ā· Private


Lutz, FL

We are a group of like minded conservatives who have traveled together in the past and are looking for new friends to travel with. The more, the merrier. So if you are interested in making new friends and traveling around the Tampa Bay area, the United States, or the world come meet us. You'll be happy you did. Help us plan trips for the future and new adventures. We will be meeting up for happy hours, dinners, movies and weekend excursions. Basically, anything anyone comes up with that is fun to do as a group. We're not just a travel group. TAMPA-TRAVEL-AND-MEETUP-GROUP is also an adventure group. Our current membership is comprised of predominately singles, with about 20 percent couples. We have members of all ages, but mainly over 40, and with the majority in the 45 to 65 age bracket. We are open to everyone from all walks of life. We go boating, hiking, bike riding, swimming, and other physical events to stay in shape for traveling. []( LEGAL DISCLAIMER AND LIABILITY INFORMATION: By joining this group, RSVP'ing to events, and attending events, you are confirming that you have read, understand and accept the following: \ 1\. TAMPA\-TRAVEL\-AND\-MEETUP\-GROUP is a meetup group\. Attending events or Trips is voluntary by you as a member\. Participation in any activity with us is at your own risk\. 2\. By joining TAMPA\-TRAVEL\-AND\-MEETUP\-GROUP as a member you agree to indemnify and hold harmless TAMPA\-TRAVEL\-AND\-MEETUP\-GROUP\, its organizers\, co\-organizers\, assistant organizers\, event hosts\, and other members from all claims or liability of every type \(including court costs and legal fees\) for injury or death to any person or for damage to property\, loss of personal property or any other wrongful act arising out of or relating to your participation as a member\. This agreement applies to you and to other persons \(as your guests\) who may accompany you in these endeavors\. 3\. You also agree to hold the organizers as well as other group members harmless\. By participating voluntarily in the group\, you expressly waive any and all such claims against each and every other member in the group\, including without limitation any and all claims against the group organizer\, co\-organizers\, assistant organizers\, and event hosts\. 5\. Any social events or trip that TAMPA\-TRAVEL\-AND\-MEETUP\-GROUP sponsors and holds will fall also under the same Disclaimer and Liability guidelines listed above\. 6.NOTE - Having a safe environment is key to the members of šŸ˜Š TAMPA - TRAVEL- AND - MEETUP-GROUP šŸ˜Š so all members are required to Provide & Keep a Current Main Profile Picture of themselves posted at all times so other members can CLEARLY & EASILY identify each other at any of our many events. No Pictures of landscapes, cartoons, flowers, or animals, etc. are allowed as your Main Profile Picture.Please upload at least 1 personal/recognizable photo of yourself to your profile when you join! 7\. If you RSVP "Yes" to an event\, please change your RSVP to "No" if you find out you can't attend the event\. This is just respectful to the group and event location\. "No Shows" are frowned upon\. And chronic no\-shows won't be invited to private events and will not be eligible to become life members\. So please be considerate\, especially when we have a limited amount of people who can attend and we make reservations\. 8\. We have a membership fee of $20 yearly donation if you decide you like the group\. We use the donations to cover costs and special events\. Once you donate to the group you become a contributing member and will receive\, on occassion\, free drinks\, free appetizers\, private invites\, and will be eligible for prizes at upcoming events\.Ā  9.Soliciting- Our group does not welcome soliciting of any nature. Please do not solicit for personal,Ā or business reasons. Promoting for self gain is prohibited.Ā  10\. NO SHOWS \- If a member RSVP's yes for ANY event and does not attend \- this is a No Show\. If a member No Shows five times they are subject to removal from the group\. If you can't make an event you must change your RSVP to No\. If you are unable to make the change please contact the event host and let them know you can't attend\. If you can't reach the event host \- please contact ___________ Organizer or ____________Assistant Organizer\,Ā  11\. Last Minute Cancellations \- We ask all members to cancel their RSVPĀ 24 hours prior to an event\. Of course\, if there is an emergency we understand\. []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( ![]( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( ![]( \ So come join us the fastest growing meetup in the Tampa Bay Area and let the fun and adventures began.[](
8997 members Ā· Private


Lutz, FL

Local and International travel by air, land and sea. What we're about We are a group of like minded conservatives who have traveled together in the past and are looking for new friends to travel with. The more, the merrier. So if you are interested in making new friends and traveling around the Tampa Bay area, the United States, or the world come meet us. You'll be happy you did. Help us plan trips for the future and new adventures. We will be meeting up for happy hours, dinners, movies and weekend excursions. Basically, anything anyone comes up with that is fun to do as a group. We're not just a travel group. TAMPA-TRAVEL-is also an adventure group. Our current membership is comprised of predominately singles, with about 20 percent couples. We have members of all ages, but mainly over 40, and with the majority in the 45 to 65 age bracket. We are open to everyone from all walks of life. We go boating, hiking, bike riding, swimming, and other physical events to stay in shape for traveling. []( LEGAL DISCLAIMER AND LIABILITY INFORMATION: By joining this group, RSVP'ing to events, and attending events, you are confirming that you have read, understand and accept the following: 1\. TAMPA\-TRAVEL\- is a meetup group\. Attending events or Trips is voluntary by you as a member\. Participation in any activity with us is at your own risk\. 2\. By joining TAMPA\-TRAVEL\- as a member you agree to indemnify and hold harmless TAMPA\-TRAVEL\-\, its organizers\, co\-organizers\, assistant organizers\, event hosts\, and other members from all claims or liability of every type \(including court costs and legal fees\) for injury or death to any person or for damage to property\, loss of personal property or any other wrongful act arising out of or relating to your participation as a member\. This agreement applies to you and to other persons \(as your guests\) who may accompany you in these endeavors\. 3\. You also agree to hold the organizers as well as other group members harmless\. By participating voluntarily in the group\, you expressly waive any and all such claims against each and every other member in the group\, including without limitation any and all claims against the group organizer\, co\-organizers\, assistant organizers\, and event hosts\. 5\. Any social events or trip that TAMPA\-TRAVEL\- sponsors and holds will fall also under the same Disclaimer and Liability guidelines listed above\. 6.NOTE - Having a safe environment is key to the members of šŸ˜Š TAMPA - TRAVEL-Ā šŸ˜Š so all members are required to Provide & Keep a Current Main Profile Picture of themselves posted at all times so other members can CLEARLY & EASILY identify each other at any of our many events. No Pictures of landscapes, cartoons, flowers, or animals, etc. are allowed as your Main Profile Picture.Please upload at least 1 personal/recognizable photo of yourself to your profile when you join! 7\. If you RSVP "Yes" to an event\, please change your RSVP to "No" if you find out you can't attend the event\. This is just respectful to the group and event location\. "No Shows" are frowned upon\. And chronic no\-shows won't be invited to private events and will not be eligible to become life members\. So please be considerate\, especially when we have a limited amount of people who can attend and we make reservations\. 8\. We have a membership fee of $20 yearly donation if you decide you like the group\. We use the donations to cover costs and special events\. Once you donate to the group you become a contributing member and will receive\, on occassion\, free drinks\, free appetizers\, private invites\, and will be eligible for prizes at upcoming events\. 9.Soliciting- Our group does not welcome soliciting of any nature. Please do not solicit for personal, or business reasons. Promoting for self gain is prohibited. 10\. NO SHOWS \- If a member RSVP's yes for ANY event and does not attend \- this is a No Show\. If a member No Shows five times they are subject to removal from the group\. If you can't make an event you must change your RSVP to No\. If you are unable to make the change please contact the event host and let them know you can't attend\. If you can't reach the event host \- please contact ___________ Organizer or ____________Assistant Organizer\, 11\. Last Minute Cancellations \- We ask all members to cancel their RSVP 24 hours prior to an event\. Of course\, if there is an emergency we understand\. []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( So come join us the fastest growing meetup in the Tampa Bay Area and let the fun and adventures began.
978 members Ā· Public