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Outdoor activities groups near Holyoke, MA

Pioneer Valley Active Retirees Social Group

Springfield, MA

Pioneer Valley Active Retirees Social Group
This group is for Retirees who would like to go out and meet other Retirees. Let's get together and explore by taking day trips, meeting for coffee and dining out, visiting local places, going to movies, taking walks exploring new places and having fun doing things together. Legal Disclaimer: By RSVPing "Yes" to one of our events, Pioneer Valley Active Retirees Social Group members and their guests agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify the event organizer(s) and all members participating in the event from any and all claims for property damage, injury, and/or death while attending events. In consideration for accepting this entry, I, the registrant, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, my executors and administrators, do waive and release any and all rights for damages I may have against any parties or persons connected with the Pioneer Valley Active Retirees Social Group for and related to any event that I attend. I attest and verify that I, and any guest(s) I bring, are physically fit to participate, and that I assume all risks associated with the events that I or my guest(s) voluntarily attend. For all activities, please review the event description carefully and take responsibility for your own safety and experience. REMINDER: In order to make it fair for everyone, we are instituting a new no show / late cancellation policy effective immediately: PLEASE change your RSVP if you can no longer attend; this includes removing yourself from the “waitlist” to “not going”. If, for some reason, you are unable to attend, we want other members to be able to attend in your place. As such, if there are two no-shows or late cancellations (less than 24 hours before the event or RSVP deadline) without a reasonable explanation (Illness, Family or Pet – 911s), we will remove you from the group. If these two no-shows or late cancellations are sequential or non-sequential, and your organizers have never met you in person, we will consider this stalking our membership and ban you from the group. This late cancellation policy is set up to discourage last minute cancellations, no shows and to have our waitlist flow properly for the benefit of all members; however, the policy “applies with or without the presence of a wait list.”
88 members · Private

Let's Do Something, Western MA!

South Hadley, MA

Let's Do Something, Western MA!
If you're like me and either recently relocated to the area, or have found yourself in the adulthood "friendship slump", with most of your friends either engrossed in their own families or otherwise just unavailable for fun at the drop of a hat, then you need some new friends! This group is geared toward 30-50 something's who still have a pulse and want to get out and explore the area and do some fun things! To start off with, the group will be tailored around things I like to do, and as we grow, I'd love to add some activities you will suggest! Things I like: local craft beer, hiking, kayaking, camping, cook outs, local festivals, paddle boarding, jet-skiing, adult arcade, anything outdoors! . I don't want this to be the type of meetup that's too specific with one type of activity. Lets just do whatever we find fun! And yes, there will be alcohol. My goal will be to cultivate a small to medium size group of regular members who come out a lot and participate so we can all get to know each other and create some real friendships. I will actively limit the group to a size I think is manageable, and will periodically remove members who are not active to create space for some new people to join. I'll try to keep approved members within the scope of 30-50 something adults who seem like they will mesh well with the group. Ideally we are looking for people who aren't over-extended in too many other groups and whose other groups reflect a similar mindset. We don't approve all applicants as we are trying to keep the group small and find people who will mesh with our existing members. Please answer all membership questions fully and give us an idea of who you are and why we will want to get to know you. Looking forward to meeting you! We ask, for the security of our members, that your profile picture has a clear photo of you and it includes your real first name at a minimum without an alias. Also any report from a member of unacceptable messages is grounds for removal and will be blocked from the group.  
284 members · Private

Horizons Anonymous: Peer Support and Recreational Programs

Springfield, MA

Horizons Anonymous: Peer Support and Recreational Programs

To help those less fortunate cope with the various mental and emotional issues which may have arisen as a result of the pressures associated with covid-19 and other issues, we present to our local residents of Springfield Massachusetts, our Socially safe Horizons Anonymous Peer support program.
Program members will pay a donation of $20 a month for which they will be able to attend all relevant peer run therapy programs, a variety of social activities including but not limited to going on hikes, skiing, fishing, boating, swimming, visiting museums, a variety of day trips, picnics, dinner parties, and a whole host of other group and individual oriented activities. Each group is run by the individuals within it. This means if there's something that you've always wanted to do, and you're a member, we can do it. Even if it's only an individual who wants to do a specific activity or go to a specific event, we will still engage in the activity.
Right now the program is only open to residents of Springfield Massachusetts and the surrounding cities and towns. But we are expanding. We will be meeting at our rented Humbert Street address in Springfield Massachusetts several times a week as time allows.
It is our sincere hope that participants will find the program a breath of fresh air in these troubling times.
All of the activities will include transportation to and from meetings, transportation to and from activities, and all meals and snacks will be included as well.
The program is open to everyone over the age of 18. We are working on a program for young people but it has not yet been set up.
We're excited to invite those from the LGBTQ (etc.) communities, & those with sexual orientations mainstream society has chosen to marginalize through criminal & civil remedies laws & regulations. Groups meet privately based on commonalities. No one will be turned away!
If you or someone you know would be interested please contact us. We can answer all of your questions and get you signed up immediately.

Due to the physical location of the residence on Humbert Street, we will have to insist upon picking you up bringing you to the meetings and then bringing you back home as there is no parking. It's a residential neighborhood with regular houses.

Thank you.

19 members · Public

The Pioneer Valley LGBTQIA+ Women's Group

Easthampton, MA

The Pioneer Valley LGBTQIA+ Women's Group

This group provides a way for LGBTQIA+ women of the greater Pioneer Valley to recognize that "we" are here and it has provided opportunities for group members to meet each other through social activities to feel a part of a community. Community is a space where members feel connection, find value, feel safe, know what they can expect from each other, hold safe space for each other, bring value to the group and create meaningful connections with others in the group.

Note: An image of yourself where you are visible is required prior to approval to join the group, for safety and community building. This group is private, only members see your photos and profile name.

It is my hope that EACH member will commit to hosting or co-hosting at least one event per year. Almost anything goes and group sizes can range from 3 to 100s. Pick something you enjoy and invite your community to join in. If money is an issue, you can elect to charge $2-3 per person for basic refreshments, and higher rates for more complex events (feel free to reach out to me to plan, if needed). Money may be available from member dues payment to offset host expenses. Contact organizer for details.

Types of activies include:

-Social activities
- Face-to-face and virtual "funshops"
- Guest hosts Family oriented and allies/all queer invited events are encouraged. You can also post a message on our discussion board the group if your are looking for resources or referrals. $90 every six months dues are required by Thank you for paying at least$3 annually
to help ensure this site can go on AND to provide extra dollars to support costs of meet ups. Any event host can submit a request for event host support. Contact me directly if you would like to pay by cash or check.

All the best, and I hope to see you soon at an event!


1168 members · Private