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Outdoor activities groups near Ipswich, MA

Dining Music & More 45+ - SEACOAST AREA (MA, NH, So. ME)

Newburyport, MA

Dining Music & More  45+ -  SEACOAST AREA (MA, NH, So. ME)
**WELCOME!** Join us! Make new friends & see what FUN you've been missing! This group is **a NETWORK** comprised of **2 GROUPS** designed for **UN-COUPLED** 45+ with the purpose of **HAVING FUN!** We are a very welcoming group! Scheduled events are a mix of dining out, live music, cultural events, walks, stimulating conversation and MUCH MORE! We are always open to your suggestions! **FOR MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL:** * You must be un-coupled 45+ * Attach a current photo ( of YOU please) to your profile * Request membership * Be reachable through email to receive group notifications and messages -**especially** if you rsvp to any of our events **MEMBERSHIP** to this non-commercial group is a PRIVILEGE, not an entitlement. We operate in tandem with the well- established :**\*** **Dining Music & More 45+** (listed geographically in Andover MA) **.** Events & postings may VARY between the 2 . Some will be combined/multi-group. So you may want to join them all! \* **EVENTS:** The group's event are mostly focused in the Seacoast area ( MA,NH,ME) They will consist of a mix of, but not limited to: Outdoor Activities, Concerts, Dining In & Out, Dancing, Cultural Events, Festivals, Picnics, Walks, and much more! \***ONCE A MEMBER:** Depending on your device event descriptions and details get truncated. It is YOUR responsibility to READ the entire description of a event and be prepared. Other than updates/cancelations all info has been added by the Organizer/Event Host. If you have further questions? Add your question to the comments on the event page. Or messages the Event Host. \***OUR RULES:** We don't want to discourage anyone from joining! So, let's keep it simple! We **ALL** need to keep things **POSITIVE!** Negativity is too distracting and will take away from the purpose of the group. As members we ALL need to Respect each other's: Space, Privacy, & Beliefs at ALL times. There will be ZERO tolerance for damaging conduct, abusiveness, bullying of any kind to anyone This will result in immediate removal from the group. If you are removed from this group - the same goes for any other meet up group affiliated with this one. Again this is a **non-commercial** group. Direct marketing, selling to the group's members is very uncomfortable and prohibited. Many of us have careers, jobs that require sales, work in the service industry etc. Remember, members join this group join it to have FUN! "Sharing" what you do in conversation is completely different from prospecting, using our members for your agenda. If you are removed from this group - the same goes for all other meet up group affiliated with this one: IMMEDIATE REMOVAL **PHOTOS:** We do need to identify you at an event. Therefore a recognizable PHOTO of YOU attached to your profile is mandatory to join and remain a member of this group. The group is considered, "Private." Only it's members can view your photo along with any group photos. \***GUEST POLICY:** Group members have top priority to rsvp for our events! Therefore, unless designated the group's are for MEMBERS ONLY. At times guests may be included when you rsvp depending on the type it is. As a member YOU are responsible and must be present with your guest at all times. **YOUR GUEST:** has NOT been removed or banned from this group - or any of it's affiliates. As a member YOU are solely responsible and must be present with your guest at all times. We appreciate your cooperation. Sorry, but NO CHILDREN are allowed at any of our events at any time - or for any reason \* **YOUR RSVP:** When you rsvp "YES" to an event, that means that you WILL be attending the event. If for any reason you will not be joining us, it is your responsibility to be mindful and update your status to, "NOT GOING." Not doing so is not only rude and inconsiderate to the Organizer/Event Host & Members, but most times will cause a fellow member who may have been on a wait list not to be able to participate in the event. Meet up and Organizers send out and comment several reminders for each and every event. Any cancellation unless you have directly contacted the Organizer/Event Host within 2 hours of an actual event will be noted as a NO-SHOW. ALL no-shows are noted when we take attendance (Yes, we take attendance) " 2" NO-SHOWS will remove you from the group. If you are removed from this group - the same goes for any other meet up group affiliated with this one. \***WAITLISTS:** The Wait List, unless noted auto-populates. Once a member on the rsvp list attending changes their rsvp, the next person on the wait list is auto-added at ANY time. If you rsvp to an event and end up on the wait list, it is YOUR responsibility to stay in the loop if an opening becomes available. If for any reason there are changes - you changed your mind, etc. ? it only takes a moment to update your status to" not going." We definitely understand if an opening becomes available too close to the actual time of the event obviously leaving you without time to get there etc... and will definitely understand such circumstances. \* **LIABILITY RELEASE:** As a condition of attending our meet ups, you agree to hold harmless, and indemnify the Organizer/Event Host and his/her heirs, and all members and participants of this Meet Up group from any claims for injury, illness, death, and/or property damage including those caused by negligence, ignorance, inexperience and other reasons. You also agree to assume all mental, physical, financial, and/or other risk associated with this meet up. All Meet Up activities pose inherent risks and dangers. Participation in these activities is voluntary and dependent upon your own personal judgement. Seacoast Area & Beyond 45+ FUN! operates at all times within all guidelines of platform \*Group Setting update: 5/27/23 and subject to change
225 members · Private

North Shore Social (NSS)

Danvers, MA

North Shore Social (NSS)
**NSS IS A MEMBER-ORIENTED GROUP AND *MEMBERSHIP IN IT'S COMMUNITY IS A PRIVILEGE NOT AN ENTITLEMENT. NSS MOTTO IS: " GIVE , AND YOU SHALT RECEIVE "  we are here to support and help each other as well as have fun.*** **North Shore Social** is our community. The place you can turn to, to cover your social needs and more! **The members of NSS have always been the #1 priority.** NSS offers its members one of the most active, and diverse calendar of events in Meetup. All events are hosted by your co-members and friends. Every member of NSS knows that when they attend an event with NSS, they will be welcome and amongst friends.  NSS members are some of the nicest, and most active people in Meetup according to our Meetup generated metrics. **All of the information about NSS is public to its members, (go under the ABOUT US, MORE, MONEY, and STATS tabs). ONLY MEMBERS OF NSS WILL BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND OUR EVENTS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BRING A GUEST THEY WOULD NEED TO JOIN NSS BEFORE THEY CAN ATTEND. THANK YOU!** **1) *NSS is community funded and managed. There is no charge to join. Every member has the chose to host 6 events a year and be exempt from dues. Just contact Eirini Kay. Our community offers it's members so much so we ask from our members to give back by either dues or hosting it is your chose."*** **Eirini Kay is always willing to offer all NSS members help and guidance when needed, just contact her. NSS goal is and will always be the welfare of its members!** **NSS IS IT'S OWN ENTITY AND *OUR COMMUNITY,*  EVERYONE SHOULD CONTRIBUTE TO KEEP IT GOING!** ***NSS must pay membership dues to host the group* buy materials, host special events, offer special perks to our members, help out NSS members in need and we also contribute to known charities and  fundraisers.**  *Feel free to contact Eirini Kay if you have any questions about the dues.* **2) NSS tries is accessible to everyone so if you can not afford the annual membership fee you can contribute to the NSS community by hosting at least 6 event a year and be exempt from paying the yearly dues. If their is any other reason you believe you should be exempt from dues just contact Eirini Kay.** *Please contact Eirini Kay through your NSS profile if you chose to actively host so she can list you exempt from dues. This way Meetup will continue to allow you to attend events and* will not remove you automatically from NSS.  **3) All events on NSS calendar must have someone acting as the Event Host. No events with out a Host will be allowed. The whole purpose of North Shore Social Meetup is that members sit together and interact. It is not for people to just randomly arrive at venues and sit alone, just for the purpose of promoting the venues and businesses.** **4) Attendance policy: RESPECT your hosts they DO NOT get paid to host, their events are for their pleasure too. You are expected to update your RSVP to "NO" *WAY IN ADVANCE*.  If you sign up to attend an event and your plans change, please be sure to change your RSVP at least 1 day before event. When you don't a lot of issues arise.**  **A) Members on wait lists don't have time to make arrangements to attend event.**  **B)  Inaccurate headcounts mislead our hosts and damage relationships with our venues. All reservations if needed were all ready made at least a day before event, some times even more in advance. Last minute changes do not give hosts time to call venues with updated head counts.**      **C) Members/Hosts are not sure of the number of people attending and end up waiting for no reason to start event. Their are many more problems created too, so please if you are unsure at least 1 day before event you can make it, change your RSVP to "NO". If you cancel due to an emergency, contact your host as soon as possible to tell them so.** **MEMBERS WHO CHANGE RSVP TO "NO" LESS THAN 1 DAY IN ADVANCE OR NO SHOW COULD BE DENIED ATTENDANCE TO EVENTS BY THE HOSTS AND MAY EVEN BE REMOVED FROM NSS ALL TOGETHER.**                           **YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE!**  ![](  (If I could host/attend or both 176 events and have not one "No-Show", you all could make sure you have none either. What do you think would happen if I "No Showed" for the other 180 events I am hosting/attending or both? I do not think you would like it one bit. The: View attendance history and View RSVP details are links to see more exact details about NSS members behavior during their membership with NSS.)  **ALL HOSTS AND ORGANIZERS HAVE ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION ABOUT EACH MEMBER OF NSS. SO BE INFORMED, WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!** **5) Any active Event Host/Member can Host/suggest an event free from personal profit.** **For all other types of events please contact Eirini Kay for approval. Our Members trust in the NSS is # 1 priority.**  **6)** **All Event Hosts/members are required to:** **Have a clear photo of themselves and answer all questions in their profile. This makes it easier for the Event Host to find people at events and vsv. Not complying to this rule can result in you being removed from an attendee list of an event or even the NSS completely. Don't forget all hosts of NSS do not get compensated for their time and efforts, they have the right to decline members to attend their events that don't comply with NSS guide lines.** **[CHANGING MY PROFILE PICTURE](** **7) Even though our events have dozens of people or more in attendance, to the venue we are all one person. Your behavior affects us all. Please be respectful in person or online of our members/hosts/venues and all those who work with us.** **DISCLAIMER: During all events, Members are responsible for themselves. The Organizer and Event Hosts are not responsible for the safety of the participants of events. We will try our best to prevent accidents, but are not responsible or liable if something happens to you during your membership with NSS. AS A CONDITION OF JOINING AND ATTENDING EVENTS OF NORTH SHORE SOCIAL MEETUP GROUP, YOU AGREE to hold harmless, and indemnify the organizer and her heirs, and all members and participants of this Meetup group from any and all claims for injury, illness, death, and/or property damage including those caused by negligence, ignorance, inexperience and other reasons. You also agree to assume all mental, physical, financial, and/or other risk associated with this meetup. All  meetup activities might pose inherent risks and dangers. Participation in these activities is voluntary and dependent upon your own personal judgment. By joining the NSS and our events, you acknowledge this.** **Thank you for joining us.** **Be safe, yours truly Eirini Kay!**
2717 members · Private

S.E.E. Mates Ski & Travel Club

Newburyport, MA

S.E.E. Mates Ski & Travel Club

What is S.E.E. Mates? What does S.E.E. mean? Well, it can mean lots of things! Ski - Snowboard - Swim - Socialize - Sing - Sea! Or, E? Explore - Experience - Engage - Eat - Exercise! In other words, it means something perhaps a little different for each of us! However, it brings us together! You will S.E.E!

We are a group of fun, kind, socially active men and women who enjoy staying healthy and participating in outdoors (and virtually) together! Join our waitlist at If you have been skiing or traveling alone because your ski/travel buddies are no longer skiing or available when you are, this group is for you!! We plan to enjoy occasional social gatherings locally on our patios, in restaurants, on rail trails, on the slopes, water, or mountains!

Did you post a picture with a recognizable face shot? OF YOU ONLY? NO GROUP SHOTS. For everyone's safety we now require this. If you have trouble posting one please let me know. If your membership is declined, try posting a better picture and resubmit. A CLEAR view of your face means your face cannot be obstructed by Glasses, Goggles, Hats, Mugs, Pets or anything else. You can't be so far away or fuzzy that we can't make out the features of your face.

Enrollment will reopen in April for a limited time only for a low introductory rate. At the end of enrollment period, our meetup page will become exclusive to paid members. Of course, all current Meetup members will have the opportunity to join during our open enrollment period.

Watch for our announcements on Meetup or simply join our waitlist to receive a personal announcement and invitation.

Hope to S.E.E. you Soon! In the meantime, Stay well! Stay Safe!

Best regards,


Director, S.E.E. Mates Ski & Travel Club


186 members · Private


Newburyport, MA


CrewFinder is for people who want to actively pursue sailing connections. Skippers find Crew and can network with fellow Skippers. Crew will find a variety of styles and types of sailing. Beginners can meet mentors. Experienced sailors, who are currently boatless, will find the Skippers who are seeking their seasoned skills too.

The fundamental goal here is to increase your hours of sailing & offer a place to share information, contribute knowledge, grow skills, broaden on-water experience, and meet the sailing buddies you will most enjoy, respect, and find dependable. This starts with developing an informative Profile that tells others who you are, what you bring and hope to gain here.

To generate more sailing for all members, we start by catering to Skippers. Skippers define the terms of their sailing day and the type of Crew they seek. We are not a sailing school, but many Skippers enjoy mentoring and newbies curious to explore sailing are welcome. We ask that you be here to actively engage in the sport, want to contribute and have an authentic interest in sailing.

If you RSVP to sail, you're offering to help operate a sailboat. Before you offer, learn about the boat, the Skipper and what will be asked of you. Your offer to crew can be declined or accepted. An RSVP to sail isn't a guaranteed seat, a ticket-to-ride, or a boarding-pass for a free harbor cruise. And unlike many other types of MeetUp event postings, a sailing RSVP is not an offer for crewing respondents to invite their own added Guests.

We have active members in coastal Maine, NH, MA, Rhode Island, & the lakes regions of New Hampshire and Vermont. Our varied calendar and geographically distributed events let you meet fellow enthusiasts and expand your network year-round. You're encouraged to add events to the calendar that will help grow the network in your specific area too. Take the lead, ask for some posting tips, then invite others the sailing activities you enjoy & want to share. 

Is this the place to pursue Your sailing interests? Join & find-out. Experiment with new places to sail, different types of boats, and different styles of sailing. Hear about the area's most affordable classes, or find informal on-water learning opportunities. Meet fellow enthusiasts & share good times under sail. Skippers: Never again leave your boat unsailed for lack of Crew! Post here, build your roster, and fill your days with all the sailing you wish. 

821 members · Public

North Shore Ladies Walking and Light Hiking Group

Peabody, MA

North Shore Ladies Walking and Light Hiking Group
**Who is this group for?** This group is for women on the North Shore seeking to spend time walking, hiking, biking in the company of other likeminded women. Any ladies on the North Shore looking for active time outdoors and companionship should consider joining. Our group welcomes all women, including cis and trans women. NEW MEMBER REQUESTS- FOR SECURITY, ALL PROFILE PICTURES MUST CONTAIN YOUR FACE. IF PICTURE GUIDELINES ARE NOT MET, YOUR REQUEST WILL BE DECLINED. THANK YOU. **What activities should you expect?** Early evening walks, weekend walks, weekend local hikes and I welcome other suggestions. **RSVP’s:** If you don't think you'll be able to attend an event, please change your RSVP with at least 24 hours-notice to give someone on the waitlist the opportunity to attend. While I understand last minute things come up, this should be the exception and not the rule. It is a matter of respect for your fellow group members. Two no-shows will result in removal from the group – no exceptions. **Liability release:** As a condition of joining this group and attending meetup events, you agree to hold harmless, and indemnify the Organizer/Event Host and his/her heirs, and all members and participants of this Meetup group from any claims for injury, illness, death, and/or property damage including those caused by negligence, ignorance, inexperience and other reasons. You also agree to assume all mental, physical, financial, and/or other risk associated with this meet up. All Meetup activities pose inherent risks and dangers. Participation in these activities is voluntary and dependent upon your own personal judgment . This group operates within all guidelines of the platform. Thank you for your understanding. Please message me with any questions.
621 members · Private


Danvers, MA

**EXPERIENCE "TRAVEL & CULTURES" WITH US!** TRAVEL stems from a passion, and a curiosity about the next town over, the world and its many cultures. This group was formed out of that passion as well as a keen interest in sharing it with others. **Whether you want to explore your backyard or the world, This Group's for You!** **Do you love to travel or talk travel?** Whether you’re just curious, a travel wannabe or a globetrotter you can enjoy the energy and information our members offer. This is a fun and engaging group of travel enthusiasts with a world of experience. **Need to learn the basics? Want a travel buddy?** We share travel, tips, industry trends, stories, activities, day trips, weekend adventures, US & International trips, and other travel-related interests in a friendly and informal environment. **You’re in the right place!** You'll get a plethora of travel knowledge through our meetings, events, presentations, dinners, happy hours, guest speakers, seasoned travelers and trips. More trips to be announced. **Need info about a certain region or culture?** With this group you’ll also find Cultural Activities. Through travel you gain exposure to other cultures (intentionally or through osmosis.) You might interact with similar or drastically different cultures on your journeys but it’s always a fascinating experience and certainly an education. Share your travel and cultural experiences and expertise with others while also learning from them. **Ask questions, get answers. We’re here to help!** Whatever your location you can ask questions, offer suggestions and get travel information through the Discussion Board. If you’re visiting Southern CA, come to a meeting or event. **You can Live Anywhere in the world & Benefit from this group.** Join us on a trip. You can leave with us or meet us at the destination (ex. New Orleans, Fiji, on Safari, Grand Canyon, Brazil, Australia, Ireland, Thailand, Boston, Germany, Costa Rica, Chicago, the Mediterranean, the Seychelle islands...) We hope to see you at our events! Enjoy the group! Monique **Travel & Cultures Meetup** and  **The Travel & Cultures Company**  949.400.9080 []( *(a full-service, licensed travel agency)* **NOTE:** This group is for Individuals who enjoy traveling or cultural activities rather than for those working in the travel industry, their own business and/or promoting a business. This is to avoid any conflict on interest. licenses cst #2063964, flst #17873
456 members · Public