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Outdoor activities groups near New Bedford, MA

Equine Assisted Activities Workshops

Bridgewater, MA

Equine Assisted Activities Workshops

With Fall in the air, kids back to school & sports, schedules do change drastically, making you feel tired, distracted, and stressed. <br>Join us for this unique workshop designed to help you cope with the stress from parenting, relationships & the little challenges of daily living. <br>Together, we will learn to over come life's little disruptions, through Breath Work Techniques, Guided Meditation, Art work, Creative Writing & Journaling & although, these modalities are not new... WE will be practicing them while in the presents of HORSES?

Partnering with horses in this "hands on" experiential workshop, you will gain knowledge in Basic Horsemanship & Equine Behaviors. Learn how horses are the masters of non-verbal communication & body language. Experience how fabulous horses are at teaching how to set boundaries, make healthy choices, recognize self-worth, build self-esteem & cope with change. We will practice being mindful & how to live in the moment, the way horses do. <br>This safe, nonjudgmental workshop will be held at The Bridge Center, a PATH certified facility with an indoor riding arena. The workshop will be facilitated by Claire Rose, a PATH certified Equine Specialist & Holistic Coach Professional.

This workshop is being offered for: <br>*Moms parenting children with special needs. <br>*Women coping with change or life challenging events. <br>*Caregivers looking for ways to relax, stay & focused. <br>*People curious about Equine Assisted Learning & Activities. <br>*People looking for new fun experience. <br>This 4 week workshop is offered for adults 18 yrs & up . <br>$225.00 per person , 2 hours ea. session,$75 non-refund deposit require. <br> Dates offered 10am-12pm, Oct, 14th, Oct.21st, Oct.28th, Nov.4th. <br>NO horse experience required classes are Unmounted. <br>Please, dress appropriately as this is a barn setting (long pants, closed toe shoes, jackets, sweater, layers what ever weather may call for weather.) plan on getting your hand dirty and having Fun! <br>For questions or to sign up for this workshop <br>Call Claire at 508-963-1734 <br>Or Tricia Gosselin at: <br>The Bridge Center , <br>470 Pine Street, Bridgewater, Ma. <br>508-697-7557 ext. <br>

51 members · Public

Buzzards Bay Outdoor Fun and Local Eats Meetup Group

Buzzards Bay, MA

Buzzards Bay Outdoor Fun and Local Eats Meetup Group
This is a group for anyone interested in hiking, bicycling on paved or off-road trails, kayaking, snowshoeing, or snow hiking in the Southcoast/Buzzards Bay area. All skill levels are welcome. I started this group to meet other outdoor enthusiasts. I am looking forward to exploring the region with you! A few basic rules for safety. You cannot take a picture of a person or group of people, even the back of them, and you cannot record video or record conversations without the express permission of the people involved. By RSVPing for this event, you, as a participant, acknowledge that you have voluntarily chosen to participate in **Buzzards Bay Outdoor Fun and Local Eats**, a MeetUp group, involving hiking, kayaking, bicycling, snow-shoeing, snow hiking, and other outdoor experiences. Potential hazards include but are not limited to: trips and falls on uneven terrain or holes in the ground with potential ankle sprains and fractures, scratches and bruises, eye injuries from branches, head injuries from falls or hits to the head, bee stings, poison ivy or other skin irritations, anxiety attack, random wild animal encounters/attacks, ticks: Lyme disease, dehydration, heat stroke and accidental drowning\*\*. If you know you are allergic to bee stings you are responsible to carry your own epi pen when outdoors or potentially around bees.\*\* Through this RSVP, I AM AWARE THAT THESE ACTIVITIES ARE POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS ACTIVITIES AND THAT I COULD BE SERIOUSLY INJURED OR EVEN KILLED. I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE DANGER INVOLVED AND AGREE TO ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, WHETHER THOSE RISKS ARE KNOWN OR UNKNOWN. By RSVPing for this event, I forever release Buzzards Bay Outdoor Fun and Local Eats volunteers and their affiliated organization, and their respective directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, contractors, and representatives (collectively “Releasees”) from any and all actions, claims, or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives now have, or may have in the future, for injury, death, or property damage, related to (i) my participation in these activities, (ii) the negligence or other acts, whether directly connected to these activities or not, and however caused, by any Releasee, or (iii) the condition of the premises where these activities occur, whether or not I am then participating in the activities. I also agree that I/we, my assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives will not make a claim against, sue, or attach the property of any Releasee in connection with any of the matters covered by the foregoing release. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN MYSELF SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL through this RSVP.
527 members · Private

South Coast MA UseR Group

New Bedford, MA

South Coast MA UseR Group

Who we are:

The South Coast MA UseR Group is a place for statistical programmers of all skill levels to find community, share knowledge, and explore R on the South Coast of Massachusetts. We focus mainly on R, with the occasional deviation to talk about other open-source tools.

Our meetings are designed to meet the needs and interests of our members so our meeting structure varies from one month to the next. We invite guest speakers to showcase interesting tools in R, organize discussions on special topics, and hold skills workshops to allow our community members to learn from and practice R with other community members. If you are interested in leading one of our meetings to introduce a specific tool or topic let our organizers know (email:

New to R?

We are excited to welcome new R users into our group, all you need is a computer and an open mind. Before diving into our meetings there are a few things we think you should know: 

• We were all new to R at some point, and while it may seem overwhelming at first our group is here to help R users or ALL skill levels gain skills and confidence. 

• You will need access to R and RStudio to get the most out of our meetings. RStudio Cloud is an option to run R in a web browser or you can install R and RStudio before the meeting.

Join us:

We meet on the first Thursday of each month from 4-6 PM (Eastern). For now our meetings will take place remotely via zoom (RSVP ~24 hours in advance so we can send you the meeting details), but it is our hope that we will hold meetings at locations across the South Coast once it is safe to do so. If you are interested in hosting one of these meetings at a location near you in the future contact our organizers (email:

Code of Conduct:

All participants (including attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers) at South Coast MA UseR events are required to agree to the R Consortium and the R Community code of conduct.

The code of conduct applies to all meeting activities including talks, panels, workshops, and social events. It extends to meeting-specific exchanges on social media, for instance posts tagged with the identifier of the conference (e.g. [#SouthCoastMAUseR] on Twitter), and replies to such posts.

Organizers will enforce this code throughout and expect cooperation in ensuring a safe environment for all. If you feel that someone is not acting in accordance with this code of conduct please notify the organizers (email:

Acknowledgments: Parts of this code of conduct were adapted from the version used for R conferences.

We are excited to be sponsored by the R consortium's R User Group Support Program!

We are grateful for the virtual meeting support provided by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

151 members · Public

Upper Cape Ski and Sports Club

Falmouth, MA

Upper Cape Ski and Sports Club
438 members · Public

Friends of Myles Standish State Forest Meetup Group

Carver, MA

Friends of Myles Standish State Forest Meetup Group
Founded in 2007, the Friends of Myles Standish State Forest have been holding volunteer-led group hikes and birding events at various locations in and around the vast Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth and Carver, Massachusetts. Myles Standish SF is the size of the island of Manhattan, covering more than 12,400 acres (or 25 square miles) with **many dozens of miles of hiking and bicycle trails** allowing you to explore its 16 pristine ponds, four major campground areas, two boy scout camps and wildlife management areas. Few people have seen every corner of it. ![]( The park is split between sections of Plymouth and Carver. Minutes from Route 3 or Route 495, you have probably passed within a few miles recently. Why not join us to give it a try? The Friends have been around for 15 years. We celebrated the 100th anniversary of the park's founding in 2016 and our 15th annual Family Fishing Derby in 2022.  ![]( For most of the year, we have a regular group that goes out hiking on weekday mornings. (Right now the group goes out on Thursday.) We also have a group that goes out with their dogs on many Sundays. Saturday and Sunday hikes are offered whenever we have leaders available. Bird watching and other bird support activities are scheduled when the birds allow. We are approaching our 2000th Meetup since our group started using Meetup in 2009. It just helps people get together and allows a little flexibility in case the weather decides not to cooperate. Clearly, a lot of people are having fun and we hope you will join us soon. ![]( Members of the Friends are also currently working on various stewardship projects such as: **Trail Maintenance**\- Together with the state\, we have helped to maintain miles of trails in the forest\. Sometimes we go out with loppers\. Other times\, we have rented equipment for the state workers to use in clearing and leveling some of the trails\. \(We aren't allowed to use power equipment ourselves in the forest\.\) In 2018\, we repaired two of the boardwalks around the East Head Reservoir\. It took hundreds of hours of volunteer time and we spent over $3500 on the repairs\. We are proud of what we accomplished\. **Native Bird Support**\- A group of volunteers cleans and monitors about 40 bluebird boxes at various locations throughout the forest\. These boxes are visited weekly during the nesting season and all activity is tracked and reported\. Watch Meetup for notices about when training and setup activities are scheduled\. \(Typically in late March/ early April\.\) **Native Plant Support-** The Friends have helped to maintain native plant gardens at headquarters and at other visible locations in the forest. **Annual Fishing Derby-** For 15 years, the Friends have held a Family Fishing Event on the last Saturday of September. Together with MassWildlife and the DCR, we provide fishing tackle, bait, instruction and prizes to hundreds of area families. Visit the [Friends of Myles Standish web page]( to find out more about these activities. While there, please consider a membership, which is only $10, to support them. (This is different than signing up on Meetup. Registering on the Meetup is free. Membership in the Friends is completely optional.) This Meetup Group is sponsored by the Friends of Myles Standish State Forest (FMSSF). a volunteer group charity organization founded in 2007. We are private individuals who want to bring interesting and fun hikes, bird-watching programs and other events for all ages to Myles Standish State Forest, the largest state forest in eastern Massachusetts-- a park as big as many of the towns that surround it. ![]( ![]( This group is not sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) or the State of Massachusetts. We often work closely with the DCR on clearing trails and on our annual fishing derby and many other projects but if you have an issue with the park, please address it to the state. (You can copy us. We like to know about such things and we do what we can to help focus the attention of the State on what we see as the bigger issues with the park.) All ages are welcome on our hikes as long as parents/guardians are with any younger hikers. Friendly leashed dogs are welcome on most hikes. If you love hiking or birding you will discover that MSSF has some great places to explore. The pine barrens of Myles Standish are unique and beautiful. They are worth a visit, any day of the week, 365 days a year. What are you waiting for? Again, please consider joining our Friends group. Basic membership is only $10 per year. Visit the [Friends of Myles Standish web page]( to find out more about us.
2349 members · Public

Island Vegans

Newport, RI

Island Vegans

NEW: WE HAVE A FACEBOOK GROUP AT: You can join us here on Meetup as well, but in time we may transition to Facebook exclusively. 


This meetup group is for vegans who would like to meetup and hangout with other vegans on and near Aquidneck Island (Newport, Portsmouth, Middletown, Narraganset, Fall River, etc.)

This meetup group is for those who practice kindness and non-violence toward ALL animals. As vegans we choose not to commission the exploitation of animals when it comes to our choices for food, clothing and entertainment.

You are encouraged to join if you are not yet vegan but are seriously interested in becoming vegan. Whether you're the sort that takes the immediate plunge and never looks back, or finds yourself easing into it - you will find the group friendly and eager to support you and provide resources!

Island Vegans will have meetups including dining, nightlife, outdoor activities, providing the opportunity to take a timeout from a world of systemic animal use and find an oasis where you can socialize exclusively with others who view our world through the same lens you do!

76 members · Public