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Outdoor activities groups near Arnold, MD

Hiking & Outdoors Club

Gambrills, MD

Hiking & Outdoors Club
**About Hiking & Outdoors Club.** This is a group for: hiking, outdoor and social activities for men and women, young and old, to enjoy the beauty of God's creation and spend time together in fellowship. We have a hiking, outdoors or social event roughly bimonthly. Our first event was held in October 2023 (a hike at Patapsco Valley State Park near Ellicott City, Maryland). Any attendee under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a family member who is 18 or older. We typically hike trails in the Central Maryland area and enjoy outdoor and social activities. This group is run by the Men's Fraternity at Faith Community Church in Gambrills, Maryland. **Schedule:** We intend to have hikes or other social events bimonthly on the last Saturday of March, May, July and September. Unless otherwise noted, each event will begin at 11am. We may have an event on the first weekend in November - potentially a hike of Old Rag Mountain in Virginia. This would be a day-long, very difficult hike - so we're still discussing this possibility. **Note: all hikes are rain or shine.** **Recon Hikes:** A few weeks before each published hike we typically do a "recon hike" (which is not published) to check out the difficulty of the trail, the parking available, etc. If you'd like to help with recon hikes, please let Charles know at: or (443) 400-9130. **About Faith Community Church (FCC).** FCC is located at 1306 Riedel Road, Gambrills, Maryland 21054. The church website is here: Faith Community Church Men's Meetup (FCCMM) is an FCC meetup group developed to publicize the church's men's events and to spread the Word of God in accordance with Matthew 28:19-20. See here: **Men's ministry** events are available here: **Women's ministry** events are available here: **The church website is here:** For more information, see the church's About page here: **Church services are each Sunday at 9am and 10:30am at 1306 Riedel Road, Gambrills, Maryland 21054. Hope to see you there!**
349 members · Public

Singles on Sailboats

Annapolis, MD

Singles on Sailboats

The Meetup Singles on Sailboats Group is a vehicle to introduce prospective members to our club.

The club is an organization of singles in the Chesapeake Bay area (over 700 members) who enjoy sailing, or want to get involved in the sport. Members include skippers (boat owners - about 125) and crew looking for OPB's (other peoples boats) to sail on.

Experienced and novice sailors are welcome, and the club offers extensive learning experiences. Activities include a busy schedule of day sails, weekend cruises, and extended 10-day cruises during the sailing season (April thru November), and many social get-togethers during the off-season.

We also organize one or two bareboat charter events every year, to destinations literally around the world. Recent destinations have included several to the Carribbean, Australia, Lake Huron, Croatia For more info, visit our website at

Through the Meetup website we offer year-round monthly happy hours throughout the northern Chesapeake Bay area. These are located from southeastern Pa to northern VA, and numerous points in between. They are attended by both Meetup participants and active club members. Active members do not RSVP through Meetup, so you will find many more attendees at these events than this site might indicate.

During the off-season (November through March) we also offer monthly Sunday Brunches in Annapolis. These typically attract over 100 attendees, and always include a speaker on a subject of interest. Speakers have included noted authors, Bay Pilots, outdoors & nature photographers, celebrated sailors, among others.

Members and non-members are welcome at the happy hours and brunches, all posted on this site. We invite you to participate in our Meetups, meet club members, talk sailing, and consider joing the club.

2691 members · Public

Faith Community Church Men's Meetup

Gambrills, MD

Faith Community Church Men's Meetup
**To access shared files, go to our shared folder in Dropbox titled "Faith Community Church Mens Meetup," here:** []( ***About Faith Community Church Men's Meetup.*** Faith Community Church Men's Meetup (FCCMM) is an FCC meetup group developed to publicize the church's men's events and to spread the Word of God. Matthew 28:19-20. FCCMM was started on Saturday, May 13, 2023. FCC is located at 1306 Riedel Road, Gambrills, Maryland 21054. The church website is here: ***FCCMM posts events for three (3) FCC Men's Groups:*** ***1\. Men's Fraternity\.*** Men's Fraternity meets Monday evenings at 7pm at FCC. In Men's Fraternity we read Christian studies to help us learn about our roles and responsibilities as men as provided in scripture. We have a large group discussion (sometimes with a video) at 7pm. We discuss the lesson and the supporting scriptures in the large group - we sometimes sing hymns. Later we break up into small groups to discuss specific application of the lesson in our lives - we also join together in prayer requests. We conclude by 9pm. Men's Fraternity typically takes a break during the summer and a short break in between books. The organizer is Chuck Phillips. ***2\. Men's Prayer & Bible Study\.*** Men's Prayer & Bible Study meets Saturday mornings at 7:30am at FCC. We join in prayer at 7:30 and take prayer requests. Then we read and discuss the day's scripture selection. Light snacks and coffee are provided. We conclude by 9am. The organizer is Bob Crane. ***3\. Men's Hiking & Outdoors Club\.*** Men's Hiking & Outdoors Club holds a hiking, outdoors or social event roughly bimonthly. Our first event will be in October 2023 (a hike at Patapsco Valley State Park near Ellicott City, Maryland). This group is for men and boys to get outside, enjoy God's beautiful creation, and spend time in followship with one another: discussing scripture, singing hymns, and inviting others to learn about the Lord. (Any boy under the age of 18 must be accompanied by their father or other male family member who is 18 or older to participate). We hike trails in the area and enjoy outdoor and social activities. The organizer is Charles Barksdale. ***About Faith Community Church.*** FCC is located at 1306 Riedel Road, Gambrills, Maryland 21054. The church website is here: As noted on the "About" page for FCC - available here - the church's vision is as follows. At Faith Community church we FOLLOW Christ in FAITH,SHARE the gospel of HOPE, and UNITE in LOVE for God and one another OUR METHODOLOGY IS EXPRESSED THIS WAY; As a community of believers we: Worship God and submit to Him in prayer (Matt 22:37, John 4:23-24) Walk in the Word through discipleship (Ps 1:1-2, 1 John 1:7) Work in the Body of Christ for its edification (Eph 2:10) Witness to others about the hope of the gospel (Acts 1:8, Rev 12:11) Welcome one another into our homes and hearts (1 Pet 4:8-9, Acts 2:42) So at Faith Community Church we want to make sure that we have activities, meetings, events, etc., that provide time for: (1) worshipping God, (2) applying the Bible in our study of it, (3) working together as we use our gifts, (4) reaching out to those outside the church, and (5) practicing hospitality as Christians.
24 members · Public

Chesapeake Paddlers Association

Annapolis, MD

Chesapeake Paddlers Association
**Come join us - sea kayaking! JOIN CPA Here :** [CPA Membership – CPA Kayakers]( **The Chesapeake SEA KAYAKING Association is the one of longest running (30+ years) band of kayakers in the Chesapeake Bay Region!** During the cold months, many of our club go a-hiking & exploring, with safety/ online kayaking classes in the spring ...keeping in mind the Bay, its rivers & creeks stay colder with long spring rain runoff, despite the tempting warmer sunny days, so we consider water safety first. **PLEASE JOIN US & visit our webpage for lots more info:** **[](** \*\**Becoming a CPA member is easy - dues are $10/year: [](* **Chesapeake Paddlers Association is a registered 503 C(4) non-profit organization- with active club members since the 1980s.** Members mainly kayak all around Maryland, Virginia & District of Columbia region- there are so many creeks, rivers, islands, regional water trails, quiet wooded shorelines, cliffs & shady spots to explore. The club has many sea kayaking- volunteer trip leaders - who enjoy getting out on the water in sea-kayaks safely, sharing fun times, new locations, paddling & camping knowledge and experiences. **Please note that CPA is primarily a sea kayaking club. Most sea kayaks are generally run 14--16 feet or longer and 24″ or less in width, designed to track straight and be relatively fast. Wearing a spray skirt, for most sea kayaks, is an essential component, not an optional accessory**. Inflatable boats and folding boats are not generally recommended for coastal and open water trips where wind and waves can be major factors, and increases the effort to keep paddling together; please first ask the trip leader if you are considering joining an event. **CPA members do not have rentals or provides loaner kayaks.** **CPA is not an outfitter, nor offers kayaking skills certification.** The mission of the Chesapeake Paddlers Association is to promote safe sea kayaking and safe paddling practices through the education of the local sea kayaking community and the interested public. Club activities may include, but are not limited to, instructional kayak trips, instructional kayak camping trips, instructional workshops, and any other activities consistent with the mission that members of the club wish to organize. CPA has many events during the warmer months- especially regular mid-week-after-work casual paddling gatherings = Piracies. Please check the Meetup calendar and CPA website for details and locations, as several piracies go a'roving every week. Some educational workshops - Intro to Basic Sea Kayaking SK101 is offered once a year in mid-spring.  A full on-the-water weekend to practice basic kayak training & skills, SK102. is offered annually in end of April. Other club educational events pop up as volunteers get involved- including Basic Kayak Navigation, Greenland Paddle Carving -workshops, learning to roll your kayak opportunities, and strokes & basic skills sessions- please ask! While all are welcome to join, people with shorter, wider recreational kayaks, inflatables, and folding kayak styles may find their boat unwieldy on longer trips and may have difficulty keeping up to speed with the group over the miles or on open water with waves & windy conditions. Leisure paddling outings are the best places for shorter pleasant opportunities. The Kent Island Paddle (KIP) offers monthly opportunities for serious practice on open water conditions on the Chesapeake Bay. They are plan long distance paddling requiring monthly training, with their final goal to completely circumnavigate via kayak - that's 34 miles around Kent Island. Contact our CPA Coordinator for details. If you are kayaking -even on early spring warm sunny days-please always dress for water immersion, not the balmy air temperature. Getting dunked is never expected, but it happens to everyone!  Getting tossed in cold water in the early spring Bay waters is a BIG safety concern. Here’s the Guide to Cold water paddling gear written by Moulton Avery of [National Center for Cold Water Safety](   If you have any questions, please ask! For safety's sake:  Paddle with a friend, of course, it always more fun! Consider as well to improve your skill set, navigation skills, and know how to use a Marine Radio to call for assistance! On weekends, many volunteer trip leaders will post longer distance day trips, as well as occasional longer weekend camping/kayaking trips to many locations around the Chesapeake Bay area.  The club has been around since 1988 - growing from the shared love of being on the water in skinny boats!        Lots more on the CPA website: [](
1182 members · Private

Women Without Children | Fun. Fabulous.

Odenton, MD

Women Without Children | Fun. Fabulous.

WELCOME! This is a social group for women who do not have (and have never had) children, whether by choice or by circumstance.

Ever feel you're the only person on the planet who doesn't have and/or doesn't want kids? You're not alone! If you'd like to make new friends in the greater Odenton, Crofton, Gambrills, Bowie, Annapolis & Columbia areas with other FUN, SMART, DIVERSE WOMEN who have full lives and interests that don't revolve around children, this group is for you!

Together, we'll enjoy a variety of activities including food/restaurants, arts/cultural events, movies, occasional community service, a monthly-ish book club, trivia nights, cooking and potluck parties, wine & beer tastings, hiking, shopping, local tours, occasional day trips and travel, and more. Our goal is to help fabulous child-free women connect and develop REAL FRIENDSHIPS within our local area while enjoying the best of what our community has to offer.

ANNUAL DUES: Membership dues are $10 annually if paid in cash, or $11.36 if paid online ($1.36 processing fee applies to online payments). *Members must remain current with annual dues to maintain access to our group's site and event details - Meetup automatically disables access for unpaid members.* <br>

OUR MEMBERS: Members range in age from their 20s to 60s, with most in their 30s and 40s. Our membership is wonderfully diverse with a broad range of backgrounds and interests. There's no shortage of entertainment & lively conversation with this group!

LOCATION: We're based in Anne Arundel County (Maryland), and most of our activities are held in or near Anne Arundel and surrounding counties (such as PG & Howard).

PARTICIPATION: We welcome active members who attend events and participate on a reasonably regular basis (at least once every 3 months). Life happens, but we have to show up to make those connections (our members are well worth it - really!!!)!

Members who have been inactive for 6 months or more and/or who have not paid Membership Dues within a reasonable period of time may be removed from membership in our group. Those individuals may re-request membership with us if interested in becoming more active participants.

To be considered for membership, your profile MUST include an ACTUAL PHOTO of yourself (clear headshot, please). If membership is declined for a missing or non-compliant photo, please re-request membership once your profile photo has been added/updated as appropriate.

Welcome! We hope you enjoy your experience with our group!

39 members · Private